path: root/chrome/browser/ssl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/ssl/')
1 files changed, 1042 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ssl/ b/chrome/browser/ssl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a1200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/ssl/
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/time.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/interstitial_page.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui_test_utils.h"
+const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data";
+class SSLUITest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
+ public:
+ SSLUITest() {
+ EnableDOMAutomation();
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> PlainServer() {
+ return HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> GoodCertServer() {
+ return HTTPSTestServer::CreateGoodServer(kDocRoot);
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> BadCertServer() {
+ return HTTPSTestServer::CreateExpiredServer(kDocRoot);
+ }
+ void CheckAuthenticatedState(TabContents* tab,
+ bool displayed_insecure_content) {
+ NavigationEntry* entry = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry);
+ EXPECT_EQ(NavigationEntry::NORMAL_PAGE, entry->page_type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(SECURITY_STYLE_AUTHENTICATED, entry->ssl().security_style());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, entry->ssl().cert_status() & net::CERT_STATUS_ALL_ERRORS);
+ EXPECT_EQ(displayed_insecure_content,
+ entry->ssl().displayed_insecure_content());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entry->ssl().ran_insecure_content());
+ }
+ void CheckUnauthenticatedState(TabContents* tab) {
+ NavigationEntry* entry = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry);
+ EXPECT_EQ(NavigationEntry::NORMAL_PAGE, entry->page_type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(SECURITY_STYLE_UNAUTHENTICATED, entry->ssl().security_style());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, entry->ssl().cert_status() & net::CERT_STATUS_ALL_ERRORS);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entry->ssl().displayed_insecure_content());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entry->ssl().ran_insecure_content());
+ }
+ void CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(TabContents* tab,
+ int error,
+ bool ran_insecure_content,
+ bool interstitial) {
+ NavigationEntry* entry = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry);
+ EXPECT_EQ(interstitial ? NavigationEntry::INTERSTITIAL_PAGE :
+ NavigationEntry::NORMAL_PAGE,
+ entry->page_type());
+ entry->ssl().security_style());
+ // CERT_STATUS_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION doesn't lower the security style
+ EXPECT_EQ(error, entry->ssl().cert_status() & net::CERT_STATUS_ALL_ERRORS);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(entry->ssl().displayed_insecure_content());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ran_insecure_content, entry->ssl().ran_insecure_content());
+ }
+ void CheckWorkerLoadResult(TabContents* tab, bool expectLoaded) {
+ // Workers are async and we don't have notifications for them passing
+ // messages since they do it between renderer and worker processes.
+ // So have a polling loop, check every 200ms, timeout at 30s.
+ const int timeout_ms = 200;
+ base::Time timeToQuit = base::Time::Now() +
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(30000);
+ while (base::Time::Now() < timeToQuit) {
+ bool workerFinished = false;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(IsWorkerFinished());",
+ &workerFinished));
+ if (workerFinished)
+ break;
+ // Wait a bit.
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
+ FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask, timeout_ms);
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ }
+ bool actuallyLoadedContent = false;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(IsContentLoaded());",
+ &actuallyLoadedContent));
+ EXPECT_EQ(expectLoaded, actuallyLoadedContent);
+ }
+ void ProceedThroughInterstitial(TabContents* tab) {
+ InterstitialPage* interstitial_page = tab->interstitial_page();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(interstitial_page);
+ interstitial_page->Proceed();
+ // Wait for the navigation to be done.
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&(tab->controller()));
+ }
+ private:
+// Visits a regular page over http.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents());
+// Visits a page over http which includes broken https resources (status should
+// be OK).
+// TODO(jcampan): test that bad HTTPS content is blocked (otherwise we'll give
+// the secure cookies away!).
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_with_unsafe_contents.html"));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents());
+// Visits a page over OK https:
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents(), false);
+// Visits a page with https error and proceed:
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestHTTPSExpiredCertAndProceed) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false); // No interstitial showing
+// Visits a page with https error and don't proceed (and ensure we can still
+// navigate at that point):
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+// Disabled, flakily exceeds test timeout,
+#define MAYBE_TestHTTPSExpiredCertAndDontProceed \
+ DISABLED_TestHTTPSExpiredCertAndDontProceed
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+#define MAYBE_TestHTTPSExpiredCertAndDontProceed \
+ FLAKY_TestHTTPSExpiredCertAndDontProceed
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // First navigate to an OK page.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ good_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ NavigationEntry* entry = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry);
+ GURL cross_site_url =
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ // Change the host name from to localhost so it triggers a
+ // cross-site navigation so we can test is gone.
+ ASSERT_EQ("",;
+ GURL::Replacements replacements;
+ std::string new_host("localhost");
+ replacements.SetHostStr(new_host);
+ cross_site_url = cross_site_url.ReplaceComponents(replacements);
+ // Now go to a bad HTTPS page.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), cross_site_url);
+ // An interstitial should be showing.
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_COMMON_NAME_INVALID,
+ false, true);
+ // Simulate user clicking "Take me back".
+ InterstitialPage* interstitial_page = tab->interstitial_page();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(interstitial_page);
+ interstitial_page->DontProceed();
+ // We should be back to the original good page.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // Try to navigate to a new page. (to make sure bug 5800 is fixed).
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+// Visits a page with https error and then goes back using Browser::GoBack.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestHTTPSExpiredCertAndGoBackViaButton) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // First navigate to an HTTP page.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ NavigationEntry* entry = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry);
+ // Now go to a bad HTTPS page that shows an interstitial.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing
+ // Simulate user clicking on back button (
+ browser()->GoBack(CURRENT_TAB);
+ // We should be back at the original good page.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->interstitial_page());
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+// Visits a page with https error and then goes back using GoToOffset.
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // First navigate to an HTTP page.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ NavigationEntry* entry = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry);
+ // Now go to a bad HTTPS page that shows an interstitial.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing
+ // Simulate user clicking and holding on back button (
+ tab->controller().GoToOffset(-1);
+ // We should be back at the original good page.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->interstitial_page());
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+// Visits a page with https error and then goes forward using GoToOffset.
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // First navigate to two HTTP pages.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ NavigationEntry* entry1 = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry1);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/blank_page.html"));
+ NavigationEntry* entry2 = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry2);
+ // Now go back so that a page is in the forward history.
+ tab->controller().GoBack();
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&(tab->controller()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->controller().CanGoForward());
+ NavigationEntry* entry3 = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(entry1 == entry3);
+ // Now go to a bad HTTPS page that shows an interstitial.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing
+ // Simulate user clicking and holding on forward button.
+ tab->controller().GoToOffset(1);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&(tab->controller()));
+ // We should be showing the second good page.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->interstitial_page());
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tab->controller().CanGoForward());
+ NavigationEntry* entry4 = tab->controller().GetActiveEntry();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry2 == entry4);
+// Open a page with a HTTPS error in a tab with no prior navigation (through a
+// link with a blank target). This is to test that the lack of navigation entry
+// does not cause any problems (it was causing a crasher, see
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // Load a page with a link that opens a new window (therefore with no history
+ // and no navigation entries).
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_with_blank_target.html"));
+ bool success = false;
+ ui_test_utils::WindowedNotificationObserver<NavigationController>
+ load_stop_signal(NotificationType::LOAD_STOP, NULL);
+ // Simulate clicking the link (and therefore navigating to that new page).
+ // This will causes a new tab to be created.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(navigateInNewTab());",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ // By the time we got a response, the new tab should have been created and be
+ // the selected tab.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_count());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, browser()->selected_index());
+ // Since the navigation was initiated by the renderer (when we clicked on the
+ // link) and since the main page network request failed, we won't get a
+ // navigation entry committed. So we'll just wait for the load to stop.
+ load_stop_signal.WaitFor(
+ &(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->controller()));
+ // We should have an interstitial page showing.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->interstitial_page());
+// Insecure content
+// Visits a page that displays insecure content.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestDisplaysInsecureContent) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ // Load a page that displays insecure content.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_displays_insecure_content.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents(), true);
+// Visits a page that runs insecure content and tries to suppress the insecure
+// content warnings by randomizing location.hash.
+// Based on
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestRunsInsecuredContentRandomizeHash) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_runs_insecure_content.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents(), 0, true,
+ false);
+// Visits a page with unsafe content and make sure that:
+// - frames content is replaced with warning
+// - images and scripts are filtered out entirely
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), good_https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_with_unsafe_contents.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ // When the bad content is filtered, the state is expected to be
+ // authenticated.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // Because of cross-frame scripting restrictions, we cannot access the iframe
+ // content. So to know if the frame was loaded, we just check if a popup was
+ // opened (the iframe content opens one).
+ // Note: because of bug 1115868, no constrained window is opened right now.
+ // Once the bug is fixed, this will do the real check.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(tab->constrained_window_count()));
+ int img_width;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractInt(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(ImageWidth());", &img_width));
+ // In order to check that the image was not loaded, we check its width.
+ // The actual image (Google logo) is 114 pixels wide, we assume the broken
+ // image is less than 100.
+ EXPECT_LT(img_width, 100);
+ bool js_result = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(IsFooSet());", &js_result));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(js_result);
+// Visits a page with insecure content loaded by JS (after the initial page
+// load).
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestDisplaysInsecureContentLoadedFromJS) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_with_dynamic_insecure_content.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // Load the insecure image.
+ bool js_result = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(), L"loadBadImage();", &js_result));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(js_result);
+ // We should now have insecure content.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, true);
+// Visits two pages from the same origin: one that displays insecure content and
+// one that doesn't. The test checks that we do not propagate the insecure
+// content state from one to the other.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestDisplaysInsecureContentTwoTabs) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/blank_page.html"));
+ TabContents* tab1 = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ // This tab should be fine.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab1, false);
+ // Create a new tab.
+ GURL url = https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_displays_insecure_content.html");
+ TabContents* tab2 = browser()->AddTabWithURL(url, GURL(),
+ PageTransition::TYPED, 0, TabStripModel::ADD_SELECTED,
+ tab1->GetSiteInstance(), std::string());
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&(tab2->controller()));
+ // The new tab has insecure content.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab2, true);
+ // The original tab should not be contaminated.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab1, false);
+// Visits two pages from the same origin: one that runs insecure content and one
+// that doesn't. The test checks that we propagate the insecure content state
+// from one to the other.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestRunsInsecureContentTwoTabs) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/blank_page.html"));
+ TabContents* tab1 = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ // This tab should be fine.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab1, false);
+ // Create a new tab.
+ GURL url =
+ https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_runs_insecure_content.html");
+ TabContents* tab2 = browser()->AddTabWithURL(url, GURL(),
+ PageTransition::TYPED, 0, TabStripModel::ADD_SELECTED,
+ tab1->GetSiteInstance(), std::string());
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&(tab2->controller()));
+ // The new tab has insecure content.
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab2, 0, true, false);
+ // Which means the origin for the first tab has also been contaminated with
+ // insecure content.
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab1, 0, true, false);
+// Visits a page with an image over http. Visits another page over https
+// referencing that same image over http (hoping it is coming from the webcore
+// memory cache).
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestDisplaysCachedInsecureContent) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), http_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_displays_insecure_content.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+ // Load again but over SSL. It should be marked as displaying insecure
+ // content (even though the image comes from the WebCore memory cache).
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_displays_insecure_content.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, true);
+// Visits a page with script over http. Visits another page over https
+// referencing that same script over http (hoping it is coming from the webcore
+// memory cache).
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestRunsCachedInsecureContent) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_runs_insecure_content.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+ // Load again but over SSL. It should be marked as displaying insecure
+ // content (even though the image comes from the WebCore memory cache).
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_runs_insecure_content.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, 0, true, false);
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+// See
+#define MAYBE_TestCNInvalidStickiness FLAKY_TestCNInvalidStickiness
+#define MAYBE_TestCNInvalidStickiness TestCNInvalidStickiness
+// This test ensures the CN invalid status does not 'stick' to a certificate
+// (see bug #1044942) and that it depends on the host-name.
+ const std::string kLocalHost = "localhost";
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server =
+ HTTPSTestServer::CreateMismatchedServer(kDocRoot);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // First we hit the server with hostname, this generates an invalid policy
+ // error.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ // We get an interstitial page as a result.
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_COMMON_NAME_INVALID,
+ false, true); // Interstitial showing.
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_COMMON_NAME_INVALID,
+ false, false); // No interstitial showing.
+ // Now we try again with the right host name this time.
+ // Let's change the host-name in the url.
+ GURL url = https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ std::string::size_type hostname_index = url.spec().find(kLocalHost);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hostname_index != std::string::npos); // Test sanity check.
+ std::string new_url;
+ new_url.append(url.spec().substr(0, hostname_index));
+ new_url.append(net::TestServerLauncher::kHostName);
+ new_url.append(url.spec().substr(hostname_index + kLocalHost.size()));
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL(new_url));
+ // Security state should be OK.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // Now try again the broken one to make sure it is still broken.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html"));
+ // Since we OKed the interstitial last time, we get right to the page.
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_COMMON_NAME_INVALID,
+ false, false); // No interstitial showing.
+// Test that navigating to a #ref does not change a bad security state.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestRefNavigation) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_with_refs.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing.
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false); // No interstitial showing.
+ // Now navigate to a ref in the page, the security state should not have
+ // changed.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_with_refs.html#jp"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false); // No interstitial showing.
+// Tests that closing a page that has a unsafe pop-up does not crash the
+// browser (bug #1966).
+// TODO(jcampan): disabled because the popup is not
+// opened as it is not initiated by a user gesture.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/page_with_unsafe_popup.html"));
+ TabContents* tab1 = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ // It is probably overkill to add a notification for a popup-opening, let's
+ // just poll.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ if (static_cast<int>(tab1->constrained_window_count()) > 0)
+ break;
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask(), 1000);
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(tab1->constrained_window_count()));
+ // Let's add another tab to make sure the browser does not exit when we close
+ // the first tab.
+ GURL url = http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ TabContents* tab2 = browser()->AddTabWithURL(
+ url, GURL(), PageTransition::TYPED, 0, TabStripModel::ADD_SELECTED, NULL,
+ std::string());
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&(tab2->controller()));
+ // Close the first tab.
+ browser()->CloseTabContents(tab1);
+// Visit a page over bad https that is a redirect to a page with good https.
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ GURL url1 = bad_https_server->TestServerPage("server-redirect?");
+ GURL url2 = good_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL(url1.spec() + url2.spec()));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing.
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ // We have been redirected to the good page.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+// Visit a page over good https that is a redirect to a page with bad https.
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ GURL url1 = good_https_server->TestServerPage("server-redirect?");
+ GURL url2 = bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL(url1.spec() + url2.spec()));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing.
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false); // No interstitial showing.
+// Visit a page over http that is a redirect to a page with good HTTPS.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ // HTTP redirects to good HTTPS.
+ GURL http_url = http_server->TestServerPage("server-redirect?");
+ GURL good_https_url =
+ good_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ GURL(http_url.spec() + good_https_url.spec()));
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+// Visit a page over http that is a redirect to a page with bad HTTPS.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ GURL http_url = http_server->TestServerPage("server-redirect?");
+ GURL bad_https_url =
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ GURL(http_url.spec() + bad_https_url.spec()));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing.
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false); // No interstitial showing.
+// Visit a page over https that is a redirect to a page with http (to make sure
+// we don't keep the secure state).
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.get() != NULL);
+ GURL https_url = https_server->TestServerPage("server-redirect?");
+ GURL http_url = http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/google.html");
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ GURL(https_url.spec() + http_url.spec()));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents());
+// Visits a page to which we could not connect (bad port) over http and https
+// and make sure the security style is correct.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, TestConnectToBadPort) {
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL("http://localhost:17"));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents());
+ // Same thing over HTTPS.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL("https://localhost:17"));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(browser()->GetSelectedTabContents());
+// Frame navigation
+// From a good HTTPS top frame:
+// - navigate to an OK HTTPS frame
+// - navigate to a bad HTTPS (expect unsafe content and filtered frame), then
+// back
+// - navigate to HTTP (expect insecure content), then back
+// Disabled,
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ good_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/top_frame.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ bool success = false;
+ // Now navigate inside the frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(clickLink('goodHTTPSLink'));",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ // We should still be fine.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // Now let's hit a bad page.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(clickLink('badHTTPSLink'));",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ // The security style should still be secure.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // And the frame should be blocked.
+ bool is_content_evil = true;
+ std::wstring content_frame_xpath(L"html/frameset/frame[2]");
+ std::wstring is_evil_js(L"window.domAutomationController.send("
+ L"document.getElementById('evilDiv') != null);");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), content_frame_xpath, is_evil_js,
+ &is_content_evil));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(is_content_evil);
+ // Now go back, our state should still be OK.
+ tab->controller().GoBack();
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+ // Navigate to a page served over HTTP.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(clickLink('HTTPLink'));",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ // Our state should be insecure.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, true);
+ // Go back, our state should be unchanged.
+ tab->controller().GoBack();
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, true);
+// From a bad HTTPS top frame:
+// - navigate to an OK HTTPS frame (expected to be still authentication broken).
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, FLAKY_TestBadFrameNavigation) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/top_frame.html"));
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ // Navigate to a good frame.
+ bool success = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(clickLink('goodHTTPSLink'));",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ // We should still be authentication broken.
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false);
+// From an HTTP top frame, navigate to good and bad HTTPS (security state should
+// stay unauthenticated).
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+// Disabled, flakily exceeds test timeout,
+#define MAYBE_TestUnauthenticatedFrameNavigation \
+ DISABLED_TestUnauthenticatedFrameNavigation
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+#define MAYBE_TestUnauthenticatedFrameNavigation \
+ FLAKY_TestUnauthenticatedFrameNavigation
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, MAYBE_TestUnauthenticatedFrameNavigation) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server = PlainServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(http_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ http_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/top_frame.html"));
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+ // Now navigate inside the frame to a secure HTTPS frame.
+ bool success = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(clickLink('goodHTTPSLink'));",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ // We should still be unauthenticated.
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+ // Now navigate to a bad HTTPS frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), std::wstring(),
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(clickLink('badHTTPSLink'));",
+ &success));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(success);
+ ui_test_utils::WaitForNavigation(&tab->controller());
+ // State should not have changed.
+ CheckUnauthenticatedState(tab);
+ // And the frame should have been blocked (see bug #2316).
+ bool is_content_evil = true;
+ std::wstring content_frame_xpath(L"html/frameset/frame[2]");
+ std::wstring is_evil_js(L"window.domAutomationController.send("
+ L"document.getElementById('evilDiv') != null);");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::ExecuteJavaScriptAndExtractBool(
+ tab->render_view_host(), content_frame_xpath, is_evil_js,
+ &is_content_evil));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(is_content_evil);
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, FLAKY_TestUnsafeContentsInWorkerFiltered) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // This page will spawn a Worker which will try to load content from
+ // BadCertServer.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), good_https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_with_unsafe_worker.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ // Expect Worker not to load insecure content.
+ CheckWorkerLoadResult(tab, false);
+ // The bad content is filtered, expect the state to be authenticated.
+ CheckAuthenticatedState(tab, false);
+// Marked as flaky, see bug 40932.
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(SSLUITest, FLAKY_TestUnsafeContentsInWorker) {
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> good_https_server = GoodCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(good_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPSTestServer> bad_https_server = BadCertServer();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bad_https_server.get() != NULL);
+ // Navigate to an unsafe site. Proceed with interstitial page to indicate
+ // the user approves the bad certificate.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(),
+ bad_https_server->TestServerPage("files/ssl/blank_page.html"));
+ TabContents* tab = browser()->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ true); // Interstitial showing
+ ProceedThroughInterstitial(tab);
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, net::CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID, false,
+ false); // No Interstitial
+ // Navigate to safe page that has Worker loading unsafe content.
+ // Expect content to load but be marked as auth broken due to running insecure
+ // content.
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), good_https_server->TestServerPage(
+ "files/ssl/page_with_unsafe_worker.html"));
+ CheckWorkerLoadResult(tab, true); // Worker loads insecure content
+ CheckAuthenticationBrokenState(tab, 0, true, false);
+// TODO(jcampan): more tests to do below.
+// Visit a page over https that contains a frame with a redirect.
+// XMLHttpRequest insecure content in synchronous mode.
+// XMLHttpRequest insecure content in asynchronous mode.
+// XMLHttpRequest over bad ssl in synchronous mode.
+// XMLHttpRequest over OK ssl in synchronous mode.