path: root/chrome/browser/geolocation/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/geolocation/')
1 files changed, 585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/geolocation/ b/chrome/browser/geolocation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7420eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/geolocation/
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/waitable_event.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/app_modal_dialog.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/dom_operation_notification_details.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/geolocation_content_settings_map.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/geolocation_settings_state.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/location_arbitrator.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/location_provider.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/mock_location_provider.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/infobar_delegate.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
+#include "chrome/common/geoposition.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_details.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_type.h"
+#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
+#include "chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui_test_utils.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+// Used to block until an iframe is loaded via a javascript call.
+// Note: NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete doesn't seem to work for
+// multiple embedded iframes, as notifications seem to be 'batched'. Instead, we
+// load and wait one single frame here by calling a javascript function.
+class IFrameLoader : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ IFrameLoader(Browser* browser, int iframe_id, const GURL& url)
+ : navigation_completed_(false),
+ javascript_completed_(false) {
+ NavigationController* controller =
+ &browser->GetSelectedTabContents()->controller();
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::LOAD_STOP,
+ Source<NavigationController>(controller));
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ std::string script = StringPrintf(
+ "window.domAutomationController.setAutomationId(0);"
+ "window.domAutomationController.send(addIFrame(%d, \"%s\"));",
+ iframe_id,
+ url.spec().c_str());
+ browser->GetSelectedTabContents()->render_view_host()->
+ ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrame(L"", UTF8ToWide(script));
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_EQ(StringPrintf("\"%d\"", iframe_id), javascript_response_);
+ registrar_.RemoveAll();
+ // Now that we loaded the iframe, let's fetch its src.
+ script = StringPrintf(
+ "window.domAutomationController.send(getIFrameSrc(%d))", iframe_id);
+ std::string iframe_src;
+ ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractString(
+ browser->GetSelectedTabContents()->render_view_host(),
+ L"", UTF8ToWide(script), &iframe_src);
+ iframe_url_ = GURL(iframe_src);
+ }
+ GURL iframe_url() const { return iframe_url_; }
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ if (type == NotificationType::LOAD_STOP) {
+ navigation_completed_ = true;
+ } else if (type == NotificationType::DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE) {
+ Details<DomOperationNotificationDetails> dom_op_details(details);
+ javascript_response_ = dom_op_details->json();
+ javascript_completed_ = true;
+ }
+ if (javascript_completed_ && navigation_completed_)
+ MessageLoopForUI::current()->Quit();
+ }
+ private:
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ // If true the navigation has completed.
+ bool navigation_completed_;
+ // If true the javascript call has completed.
+ bool javascript_completed_;
+ std::string javascript_response_;
+ // The URL for the iframe we just loaded.
+ GURL iframe_url_;
+class GeolocationNotificationObserver : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ // If |wait_for_infobar| is true, AddWatchAndWaitForNotification will block
+ // until the inforbar has been displayed; otherwise it will block until the
+ // javascript alert box is displayed.
+ explicit GeolocationNotificationObserver(bool wait_for_infobar)
+ : wait_for_infobar_(wait_for_infobar),
+ infobar_(NULL),
+ js_prompt_(NULL) {
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ if (wait_for_infobar) {
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_INFOBAR_ADDED,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ } else {
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::APP_MODAL_DIALOG_SHOWN,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ }
+ }
+ void AddWatchAndWaitForNotification(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
+ const std::wstring& iframe_xpath) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "will add geolocation watch";
+ std::string script =
+ "window.domAutomationController.setAutomationId(0);"
+ "window.domAutomationController.send(geoStart());";
+ render_view_host->ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrame(iframe_xpath,
+ UTF8ToWide(script));
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ registrar_.RemoveAll();
+ LOG(WARNING) << "got geolocation watch" << javascript_response_;
+ EXPECT_NE("\"0\"", javascript_response_);
+ if (wait_for_infobar_) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(infobar_);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(js_prompt_);
+ js_prompt_->CloseModalDialog();
+ }
+ }
+ // NotificationObserver
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ if (type.value == NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_INFOBAR_ADDED) {
+ infobar_ = Details<InfoBarDelegate>(details).ptr();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar_->GetIcon());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar_->AsConfirmInfoBarDelegate());
+ } else if (type == NotificationType::DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE) {
+ Details<DomOperationNotificationDetails> dom_op_details(details);
+ javascript_response_ = dom_op_details->json();
+ LOG(WARNING) << "javascript_response " << javascript_response_;
+ } else if (type == NotificationType::APP_MODAL_DIALOG_SHOWN) {
+ js_prompt_ = Source<AppModalDialog>(source).ptr();
+ }
+ // We're either waiting for just the inforbar, or for both a javascript
+ // prompt and response.
+ if (wait_for_infobar_ && infobar_)
+ MessageLoopForUI::current()->Quit();
+ else if (js_prompt_ && !javascript_response_.empty())
+ MessageLoopForUI::current()->Quit();
+ }
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ bool wait_for_infobar_;
+ InfoBarDelegate* infobar_;
+ AppModalDialog* js_prompt_;
+ std::string javascript_response_;
+void NotifyGeopositionOnIOThread(const Geoposition& geoposition) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ DCHECK(MockLocationProvider::instance_);
+ MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_ = geoposition;
+ MockLocationProvider::instance_->UpdateListeners();
+ LOG(WARNING) << "MockLocationProvider listeners updated";
+// This is a browser test for Geolocation.
+// It exercises various integration points from javascript <-> browser:
+// 1. Infobar is displayed when a geolocation is requested from an unauthorized
+// origin.
+// 2. Denying the infobar triggers the correct error callback.
+// 3. Allowing the infobar does not trigger an error, and allow a geoposition to
+// be passed to javascript.
+// 4. Permissions persisted in disk are respected.
+// 5. Off the record profiles don't use saved permissions.
+class GeolocationBrowserTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
+ public:
+ GeolocationBrowserTest()
+ : infobar_(NULL),
+ current_browser_(NULL),
+ html_for_tests_("files/geolocation/simple.html") {
+ EnableDOMAutomation();
+ }
+ enum InitializationOptions {
+ };
+ bool Initialize(InitializationOptions options) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+ GeolocationArbitrator::SetProviderFactoryForTest(
+ &NewAutoSuccessMockNetworkLocationProvider);
+ if (!server_.get()) {
+ server_ = StartHTTPServer();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(server_.get());
+ if (!server_.get())
+ return false;
+ }
+ current_url_ = server_->TestServerPage(html_for_tests_);
+ LOG(WARNING) << "before navigate";
+ ui_test_utils::OpenURLOffTheRecord(browser()->profile(), current_url_);
+ current_browser_ = BrowserList::FindBrowserWithType(
+ browser()->profile()->GetOffTheRecordProfile(), Browser::TYPE_NORMAL,
+ false);
+ } else if (options == INITIALIZATION_NEWTAB) {
+ current_browser_ = browser();
+ current_browser_->NewTab();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(current_browser_, current_url_);
+ } else if (options == INITIALIZATION_IFRAMES) {
+ current_browser_ = browser();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(current_browser_, current_url_);
+ IFrameLoader iframe0(current_browser_, 0, GURL());
+ iframe0_url_ = iframe0.iframe_url();
+ IFrameLoader iframe1(current_browser_, 1, GURL());
+ iframe1_url_ = iframe1.iframe_url();
+ } else {
+ current_browser_ = browser();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(current_browser_, current_url_);
+ }
+ LOG(WARNING) << "after navigate";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(current_browser_);
+ if (!current_browser_)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void AddGeolocationWatch(bool wait_for_infobar) {
+ GeolocationNotificationObserver notification_observer(wait_for_infobar);
+ notification_observer.AddWatchAndWaitForNotification(
+ current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()->render_view_host(),
+ iframe_xpath_);
+ if (wait_for_infobar) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(notification_observer.infobar_);
+ infobar_ = notification_observer.infobar_;
+ }
+ }
+ Geoposition GeopositionFromLatLong(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ Geoposition geoposition;
+ geoposition.latitude = latitude;
+ geoposition.longitude = longitude;
+ geoposition.accuracy = 0;
+ geoposition.error_code = Geoposition::ERROR_CODE_NONE;
+ // Webkit compares the timestamp to wall clock time, so we need
+ // it to be contemporary.
+ geoposition.timestamp = base::Time::Now();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(geoposition.IsValidFix());
+ return geoposition;
+ }
+ void CheckGeoposition(const Geoposition& geoposition) {
+ // Checks we have no error.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoGetLastError()");
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript(
+ DoubleToString(geoposition.latitude), "geoGetLastPositionLatitude()");
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript(
+ DoubleToString(geoposition.longitude), "geoGetLastPositionLongitude()");
+ }
+ void SetInfobarResponse(const GURL& requesting_url, bool allowed) {
+ TabContents* tab_contents = current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ TabSpecificContentSettings* content_settings =
+ tab_contents->GetTabSpecificContentSettings();
+ const GeolocationSettingsState& settings_state =
+ content_settings->geolocation_settings_state();
+ size_t state_map_size = settings_state.state_map().size();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar_);
+ LOG(WARNING) << "will set infobar response";
+ if (allowed)
+ infobar_->AsConfirmInfoBarDelegate()->Accept();
+ else
+ infobar_->AsConfirmInfoBarDelegate()->Cancel();
+ WaitForJSPrompt();
+ tab_contents->RemoveInfoBar(infobar_);
+ LOG(WARNING) << "infobar response set";
+ infobar_ = NULL;
+ EXPECT_GT(settings_state.state_map().size(), state_map_size);
+ GURL requesting_origin = requesting_url.GetOrigin();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, settings_state.state_map().count(requesting_origin));
+ ContentSetting expected_setting =
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_setting,
+ settings_state.state_map().find(requesting_origin)->second);
+ }
+ void WaitForJSPrompt() {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "will block for JS prompt";
+ AppModalDialog* alert = ui_test_utils::WaitForAppModalDialog();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(alert);
+ LOG(WARNING) << "JS prompt received, will close";
+ alert->CloseModalDialog();
+ LOG(WARNING) << "closed JS prompt";
+ }
+ void CheckStringValueFromJavascriptForTab(
+ const std::string& expected, const std::string& function,
+ TabContents* tab_contents) {
+ std::string script = StringPrintf(
+ "window.domAutomationController.send(%s)", function.c_str());
+ std::string result;
+ ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractString(
+ tab_contents->render_view_host(),
+ iframe_xpath_, UTF8ToWide(script), &result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, result);
+ }
+ void CheckStringValueFromJavascript(
+ const std::string& expected, const std::string& function) {
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascriptForTab(
+ expected, function, current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents());
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server_;
+ InfoBarDelegate* infobar_;
+ Browser* current_browser_;
+ // path element of a URL referencing the html content for this test.
+ std::string html_for_tests_;
+ // This member defines the iframe (or top-level page, if empty) where the
+ // javascript calls will run.
+ std::wstring iframe_xpath_;
+ // The current url for the top level page.
+ GURL current_url_;
+ // If not empty, the GURL for the first iframe.
+ GURL iframe0_url_;
+ // If not empty, the GURL for the second iframe.
+ GURL iframe1_url_;
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, DisplaysPermissionBar) {
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, Geoposition) {
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(current_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, ErrorOnPermissionDenied) {
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ // Infobar was displayed, deny access and check for error code.
+ SetInfobarResponse(current_url_, false);
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("1", "geoGetLastError()");
+// TODO(bulach): investigate why this fails on mac. It may be related to:
+// This also fails on Vista:
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, DISABLED_NoInfobarForSecondTab) {
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(current_url_, true);
+ // Disables further prompts from this tab.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Checks infobar will not be created a second tab.
+ AddGeolocationWatch(false);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
+// Fails sometimes on mac:
+#define MAYBE_NoInfobarForDeniedOrigin FLAKY_NoInfobarForDeniedOrigin
+#define MAYBE_NoInfobarForDeniedOrigin NoInfobarForDeniedOrigin
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, MAYBE_NoInfobarForDeniedOrigin) {
+ current_browser_->profile()->GetGeolocationContentSettingsMap()->
+ SetContentSetting(current_url_, current_url_, CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK);
+ AddGeolocationWatch(false);
+ // Checks we have an error for this denied origin.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("1", "geoGetLastError()");
+ // Checks infobar will not be created a second tab.
+ AddGeolocationWatch(false);
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("1", "geoGetLastError()");
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, NoInfobarForAllowedOrigin) {
+ current_browser_->profile()->GetGeolocationContentSettingsMap()->
+ SetContentSetting(current_url_, current_url_, CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW);
+ // Checks no infobar will be created and there's no error callback.
+ AddGeolocationWatch(false);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, FLAKY_NoInfobarForOffTheRecord) {
+ // First, check infobar will be created for regular profile
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ // Response will be persisted
+ SetInfobarResponse(current_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+ // Disables further prompts from this tab.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Go off the record, and checks no infobar will be created.
+ AddGeolocationWatch(false);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, IFramesWithFreshPosition) {
+ html_for_tests_ = "files/geolocation/iframes_different_origin.html";
+ LOG(WARNING) << "frames loaded";
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_0']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe0_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+ // Disables further prompts from this iframe.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Test second iframe from a different origin with a cached geoposition will
+ // create the infobar.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_1']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ // Back to the first frame, enable alert and refresh geoposition.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_0']";
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("1", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(1)");
+ // MockLocationProvider must have been created.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(MockLocationProvider::instance_);
+ Geoposition fresh_position = GeopositionFromLatLong(3.17, 4.23);
+ ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(
+ &NotifyGeopositionOnIOThread, fresh_position));
+ WaitForJSPrompt();
+ CheckGeoposition(fresh_position);
+ // Disable alert for this frame.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Now go ahead an authorize the second frame.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_1']";
+ // Infobar was displayed, allow access and check there's no error code.
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe1_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(fresh_position);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, IFramesWithCachedPosition) {
+ html_for_tests_ = "files/geolocation/iframes_different_origin.html";
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_0']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe0_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+ // Refresh geoposition, but let's not yet create the watch on the second frame
+ // so that it'll fetch from cache.
+ // MockLocationProvider must have been created.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(MockLocationProvider::instance_);
+ Geoposition cached_position = GeopositionFromLatLong(5.67, 8.09);
+ ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(
+ &NotifyGeopositionOnIOThread, cached_position));
+ WaitForJSPrompt();
+ CheckGeoposition(cached_position);
+ // Disable alert for this frame.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Now go ahead an authorize the second frame.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_1']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ // WebKit will use its cache, but we also broadcast a position shortly
+ // afterwards. We're only interested in the first alert for the success
+ // callback from the cached position.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("1", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(1)");
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe1_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(cached_position);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, CancelPermissionForFrame) {
+ html_for_tests_ = "files/geolocation/iframes_different_origin.html";
+ LOG(WARNING) << "frames loaded";
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_0']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe0_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+ // Disables further prompts from this iframe.
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Test second iframe from a different origin with a cached geoposition will
+ // create the infobar.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_1']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ int num_infobars_before_cancel =
+ current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()->infobar_delegate_count();
+ // Change the iframe, and ensure the infobar is gone.
+ IFrameLoader change_iframe_1(current_browser_, 1, current_url_);
+ int num_infobars_after_cancel =
+ current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()->infobar_delegate_count();
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_infobars_before_cancel, num_infobars_after_cancel + 1);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, InvalidUrlRequest) {
+ // Tests that an invalid URL (e.g. from a popup window) is rejected
+ // correctly. Also acts as a regression test for
+ html_for_tests_ = "files/geolocation/invalid_request_url.html";
+ TabContents* original_tab = current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("1", "requestGeolocationFromInvalidUrl()");
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascriptForTab("1", "isAlive()", original_tab);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, NoInfoBarBeforeStart) {
+ // See
+ html_for_tests_ = "files/geolocation/iframes_different_origin.html";
+ LOG(WARNING) << "frames loaded";
+ // Access navigator.geolocation, but ensure it won't request permission.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_1']";
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("object", "geoAccessNavigatorGeolocation()");
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_0']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe0_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+ CheckStringValueFromJavascript("0", "geoSetMaxAlertCount(0)");
+ // Permission should be requested after adding a watch.
+ iframe_xpath_ = L"//iframe[@id='iframe_1']";
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(iframe1_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(GeolocationBrowserTest, TwoWatchesInOneFrame) {
+ html_for_tests_ = "files/geolocation/two_watches.html";
+ // First, set the JavaScript to popup an alert when it receives
+ // |final_position|.
+ const Geoposition final_position = GeopositionFromLatLong(3.17, 4.23);
+ std::string script = StringPrintf(
+ "window.domAutomationController.send(geoSetFinalPosition(%f, %f))",
+ final_position.latitude, final_position.longitude);
+ std::string js_result;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractString(
+ current_browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()->render_view_host(),
+ L"", UTF8ToWide(script), &js_result));
+ EXPECT_EQ(js_result, "ok");
+ // Send a position which both geolocation watches will receive.
+ AddGeolocationWatch(true);
+ SetInfobarResponse(current_url_, true);
+ CheckGeoposition(MockLocationProvider::instance_->position_);
+ // The second watch will now have cancelled. Ensure an update still makes
+ // its way through to the first watcher.
+ ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(
+ &NotifyGeopositionOnIOThread, final_position));
+ WaitForJSPrompt();
+ CheckGeoposition(final_position);