path: root/chrome/browser/translate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/translate/')
1 files changed, 1168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/translate/ b/chrome/browser/translate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b1598d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/translate/
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/test/test_render_view_host.h"
+#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/mock_render_process_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/render_view_context_menu.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_infobar_delegate.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_manager.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_prefs.h"
+#include "chrome/common/ipc_test_sink.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_details.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_observer_mock.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_type.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
+#include "chrome/common/net/test_url_fetcher_factory.h"
+#include "chrome/test/testing_browser_process.h"
+#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "third_party/cld/languages/public/languages.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebContextMenuData.h"
+using testing::_;
+using testing::Pointee;
+using testing::Property;
+using WebKit::WebContextMenuData;
+class TranslateManagerTest : public RenderViewHostTestHarness,
+ public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ TranslateManagerTest() {}
+ // Simluates navigating to a page and getting the page contents and language
+ // for that navigation.
+ void SimulateNavigation(const GURL& url, int page_id,
+ const std::string& contents,
+ const std::string& lang,
+ bool page_translatable) {
+ NavigateAndCommit(url);
+ SimulateOnPageContents(url, page_id, contents, lang, page_translatable);
+ }
+ void SimulateOnPageContents(const GURL& url, int page_id,
+ const std::string& contents,
+ const std::string& lang,
+ bool page_translatable) {
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageContents(0, url, page_id,
+ UTF8ToUTF16(contents),
+ lang,
+ page_translatable));
+ }
+ bool GetTranslateMessage(int* page_id,
+ std::string* original_lang,
+ std::string* target_lang) {
+ const IPC::Message* message =
+ process()->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(ViewMsg_TranslatePage::ID);
+ if (!message)
+ return false;
+ Tuple4<int, std::string, std::string, std::string> translate_param;
+ ViewMsg_TranslatePage::Read(message, &translate_param);
+ if (page_id)
+ *page_id = translate_param.a;
+ // Ignore translate_param.b which is the script injected in the page.
+ if (original_lang)
+ *original_lang = translate_param.c;
+ if (target_lang)
+ *target_lang = translate_param.d;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Returns the translate infobar if there is 1 infobar and it is a translate
+ // infobar.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* GetTranslateInfoBar() {
+ if (contents()->infobar_delegate_count() != 1)
+ return NULL;
+ return contents()->GetInfoBarDelegateAt(0)->AsTranslateInfoBarDelegate();
+ }
+ // If there is 1 infobar and it is a translate infobar, closes it and returns
+ // true. Returns false otherwise.
+ bool CloseTranslateInfoBar() {
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ if (!infobar)
+ return false;
+ infobar->InfoBarDismissed(); // Simulates closing the infobar.
+ contents()->RemoveInfoBar(infobar);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Checks whether |infobar| has been removed and clears the removed infobar
+ // list.
+ bool CheckInfoBarRemovedAndReset(InfoBarDelegate* infobar) {
+ bool found = std::find(removed_infobars_.begin(), removed_infobars_.end(),
+ infobar) != removed_infobars_.end();
+ removed_infobars_.clear();
+ return found;
+ }
+ // Returns true if at least one infobar was closed.
+ bool InfoBarRemoved() {
+ return !removed_infobars_.empty();
+ }
+ // Clears the list of stored removed infobars.
+ void ClearRemovedInfoBars() {
+ removed_infobars_.clear();
+ }
+ void ExpireTranslateScriptImmediately() {
+ Singleton<TranslateManager>::get()->
+ set_translate_script_expiration_delay(0);
+ }
+ // If there is 1 infobar and it is a translate infobar, deny translation and
+ // returns true. Returns false otherwise.
+ bool DenyTranslation() {
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ if (!infobar)
+ return false;
+ infobar->TranslationDeclined();
+ contents()->RemoveInfoBar(infobar);
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ removed_infobars_.push_back(Details<InfoBarDelegate>(details).ptr());
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ URLFetcher::set_factory(&url_fetcher_factory_);
+ // Access the TranslateManager singleton so it is created before we call
+ // RenderViewHostTestHarness::SetUp() to match what's done in Chrome, where
+ // the TranslateManager is created before the TabContents. This matters as
+ // they both register for similar events and we want the notifications to
+ // happen in the same sequence (TranslateManager first, TabContents second).
+ // Also clears the translate script so it is fetched everytime and sets the
+ // expiration delay to a large value by default (in case it was zeroed in
+ // a previous test).
+ Singleton<TranslateManager>::get()->ClearTranslateScript();
+ Singleton<TranslateManager>::get()->
+ set_translate_script_expiration_delay(60 * 60 * 1000);
+ RenderViewHostTestHarness::SetUp();
+ notification_registrar_.Add(
+ this,
+ Source<TabContents>(contents()));
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ notification_registrar_.Remove(
+ this,
+ Source<TabContents>(contents()));
+ RenderViewHostTestHarness::TearDown();
+ URLFetcher::set_factory(NULL);
+ }
+ void SimulateURLFetch(bool success) {
+ TestURLFetcher* fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
+ URLRequestStatus status;
+ status.set_status(success ? URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS :
+ URLRequestStatus::FAILED);
+ fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher, fetcher->original_url(),
+ status, success ? 200 : 500,
+ ResponseCookies(),
+ std::string());
+ }
+ void SetPrefObserverExpectation(const wchar_t* path) {
+ pref_observer_,
+ Observe(NotificationType(NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED),
+ _,
+ Property(&Details<std::wstring>::ptr, Pointee(path))));
+ }
+ NotificationObserverMock pref_observer_;
+ private:
+ NotificationRegistrar notification_registrar_;
+ TestURLFetcherFactory url_fetcher_factory_;
+ // The list of infobars that have been removed.
+ // WARNING: the pointers points to deleted objects, use only for comparison.
+ std::vector<InfoBarDelegate*> removed_infobars_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TranslateManagerTest);
+// An observer that keeps track of whether a navigation entry was committed.
+class NavEntryCommittedObserver : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ explicit NavEntryCommittedObserver(TabContents* tab_contents) {
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED,
+ Source<NavigationController>(&tab_contents->controller()));
+ }
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ DCHECK(type == NotificationType::NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED);
+ details_ =
+ *(Details<NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails>(details).ptr());
+ }
+ const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails&
+ get_load_commited_details() const {
+ return details_;
+ }
+ private:
+ NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails details_;
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NavEntryCommittedObserver);
+class TestRenderViewContextMenu : public RenderViewContextMenu {
+ public:
+ static TestRenderViewContextMenu* CreateContextMenu(
+ TabContents* tab_contents) {
+ ContextMenuParams params;
+ params.media_type = WebKit::WebContextMenuData::MediaTypeNone;
+ params.x = 0;
+ params.y = 0;
+ params.is_image_blocked = false;
+ params.media_flags = 0;
+ params.spellcheck_enabled = false;
+ params.is_editable = false;
+ params.page_url = tab_contents->controller().GetActiveEntry()->url();
+#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
+ params.writing_direction_default = 0;
+ params.writing_direction_left_to_right = 0;
+ params.writing_direction_right_to_left = 0;
+#endif // OS_MACOSX
+ params.edit_flags = WebContextMenuData::CanTranslate;
+ return new TestRenderViewContextMenu(tab_contents, params);
+ }
+ bool IsItemPresent(int id) {
+ return menu_model_.GetIndexOfCommandId(id) != -1;
+ }
+ virtual void PlatformInit() { }
+ virtual bool GetAcceleratorForCommandId(
+ int command_id,
+ menus::Accelerator* accelerator) { return false; }
+ private:
+ TestRenderViewContextMenu(TabContents* tab_contents,
+ const ContextMenuParams& params)
+ : RenderViewContextMenu(tab_contents, params) {
+ }
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestRenderViewContextMenu);
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, NormalTranslate) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // We should have an infobar.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::BEFORE_TRANSLATE, infobar->type());
+ // Simulate clicking translate.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ infobar->Translate();
+ // The "Translating..." infobar should be showing.
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TRANSLATING, infobar->type());
+ // Simulate the translate script being retrieved (it only needs to be done
+ // once in the test as it is cached).
+ SimulateURLFetch(true);
+ // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer.
+ int page_id = 0;
+ std::string original_lang, target_lang;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ("fr", original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", target_lang);
+ // Simulate the render notifying the translation has been done.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // The after translate infobar should be showing.
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::AFTER_TRANSLATE, infobar->type());
+ // Simulate changing the original language, this should trigger a translation.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ std::string new_original_lang = infobar->GetLanguageCodeAt(0);
+ infobar->SetOriginalLanguage(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(new_original_lang, original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", target_lang);
+ // Simulate the render notifying the translation has been done.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0,
+ new_original_lang, "en", TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // infobar is now invalid.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* new_infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_infobar != NULL);
+ infobar = new_infobar;
+ // Simulate changing the target language, this should trigger a translation.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ std::string new_target_lang = infobar->GetLanguageCodeAt(1);
+ infobar->SetTargetLanguage(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(new_original_lang, original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ(new_target_lang, target_lang);
+ // Simulate the render notifying the translation has been done.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0,
+ new_original_lang, new_target_lang, TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // infobar is now invalid.
+ new_infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_infobar != NULL);
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, TranslateScriptNotAvailable) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // We should have an infobar.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::BEFORE_TRANSLATE, infobar->type());
+ // Simulate clicking translate.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ infobar->Translate();
+ // Simulate a failure retrieving the translate script.
+ SimulateURLFetch(false);
+ // We should not have sent any message to translate to the renderer.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ // And we should have an error infobar showing.
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TRANSLATION_ERROR, infobar->type());
+// Ensures we deal correctly with pages for which the browser does not recognize
+// the language (the translate server may or not detect the language).
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, TranslateUnknownLanguage) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page ("und" is the string returned by the CLD for
+ // languages it does not recognize).
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "G00g1e", "und", true);
+ // We should not have an infobar as we don't know the language.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Translate the page anyway throught the context menu.
+ scoped_ptr<TestRenderViewContextMenu> menu(
+ TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ SimulateURLFetch(true); // Simulate receiving the translate script.
+ // Simulate the render notifying the translation has been done, the server
+ // having detected the page was in a known and supported language.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // The after translate infobar should be showing.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::AFTER_TRANSLATE, infobar->type());
+ EXPECT_EQ("fr", infobar->GetOriginalLanguageCode());
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", infobar->GetTargetLanguageCode());
+ // Let's run the same steps but this time the server detects the page is
+ // already in English.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "The Google", "und",
+ true);
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(1, 0, "en", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::IDENTICAL_LANGUAGES));
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TRANSLATION_ERROR, infobar->type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateErrors::IDENTICAL_LANGUAGES, infobar->error());
+ // Let's run the same steps again but this time the server fails to detect the
+ // page's language (it returns an empty string).
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 2, "The Google", "und",
+ true);
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(2, 0, "", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE));
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TRANSLATION_ERROR, infobar->type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateErrors::UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE, infobar->error());
+// Tests that we show/don't show an info-bar for all languages the CLD can
+// report.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, TestAllLanguages) {
+ // The index in kExpectation are the Language enum (see languages.pb.h).
+ // true if we expect a translate infobar for that language.
+ // Note the supported languages are in, see
+ // kSupportedLanguages.
+ bool kExpectations[] = {
+ // 0-9
+ false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
+ // 10-19
+ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
+ // 20-29
+ true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, true,
+ // 30-39
+ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false,
+ // 40-49
+ true, false, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, false,
+ // 50-59
+ true, false, false, true, true, true, false, true, false, false,
+ // 60-69
+ false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true,
+ // 70-79
+ false, false, false, false, true, true, false, true, false, false,
+ // 80-89
+ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+ // 90-99
+ false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false,
+ // 100-109
+ false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+ // 110-119
+ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+ // 120-129
+ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+ // 130-139
+ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true,
+ // 140-149
+ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+ // 150-159
+ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
+ // 160
+ false
+ };
+ GURL url("");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kExpectations); ++i) {
+ ASSERT_LT(i, static_cast<size_t>(NUM_LANGUAGES));
+ std::string lang = LanguageCodeWithDialects(static_cast<Language>(i));
+ SCOPED_TRACE(::testing::Message::Message() << "Iteration " << i <<
+ " language=" << lang);
+ // We should not have a translate infobar.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar == NULL);
+ // Simulate navigating to a page.
+ NavigateAndCommit(url);
+ SimulateOnPageContents(url, i, "", lang, true);
+ // Verify we have/don't have an info-bar as expected.
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ EXPECT_EQ(kExpectations[i], infobar != NULL);
+ // Close the info-bar if applicable.
+ if (infobar != NULL)
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ }
+// Tests auto-translate on page.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, AutoTranslateOnNavigate) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Simulate the user translating.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ infobar->Translate();
+ SimulateURLFetch(true); // Simulate the translate script being retrieved.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // Now navigate to a new page in the same language.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Les news", "fr", true);
+ // This should have automatically triggered a translation.
+ int page_id = 0;
+ std::string original_lang, target_lang;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ("fr", original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", target_lang);
+ // Now navigate to a page in a different language.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Las news", "es", true);
+ // This should not have triggered a translate.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+// Tests that multiple OnPageContents do not cause multiple infobars.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, MultipleOnPageContents) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Simulate clicking 'Nope' (don't translate).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DenyTranslation());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, contents()->infobar_delegate_count());
+ // Send a new PageContents, we should not show an infobar.
+ SimulateOnPageContents(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, contents()->infobar_delegate_count());
+ // Do the same steps but simulate closing the infobar this time.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Le YouTube", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, contents()->infobar_delegate_count());
+ SimulateOnPageContents(GURL(""), 1, "Le YouTube", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, contents()->infobar_delegate_count());
+// Test that reloading the page brings back the infobar.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, Reload) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Close the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Reload should bring back the infobar.
+ NavEntryCommittedObserver nav_observer(contents());
+ Reload();
+ // Ensures it is really handled a reload.
+ const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& nav_details =
+ nav_observer.get_load_commited_details();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nav_details.entry != NULL); // There was a navigation.
+ EXPECT_EQ(NavigationType::EXISTING_PAGE, nav_details.type);
+ // The TranslateManager class processes the navigation entry committed
+ // notification in a posted task; process that task.
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+// Test that reloading the page by way of typing again the URL in the
+// location bar brings back the infobar.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, ReloadFromLocationBar) {
+ GURL url("");
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Close the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Create a pending navigation and simulate a page load. That should be the
+ // equivalent of typing the URL again in the location bar.
+ NavEntryCommittedObserver nav_observer(contents());
+ contents()->controller().LoadURL(url, GURL(), PageTransition::TYPED);
+ rvh()->SendNavigate(0, url);
+ // Test that we are really getting a same page navigation, the test would be
+ // useless if it was not the case.
+ const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& nav_details =
+ nav_observer.get_load_commited_details();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(nav_details.entry != NULL); // There was a navigation.
+ EXPECT_EQ(NavigationType::SAME_PAGE, nav_details.type);
+ // The TranslateManager class processes the navigation entry committed
+ // notification in a posted task; process that task.
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+// Tests that a close translate infobar does not reappear when navigating
+// in-page.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, CloseInfoBarInPageNavigation) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Close the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Navigate in page, no infobar should be shown.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Navigate out of page, a new infobar should show.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+// Tests that denying translation is sticky when navigating in page.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, DenyTranslateInPageNavigation) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Simulate clicking 'Nope' (don't translate).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DenyTranslation());
+ // Navigate in page, no infobar should be shown.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Navigate out of page, a new infobar should show.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+// Tests that after translating and closing the infobar, the infobar does not
+// return when navigating in page.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, TranslateCloseInfoBarInPageNavigation) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Simulate the user translating.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ infobar->Translate();
+ SimulateURLFetch(true); // Simulate the translate script being retrieved.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // Close the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Navigate in page, no infobar should be shown.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Navigate out of page, a new infobar should show.
+ // Note that we navigate to a page in a different language so we don't trigger
+ // the auto-translate feature (it would translate the page automatically and
+ // the before translate inforbar would not be shown).
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Das Google", "de", true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+// Tests that the after translate the infobar still shows when navigating
+// in-page.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, TranslateInPageNavigation) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // Simulate the user translating.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ infobar->Translate();
+ SimulateURLFetch(true); // Simulate the translate script being retrieved.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // The after translate infobar is showing.
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ // Navigate in page, the same infobar should still be shown.
+ ClearRemovedInfoBars();
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(InfoBarRemoved());
+ EXPECT_EQ(infobar, GetTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Navigate out of page, a new infobar should show.
+ // See note in TranslateCloseInfoBarInPageNavigation test on why it is
+ // important to navigate to a page in a different language for this test.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Das Google", "de", true);
+ // The old infobar is gone.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckInfoBarRemovedAndReset(infobar));
+ // And there is a new one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+// Tests that no translate infobar is shown when navigating to a page in an
+// unsupported language.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, CLDReportsUnsupportedPageLanguage) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting an unsupported language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Google", "qbz", true);
+ // No info-bar should be shown.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+// Tests that we deal correctly with unsupported languages returned by the
+// server.
+// The translation server might return a language we don't support.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, ServerReportsUnsupportedLanguage) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and translating it.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ infobar->Translate();
+ SimulateURLFetch(true);
+ // Simulate the render notifying the translation has been done, but it
+ // reports a language we don't support.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "qbz", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // An error infobar should be showing to report that we don't support this
+ // language.
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::TRANSLATION_ERROR, infobar->type());
+ // This infobar should have a button (so the string should not be empty).
+ ASSERT_FALSE(infobar->GetMessageInfoBarButtonText().empty());
+ // Pressing the button on that infobar should revert to the original language.
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ infobar->MessageInfoBarButtonPressed();
+ const IPC::Message* message =
+ process()->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(ViewMsg_RevertTranslation::ID);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(message != NULL);
+ // And it should have removed the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+// Tests that no translate infobar is shown when Chrome is in a language that
+// the translate server does not support.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, UnsupportedUILanguage) {
+ TestingBrowserProcess* browser_process =
+ static_cast<TestingBrowserProcess*>(g_browser_process);
+ std::string original_lang = browser_process->GetApplicationLocale();
+ browser_process->SetApplicationLocale("qbz");
+ // Simulate navigating to a page in a language supported by the translate
+ // server.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Google", "en", true);
+ // No info-bar should be shown.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ browser_process->SetApplicationLocale(original_lang);
+// Tests that the translate enabled preference is honored.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, TranslateEnabledPref) {
+ // Make sure the pref allows translate.
+ PrefService* prefs = contents()->profile()->GetPrefs();
+ prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kEnableTranslate, true);
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // An infobar should be shown.
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ // Disable translate.
+ prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kEnableTranslate, false);
+ // Navigate to a new page, that should close the previous infobar.
+ GURL url("");
+ NavigateAndCommit(url);
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(infobar == NULL);
+ // Simulate getting the page contents and language, that should not trigger
+ // a translate infobar.
+ SimulateOnPageContents(url, 1, "Le YouTube", "fr", true);
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(infobar == NULL);
+// Tests the "Never translate <language>" pref.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, NeverTranslateLanguagePref) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ GURL url("");
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // An infobar should be shown.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ // Select never translate this language.
+ PrefService* prefs = contents()->profile()->GetPrefs();
+ prefs->AddPrefObserver(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateLanguageBlacklist,
+ &pref_observer_);
+ TranslatePrefs translate_prefs(prefs);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.IsLanguageBlacklisted("fr"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.CanTranslate(prefs, "fr", url));
+ SetPrefObserverExpectation(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateLanguageBlacklist);
+ translate_prefs.BlacklistLanguage("fr");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.IsLanguageBlacklisted("fr"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.CanTranslate(prefs, "fr", url));
+ // Close the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Navigate to a new page also in French.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Le YouTube", "fr",
+ true);
+ // There should not be a translate infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Remove the language from the blacklist.
+ SetPrefObserverExpectation(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateLanguageBlacklist);
+ translate_prefs.RemoveLanguageFromBlacklist("fr");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.IsLanguageBlacklisted("fr"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.CanTranslate(prefs, "fr", url));
+ // Navigate to a page in French.
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 2, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // There should be a translate infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ prefs->RemovePrefObserver(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateLanguageBlacklist,
+ &pref_observer_);
+// Tests the "Never translate this site" pref.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, NeverTranslateSitePref) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and getting its language.
+ GURL url("");
+ std::string host(;
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // An infobar should be shown.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ // Select never translate this site.
+ PrefService* prefs = contents()->profile()->GetPrefs();
+ prefs->AddPrefObserver(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateSiteBlacklist,
+ &pref_observer_);
+ TranslatePrefs translate_prefs(prefs);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.IsSiteBlacklisted(host));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.CanTranslate(prefs, "fr", url));
+ SetPrefObserverExpectation(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateSiteBlacklist);
+ translate_prefs.BlacklistSite(host);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.IsSiteBlacklisted(host));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.CanTranslate(prefs, "fr", url));
+ // Close the infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Navigate to a new page also on the same site.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Bonjour", "fr",
+ true);
+ // There should not be a translate infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Remove the site from the blacklist.
+ SetPrefObserverExpectation(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateSiteBlacklist);
+ translate_prefs.RemoveSiteFromBlacklist(host);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.IsSiteBlacklisted(host));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.CanTranslate(prefs, "fr", url));
+ // Navigate to a page in French.
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // There should be a translate infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ prefs->RemovePrefObserver(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateSiteBlacklist,
+ &pref_observer_);
+// Tests the "Always translate this language" pref.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, AlwaysTranslateLanguagePref) {
+ // Select always translate French to English.
+ PrefService* prefs = contents()->profile()->GetPrefs();
+ prefs->AddPrefObserver(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateWhitelists,
+ &pref_observer_);
+ TranslatePrefs translate_prefs(prefs);
+ SetPrefObserverExpectation(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateWhitelists);
+ translate_prefs.WhitelistLanguagePair("fr", "en");
+ // Load a page in French.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ // It should have triggered an automatic translation to English.
+ SimulateURLFetch(true); // Simulate the translate script being retrieved.
+ int page_id = 0;
+ std::string original_lang, target_lang;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ("fr", original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", target_lang);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ // And we should have no infobar (since we don't send the page translated
+ // notification, the after translate infobar is not shown).
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // Try another language, it should not be autotranslated.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "El Google", "es", true);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ // Let's switch to incognito mode, it should not be autotranslated in that
+ // case either.
+ TestingProfile* test_profile =
+ static_cast<TestingProfile*>(contents()->profile());
+ test_profile->set_off_the_record(true);
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 2, "Le YouTube", "fr",
+ true);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseTranslateInfoBar());
+ test_profile->set_off_the_record(false); // Get back to non incognito.
+ // Now revert the always translate pref and make sure we go back to expected
+ // behavior, which is show an infobar.
+ SetPrefObserverExpectation(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateWhitelists);
+ translate_prefs.RemoveLanguagePairFromWhitelist("fr", "en");
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 3, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() != NULL);
+ prefs->RemovePrefObserver(TranslatePrefs::kPrefTranslateWhitelists,
+ &pref_observer_);
+// Context menu.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, ContextMenu) {
+ // Blacklist and French for translation.
+ GURL url("");
+ TranslatePrefs translate_prefs(contents()->profile()->GetPrefs());
+ translate_prefs.BlacklistLanguage("fr");
+ translate_prefs.BlacklistSite(;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.IsLanguageBlacklisted("fr"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.IsSiteBlacklisted(;
+ // Simulate navigating to a page in French. The translate menu should show.
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ scoped_ptr<TestRenderViewContextMenu> menu(
+ TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ // Use the menu to translate the page.
+ // That should have triggered a translation.
+ SimulateURLFetch(true); // Simulate the translate script being retrieved.
+ int page_id = 0;
+ std::string original_lang, target_lang;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ("fr", original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", target_lang);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ // This should also have reverted the blacklisting of this site and language.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.IsLanguageBlacklisted("fr"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(translate_prefs.IsSiteBlacklisted(;
+ // Let's simulate the page being translated.
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // The translate menu should now be disabled.
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ // Test that selecting translate in the context menu WHILE the page is being
+ // translated does nothing (this could happen if autotranslate kicks-in and
+ // the user selects the menu while the translation is being performed).
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "El Google", "es", true);
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ infobar->Translate();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, page_id);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ // No message expected since the translation should have been ignored.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ // Now test that selecting translate in the context menu AFTER the page has
+ // been translated does nothing.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 2, "Das Google", "de", true);
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ infobar->Translate();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, page_id);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "de", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // No message expected since the translation should have been ignored.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ // Test that the translate context menu is disabled when the page is in the
+ // same language as the UI.
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "Google", "en", true);
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+ // Test that the translate context menu is enabled when the page is in an
+ // unknown language as the UI.
+ SimulateNavigation(url, 0, "G00g1e", "und", true);
+ menu.reset(TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+// Tests that an extra always/never translate button is shown on the "before
+// translate" infobar when the translation is accepted/declined 3 times.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, BeforeTranslateExtraButtons) {
+ TranslatePrefs translate_prefs(contents()->profile()->GetPrefs());
+ translate_prefs.ResetTranslationAcceptedCount("fr");
+ translate_prefs.ResetTranslationDeniedCount("fr");
+ translate_prefs.ResetTranslationAcceptedCount("de");
+ translate_prefs.ResetTranslationDeniedCount("de");
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Le Google", "fr",
+ true);
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::BEFORE_TRANSLATE, infobar->type());
+ if (i < 3) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(infobar->ShouldShowAlwaysTranslateButton());
+ infobar->Translate();
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(infobar->ShouldShowAlwaysTranslateButton());
+ }
+ }
+ // Simulate the user pressing "Always translate French".
+ infobar->AlwaysTranslatePageLanguage();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.IsLanguagePairWhitelisted("fr", "en"));
+ // Simulate the translate script being retrieved (it only needs to be done
+ // once in the test as it is cached).
+ SimulateURLFetch(true);
+ // That should have triggered a page translate.
+ int page_id = 0;
+ std::string original_lang, target_lang;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ // Now test that declining the translation causes a "never translate" button
+ // to be shown.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "Das Google", "de",
+ true);
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TranslateInfoBarDelegate::BEFORE_TRANSLATE, infobar->type());
+ if (i < 3) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(infobar->ShouldShowNeverTranslateButton());
+ infobar->TranslationDeclined();
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(infobar->ShouldShowNeverTranslateButton());
+ }
+ }
+ // Simulate the user pressing "Never translate French".
+ infobar->NeverTranslatePageLanguage();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(translate_prefs.IsLanguageBlacklisted("de"));
+ // No translation should have occured and the infobar should be gone.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+// Tests that we don't show a translate infobar when a page instructs that it
+// should not be translated.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, NonTranslatablePage) {
+ // Simulate navigating to a page.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr",
+ false);
+ // We should not have an infobar.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateInfoBar() == NULL);
+ // The context menu should be disabled.
+ scoped_ptr<TestRenderViewContextMenu> menu(
+ TestRenderViewContextMenu::CreateContextMenu(contents()));
+ menu->Init();
+// Tests that the script is expired and refetched as expected.
+TEST_F(TranslateManagerTest, ScriptExpires) {
+ ExpireTranslateScriptImmediately();
+ // Simulate navigating to a page and translating it.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 0, "Le Google", "fr", true);
+ TranslateInfoBarDelegate* infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ infobar->Translate();
+ SimulateURLFetch(true);
+ rvh()->TestOnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated(0, 0, "fr", "en",
+ TranslateErrors::NONE));
+ // A task should have been posted to clear the script, run it.
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ // Do another navigation and translation.
+ SimulateNavigation(GURL(""), 1, "El Google", "es", true);
+ infobar = GetTranslateInfoBar();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(infobar != NULL);
+ process()->sink().ClearMessages();
+ infobar->Translate();
+ // If we don't simulate the URL fetch, the TranslateManager should be waiting
+ // for the script and no message should have been sent to the renderer.
+ process()->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(ViewMsg_TranslatePage::ID) ==
+ NULL);
+ // Now simulate the URL fetch.
+ SimulateURLFetch(true);
+ // Now the message should have been sent.
+ int page_id = 0;
+ std::string original_lang, target_lang;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetTranslateMessage(&page_id, &original_lang, &target_lang));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, page_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ("es", original_lang);
+ EXPECT_EQ("en", target_lang);