This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from gettext.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Gettext Utilities START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Gettext: (gettext). GNU gettext utilities. * gettextize: (gettext)gettextize Invocation. Prepare a package for gettext. * msgfmt: (gettext)msgfmt Invocation. Make MO files out of PO files. * msgmerge: (gettext)msgmerge Invocation. Update two PO files into one. * xgettext: (gettext)xgettext Invocation. Extract strings into a PO file. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file provides documentation for GNU `gettext' utilities. It also serves as a reference for the free Translation Project. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation.  Indirect: 1411 46553 91891 140946 189556 238120 287808  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top1411 Node: Introduction9603 Node: Why11461 Ref: Why-Footnote-114568 Node: Concepts14724 Node: Aspects18137 Node: Files23919 Node: Overview25814 Node: Basics36652 Node: Installation37482 Node: PO Files39424 Ref: PO Files-Footnote-146426 Node: Main PO Commands46553 Node: Entry Positioning51625 Node: Normalizing57079 Node: Sources61532 Node: Triggering62802 Node: Mark Keywords65818 Node: Marking69366 Node: c-format77082 Node: Special cases80838 Node: Template83700 Node: xgettext Invocation84052 Node: Creating89380 Node: msginit Invocation90271 Node: Header Entry91891 Node: Updating98048 Node: msgmerge Invocation98803 Node: Translated Entries102655 Node: Fuzzy Entries104013 Node: Untranslated Entries107183 Node: Obsolete Entries109105 Node: Modifying Translations112320 Node: Modifying Comments120271 Node: Subedit124684 Node: C Sources Context128563 Node: Auxiliary133666 Node: Compendium136891 Node: Creating Compendia137501 Node: Using Compendia140058 Node: Manipulating140946 Node: msgcat Invocation144171 Node: msgconv Invocation147400 Node: msggrep Invocation149560 Node: msgexec Invocation153052 Node: msguniq Invocation155639 Node: msgcomm Invocation158507 Node: msgcmp Invocation161531 Node: msgattrib Invocation162761 Node: msgen Invocation165876 Node: Binaries168018 Node: msgfmt Invocation168350 Node: msgunfmt Invocation173593 Node: MO Files175787 Node: Users183878 Node: Matrix185361 Node: Installers186565 Node: End Users187735 Node: Programmers188384 Node: catgets189556 Node: Interface to catgets190960 Node: Problems with catgets192964 Node: gettext193864 Node: Interface to gettext195322 Node: Ambiguities197663 Node: Locating Catalogs200356 Ref: Locating Catalogs-Footnote-1201503 Ref: Locating Catalogs-Footnote-2201728 Node: Charset conversion201877 Node: Plural forms204319 Ref: Plural forms-Footnote-1214912 Node: GUI program problems215004 Node: Optimized gettext220108 Node: Comparison221441 Node: Using libintl.a225713 Node: gettext grok226490 Node: Temp Programmers229122 Node: Temp Implementations229562 Node: Temp catgets230928 Node: Temp WSI232615 Node: Temp Notes234603 Node: Translators235092 Node: Trans Intro 0235471 Node: Trans Intro 1238120 Node: Discussions239984 Node: Organization243486 Node: Central Coordination245467 Node: National Teams246595 Node: Sub-Cultures249107 Node: Organizational Ideas250026 Node: Mailing Lists251029 Node: Information Flow252832 Node: Maintainers254965 Node: Flat and Non-Flat256735 Node: Prerequisites258218 Node: gettextize Invocation262359 Node: Adjusting Files266432 Node: po/POTFILES.in267841 Node: po/LINGUAS268783 Node: po/Makevars269565 Node: configure.in271151 Node: config.guess273141 Node: aclocal274254 Node: acconfig275488 Node: Makefile275971 Node: src/Makefile278364 Node: Programming Languages281224 Node: Language Implementors281986 Node: Programmers for other Languages286807 Node: Translators for other Languages287373 Node: List of Programming Languages287808 Node: C288869 Node: sh289850 Node: bash290476 Node: Python291161 Node: Common Lisp292225 Node: clisp C292931 Node: Emacs Lisp293653 Node: librep294353 Node: Smalltalk294992 Node: Java296065 Node: gawk298735 Node: Pascal299512 Node: wxWindows300728 Node: YCP301462 Node: Perl302122 Node: PHP302740 Node: Pike303443 Node: List of Data Formats304069 Node: POT304455 Node: RST304699 Node: Conclusion304897 Node: History305397 Node: References309499 Node: Language Codes311054 Node: Country Codes314957  End Tag Table