path: root/chrome/browser/views/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/')
1 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/ b/chrome/browser/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ebc0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/views/first_run_bubble.h"
+#include "app/gfx/font_util.h"
+#include "app/l10n_util.h"
+#include "app/resource_bundle.h"
+#include "app/win_util.h"
+#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/first_run.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/options_window.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/metrics/user_metrics.h"
+#include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
+#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
+#include "grit/locale_settings.h"
+#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
+#include "views/event.h"
+#include "views/controls/button/native_button.h"
+#include "views/controls/button/image_button.h"
+#include "views/controls/label.h"
+#include "views/focus/focus_manager.h"
+#include "views/standard_layout.h"
+#include "views/window/window.h"
+namespace {
+// How much extra padding to put around our content over what the InfoBubble
+// provides.
+const int kBubblePadding = 4;
+// How much extra padding to put around our content over what the InfoBubble
+// provides in alternative OEM bubble.
+const int kOEMBubblePadding = 4;
+// Padding between parts of strings on the same line (for instance,
+// "New!" and "Search from the address bar!"
+const int kStringSeparationPadding = 2;
+// Margin around close button.
+const int kMarginRightOfCloseButton = 7;
+} // namespace
+// Base class for implementations of the client view which appears inside the
+// first run bubble. It is a dialog-ish view, but is not a true dialog.
+class FirstRunBubbleViewBase : public views::View,
+ public views::ButtonListener,
+ public views::FocusChangeListener {
+ public:
+ // Called by FirstRunBubble::Show to request focus for the proper button
+ // in the FirstRunBubbleView when it is shown.
+ virtual void BubbleShown() = 0;
+// FirstRunBubbleView ---------------------------------------------------------
+class FirstRunBubbleView : public FirstRunBubbleViewBase {
+ public:
+ FirstRunBubbleView(FirstRunBubble* bubble_window, Profile* profile);
+ private:
+ virtual ~FirstRunBubbleView() {}
+ // FirstRunBubbleViewBase:
+ virtual void BubbleShown();
+ // Overridden from View:
+ virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event);
+ virtual void Layout();
+ virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
+ // FocusChangeListener:
+ virtual void FocusWillChange(View* focused_before, View* focused_now);
+ FirstRunBubble* bubble_window_;
+ views::Label* label1_;
+ views::Label* label2_;
+ views::Label* label3_;
+ views::NativeButton* change_button_;
+ views::NativeButton* keep_button_;
+ Profile* profile_;
+FirstRunBubbleView::FirstRunBubbleView(FirstRunBubble* bubble_window,
+ Profile* profile)
+ : bubble_window_(bubble_window),
+ label1_(NULL),
+ label2_(NULL),
+ label3_(NULL),
+ keep_button_(NULL),
+ change_button_(NULL),
+ profile_(profile) {
+ const gfx::Font& font =
+ ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::MediumFont);
+ label1_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_BUBBLE_TITLE));
+ label1_->SetFont(font.DeriveFont(3, gfx::Font::BOLD));
+ label1_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ AddChildView(label1_);
+ gfx::Size ps = GetPreferredSize();
+ label2_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_BUBBLE_SUBTEXT));
+ label2_->SetMultiLine(true);
+ label2_->SetFont(font);
+ label2_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ label2_->SizeToFit(ps.width() - kBubblePadding * 2);
+ AddChildView(label2_);
+ std::wstring question_str = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_FR_BUBBLE_QUESTION,
+ UTF16ToWideHack(GetDefaultSearchEngineName(profile)));
+ label3_ = new views::Label(question_str);
+ label3_->SetMultiLine(true);
+ label3_->SetFont(font);
+ label3_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ label3_->SizeToFit(ps.width() - kBubblePadding * 2);
+ AddChildView(label3_);
+ std::wstring keep_str = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_FR_BUBBLE_OK,
+ UTF16ToWideHack(GetDefaultSearchEngineName(profile)));
+ keep_button_ = new views::NativeButton(this, keep_str);
+ keep_button_->SetIsDefault(true);
+ AddChildView(keep_button_);
+ std::wstring change_str = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_BUBBLE_CHANGE);
+ change_button_ = new views::NativeButton(this, change_str);
+ AddChildView(change_button_);
+void FirstRunBubbleView::BubbleShown() {
+ keep_button_->RequestFocus();
+void FirstRunBubbleView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
+ const views::Event& event) {
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("FirstRunBubbleView_Clicked"),
+ profile_);
+ bubble_window_->set_fade_away_on_close(true);
+ bubble_window_->Close();
+ if (change_button_ == sender) {
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(
+ UserMetricsAction("FirstRunBubbleView_ChangeButton"),
+ profile_);
+ Browser* browser = BrowserList::GetLastActive();
+ if (browser) {
+ browser->profile());
+ }
+ }
+void FirstRunBubbleView::Layout() {
+ gfx::Size canvas = GetPreferredSize();
+ // The multiline business that follows is dirty hacks to get around
+ // bug 1325257.
+ label1_->SetMultiLine(false);
+ gfx::Size pref_size = label1_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label1_->SetMultiLine(true);
+ label1_->SizeToFit(canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2);
+ label1_->SetBounds(kBubblePadding, kBubblePadding,
+ canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+ int next_v_space = label1_->y() + pref_size.height() +
+ kRelatedControlSmallVerticalSpacing;
+ pref_size = label2_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label2_->SetBounds(kBubblePadding, next_v_space,
+ canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+ next_v_space = label2_->y() + label2_->height() +
+ kPanelSubVerticalSpacing;
+ pref_size = label3_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label3_->SetBounds(kBubblePadding, next_v_space,
+ canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+ pref_size = change_button_->GetPreferredSize();
+ change_button_->SetBounds(
+ canvas.width() - pref_size.width() - kBubblePadding,
+ canvas.height() - pref_size.height() - kButtonVEdgeMargin,
+ pref_size.width(), pref_size.height());
+ pref_size = keep_button_->GetPreferredSize();
+ keep_button_->SetBounds(change_button_->x() - pref_size.width() -
+ kRelatedButtonHSpacing, change_button_->y(),
+ pref_size.width(), pref_size.height());
+gfx::Size FirstRunBubbleView::GetPreferredSize() {
+ return gfx::Size(views::Window::GetLocalizedContentsSize(
+void FirstRunBubbleView::FocusWillChange(View* focused_before,
+ View* focused_now) {
+ if (focused_before &&
+ (focused_before->GetClassName() == views::NativeButton::kViewClassName)) {
+ views::NativeButton* before =
+ static_cast<views::NativeButton*>(focused_before);
+ before->SetIsDefault(false);
+ }
+ if (focused_now &&
+ (focused_now->GetClassName() == views::NativeButton::kViewClassName)) {
+ views::NativeButton* after = static_cast<views::NativeButton*>(focused_now);
+ after->SetIsDefault(true);
+ }
+// FirstRunOEMBubbleView ------------------------------------------------------
+class FirstRunOEMBubbleView : public FirstRunBubbleViewBase {
+ public:
+ FirstRunOEMBubbleView(FirstRunBubble* bubble_window, Profile* profile);
+ private:
+ virtual ~FirstRunOEMBubbleView() { }
+ // FirstRunBubbleViewBase:
+ virtual void BubbleShown();
+ // Overridden from View:
+ virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event);
+ virtual void Layout();
+ virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
+ // FocusChangeListener:
+ virtual void FocusWillChange(View* focused_before, View* focused_now);
+ FirstRunBubble* bubble_window_;
+ views::Label* label1_;
+ views::Label* label2_;
+ views::Label* label3_;
+ views::ImageButton* close_button_;
+ Profile* profile_;
+FirstRunOEMBubbleView::FirstRunOEMBubbleView(FirstRunBubble* bubble_window,
+ Profile* profile)
+ : bubble_window_(bubble_window),
+ label1_(NULL),
+ label2_(NULL),
+ label3_(NULL),
+ close_button_(NULL),
+ profile_(profile) {
+ ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
+ const gfx::Font& font = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::MediumFont);
+ label1_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_OEM_BUBBLE_TITLE_1));
+ label1_->SetFont(font.DeriveFont(3, gfx::Font::BOLD));
+ label1_->SetColor(SK_ColorRED);
+ label1_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ AddChildView(label1_);
+ label2_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_OEM_BUBBLE_TITLE_2));
+ label2_->SetFont(font.DeriveFont(3, gfx::Font::BOLD));
+ label2_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ AddChildView(label2_);
+ gfx::Size ps = GetPreferredSize();
+ label3_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_OEM_BUBBLE_SUBTEXT));
+ label3_->SetMultiLine(true);
+ label3_->SetFont(font);
+ label3_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ label3_->SizeToFit(ps.width() - kOEMBubblePadding * 2);
+ AddChildView(label3_);
+ close_button_ = new views::ImageButton(this);
+ close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL,
+ rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR));
+ close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_HOT,
+ rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR_H));
+ close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED,
+ rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR_P));
+ AddChildView(close_button_);
+void FirstRunOEMBubbleView::BubbleShown() {
+ RequestFocus();
+ // No button in oem_bubble to request focus.
+void FirstRunOEMBubbleView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
+ const views::Event& event) {
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("FirstRunOEMBubbleView_Clicked"),
+ profile_);
+ bubble_window_->set_fade_away_on_close(true);
+ bubble_window_->Close();
+void FirstRunOEMBubbleView::Layout() {
+ gfx::Size canvas = GetPreferredSize();
+ // First, draw the close button on the far right.
+ gfx::Size sz = close_button_->GetPreferredSize();
+ close_button_->SetBounds(
+ canvas.width() - sz.width() - kMarginRightOfCloseButton,
+ kOEMBubblePadding, sz.width(), sz.height());
+ gfx::Size pref_size = label1_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label1_->SetBounds(kOEMBubblePadding, kOEMBubblePadding,
+ pref_size.width() + kOEMBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+ pref_size = label2_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label2_->SetBounds(
+ kOEMBubblePadding * 2 + label1_->GetPreferredSize().width(),
+ kOEMBubblePadding, canvas.width() - kOEMBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+ int next_v_space =
+ label1_->y() + pref_size.height() + kRelatedControlSmallVerticalSpacing;
+ pref_size = label3_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label3_->SetBounds(kOEMBubblePadding, next_v_space,
+ canvas.width() - kOEMBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+gfx::Size FirstRunOEMBubbleView::GetPreferredSize() {
+ // Calculate width based on font and text.
+ ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
+ const gfx::Font& font = rb.GetFont(
+ ResourceBundle::MediumFont).DeriveFont(3, gfx::Font::BOLD);
+ gfx::Size size = gfx::Size(
+ gfx::GetLocalizedContentsWidthForFont(
+ gfx::GetLocalizedContentsHeightForFont(
+ // WARNING: HACK. Vista and XP calculate font size differently; this means
+ // that a dialog box correctly proportioned for XP will appear too large in
+ // Vista. The correct thing to do is to change font size calculations in
+ // XP or Vista so that the length of a string is calculated properly. For
+ // now, we force Vista to show a correctly-sized box by taking account of
+ // the difference in font size calculation. The coefficient should not be
+ // stored in a variable because it's a hack and should go away.
+ if (win_util::ShouldUseVistaFrame()) {
+ size.set_width(static_cast<int>(size.width() * 0.85));
+ size.set_height(static_cast<int>(size.height() * 0.85));
+ }
+ return size;
+void FirstRunOEMBubbleView::FocusWillChange(View* focused_before,
+ View* focused_now) {
+ // No buttons in oem_bubble to register focus changes.
+// FirstRunMinimalBubbleView --------------------------------------------------
+// TODO(mirandac): combine FRBubbles more elegantly.
+class FirstRunMinimalBubbleView : public FirstRunBubbleViewBase {
+ public:
+ FirstRunMinimalBubbleView(FirstRunBubble* bubble_window, Profile* profile);
+ private:
+ virtual ~FirstRunMinimalBubbleView() { }
+ // FirstRunBubbleViewBase:
+ virtual void BubbleShown();
+ // Overridden from View:
+ virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
+ const views::Event& event) { }
+ virtual void Layout();
+ virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
+ // FocusChangeListener:
+ virtual void FocusWillChange(View* focused_before, View* focused_now);
+ FirstRunBubble* bubble_window_;
+ Profile* profile_;
+ views::Label* label1_;
+ views::Label* label2_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FirstRunMinimalBubbleView);
+ FirstRunBubble* bubble_window,
+ Profile* profile)
+ : bubble_window_(bubble_window),
+ profile_(profile),
+ label1_(NULL),
+ label2_(NULL) {
+ const gfx::Font& font =
+ ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::MediumFont);
+ label1_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_FR_SE_BUBBLE_TITLE,
+ UTF16ToWideHack(GetDefaultSearchEngineName(profile_))));
+ label1_->SetFont(font.DeriveFont(3, gfx::Font::BOLD));
+ label1_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ AddChildView(label1_);
+ gfx::Size ps = GetPreferredSize();
+ label2_ = new views::Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_FR_BUBBLE_SUBTEXT));
+ label2_->SetMultiLine(true);
+ label2_->SetFont(font);
+ label2_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ label2_->SizeToFit(ps.width() - kBubblePadding * 2);
+ AddChildView(label2_);
+void FirstRunMinimalBubbleView::BubbleShown() {
+ RequestFocus();
+void FirstRunMinimalBubbleView::Layout() {
+ gfx::Size canvas = GetPreferredSize();
+ // See comments in FirstRunOEMBubbleView::Layout explaining this hack.
+ label1_->SetMultiLine(false);
+ gfx::Size pref_size = label1_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label1_->SetMultiLine(true);
+ label1_->SizeToFit(canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2);
+ label1_->SetBounds(kBubblePadding, kBubblePadding,
+ canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+ int next_v_space = label1_->y() + pref_size.height() +
+ kRelatedControlSmallVerticalSpacing;
+ pref_size = label2_->GetPreferredSize();
+ label2_->SetBounds(kBubblePadding, next_v_space,
+ canvas.width() - kBubblePadding * 2,
+ pref_size.height());
+gfx::Size FirstRunMinimalBubbleView::GetPreferredSize() {
+ return gfx::Size(views::Window::GetLocalizedContentsSize(
+void FirstRunMinimalBubbleView::FocusWillChange(View* focused_before,
+ View* focused_now) {
+ // No buttons in minimal bubble to register focus changes.
+// FirstRunBubble -------------------------------------------------------------
+// static
+FirstRunBubble* FirstRunBubble::Show(Profile* profile,
+ views::Widget* parent,
+ const gfx::Rect& position_relative_to,
+ BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation arrow_location,
+ FirstRun::BubbleType bubble_type) {
+ FirstRunBubble* window = new FirstRunBubble();
+ FirstRunBubbleViewBase* view = NULL;
+ switch (bubble_type) {
+ case FirstRun::OEMBUBBLE:
+ view = new FirstRunOEMBubbleView(window, profile);
+ break;
+ case FirstRun::LARGEBUBBLE:
+ view = new FirstRunBubbleView(window, profile);
+ break;
+ case FirstRun::MINIMALBUBBLE:
+ view = new FirstRunMinimalBubbleView(window, profile);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ window->set_view(view);
+ window->Init(parent, position_relative_to, arrow_location, view, window);
+ window->GetFocusManager()->AddFocusChangeListener(view);
+ view->BubbleShown();
+ return window;
+ : has_been_activated_(false),
+ ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(enable_window_method_factory_(this)),
+ view_(NULL) {
+FirstRunBubble::~FirstRunBubble() {
+ // We should have called RevokeAll on the method factory already.
+ DCHECK(enable_window_method_factory_.empty());
+ enable_window_method_factory_.RevokeAll();
+void FirstRunBubble::EnableParent() {
+ ::EnableWindow(GetParent(), true);
+ // Reactivate the FirstRunBubble so it responds to OnActivate messages.
+ SetWindowPos(GetParent(), 0, 0, 0, 0,
+void FirstRunBubble::OnActivate(UINT action, BOOL minimized, HWND window) {
+ // Keep the bubble around for kLingerTime milliseconds, to prevent accidental
+ // closure.
+ const int kLingerTime = 1000;
+ // We might get re-enabled right before we are closed (sequence is: we get
+ // deactivated, we call close, before we are actually closed we get
+ // reactivated). Don't do the disabling of the parent in such cases.
+ if (action == WA_ACTIVE && !has_been_activated_) {
+ has_been_activated_ = true;
+ ::EnableWindow(GetParent(), false);
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE,
+ enable_window_method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
+ &FirstRunBubble::EnableParent),
+ kLingerTime);
+ }
+ // Keep window from automatically closing until kLingerTime has passed.
+ if (::IsWindowEnabled(GetParent()))
+ InfoBubble::OnActivate(action, minimized, window);
+void FirstRunBubble::InfoBubbleClosing(InfoBubble* info_bubble,
+ bool closed_by_escape) {
+ // Make sure our parent window is re-enabled.
+ if (!IsWindowEnabled(GetParent()))
+ ::EnableWindow(GetParent(), true);
+ enable_window_method_factory_.RevokeAll();
+ GetFocusManager()->RemoveFocusChangeListener(view_);