path: root/chrome/browser/remoting/setup_flow.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/remoting/setup_flow.h')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/remoting/setup_flow.h b/chrome/browser/remoting/setup_flow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d16dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/remoting/setup_flow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/html_dialog_ui.h"
+#include "chrome/common/remoting/chromoting_host_info.h"
+class ListValue;
+class ServiceProcessControl;
+namespace remoting {
+class SetupFlow;
+// SetupFlowStep represents a single step for SetupFlow, e.g. login or
+// host registration. When a step is finished, GetNextStep() is called
+// to get the step that must follow.
+class SetupFlowStep {
+ public:
+ typedef Callback0::Type DoneCallback;
+ SetupFlowStep();
+ virtual ~SetupFlowStep();
+ // Start the step. Ownership of |done_callback| is given to the
+ // function. |done_callback| is called when the step is finished,
+ // The callback must be called on the same thread as Start().
+ virtual void Start(SetupFlow* flow, DoneCallback* done_callback) = 0;
+ // Called to handle |message| received from UI. |args| may be set to
+ // NULL.
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const std::string& message, const Value* arg) = 0;
+ // Called if user closes the dialog.
+ virtual void Cancel() = 0;
+ // Returns SetupFlowStep object that corresponds to the next
+ // step. Must never return NULL.
+ virtual SetupFlowStep* GetNextStep() = 0;
+ private:
+// SetupFlowStepBase implements base functions common for all
+// SetupFlowStep implementations.
+class SetupFlowStepBase : public SetupFlowStep {
+ public:
+ SetupFlowStepBase();
+ ~SetupFlowStepBase();
+ // SetupFlowStep implementation.
+ virtual void Start(SetupFlow* flow, DoneCallback* done_callback);
+ virtual SetupFlowStep* GetNextStep();
+ protected:
+ SetupFlow* flow() { return flow_; }
+ void ExecuteJavascriptInIFrame(const std::wstring& iframe_xpath,
+ const std::wstring& js);
+ // Finish current step. Calls |done_callback| specified in Start().
+ // GetNextStep() will return the specified |next_step|.
+ void FinishStep(SetupFlowStep* next_step);
+ // Called from Start(). Child classes must override this method
+ // instead of Start().
+ virtual void DoStart() = 0;
+ private:
+ SetupFlow* flow_;
+ scoped_ptr<DoneCallback> done_callback_;
+ bool done_;
+ // Next step stored between Done() and GetNextStep();
+ SetupFlowStep* next_step_;
+// Base class for error steps. It shows the error message returned by
+// GetErrorMessage() and Retry button.
+class SetupFlowErrorStepBase : public SetupFlowStepBase {
+ public:
+ SetupFlowErrorStepBase();
+ virtual ~SetupFlowErrorStepBase();
+ // SetupFlowStep implementation.
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const std::string& message, const Value* arg);
+ virtual void Cancel();
+ protected:
+ virtual void DoStart();
+ // Returns error message that is shown to the user.
+ virtual string16 GetErrorMessage() = 0;
+ // Called when user clicks Retry button. Normally this methoud just
+ // calls FinishStep() with an appropriate next step.
+ virtual void Retry() = 0;
+ private:
+// The last step in the setup flow. This step never finishes, user is
+// expected to close dialog after that.
+class SetupFlowDoneStep : public SetupFlowStepBase {
+ public:
+ SetupFlowDoneStep();
+ explicit SetupFlowDoneStep(const string16& message);
+ virtual ~SetupFlowDoneStep();
+ // SetupFlowStep implementation.
+ virtual void HandleMessage(const std::string& message, const Value* arg);
+ virtual void Cancel();
+ protected:
+ void DoStart();
+ private:
+ string16 message_;
+// SetupFlowContext stores data that needs to be passed between
+// different setup flow steps.
+struct SetupFlowContext {
+ SetupFlowContext();
+ ~SetupFlowContext();
+ std::string login;
+ std::string remoting_token;
+ std::string talk_token;
+ ChromotingHostInfo host_info;
+// This class is responsible for showing a remoting setup dialog and
+// perform operations to fill the content of the dialog and handle
+// user actions in the dialog.
+// Each page in the setup flow may send message to the current
+// step. In order to do that it must use send a RemotingSetup message
+// and specify message name as the first value in the argument
+// list. For example the following code sends Retry message to the
+// current step:
+// chrome.send("RemotingSetup", ["Retry"])
+// Assitional message parameters may be provided via send value in the
+// arguments list, e.g.:
+// chrome.send("RemotingSetup", ["SubmitAuth", auth_data])
+// In this case auth_data would be passed in
+// SetupFlowStep::HandleMessage().
+class SetupFlow : public DOMMessageHandler,
+ public HtmlDialogUIDelegate {
+ public:
+ virtual ~SetupFlow();
+ static SetupFlow* OpenSetupDialog(Profile* profile);
+ DOMUI* dom_ui() { return dom_ui_; }
+ Profile* profile() { return profile_; }
+ SetupFlowContext* context() { return &context_; }
+ private:
+ explicit SetupFlow(const std::string& args, Profile* profile,
+ SetupFlowStep* first_step);
+ // HtmlDialogUIDelegate implementation.
+ virtual GURL GetDialogContentURL() const;
+ virtual void GetDOMMessageHandlers(
+ std::vector<DOMMessageHandler*>* handlers) const;
+ virtual void GetDialogSize(gfx::Size* size) const;
+ virtual std::string GetDialogArgs() const;
+ virtual void OnDialogClosed(const std::string& json_retval);
+ virtual void OnCloseContents(TabContents* source, bool* out_close_dialog);
+ virtual std::wstring GetDialogTitle() const;
+ virtual bool IsDialogModal() const;
+ virtual bool ShouldShowDialogTitle() const;
+ // DOMMessageHandler implementation.
+ virtual DOMMessageHandler* Attach(DOMUI* dom_ui);
+ virtual void RegisterMessages();
+ // Message handlers for the messages we receive from UI.
+ void HandleSubmitAuth(const ListValue* args);
+ void HandleUIMessage(const ListValue* args);
+ void StartCurrentStep();
+ void OnStepDone();
+ // Pointer to the DOM UI. This is provided by RemotingSetupMessageHandler
+ // when attached.
+ DOMUI* dom_ui_;
+ // The args to pass to the initial page.
+ std::string dialog_start_args_;
+ Profile* profile_;
+ SetupFlowContext context_;
+ scoped_ptr<SetupFlowStep> current_step_;
+} // namespace remoting