// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef WEBKIT_GLUE_WEBPLUGIN_IMPL_H_ #define WEBKIT_GLUE_WEBPLUGIN_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/weak_ptr.h" #include "gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPlugin.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebRect.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLLoaderClient.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLRequest.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebVector.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin.h" class WebViewDelegate; namespace WebKit { class WebDevToolsAgent; class WebFrame; class WebPluginContainer; class WebURLResponse; class WebURLLoader; class WebURLRequest; } namespace webkit_glue { class MultipartResponseDelegate; class WebPluginDelegate; class WebPluginPageDelegate; // This is the WebKit side of the plugin implementation that forwards calls, // after changing out of WebCore types, to a delegate. The delegate may // be in a different process. class WebPluginImpl : public WebPlugin, public WebKit::WebPlugin, public WebKit::WebURLLoaderClient { public: WebPluginImpl( WebKit::WebFrame* frame, const WebKit::WebPluginParams& params, const FilePath& file_path, const std::string& mime_type, const base::WeakPtr& page_delegate); virtual ~WebPluginImpl(); // Helper function for sorting post data. static bool SetPostData(WebKit::WebURLRequest* request, const char* buf, uint32 length); virtual WebPluginDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; } private: // WebKit::WebPlugin methods: virtual bool initialize( WebKit::WebPluginContainer* container); virtual void destroy(); virtual NPObject* scriptableObject(); virtual void paint( WebKit::WebCanvas* canvas, const WebKit::WebRect& paint_rect); virtual void updateGeometry( const WebKit::WebRect& frame_rect, const WebKit::WebRect& clip_rect, const WebKit::WebVector& cut_outs, bool is_visible); virtual unsigned getBackingTextureId(); virtual void updateFocus(bool focused); virtual void updateVisibility(bool visible); virtual bool acceptsInputEvents(); virtual bool handleInputEvent( const WebKit::WebInputEvent& event, WebKit::WebCursorInfo& cursor_info); virtual void didReceiveResponse(const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response); virtual void didReceiveData(const char* data, int data_length); virtual void didFinishLoading(); virtual void didFailLoading(const WebKit::WebURLError& error); virtual void didFinishLoadingFrameRequest( const WebKit::WebURL& url, void* notify_data); virtual void didFailLoadingFrameRequest( const WebKit::WebURL& url, void* notify_data, const WebKit::WebURLError& error); virtual bool supportsPaginatedPrint(); virtual int printBegin(const WebKit::WebRect& printable_area, int printer_dpi); virtual bool printPage(int page_number, WebKit::WebCanvas* canvas); virtual void printEnd(); virtual bool hasSelection() const; virtual WebKit::WebString selectionAsText() const; virtual WebKit::WebString selectionAsMarkup() const; virtual void setZoomFactor(float scale, bool text_only); virtual bool startFind(const WebKit::WebString& search_text, bool case_sensitive, int identifier); virtual void selectFindResult(bool forward); virtual void stopFind(); // WebPlugin implementation: void SetWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window); virtual void SetAcceptsInputEvents(bool accepts) { accepts_input_events_ = accepts; } void WillDestroyWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window); #if defined(OS_WIN) void SetWindowlessPumpEvent(HANDLE pump_messages_event) { } #endif virtual void CancelResource(unsigned long id); virtual void Invalidate(); virtual void InvalidateRect(const gfx::Rect& rect); virtual NPObject* GetWindowScriptNPObject(); virtual NPObject* GetPluginElement(); virtual void SetCookie(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies, const std::string& cookie); virtual std::string GetCookies(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies); virtual void ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height, const std::string& json_arguments, std::string* json_retval); virtual void OnMissingPluginStatus(int status); virtual void URLRedirectResponse(bool allow, int resource_id); // Given a (maybe partial) url, completes using the base url. GURL CompleteURL(const char* url); // Executes the script passed in. The notify_needed and notify_data arguments // are passed in by the plugin process. These indicate whether the plugin // expects a notification on script execution. We pass them back to the // plugin as is. This avoids having to track the notification arguments in // the plugin process. bool ExecuteScript(const std::string& url, const std::wstring& script, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data, bool popups_allowed); enum RoutingStatus { ROUTED, NOT_ROUTED, INVALID_URL, GENERAL_FAILURE }; // Determines the referrer value sent along with outgoing HTTP requests // issued by plugins. enum Referrer { PLUGIN_SRC, DOCUMENT_URL, NO_REFERRER }; // Given a download request, check if we need to route the output to a frame. // Returns ROUTED if the load is done and routed to a frame, NOT_ROUTED or // corresponding error codes otherwise. RoutingStatus RouteToFrame(const char* url, bool is_javascript_url, const char* method, const char* target, const char* buf, unsigned int len, int notify_id, Referrer referrer_flag); // Returns the next avaiable resource id. Returns 0 if the operation fails. // It may fail if the page has already been closed. unsigned long GetNextResourceId(); // Initiates HTTP GET/POST requests. // Returns true on success. bool InitiateHTTPRequest(unsigned long resource_id, WebPluginResourceClient* client, const GURL& url, const char* method, const char* buf, int len, const char* range_info, Referrer referrer_flag, bool notify_redirects); gfx::Rect GetWindowClipRect(const gfx::Rect& rect); // Sets the actual Widget for the plugin. void SetContainer(WebKit::WebPluginContainer* container); // Destroys the plugin instance. // The response_handle_to_ignore parameter if not NULL indicates the // resource handle to be left valid during plugin shutdown. void TearDownPluginInstance(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader_to_ignore); // WebURLLoaderClient implementation. We implement this interface in the // renderer process, and then use the simple WebPluginResourceClient interface // to relay the callbacks to the plugin. virtual void willSendRequest(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader, WebKit::WebURLRequest& request, const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response); virtual void didSendData(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader, unsigned long long bytes_sent, unsigned long long total_bytes_to_be_sent); virtual void didReceiveResponse(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader, const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response); virtual void didReceiveData(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader, const char *buffer, int length); virtual void didFinishLoading(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader, double finishTime); virtual void didFail(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader, const WebKit::WebURLError& error); // Helper function to remove the stored information about a resource // request given its index in m_clients. void RemoveClient(size_t i); // Helper function to remove the stored information about a resource // request given a handle. void RemoveClient(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader); void HandleURLRequest(const char* url, const char *method, const char* target, const char* buf, unsigned int len, int notify_id, bool popups_allowed, bool notify_redirects); void CancelDocumentLoad(); void InitiateHTTPRangeRequest( const char* url, const char* range_info, int pending_request_id); void SetDeferResourceLoading(unsigned long resource_id, bool defer); // Ignore in-process plugins mode for this flag. bool IsOffTheRecord() { return false; } // Handles HTTP multipart responses, i.e. responses received with a HTTP // status code of 206. void HandleHttpMultipartResponse(const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response, WebPluginResourceClient* client); void HandleURLRequestInternal(const char* url, const char* method, const char* target, const char* buf, unsigned int len, int notify_id, bool popups_allowed, Referrer referrer_flag, bool notify_redirects); // Tears down the existing plugin instance and creates a new plugin instance // to handle the response identified by the loader parameter. bool ReinitializePluginForResponse(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader); // Delayed task for downloading the plugin source URL. void OnDownloadPluginSrcUrl(); struct ClientInfo; // Helper functions WebPluginResourceClient* GetClientFromLoader(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader); ClientInfo* GetClientInfoFromLoader(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader); // Helper function to set the referrer on the request passed in. void SetReferrer(WebKit::WebURLRequest* request, Referrer referrer_flag); // Returns DevToolsAgent for the frame or 0. WebKit::WebDevToolsAgent* GetDevToolsAgent(); // Check for invalid chars like @, ;, \ before the first / (in path). bool IsValidUrl(const GURL& url, Referrer referrer_flag); std::vector clients_; bool windowless_; gfx::PluginWindowHandle window_; bool accepts_input_events_; base::WeakPtr page_delegate_; WebKit::WebFrame* webframe_; WebPluginDelegate* delegate_; // This is just a weak reference. WebKit::WebPluginContainer* container_; typedef std::map MultiPartResponseHandlerMap; // Tracks HTTP multipart response handlers instantiated for // a WebPluginResourceClient instance. MultiPartResponseHandlerMap multi_part_response_map_; // The plugin source URL. GURL plugin_url_; // Indicates if the download would be initiated by the plugin or us. bool load_manually_; // Indicates if this is the first geometry update received by the plugin. bool first_geometry_update_; // Set to true if the next response error should be ignored. bool ignore_response_error_; // The current plugin geometry and clip rectangle. WebPluginGeometry geometry_; // The location of the plugin on disk. FilePath file_path_; // The mime type of the plugin. std::string mime_type_; // Holds the list of argument names and values passed to the plugin. We keep // these so that we can re-initialize the plugin if we need to. std::vector arg_names_; std::vector arg_values_; ScopedRunnableMethodFactory method_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebPluginImpl); }; } // namespace webkit_glue #endif // #ifndef WEBKIT_GLUE_WEBPLUGIN_IMPL_H_