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+<!-- This HTML file has been created by texi2html 1.51
+ from gettext.texi on 19 April 2001 -->
+<TITLE>GNU gettext utilities - 9 The Programmer's View</TITLE>
+Go to the <A HREF="gettext_1.html">first</A>, <A HREF="gettext_8.html">previous</A>, <A HREF="gettext_10.html">next</A>, <A HREF="gettext_14.html">last</A> section, <A HREF="gettext_toc.html">table of contents</A>.
+<H1><A NAME="SEC41" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC41">9 The Programmer's View</A></H1>
+One aim of the current message catalog implementation provided by
+GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> was to use the systems message catalog handling, if the
+installer wishes to do so. So we perhaps should first take a look at
+the solutions we know about. The people in the POSIX committee did not
+manage to agree on one of the semi-official standards which we'll
+describe below. In fact they couldn't agree on anything, so they decided
+only to include an example of an interface. The major Unix vendors
+are split in the usage of the two most important specifications: X/Open's
+catgets vs. Uniforum's gettext interface. We'll describe them both and
+later explain our solution of this dilemma.
+<H2><A NAME="SEC42" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC42">9.1 About <CODE>catgets</CODE></A></H2>
+The <CODE>catgets</CODE> implementation is defined in the X/Open Portability
+Guide, Volume 3, XSI Supplementary Definitions, Chapter 5. But the
+process of creating this standard seemed to be too slow for some of
+the Unix vendors so they created their implementations on preliminary
+versions of the standard. Of course this leads again to problems while
+writing platform independent programs: even the usage of <CODE>catgets</CODE>
+does not guarantee a unique interface.
+Another, personal comment on this that only a bunch of committee members
+could have made this interface. They never really tried to program
+using this interface. It is a fast, memory-saving implementation, an
+user can happily live with it. But programmers hate it (at least me and
+some others do...)
+But we must not forget one point: after all the trouble with transfering
+the rights on Unix(tm) they at last came to X/Open, the very same who
+published this specification. This leads me to making the prediction
+that this interface will be in future Unix standards (e.g. Spec1170) and
+therefore part of all Unix implementation (implementations, which are
+<EM>allowed</EM> to wear this name).
+<H3><A NAME="SEC43" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC43">9.1.1 The Interface</A></H3>
+The interface to the <CODE>catgets</CODE> implementation consists of three
+functions which correspond to those used in file access: <CODE>catopen</CODE>
+to open the catalog for using, <CODE>catgets</CODE> for accessing the message
+tables, and <CODE>catclose</CODE> for closing after work is done. Prototypes
+for the functions and the needed definitions are in the
+<CODE>&#60;nl_types.h&#62;</CODE> header file.
+<CODE>catopen</CODE> is used like in this:
+nl_catd catd = catopen ("catalog_name", 0);
+The function takes as the argument the name of the catalog. This usual
+refers to the name of the program or the package. The second parameter
+is not further specified in the standard. I don't even know whether it
+is implemented consistently among various systems. So the common advice
+is to use <CODE>0</CODE> as the value. The return value is a handle to the
+message catalog, equivalent to handles to file returned by <CODE>open</CODE>.
+This handle is of course used in the <CODE>catgets</CODE> function which can
+be used like this:
+char *translation = catgets (catd, set_no, msg_id, "original string");
+The first parameter is this catalog descriptor. The second parameter
+specifies the set of messages in this catalog, in which the message
+described by <CODE>msg_id</CODE> is obtained. <CODE>catgets</CODE> therefore uses a
+three-stage addressing:
+catalog name => set number => message ID => translation
+The fourth argument is not used to address the translation. It is given
+as a default value in case when one of the addressing stages fail. One
+important thing to remember is that although the return type of catgets
+is <CODE>char *</CODE> the resulting string <EM>must not</EM> be changed. It
+should better be <CODE>const char *</CODE>, but the standard is published in
+1988, one year before ANSI C.
+The last of these function functions is used and behaves as expected:
+catclose (catd);
+After this no <CODE>catgets</CODE> call using the descriptor is legal anymore.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC44" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC44">9.1.2 Problems with the <CODE>catgets</CODE> Interface?!</A></H3>
+Now that this description seemed to be really easy -- where are the
+problem we speak of? In fact the interface could be used in a
+reasonable way, but constructing the message catalogs is a pain. The
+reason for this lies in the third argument of <CODE>catgets</CODE>: the unique
+message ID. This has to be a numeric value for all messages in a single
+set. Perhaps you could imagine the problems keeping such a list while
+changing the source code. Add a new message here, remove one there. Of
+course there have been developed a lot of tools helping to organize this
+chaos but one as the other fails in one aspect or the other. We don't
+want to say that the other approach has no problems but they are far
+more easy to manage.
+<H2><A NAME="SEC45" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC45">9.2 About <CODE>gettext</CODE></A></H2>
+The definition of the <CODE>gettext</CODE> interface comes from a Uniforum
+proposal and it is followed by at least one major Unix vendor
+(Sun) in its last developments. It is not specified in any official
+standard, though.
+The main points about this solution is that it does not follow the
+method of normal file handling (open-use-close) and that it does not
+burden the programmer so many task, especially the unique key handling.
+Of course here is also a unique key needed, but this key is the message
+itself (how long or short it is). See section <A HREF="gettext_9.html#SEC53">9.3 Comparing the Two Interfaces</A> for a more
+detailed comparison of the two methods.
+The following section contains a rather detailed description of the
+interface. We make it that detailed because this is the interface
+we chose for the GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> Library. Programmers interested
+in using this library will be interested in this description.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC46" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC46">9.2.1 The Interface</A></H3>
+The minimal functionality an interface must have is a) to select a
+domain the strings are coming from (a single domain for all programs is
+not reasonable because its construction and maintenance is difficult,
+perhaps impossible) and b) to access a string in a selected domain.
+This is principally the description of the <CODE>gettext</CODE> interface. It
+has a global domain which unqualified usages reference. Of course this
+domain is selectable by the user.
+char *textdomain (const char *domain_name);
+This provides the possibility to change or query the current status of
+the current global domain of the <CODE>LC_MESSAGE</CODE> category. The
+argument is a null-terminated string, whose characters must be legal in
+the use in filenames. If the <VAR>domain_name</VAR> argument is <CODE>NULL</CODE>,
+the function return the current value. If no value has been set
+before, the name of the default domain is returned: <EM>messages</EM>.
+Please note that although the return value of <CODE>textdomain</CODE> is of
+type <CODE>char *</CODE> no changing is allowed. It is also important to know
+that no checks of the availability are made. If the name is not
+available you will see this by the fact that no translations are provided.
+To use a domain set by <CODE>textdomain</CODE> the function
+char *gettext (const char *msgid);
+is to be used. This is the simplest reasonable form one can imagine.
+The translation of the string <VAR>msgid</VAR> is returned if it is available
+in the current domain. If not available the argument itself is
+returned. If the argument is <CODE>NULL</CODE> the result is undefined.
+One things which should come into mind is that no explicit dependency to
+the used domain is given. The current value of the domain for the
+<CODE>LC_MESSAGES</CODE> locale is used. If this changes between two
+executions of the same <CODE>gettext</CODE> call in the program, both calls
+reference a different message catalog.
+For the easiest case, which is normally used in internationalized
+packages, once at the beginning of execution a call to <CODE>textdomain</CODE>
+is issued, setting the domain to a unique name, normally the package
+name. In the following code all strings which have to be translated are
+filtered through the gettext function. That's all, the package speaks
+your language.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC47" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC47">9.2.2 Solving Ambiguities</A></H3>
+While this single name domain works well for most applications there
+might be the need to get translations from more than one domain. Of
+course one could switch between different domains with calls to
+<CODE>textdomain</CODE>, but this is really not convenient nor is it fast. A
+possible situation could be one case subject to discussion during this
+writing: all
+error messages of functions in the set of common used functions should
+go into a separate domain <CODE>error</CODE>. By this mean we would only need
+to translate them once.
+Another case are messages from a library, as these <EM>have</EM> to be
+independent of the current domain set by the application.
+For this reasons there are two more functions to retrieve strings:
+char *dgettext (const char *domain_name, const char *msgid);
+char *dcgettext (const char *domain_name, const char *msgid,
+ int category);
+Both take an additional argument at the first place, which corresponds
+to the argument of <CODE>textdomain</CODE>. The third argument of
+<CODE>dcgettext</CODE> allows to use another locale but <CODE>LC_MESSAGES</CODE>.
+But I really don't know where this can be useful. If the
+<VAR>domain_name</VAR> is <CODE>NULL</CODE> or <VAR>category</VAR> has an value beside
+the known ones, the result is undefined. It should also be noted that
+this function is not part of the second known implementation of this
+function family, the one found in Solaris.
+A second ambiguity can arise by the fact, that perhaps more than one
+domain has the same name. This can be solved by specifying where the
+needed message catalog files can be found.
+char *bindtextdomain (const char *domain_name,
+ const char *dir_name);
+Calling this function binds the given domain to a file in the specified
+directory (how this file is determined follows below). Especially a
+file in the systems default place is not favored against the specified
+file anymore (as it would be by solely using <CODE>textdomain</CODE>). A
+<CODE>NULL</CODE> pointer for the <VAR>dir_name</VAR> parameter returns the binding
+associated with <VAR>domain_name</VAR>. If <VAR>domain_name</VAR> itself is
+<CODE>NULL</CODE> nothing happens and a <CODE>NULL</CODE> pointer is returned. Here
+again as for all the other functions is true that none of the return
+value must be changed!
+It is important to remember that relative path names for the
+<VAR>dir_name</VAR> parameter can be trouble. Since the path is always
+computed relative to the current directory different results will be
+achieved when the program executes a <CODE>chdir</CODE> command. Relative
+paths should always be avoided to avoid dependencies and
+<H3><A NAME="SEC48" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC48">9.2.3 Locating Message Catalog Files</A></H3>
+Because many different languages for many different packages have to be
+stored we need some way to add these information to file message catalog
+files. The way usually used in Unix environments is have this encoding
+in the file name. This is also done here. The directory name given in
+<CODE>bindtextdomain</CODE>s second argument (or the default directory),
+followed by the value and name of the locale and the domain name are
+The default value for <VAR>dir_name</VAR> is system specific. For the GNU
+library, and for packages adhering to its conventions, it's:
+<VAR>locale</VAR> is the value of the locale whose name is this
+<CODE>LC_<VAR>category</VAR></CODE>. For <CODE>gettext</CODE> and <CODE>dgettext</CODE> this
+<CODE>LC_<VAR>category</VAR></CODE> is always <CODE>LC_MESSAGES</CODE>.<A NAME="DOCF3" HREF="gettext_foot.html#FOOT3">(3)</A>
+The value of the locale is determined through
+<CODE>setlocale (LC_<VAR>category</VAR>, NULL)</CODE>.
+<A NAME="DOCF4" HREF="gettext_foot.html#FOOT4">(4)</A>
+<CODE>dcgettext</CODE> specifies the locale category by the third argument.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC49" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC49">9.2.4 How to specify the output character set <CODE>gettext</CODE> uses</A></H3>
+<CODE>gettext</CODE> not only looks up a translation in a message catalog. It
+also converts the translation on the fly to the desired output character
+set. This is useful if the user is working in a different character set
+than the translator who created the message catalog, because it avoids
+distributing variants of message catalogs which differ only in the
+character set.
+The output character set is, by default, the value of <CODE>nl_langinfo
+(CODESET)</CODE>, which depends on the <CODE>LC_CTYPE</CODE> part of the current
+locale. But programs which store strings in a locale independent way
+(e.g. UTF-8) can request that <CODE>gettext</CODE> and related functions
+return the translations in that encoding, by use of the
+<CODE>bind_textdomain_codeset</CODE> function.
+Note that the <VAR>msgid</VAR> argument to <CODE>gettext</CODE> is not subject to
+character set conversion. Also, when <CODE>gettext</CODE> does not find a
+translation for <VAR>msgid</VAR>, it returns <VAR>msgid</VAR> unchanged --
+independently of the current output character set. It is therefore
+recommended that all <VAR>msgid</VAR>s be US-ASCII strings.
+<DT><U>Function:</U> char * <B>bind_textdomain_codeset</B> <I>(const char *<VAR>domainname</VAR>, const char *<VAR>codeset</VAR>)</I>
+<DD><A NAME="IDX1"></A>
+The <CODE>bind_textdomain_codeset</CODE> function can be used to specify the
+output character set for message catalogs for domain <VAR>domainname</VAR>.
+The <VAR>codeset</VAR> argument must be a valid codeset name which can be used
+for the <CODE>iconv_open</CODE> function, or a null pointer.
+If the <VAR>codeset</VAR> parameter is the null pointer,
+<CODE>bind_textdomain_codeset</CODE> returns the currently selected codeset
+for the domain with the name <VAR>domainname</VAR>. It returns <CODE>NULL</CODE> if
+no codeset has yet been selected.
+The <CODE>bind_textdomain_codeset</CODE> function can be used several times.
+If used multiple times with the same <VAR>domainname</VAR> argument, the
+later call overrides the settings made by the earlier one.
+The <CODE>bind_textdomain_codeset</CODE> function returns a pointer to a
+string containing the name of the selected codeset. The string is
+allocated internally in the function and must not be changed by the
+user. If the system went out of core during the execution of
+<CODE>bind_textdomain_codeset</CODE>, the return value is <CODE>NULL</CODE> and the
+global variable <VAR>errno</VAR> is set accordingly.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC50" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC50">9.2.5 Additional functions for plural forms</A></H3>
+The functions of the <CODE>gettext</CODE> family described so far (and all the
+<CODE>catgets</CODE> functions as well) have one problem in the real world
+which have been neglected completely in all existing approaches. What
+is meant here is the handling of plural forms.
+Looking through Unix source code before the time anybody thought about
+internationalization (and, sadly, even afterwards) one can often find
+code similar to the following:
+ printf ("%d file%s deleted", n, n == 1 ? "" : "s");
+After the first complaints from people internationalizing the code people
+either completely avoided formulations like this or used strings like
+<CODE>"file(s)"</CODE>. Both look unnatural and should be avoided. First
+tries to solve the problem correctly looked like this:
+ if (n == 1)
+ printf ("%d file deleted", n);
+ else
+ printf ("%d files deleted", n);
+But this does not solve the problem. It helps languages where the
+plural form of a noun is not simply constructed by adding an `s' but
+that is all. Once again people fell into the trap of believing the
+rules their language is using are universal. But the handling of plural
+forms differs widely between the language families. For example,
+Rafal Maszkowski <CODE>&#60;;</CODE> reports:
+In Polish we use e.g. plik (file) this way:
+1 plik
+2,3,4 pliki
+5-21 pliko'w
+22-24 pliki
+25-31 pliko'w
+and so on (o' means 8859-2 oacute which should be rather okreska,
+similar to aogonek).
+There are two things which can differ between languages (and even inside
+language families);
+The form how plural forms are build differs. This is a problem with
+languages which have many irregularities. German, for instance, is a
+drastic case. Though English and German are part of the same language
+family (Germanic), the almost regular forming of plural noun forms
+(appending an `s') is hardly found in German.
+The number of plural forms differ. This is somewhat surprising for
+those who only have experiences with Romanic and Germanic languages
+since here the number is the same (there are two).
+But other language families have only one form or many forms. More
+information on this in an extra section.
+The consequence of this is that application writers should not try to
+solve the problem in their code. This would be localization since it is
+only usable for certain, hardcoded language environments. Instead the
+extended <CODE>gettext</CODE> interface should be used.
+These extra functions are taking instead of the one key string two
+strings and a numerical argument. The idea behind this is that using
+the numerical argument and the first string as a key, the implementation
+can select using rules specified by the translator the right plural
+form. The two string arguments then will be used to provide a return
+value in case no message catalog is found (similar to the normal
+<CODE>gettext</CODE> behavior). In this case the rules for Germanic language
+is used and it is assumed that the first string argument is the singular
+form, the second the plural form.
+This has the consequence that programs without language catalogs can
+display the correct strings only if the program itself is written using
+a Germanic language. This is a limitation but since the GNU C library
+(as well as the GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> package) are written as part of the
+GNU package and the coding standards for the GNU project require program
+being written in English, this solution nevertheless fulfills its
+<DT><U>Function:</U> char * <B>ngettext</B> <I>(const char *<VAR>msgid1</VAR>, const char *<VAR>msgid2</VAR>, unsigned long int <VAR>n</VAR>)</I>
+<DD><A NAME="IDX2"></A>
+The <CODE>ngettext</CODE> function is similar to the <CODE>gettext</CODE> function
+as it finds the message catalogs in the same way. But it takes two
+extra arguments. The <VAR>msgid1</VAR> parameter must contain the singular
+form of the string to be converted. It is also used as the key for the
+search in the catalog. The <VAR>msgid2</VAR> parameter is the plural form.
+The parameter <VAR>n</VAR> is used to determine the plural form. If no
+message catalog is found <VAR>msgid1</VAR> is returned if <CODE>n == 1</CODE>,
+otherwise <CODE>msgid2</CODE>.
+An example for the use of this function is:
+printf (ngettext ("%d file removed", "%d files removed", n), n);
+Please note that the numeric value <VAR>n</VAR> has to be passed to the
+<CODE>printf</CODE> function as well. It is not sufficient to pass it only to
+<DT><U>Function:</U> char * <B>dngettext</B> <I>(const char *<VAR>domain</VAR>, const char *<VAR>msgid1</VAR>, const char *<VAR>msgid2</VAR>, unsigned long int <VAR>n</VAR>)</I>
+<DD><A NAME="IDX3"></A>
+The <CODE>dngettext</CODE> is similar to the <CODE>dgettext</CODE> function in the
+way the message catalog is selected. The difference is that it takes
+two extra parameter to provide the correct plural form. These two
+parameters are handled in the same way <CODE>ngettext</CODE> handles them.
+<DT><U>Function:</U> char * <B>dcngettext</B> <I>(const char *<VAR>domain</VAR>, const char *<VAR>msgid1</VAR>, const char *<VAR>msgid2</VAR>, unsigned long int <VAR>n</VAR>, int <VAR>category</VAR>)</I>
+<DD><A NAME="IDX4"></A>
+The <CODE>dcngettext</CODE> is similar to the <CODE>dcgettext</CODE> function in the
+way the message catalog is selected. The difference is that it takes
+two extra parameter to provide the correct plural form. These two
+parameters are handled in the same way <CODE>ngettext</CODE> handles them.
+Now, how do these functions solve the problem of the plural forms?
+Without the input of linguists (which was not available) it was not
+possible to determine whether there are only a few different forms in
+which plural forms are formed or whether the number can increase with
+every new supported language.
+Therefore the solution implemented is to allow the translator to specify
+the rules of how to select the plural form. Since the formula varies
+with every language this is the only viable solution except for
+hardcoding the information in the code (which still would require the
+possibility of extensions to not prevent the use of new languages).
+The information about the plural form selection has to be stored in the
+header entry of the PO file (the one with the empty <CODE>msgid</CODE> string).
+The plural form information looks like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : 1;
+The <CODE>nplurals</CODE> value must be a decimal number which specifies how
+many different plural forms exist for this language. The string
+following <CODE>plural</CODE> is an expression which is using the C language
+syntax. Exceptions are that no negative numbers are allowed, numbers
+must be decimal, and the only variable allowed is <CODE>n</CODE>. This
+expression will be evaluated whenever one of the functions
+<CODE>ngettext</CODE>, <CODE>dngettext</CODE>, or <CODE>dcngettext</CODE> is called. The
+numeric value passed to these functions is then substituted for all uses
+of the variable <CODE>n</CODE> in the expression. The resulting value then
+must be greater or equal to zero and smaller than the value given as the
+value of <CODE>nplurals</CODE>.
+The following rules are known at this point. The language with families
+are listed. But this does not necessarily mean the information can be
+generalized for the whole family (as can be easily seen in the table
+below).<A NAME="DOCF5" HREF="gettext_foot.html#FOOT5">(5)</A>.}
+<DT>Only one form:
+Some languages only require one single form. There is no distinction
+between the singular and plural form. An appropriate header entry
+would look like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Finno-Ugric family
+<DT>Asian family
+<DT>Turkic/Altaic family
+<DT>Two forms, singular used for one only
+This is the form used in most existing programs since it is what English
+is using. A header entry would look like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;
+(Note: this uses the feature of C expressions that boolean expressions
+have to value zero or one.)
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Germanic family
+Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish
+<DT>Finno-Ugric family
+Estonian, Finnish
+<DT>Latin/Greek family
+<DT>Semitic family
+<DT>Romanic family
+Italian, Spanish
+<DT>Two forms, singular used for zero and one
+Exceptional case in the language family. The header entry would be:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n&#62;1;
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Romanic family
+<DT>Three forms, special cases for one and two
+The header entry would be:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2;
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Three forms, special case for numbers ending in 1[2-9]
+The header entry would look like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; \
+ plural=n%10==1 &#38;&#38; n%100!=11 ? 0 : \
+ n%10&#62;=2 &#38;&#38; (n%100&#60;10 || n%100&#62;=20) ? 1 : 2;
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Baltic family
+<DT>Three forms, special cases for numbers ending in 1 and 2, 3, 4, except those ending in 1[1-4]
+The header entry would look like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; \
+ plural=n%10==1 &#38;&#38; n%100!=11 ? 0 : \
+ n%10&#62;=2 &#38;&#38; n%10&#60;=4 &#38;&#38; (n%100&#60;10 || n%100&#62;=20) ? 1 : 2;
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Slavic family
+Czech, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian
+<DT>Three forms, special case for one and some numbers ending in 2, 3, or 4
+The header entry would look like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; \
+ plural=n==1 ? 0 : \
+ n%10&#62;=2 &#38;&#38; n%10&#60;=4 &#38;&#38; (n%100&#60;10 || n%100&#62;=20) ? 1 : 2;
+(Continuation in the next line is possible.)
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Slavic family
+<DT>Four forms, special case for one and all numbers ending in 02, 03, or 04
+The header entry would look like this:
+Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; \
+ plural=n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3;
+Languages with this property include:
+<DT>Slavic family
+<H3><A NAME="SEC51" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC51">9.2.6 How to use <CODE>gettext</CODE> in GUI programs</A></H3>
+One place where the <CODE>gettext</CODE> functions, if used normally, have big
+problems is within programs with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The
+problem is that many of the strings which have to be translated are very
+short. They have to appear in pull-down menus which restricts the
+length. But strings which are not containing entire sentences or at
+least large fragments of a sentence may appear in more than one
+situation in the program but might have different translations. This is
+especially true for the one-word strings which are frequently used in
+GUI programs.
+As a consequence many people say that the <CODE>gettext</CODE> approach is
+wrong and instead <CODE>catgets</CODE> should be used which indeed does not
+have this problem. But there is a very simple and powerful method to
+handle these kind of problems with the <CODE>gettext</CODE> functions.
+As as example consider the following fictional situation. A GUI program
+has a menu bar with the following entries:
+| File | Printer | |
+| Open | | Select |
+| New | | Open |
++----------+ | Connect |
+ +----------+
+To have the strings <CODE>File</CODE>, <CODE>Printer</CODE>, <CODE>Open</CODE>,
+<CODE>New</CODE>, <CODE>Select</CODE>, and <CODE>Connect</CODE> translated there has to be
+at some point in the code a call to a function of the <CODE>gettext</CODE>
+family. But in two places the string passed into the function would be
+<CODE>Open</CODE>. The translations might not be the same and therefore we
+are in the dilemma described above.
+One solution to this problem is to artificially enlengthen the strings
+to make them unambiguous. But what would the program do if no
+translation is available? The enlengthened string is not what should be
+printed. So we should use a little bit modified version of the functions.
+To enlengthen the strings a uniform method should be used. E.g., in the
+example above the strings could be chosen as
+Now all the strings are different and if now instead of <CODE>gettext</CODE>
+the following little wrapper function is used, everything works just
+<A NAME="IDX5"></A>
+ char *
+ sgettext (const char *msgid)
+ {
+ char *msgval = gettext (msgid);
+ if (msgval == msgid)
+ msgval = strrchr (msgid, '|') + 1;
+ return msgval;
+ }
+What this little function does is to recognize the case when no
+translation is available. This can be done very efficiently by a
+pointer comparison since the return value is the input value. If there
+is no translation we know that the input string is in the format we used
+for the Menu entries and therefore contains a <CODE>|</CODE> character. We
+simply search for the last occurrence of this character and return a
+pointer to the character following it. That's it!
+If one now consistently uses the enlengthened string form and replaces
+the <CODE>gettext</CODE> calls with calls to <CODE>sgettext</CODE> (this is normally
+limited to very few places in the GUI implementation) then it is
+possible to produce a program which can be internationalized.
+The other <CODE>gettext</CODE> functions (<CODE>dgettext</CODE>, <CODE>dcgettext</CODE>
+and the <CODE>ngettext</CODE> equivalents) can and should have corresponding
+functions as well which look almost identical, except for the parameters
+and the call to the underlying function.
+Now there is of course the question why such functions do not exist in
+the GNU gettext package? There are two parts of the answer to this question.
+They are easy to write and therefore can be provided by the project they
+are used in. This is not an answer by itself and must be seen together
+with the second part which is:
+There is no way the gettext package can contain a version which can work
+everywhere. The problem is the selection of the character to separate
+the prefix from the actual string in the enlenghtened string. The
+examples above used <CODE>|</CODE> which is a quite good choice because it
+resembles a notation frequently used in this context and it also is a
+character not often used in message strings.
+But what if the character is used in message strings? Or if the chose
+character is not available in the character set on the machine one
+compiles (e.g., <CODE>|</CODE> is not required to exist for ISO C; this is
+why the <TT>`iso646.h'</TT> file exists in ISO C programming environments).
+There is only one more comment to be said. The wrapper function above
+requires that the translations strings are not enlengthened themselves.
+This is only logical. There is no need to disambiguate the strings
+(since they are never used as keys for a search) and one also saves
+quite some memory and disk space by doing this.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC52" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC52">9.2.7 Optimization of the *gettext functions</A></H3>
+At this point of the discussion we should talk about an advantage of the
+GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> implementation. Some readers might have pointed out
+that an internationalized program might have a poor performance if some
+string has to be translated in an inner loop. While this is unavoidable
+when the string varies from one run of the loop to the other it is
+simply a waste of time when the string is always the same. Take the
+following example:
+ while (...)
+ {
+ puts (gettext ("Hello world"));
+ }
+When the locale selection does not change between two runs the resulting
+string is always the same. One way to use this is:
+ str = gettext ("Hello world");
+ while (...)
+ {
+ puts (str);
+ }
+But this solution is not usable in all situation (e.g. when the locale
+selection changes) nor does it lead to legible code.
+For this reason, GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> caches previous translation results.
+When the same translation is requested twice, with no new message
+catalogs being loaded in between, <CODE>gettext</CODE> will, the second time,
+find the result through a single cache lookup.
+<H2><A NAME="SEC53" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC53">9.3 Comparing the Two Interfaces</A></H2>
+The following discussion is perhaps a little bit colored. As said
+above we implemented GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> following the Uniforum
+proposal and this surely has its reasons. But it should show how we
+came to this decision.
+First we take a look at the developing process. When we write an
+application using NLS provided by <CODE>gettext</CODE> we proceed as always.
+Only when we come to a string which might be seen by the users and thus
+has to be translated we use <CODE>gettext("...")</CODE> instead of
+<CODE>"..."</CODE>. At the beginning of each source file (or in a central
+header file) we define
+#define gettext(String) (String)
+Even this definition can be avoided when the system supports the
+<CODE>gettext</CODE> function in its C library. When we compile this code the
+result is the same as if no NLS code is used. When you take a look at
+the GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> code you will see that we use <CODE>_("...")</CODE>
+instead of <CODE>gettext("...")</CODE>. This reduces the number of
+additional characters per translatable string to <EM>3</EM> (in words:
+When now a production version of the program is needed we simply replace
+the definition
+#define _(String) (String)
+#include &#60;libintl.h&#62;
+#define _(String) gettext (String)
+Additionally we run the program <TT>`xgettext'</TT> on all source code file
+which contain translatable strings and that's it: we have a running
+program which does not depend on translations to be available, but which
+can use any that becomes available.
+The same procedure can be done for the <CODE>gettext_noop</CODE> invocations
+(see section <A HREF="gettext_3.html#SEC18">3.5 Special Cases of Translatable Strings</A>). One usually defines <CODE>gettext_noop</CODE> as a
+no-op macro. So you should consider the following code for your project:
+#define gettext_noop(String) (String)
+#define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)
+<CODE>N_</CODE> is a short form similar to <CODE>_</CODE>. The <TT>`Makefile'</TT> in
+the <TT>`po/'</TT> directory of GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> knows by default both of the
+mentioned short forms so you are invited to follow this proposal for
+your own ease.
+Now to <CODE>catgets</CODE>. The main problem is the work for the
+programmer. Every time he comes to a translatable string he has to
+define a number (or a symbolic constant) which has also be defined in
+the message catalog file. He also has to take care for duplicate
+entries, duplicate message IDs etc. If he wants to have the same
+quality in the message catalog as the GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> program
+provides he also has to put the descriptive comments for the strings and
+the location in all source code files in the message catalog. This is
+nearly a Mission: Impossible.
+But there are also some points people might call advantages speaking for
+<CODE>catgets</CODE>. If you have a single word in a string and this string
+is used in different contexts it is likely that in one or the other
+language the word has different translations. Example:
+printf ("%s: %d", gettext ("number"), number_of_errors)
+printf ("you should see %d %s", number_count,
+ number_count == 1 ? gettext ("number") : gettext ("numbers"))
+Here we have to translate two times the string <CODE>"number"</CODE>. Even
+if you do not speak a language beside English it might be possible to
+recognize that the two words have a different meaning. In German the
+first appearance has to be translated to <CODE>"Anzahl"</CODE> and the second
+to <CODE>"Zahl"</CODE>.
+Now you can say that this example is really esoteric. And you are
+right! This is exactly how we felt about this problem and decide that
+it does not weight that much. The solution for the above problem could
+be very easy:
+printf ("%s %d", gettext ("number:"), number_of_errors)
+printf (number_count == 1 ? gettext ("you should see %d number")
+ : gettext ("you should see %d numbers"),
+ number_count)
+We believe that we can solve all conflicts with this method. If it is
+difficult one can also consider changing one of the conflicting string a
+little bit. But it is not impossible to overcome.
+<CODE>catgets</CODE> allows same original entry to have different translations,
+but <CODE>gettext</CODE> has another, scalable approach for solving ambiguities
+of this kind: See section <A HREF="gettext_9.html#SEC47">9.2.2 Solving Ambiguities</A>.
+<H2><A NAME="SEC54" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC54">9.4 Using libintl.a in own programs</A></H2>
+Starting with version 0.9.4 the library <CODE>libintl.h</CODE> should be
+self-contained. I.e., you can use it in your own programs without
+providing additional functions. The <TT>`Makefile'</TT> will put the header
+and the library in directories selected using the <CODE>$(prefix)</CODE>.
+One exception of the above is found on HP-UX 10.01 systems. Here the C
+library does not contain the <CODE>alloca</CODE> function (and the HP compiler
+does not generate it inlined). But it is not intended to rewrite the whole
+library just because of this dumb system. Instead include the
+<CODE>alloca</CODE> function in all package you use the <CODE>libintl.a</CODE> in.
+<H2><A NAME="SEC55" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC55">9.5 Being a <CODE>gettext</CODE> grok</A></H2>
+To fully exploit the functionality of the GNU <CODE>gettext</CODE> library it
+is surely helpful to read the source code. But for those who don't want
+to spend that much time in reading the (sometimes complicated) code here
+is a list comments:
+<LI>Changing the language at runtime
+For interactive programs it might be useful to offer a selection of the
+used language at runtime. To understand how to do this one need to know
+how the used language is determined while executing the <CODE>gettext</CODE>
+function. The method which is presented here only works correctly
+with the GNU implementation of the <CODE>gettext</CODE> functions.
+In the function <CODE>dcgettext</CODE> at every call the current setting of
+the highest priority environment variable is determined and used.
+Highest priority means here the following list with decreasing
+<LI><CODE>LC_xxx</CODE>, according to selected locale
+Afterwards the path is constructed using the found value and the
+translation file is loaded if available.
+What is now when the value for, say, <CODE>LANGUAGE</CODE> changes. According
+to the process explained above the new value of this variable is found
+as soon as the <CODE>dcgettext</CODE> function is called. But this also means
+the (perhaps) different message catalog file is loaded. In other
+words: the used language is changed.
+But there is one little hook. The code for gcc-2.7.0 and up provides
+some optimization. This optimization normally prevents the calling of
+the <CODE>dcgettext</CODE> function as long as no new catalog is loaded. But
+if <CODE>dcgettext</CODE> is not called the program also cannot find the
+<CODE>LANGUAGE</CODE> variable be changed (see section <A HREF="gettext_9.html#SEC52">9.2.7 Optimization of the *gettext functions</A>). A
+solution for this is very easy. Include the following code in the
+language switching function.
+ /* Change language. */
+ setenv ("LANGUAGE", "fr", 1);
+ /* Make change known. */
+ {
+ extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
+ ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr;
+ }
+The variable <CODE>_nl_msg_cat_cntr</CODE> is defined in <TT>`loadmsgcat.c'</TT>.
+The programmer will find himself in need for a construct like this only
+when developing programs which do run longer and provide the user to
+select the language at runtime. Non-interactive programs (like all
+these little Unix tools) should never need this.
+<H2><A NAME="SEC56" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC56">9.6 Temporary Notes for the Programmers Chapter</A></H2>
+<H3><A NAME="SEC57" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC57">9.6.1 Temporary - Two Possible Implementations</A></H3>
+There are two competing methods for language independent messages:
+the X/Open <CODE>catgets</CODE> method, and the Uniforum <CODE>gettext</CODE>
+method. The <CODE>catgets</CODE> method indexes messages by integers; the
+<CODE>gettext</CODE> method indexes them by their English translations.
+The <CODE>catgets</CODE> method has been around longer and is supported
+by more vendors. The <CODE>gettext</CODE> method is supported by Sun,
+and it has been heard that the COSE multi-vendor initiative is
+supporting it. Neither method is a POSIX standard; the POSIX.1
+committee had a lot of disagreement in this area.
+Neither one is in the POSIX standard. There was much disagreement
+in the POSIX.1 committee about using the <CODE>gettext</CODE> routines
+vs. <CODE>catgets</CODE> (XPG). In the end the committee couldn't
+agree on anything, so no messaging system was included as part
+of the standard. I believe the informative annex of the standard
+includes the XPG3 messaging interfaces, " an example of
+a messaging system that has been implemented..."
+They were very careful not to say anywhere that you should use one
+set of interfaces over the other. For more on this topic please
+see the Programming for Internationalization FAQ.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC58" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC58">9.6.2 Temporary - About <CODE>catgets</CODE></A></H3>
+There have been a few discussions of late on the use of
+<CODE>catgets</CODE> as a base. I think it important to present both
+sides of the argument and hence am opting to play devil's advocate
+for a little bit.
+I'll not deny the fact that <CODE>catgets</CODE> could have been designed
+a lot better. It currently has quite a number of limitations and
+these have already been pointed out.
+However there is a great deal to be said for consistency and
+standardization. A common recurring problem when writing Unix
+software is the myriad portability problems across Unix platforms.
+It seems as if every Unix vendor had a look at the operating system
+and found parts they could improve upon. Undoubtedly, these
+modifications are probably innovative and solve real problems.
+However, software developers have a hard time keeping up with all
+these changes across so many platforms.
+And this has prompted the Unix vendors to begin to standardize their
+systems. Hence the impetus for Spec1170. Every major Unix vendor
+has committed to supporting this standard and every Unix software
+developer waits with glee the day they can write software to this
+standard and simply recompile (without having to use autoconf)
+across different platforms.
+As I understand it, Spec1170 is roughly based upon version 4 of the
+X/Open Portability Guidelines (XPG4). Because <CODE>catgets</CODE> and
+friends are defined in XPG4, I'm led to believe that <CODE>catgets</CODE>
+is a part of Spec1170 and hence will become a standardized component
+of all Unix systems.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC59" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC59">9.6.3 Temporary - Why a single implementation</A></H3>
+Now it seems kind of wasteful to me to have two different systems
+installed for accessing message catalogs. If we do want to remedy
+<CODE>catgets</CODE> deficiencies why don't we try to expand <CODE>catgets</CODE>
+(in a compatible manner) rather than implement an entirely new system.
+Otherwise, we'll end up with two message catalog access systems installed
+with an operating system - one set of routines for packages using GNU
+<CODE>gettext</CODE> for their internationalization, and another set of routines
+(catgets) for all other software. Bloated?
+Supposing another catalog access system is implemented. Which do
+we recommend? At least for Linux, we need to attract as many
+software developers as possible. Hence we need to make it as easy
+for them to port their software as possible. Which means supporting
+<CODE>catgets</CODE>. We will be implementing the <CODE>libintl</CODE> code
+within our <CODE>libc</CODE>, but does this mean we also have to incorporate
+another message catalog access scheme within our <CODE>libc</CODE> as well?
+And what about people who are going to be using the <CODE>libintl</CODE>
++ non-<CODE>catgets</CODE> routines. When they port their software to
+other platforms, they're now going to have to include the front-end
+(<CODE>libintl</CODE>) code plus the back-end code (the non-<CODE>catgets</CODE>
+access routines) with their software instead of just including the
+<CODE>libintl</CODE> code with their software.
+Message catalog support is however only the tip of the iceberg.
+What about the data for the other locale categories. They also have
+a number of deficiencies. Are we going to abandon them as well and
+develop another duplicate set of routines (should <CODE>libintl</CODE>
+expand beyond message catalog support)?
+Like many parts of Unix that can be improved upon, we're stuck with balancing
+compatibility with the past with useful improvements and innovations for
+the future.
+<H3><A NAME="SEC60" HREF="gettext_toc.html#TOC60">9.6.4 Temporary - Notes</A></H3>
+X/Open agreed very late on the standard form so that many
+implementations differ from the final form. Both of my system (old
+Linux catgets and Ultrix-4) have a strange variation.
+OK. After incorporating the last changes I have to spend some time on
+making the GNU/Linux <CODE>libc</CODE> <CODE>gettext</CODE> functions. So in future
+Solaris is not the only system having <CODE>gettext</CODE>.
+Go to the <A HREF="gettext_1.html">first</A>, <A HREF="gettext_8.html">previous</A>, <A HREF="gettext_10.html">next</A>, <A HREF="gettext_14.html">last</A> section, <A HREF="gettext_toc.html">table of contents</A>.