// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/intranet_redirect_detector.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "content/common/notification_service.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" const size_t IntranetRedirectDetector::kNumCharsInHostnames = 10; IntranetRedirectDetector::IntranetRedirectDetector() : redirect_origin_(g_browser_process->local_state()->GetString( prefs::kLastKnownIntranetRedirectOrigin)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(fetcher_factory_(this)), in_sleep_(true) { // Because this function can be called during startup, when kicking off a URL // fetch can eat up 20 ms of time, we delay seven seconds, which is hopefully // long enough to be after startup, but still get results back quickly. // Ideally, instead of this timer, we'd do something like "check if the // browser is starting up, and if so, come back later", but there is currently // no function to do this. static const int kStartFetchDelayMS = 7000; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, fetcher_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &IntranetRedirectDetector::FinishSleep), kStartFetchDelayMS); net::NetworkChangeNotifier::AddIPAddressObserver(this); } IntranetRedirectDetector::~IntranetRedirectDetector() { net::NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveIPAddressObserver(this); STLDeleteElements(&fetchers_); } // static GURL IntranetRedirectDetector::RedirectOrigin() { const IntranetRedirectDetector* const detector = g_browser_process->intranet_redirect_detector(); return detector ? detector->redirect_origin_ : GURL(); } // static void IntranetRedirectDetector::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kLastKnownIntranetRedirectOrigin, std::string()); } void IntranetRedirectDetector::FinishSleep() { in_sleep_ = false; // If another fetch operation is still running, cancel it. STLDeleteElements(&fetchers_); resulting_origins_.clear(); // The detector is not needed in Chrome Frame since we have no omnibox there. const CommandLine* cmd_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableBackgroundNetworking) || cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kChromeFrame)) return; DCHECK(fetchers_.empty() && resulting_origins_.empty()); // Start three fetchers on random hostnames. for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { std::string url_string("http://"); for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumCharsInHostnames; ++j) url_string += ('a' + base::RandInt(0, 'z' - 'a')); GURL random_url(url_string + '/'); URLFetcher* fetcher = new URLFetcher(random_url, URLFetcher::HEAD, this); // We don't want these fetches to affect existing state in the profile. fetcher->set_load_flags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE | net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES); fetcher->set_request_context(g_browser_process->system_request_context()); fetcher->Start(); fetchers_.insert(fetcher); } } void IntranetRedirectDetector::OnURLFetchComplete( const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const net::URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { // Delete the fetcher on this function's exit. Fetchers::iterator fetcher = fetchers_.find(const_cast(source)); DCHECK(fetcher != fetchers_.end()); scoped_ptr clean_up_fetcher(*fetcher); fetchers_.erase(fetcher); // If any two fetches result in the same domain/host, we set the redirect // origin to that; otherwise we set it to nothing. if (!status.is_success() || (response_code != 200)) { if ((resulting_origins_.empty()) || ((resulting_origins_.size() == 1) && resulting_origins_.front().is_valid())) { resulting_origins_.push_back(GURL()); return; } redirect_origin_ = GURL(); } else { DCHECK(url.is_valid()); GURL origin(url.GetOrigin()); if (resulting_origins_.empty()) { resulting_origins_.push_back(origin); return; } if (net::RegistryControlledDomainService::SameDomainOrHost( resulting_origins_.front(), origin)) { redirect_origin_ = origin; if (!fetchers_.empty()) { // Cancel remaining fetch, we don't need it. DCHECK(fetchers_.size() == 1); delete (*fetchers_.begin()); fetchers_.clear(); } } if (resulting_origins_.size() == 1) { resulting_origins_.push_back(origin); return; } DCHECK(resulting_origins_.size() == 2); redirect_origin_ = net::RegistryControlledDomainService::SameDomainOrHost( resulting_origins_.back(), origin) ? origin : GURL(); } g_browser_process->local_state()->SetString( prefs::kLastKnownIntranetRedirectOrigin, redirect_origin_.is_valid() ? redirect_origin_.spec() : std::string()); } void IntranetRedirectDetector::OnIPAddressChanged() { // If a request is already scheduled, do not scheduled yet another one. if (in_sleep_) return; // Since presumably many programs open connections after network changes, // delay this a little bit. in_sleep_ = true; static const int kNetworkSwitchDelayMS = 1000; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, fetcher_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &IntranetRedirectDetector::FinishSleep), kNetworkSwitchDelayMS); } IntranetRedirectHostResolverProc::IntranetRedirectHostResolverProc( net::HostResolverProc* previous) : net::HostResolverProc(previous) { } int IntranetRedirectHostResolverProc::Resolve( const std::string& host, net::AddressFamily address_family, net::HostResolverFlags host_resolver_flags, net::AddressList* addrlist, int* os_error) { // We'd love to just ask the IntranetRedirectDetector, but we may not be on // the same thread. So just use the heuristic that any all-lowercase a-z // hostname with the right number of characters is likely from the detector // (and thus should be blocked). return ((host.length() == IntranetRedirectDetector::kNumCharsInHostnames) && (host.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == std::string::npos)) ? net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED : ResolveUsingPrevious(host, address_family, host_resolver_flags, addrlist, os_error); }