path: root/chrome/browser/printing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/printing/')
1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/printing/ b/chrome/browser/printing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2392dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/printing/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/simple_thread.h"
+#include "base/test/test_file_util.h"
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h"
+#include "gfx/gdi_util.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h"
+#include "printing/image.h"
+#include "printing/printing_test.h"
+#include "printing/native_metafile.h"
+namespace {
+using printing::Image;
+const char kGenerateSwitch[] = "print-layout-generate";
+const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data";
+class PrintingLayoutTest : public PrintingTest<UITest> {
+ public:
+ PrintingLayoutTest() {
+ emf_path_ = browser_directory_;
+ emf_path_ = emf_path_.AppendASCII("metafile_dumps");
+ launch_arguments_.AppendSwitchWithValue("debug-print",
+ L'"' + emf_path_.value() + L'"');
+ show_window_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ // Make sure there is no left overs.
+ CleanupDumpDirectory();
+ UITest::SetUp();
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ UITest::TearDown();
+ file_util::Delete(emf_path_, true);
+ }
+ protected:
+ void PrintNowTab() {
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_proxy(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy->PrintNow());
+ }
+ // Finds the dump for the last print job and compares it to the data named
+ // |verification_name|. Compares the saved printed job pixels with the test
+ // data pixels and returns the percentage of different pixels; 0 for success,
+ // [0, 100] for failure.
+ double CompareWithResult(const std::wstring& verification_name) {
+ FilePath test_result(ScanFiles(verification_name));
+ if (test_result.value().empty()) {
+ // 100% different, the print job buffer is not there.
+ return 100.;
+ }
+ std::wstring verification_file(test_data_directory_.ToWStringHack());
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&verification_file, L"printing");
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&verification_file, verification_name);
+ FilePath emf(verification_file + L".emf");
+ FilePath png(verification_file + L".png");
+ // Looks for Cleartype override.
+ if (file_util::PathExists(
+ FilePath::FromWStringHack(verification_file + L"_cleartype.png")) &&
+ IsClearTypeEnabled()) {
+ png = FilePath(verification_file + L"_cleartype.png");
+ }
+ if (GenerateFiles()) {
+ // Copy the .emf and generate an .png.
+ file_util::CopyFile(test_result, emf);
+ Image emf_content(emf);
+ emf_content.SaveToPng(png);
+ // Saving is always fine.
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ // File compare between test and result.
+ Image emf_content(emf);
+ Image test_content(test_result);
+ Image png_content(png);
+ double diff_emf = emf_content.PercentageDifferent(test_content);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., diff_emf) << verification_name <<
+ L" original size:" << emf_content.size() <<
+ L" result size:" << test_content.size();
+ if (diff_emf) {
+ // Backup the result emf file.
+ file_util::CopyFile(test_result, FilePath(
+ verification_file + L"_failed.emf"));
+ }
+ // This verification is only to know that the EMF rendering stays
+ // immutable.
+ double diff_png = emf_content.PercentageDifferent(png_content);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., diff_png) << verification_name <<
+ L" original size:" << emf_content.size() <<
+ L" result size:" << test_content.size();
+ if (diff_png) {
+ // Backup the rendered emf file to detect the rendering difference.
+ emf_content.SaveToPng(FilePath(verification_file + L"_rendering.png"));
+ }
+ return std::max(diff_png, diff_emf);
+ }
+ }
+ // Makes sure the directory exists and is empty.
+ void CleanupDumpDirectory() {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::DieFileDie(emf_path(), true));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::CreateDirectory(emf_path()));
+ }
+ // Returns if Clear Type is currently enabled.
+ static bool IsClearTypeEnabled() {
+ BOOL ct_enabled = 0;
+ if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCLEARTYPE, 0, &ct_enabled, 0) && ct_enabled)
+ return true;
+ UINT smoothing = 0;
+ if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE, 0, &smoothing, 0) &&
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Verifies that there is one .emf and one .prn file in the dump directory.
+ // Returns the path of the .emf file and deletes the .prn file.
+ std::wstring ScanFiles(const std::wstring& verification_name) {
+ // Try to 10 seconds.
+ std::wstring emf_file;
+ std::wstring prn_file;
+ bool found_emf = false;
+ bool found_prn = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator(emf_path(), false,
+ file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES);
+ emf_file.clear();
+ prn_file.clear();
+ found_emf = false;
+ found_prn = false;
+ std::wstring file;
+ while (!(file = enumerator.Next().ToWStringHack()).empty()) {
+ std::wstring ext = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(file);
+ if (!_wcsicmp(ext.c_str(), L"emf")) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(found_emf) << "Found a leftover .EMF file: \"" <<
+ emf_file << "\" and \"" << file << "\" when looking for \"" <<
+ verification_name << "\"";
+ found_emf = true;
+ emf_file = file;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!_wcsicmp(ext.c_str(), L"prn")) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(found_prn) << "Found a leftover .PRN file: \"" <<
+ prn_file << "\" and \"" << file << "\" when looking for \"" <<
+ verification_name << "\"";
+ prn_file = file;
+ found_prn = true;
+ file_util::Delete(file, false);
+ continue;
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(false);
+ }
+ if (found_emf && found_prn)
+ break;
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(100);
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_emf) << ".PRN file is: " << prn_file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_prn) << ".EMF file is: " << emf_file;
+ return emf_file;
+ }
+ static bool GenerateFiles() {
+ return CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kGenerateSwitch);
+ }
+ const FilePath& emf_path() const { return emf_path_; }
+ FilePath emf_path_;
+// Tests that don't need UI access.
+class PrintingLayoutTestHidden : public PrintingLayoutTest {
+ public:
+ PrintingLayoutTestHidden() {
+ show_window_ = false;
+ }
+class PrintingLayoutTextTest : public PrintingLayoutTest {
+ typedef PrintingLayoutTest Parent;
+ public:
+ // Returns if the test is disabled.
+ // TODO(maruel): http://b/1157665 Until the issue is fixed, disable the test
+ // if ClearType is enabled.
+ static bool IsTestCaseDisabled() {
+ return Parent::IsTestCaseDisabled() || IsClearTypeEnabled();
+ }
+// Finds the first dialog window owned by owner_process.
+HWND FindDialogWindow(DWORD owner_process) {
+ HWND dialog_window(NULL);
+ for (;;) {
+ dialog_window = FindWindowEx(NULL,
+ dialog_window,
+ NULL);
+ if (!dialog_window)
+ break;
+ // The dialog must be owned by our target process.
+ DWORD process_id = 0;
+ GetWindowThreadProcessId(dialog_window, &process_id);
+ if (process_id == owner_process)
+ break;
+ }
+ return dialog_window;
+// Tries to close a dialog window.
+bool CloseDialogWindow(HWND dialog_window) {
+ LRESULT res = SendMessage(dialog_window, DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0);
+ if (!res)
+ return false;
+ WORD print_button_id = LOWORD(res);
+ res = SendMessage(
+ dialog_window,
+ print_button_id,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(GetDlgItem(dialog_window, print_button_id)));
+ return res == 0;
+// Dismiss the first dialog box owned by owner_process by "executing" the
+// default button.
+class DismissTheWindow : public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
+ public:
+ explicit DismissTheWindow(DWORD owner_process)
+ : owner_process_(owner_process) {
+ }
+ virtual void Run() {
+ HWND dialog_window;
+ for (;;) {
+ // First enumerate the windows.
+ dialog_window = FindDialogWindow(owner_process_);
+ // Try to close it.
+ if (dialog_window) {
+ if (CloseDialogWindow(dialog_window)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(10);
+ }
+ // Now verify that it indeed closed itself.
+ while (IsWindow(dialog_window)) {
+ CloseDialogWindow(dialog_window);
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(10);
+ }
+ }
+ DWORD owner_process() { return owner_process_; }
+ private:
+ DWORD owner_process_;
+} // namespace
+// Fails, see
+TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTextTest, FAILS_Complex) {
+ if (IsTestCaseDisabled())
+ return;
+ DismissTheWindow dismisser(base::GetProcId(process()));
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ // Print a document, check its output.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+ NavigateToURL(server->TestServerPage("files/printing/test1.html"));
+ close_printdlg_thread.Start();
+ PrintNowTab();
+ close_printdlg_thread.Join();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(L"test1"));
+struct TestPool {
+ const char* source;
+ const wchar_t* result;
+const TestPool kTestPool[] = {
+ // ImagesB&W
+ "files/printing/test2.html", L"test2",
+ // ImagesTransparent
+ "files/printing/test3.html", L"test3",
+ // ImageColor
+ "files/printing/test4.html", L"test4",
+ // TODO(maruel): http://b/1171450 Transparent overlays are drawn opaque
+ // "files/printing/test5.html", L"test5",
+// TODO(maruel:)
+TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTestHidden, DISABLED_ManyTimes) {
+ if (IsTestCaseDisabled())
+ return;
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server(
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+ DismissTheWindow dismisser(base::GetProcId(process()));
+ ASSERT_GT(arraysize(kTestPool), 0u);
+ for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestPool); ++i) {
+ if (i)
+ CleanupDumpDirectory();
+ const TestPool& test = kTestPool[i % arraysize(kTestPool)];
+ NavigateToURL(server->TestServerPage(test.source));
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread1(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, FindDialogWindow(dismisser.owner_process()));
+ close_printdlg_thread1.Start();
+ PrintNowTab();
+ close_printdlg_thread1.Join();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result;
+ CleanupDumpDirectory();
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread2(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, FindDialogWindow(dismisser.owner_process()));
+ close_printdlg_thread2.Start();
+ PrintNowTab();
+ close_printdlg_thread2.Join();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result;
+ CleanupDumpDirectory();
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread3(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, FindDialogWindow(dismisser.owner_process()));
+ close_printdlg_thread3.Start();
+ PrintNowTab();
+ close_printdlg_thread3.Join();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result;
+ CleanupDumpDirectory();
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread4(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, FindDialogWindow(dismisser.owner_process()));
+ close_printdlg_thread4.Start();
+ PrintNowTab();
+ close_printdlg_thread4.Join();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result;
+ }
+// Prints a popup and immediately closes it.
+// TODO(maruel): Reenable it, it causes crashes.
+TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTest, DISABLED_Delayed) {
+ if (IsTestCaseDisabled())
+ return;
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server(
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+ {
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_proxy(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ bool is_timeout = true;
+ GURL url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/popup_delayed_print.htm");
+ tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url));
+ DismissTheWindow dismisser(base::GetProcId(process()));
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ close_printdlg_thread.Start();
+ close_printdlg_thread.Join();
+ // Force a navigation elsewhere to verify that it's fine with it.
+ url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/test1.html");
+ tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url));
+ }
+ CloseBrowserAndServer();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(L"popup_delayed_print"))
+ << L"popup_delayed_print";
+// Prints a popup and immediately closes it.
+// TODO(maruel:)
+TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTest, DISABLED_IFrame) {
+ if (IsTestCaseDisabled())
+ return;
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server(
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+ {
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_proxy(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ GURL url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/iframe.htm");
+ tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url));
+ DismissTheWindow dismisser(base::GetProcId(process()));
+ base::DelegateSimpleThread close_printdlg_thread(&dismisser,
+ "close_printdlg_thread");
+ close_printdlg_thread.Start();
+ close_printdlg_thread.Join();
+ // Force a navigation elsewhere to verify that it's fine with it.
+ url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/test1.html");
+ tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url));
+ }
+ CloseBrowserAndServer();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(L"iframe")) << L"iframe";