Technical contents of ISO 639:1988 (E/F) "Code for the representation of names of languages". Typed by 1990-11-30 Minor corrections, 1992-09-08 by Keld Simonsen Sundanese corrected, 1992-11-11 by Keld Simonsen Telugu corrected, 1995-08-24 by Keld Simonsen Hebrew, Indonesian, Yiddish corrected 1995-10-10 by Michael Everson Inuktitut, Uighur, Zhuang added 1995-10-10 by Michael Everson Sinhalese corrected, 1995-10-10 by Michael Everson Faeroese corrected to Faroese, 1995-11-18 by Keld Simonsen Two-letter lower-case symbols are used. The Registration Authority for ISO 639 is Infoterm, Osterreichisches Normungsinstitut (ON), Postfach 130, A-1021 Vienna, Austria. aa Afar ab Abkhazian af Afrikaans am Amharic ar Arabic as Assamese ay Aymara az Azerbaijani ba Bashkir be Byelorussian bg Bulgarian bh Bihari bi Bislama bn Bengali; Bangla bo Tibetan br Breton ca Catalan co Corsican cs Czech cy Welsh da Danish de German dz Bhutani el Greek en English eo Esperanto es Spanish et Estonian eu Basque fa Persian fi Finnish fj Fiji fo Faroese fr French fy Frisian ga Irish gd Scots Gaelic gl Galician gn Guarani gu Gujarati ha Hausa he Hebrew (formerly iw) hi Hindi hr Croatian hu Hungarian hy Armenian ia Interlingua id Indonesian (formerly in) ie Interlingue ik Inupiak is Icelandic it Italian iu Inuktitut ja Japanese jw Javanese ka Georgian kk Kazakh kl Greenlandic km Cambodian kn Kannada ko Korean ks Kashmiri ku Kurdish ky Kirghiz la Latin ln Lingala lo Laothian lt Lithuanian lv Latvian, Lettish mg Malagasy mi Maori mk Macedonian ml Malayalam mn Mongolian mo Moldavian mr Marathi ms Malay mt Maltese my Burmese na Nauru ne Nepali nl Dutch no Norwegian oc Occitan om (Afan) Oromo or Oriya pa Punjabi pl Polish ps Pashto, Pushto pt Portuguese qu Quechua rm Rhaeto-Romance rn Kirundi ro Romanian ru Russian rw Kinyarwanda sa Sanskrit sd Sindhi sg Sangro sh Serbo-Croatian si Sinhalese sk Slovak sl Slovenian sm Samoan sn Shona so Somali sq Albanian sr Serbian ss Siswati st Sesotho su Sundanese sv Swedish sw Swahili ta Tamil te Telugu tg Tajik th Thai ti Tigrinya tk Turkmen tl Tagalog tn Setswana to Tonga tr Turkish ts Tsonga tt Tatar tw Twi ug Uighur uk Ukrainian ur Urdu uz Uzbek vi Vietnamese vo Volapuk wo Wolof xh Xhosa yi Yiddish (formerly ji) yo Yoruba za Zhuang zh Chinese zu Zulu