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Option Index

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  • --add-comments, xgettext option
  • --add-location, msgattrib option
  • --add-location, msgcat option
  • --add-location, msgcomm option
  • --add-location, msgconv option
  • --add-location, msgen option
  • --add-location, msgfilter option
  • --add-location, msggrep option
  • --add-location, msgmerge option
  • --add-location, msguniq option
  • --add-location, xgettext option
  • --alignment, msgfmt option
  • --backup, msgmerge option
  • --c++, xgettext option
  • --check, msgfmt option
  • --check-accelerators, msgfmt option
  • --check-compatibility, msgfmt option
  • --check-domain, msgfmt option
  • --check-format, msgfmt option
  • --check-header, msgfmt option
  • --clear-fuzzy, msgattrib option
  • --clear-obsolete, msgattrib option
  • --compendium, msgmerge option
  • --copy, gettextize option
  • --copyright-holder, xgettext option
  • --debug, xgettext option
  • --default-domain, xgettext option
  • --directory, msgattrib option
  • --directory, msgcat option
  • --directory, msgcmp option
  • --directory, msgcomm option
  • --directory, msgconv option
  • --directory, msgen option
  • --directory, msgexec option
  • --directory, msgfilter option
  • --directory, msgfmt option
  • --directory, msggrep option
  • --directory, msgmerge option
  • --directory, msguniq option
  • --directory, xgettext option
  • --domain, msggrep option
  • --dry-run, autopoint option
  • --dry-run, gettextize option
  • --exclude-file, xgettext option
  • --expression, msgfilter option
  • --extended-regexp, msggrep option
  • --extract-all, xgettext option
  • --file, msgfilter option
  • --file, msggrep option
  • --files-from, msgcat option
  • --files-from, msgcomm option
  • --files-from, xgettext option
  • --fixed-strings, msggrep option
  • --force, autopoint option
  • --force, gettextize option
  • --force-po, msgattrib option
  • --force-po, msgcat option
  • --force-po, msgcomm option
  • --force-po, msgconv option
  • --force-po, msgen option
  • --force-po, msgfilter option
  • --force-po, msggrep option
  • --force-po, msgmerge option
  • --force-po, msgunfmt option
  • --force-po, msguniq option
  • --force-po, xgettext option
  • --foreign-user, xgettext option
  • --from-code, xgettext option
  • --fuzzy, msgattrib option
  • --help, autopoint option
  • --help, gettextize option
  • --help, msgattrib option
  • --help, msgcat option
  • --help, msgcmp option
  • --help, msgcomm option
  • --help, msgconv option
  • --help, msgen option
  • --help, msgexec option
  • --help, msgfilter option
  • --help, msgfmt option
  • --help, msggrep option
  • --help, msginit option
  • --help, msgmerge option
  • --help, msgunfmt option
  • --help, msguniq option
  • --help, xgettext option
  • --ignore-case, msggrep option
  • --indent, msgattrib option
  • --indent, msgcat option
  • --indent, msgcomm option
  • --indent, msgconv option
  • --indent, msgen option
  • --indent, msgfilter option
  • --indent, msggrep option
  • --indent, msgmerge option
  • --indent, msgunfmt option
  • --indent, msguniq option
  • --indent, xgettext option
  • --input, msgexec option
  • --input, msgfilter option
  • --input, msginit option
  • --intl, gettextize option
  • --java, msgfmt option
  • --java, msgunfmt option
  • --java2, msgfmt option
  • --join-existing, xgettext option
  • --keep-header, msgfilter option
  • --keyword, xgettext option
  • --language, xgettext option
  • --less-than, msgcat option
  • --less-than, msgcomm option
  • --locale, msgfmt option, --locale, msgfmt option
  • --locale, msginit option
  • --locale, msgunfmt option, --locale, msgunfmt option
  • --location, msggrep option
  • --more-than, msgcat option
  • --more-than, msgcomm option
  • --msgid, msggrep option
  • --msgstr, msggrep option
  • --msgstr-prefix, xgettext option
  • --msgstr-suffix, xgettext option
  • --multi-domain, msgcmp option
  • --multi-domain, msgmerge option
  • --no-changelog, gettextize option
  • --no-fuzzy, msgattrib option
  • --no-hash, msgfmt option
  • --no-location, msgattrib option
  • --no-location, msgcat option
  • --no-location, msgcomm option
  • --no-location, msgconv option
  • --no-location, msgen option
  • --no-location, msgfilter option
  • --no-location, msggrep option
  • --no-location, msgmerge option
  • --no-location, msguniq option
  • --no-location, xgettext option
  • --no-obsolete, msgattrib option
  • --no-translator, msginit option
  • --no-wrap, msgattrib option
  • --no-wrap, msgcat option
  • --no-wrap, msgcomm option
  • --no-wrap, msgconv option
  • --no-wrap, msgen option
  • --no-wrap, msgfilter option
  • --no-wrap, msggrep option
  • --no-wrap, msginit option
  • --no-wrap, msgmerge option
  • --no-wrap, msgunfmt option
  • --no-wrap, msguniq option
  • --no-wrap, xgettext option
  • --obsolete, msgattrib option
  • --omit-header, msgcomm option
  • --omit-header, xgettext option
  • --only-fuzzy, msgattrib option
  • --only-obsolete, msgattrib option
  • --output, xgettext option
  • --output-dir, xgettext option
  • --output-file, msgattrib option
  • --output-file, msgcat option
  • --output-file, msgcomm option
  • --output-file, msgconv option
  • --output-file, msgen option
  • --output-file, msgfilter option
  • --output-file, msgfmt option
  • --output-file, msggrep option
  • --output-file, msginit option
  • --output-file, msgmerge option
  • --output-file, msgunfmt option
  • --output-file, msguniq option
  • --quiet, msgfilter option
  • --quiet, msgmerge option
  • --regexp=, msggrep option
  • --repeated, msguniq option
  • --resource, msgfmt option
  • --resource, msgunfmt option
  • --set-fuzzy, msgattrib option
  • --set-obsolete, msgattrib option
  • --silent, msgfilter option
  • --silent, msgmerge option
  • --sort-by-file, msgattrib option
  • --sort-by-file, msgcat option
  • --sort-by-file, msgcomm option
  • --sort-by-file, msgconv option
  • --sort-by-file, msgen option
  • --sort-by-file, msgfilter option
  • --sort-by-file, msggrep option
  • --sort-by-file, msgmerge option
  • --sort-by-file, msguniq option
  • --sort-by-file, xgettext option
  • --sort-output, msgattrib option
  • --sort-output, msgcat option
  • --sort-output, msgcomm option
  • --sort-output, msgconv option
  • --sort-output, msgen option
  • --sort-output, msgfilter option
  • --sort-output, msggrep option
  • --sort-output, msgmerge option
  • --sort-output, msgunfmt option
  • --sort-output, msguniq option
  • --sort-output, xgettext option
  • --statistics, msgfmt option
  • --strict, msgattrib option
  • --strict, msgcat option
  • --strict, msgcomm option
  • --strict, msgconv option
  • --strict, msgen option
  • --strict, msgfilter option
  • --strict, msgfmt option
  • --strict, msggrep option
  • --strict, msgmerge option
  • --strict, msgunfmt option
  • --strict, msguniq option
  • --strict, xgettext option
  • --suffix, msgmerge option
  • --tcl, msgfmt option
  • --tcl, msgunfmt option
  • --to-code, msgcat option
  • --to-code, msgconv option
  • --to-code, msguniq option
  • --translated, msgattrib option
  • --trigraphs, xgettext option
  • --unique, msgcat option
  • --unique, msgcomm option
  • --unique, msguniq option
  • --untranslated, msgattrib option
  • --update, msgmerge option
  • --use-first, msgcat option
  • --use-first, msguniq option
  • --use-fuzzy, msgfmt option
  • --verbose, msgfmt option
  • --verbose, msgmerge option
  • --verbose, msgunfmt option
  • --version, autopoint option
  • --version, gettextize option
  • --version, msgattrib option
  • --version, msgcat option
  • --version, msgcmp option
  • --version, msgcomm option
  • --version, msgconv option
  • --version, msgen option
  • --version, msgexec option
  • --version, msgfilter option
  • --version, msgfmt option
  • --version, msggrep option
  • --version, msginit option
  • --version, msgmerge option
  • --version, msgunfmt option
  • --version, msguniq option
  • --version, xgettext option
  • --width, msgattrib option
  • --width, msgcat option
  • --width, msgcomm option
  • --width, msgconv option
  • --width, msgen option
  • --width, msgfilter option
  • --width, msggrep option
  • --width, msginit option
  • --width, msgmerge option
  • --width, msgunfmt option
  • --width, msguniq option
  • --width, xgettext option
  • -<, msgcat option
  • -<, msgcomm option
  • ->, msgcat option
  • ->, msgcomm option
  • -a, msgfmt option
  • -a, xgettext option
  • -c, gettextize option
  • -C, msgfmt option
  • -c, msgfmt option
  • -C, msgmerge option
  • -C, xgettext option
  • -c, xgettext option
  • -d, autopoint option
  • -d, gettextize option
  • -D, msgattrib option
  • -D, msgcat option
  • -D, msgcmp option
  • -D, msgcomm option
  • -D, msgconv option
  • -D, msgen option
  • -D, msgexec option
  • -D, msgfilter option
  • -D, msgfmt option
  • -d, msgfmt option, -d, msgfmt option
  • -D, msggrep option
  • -D, msgmerge option
  • -d, msgunfmt option
  • -d, msguniq option
  • -D, msguniq option
  • -d, xgettext option
  • -D, xgettext option
  • -e, msgfilter option
  • -e, msggrep option
  • -E, msggrep option
  • -f, autopoint option
  • -f, gettextize option
  • -F, msgattrib option
  • -F, msgcat option
  • -f, msgcat option
  • -f, msgcomm option
  • -F, msgcomm option
  • -F, msgconv option
  • -F, msgen option
  • -f, msgfilter option
  • -F, msgfilter option
  • -f, msgfmt option
  • -F, msggrep option
  • -f, msggrep option
  • -F, msgmerge option
  • -F, msguniq option
  • -F, xgettext option
  • -f, xgettext option
  • -h, msgattrib option
  • -h, msgcat option
  • -h, msgcmp option
  • -h, msgcomm option
  • -h, msgconv option
  • -h, msgen option
  • -h, msgexec option
  • -h, msgfilter option
  • -h, msgfmt option
  • -h, msggrep option
  • -h, msginit option
  • -h, msgmerge option
  • -h, msgunfmt option
  • -h, msguniq option
  • -h, xgettext option
  • -i, msgattrib option
  • -i, msgcat option
  • -i, msgcomm option
  • -i, msgconv option
  • -i, msgen option
  • -i, msgexec option
  • -i, msgfilter option
  • -i, msggrep option
  • -i, msginit option
  • -i, msgmerge option
  • -i, msgunfmt option
  • -i, msguniq option
  • -i, xgettext option
  • -j, msgfmt option
  • -j, msgunfmt option
  • -j, xgettext option
  • -K, msggrep option
  • -k, xgettext option
  • -l, msgfmt option, -l, msgfmt option
  • -l, msginit option
  • -l, msgunfmt option, -l, msgunfmt option
  • -L, xgettext option
  • -m, msgcmp option
  • -M, msggrep option
  • -m, msgmerge option
  • -M, xgettext option
  • -m, xgettext option
  • -n, msgattrib option
  • -n, msgcat option
  • -n, msgcomm option
  • -n, msgfilter option
  • -N, msggrep option
  • -n, msguniq option
  • -n, xgettext option
  • -o, msgattrib option
  • -o, msgcat option
  • -o, msgcomm option
  • -o, msgconv option
  • -o, msgen option
  • -o, msgfilter option
  • -o, msgfmt option
  • -o, msggrep option
  • -o, msginit option
  • -o, msgmerge option
  • -o, msgunfmt option
  • -o, msguniq option
  • -o, xgettext option
  • -p, xgettext option
  • -q, msgmerge option
  • -r, msgfmt option
  • -r, msgunfmt option
  • -s, msgattrib option
  • -s, msgcat option
  • -s, msgcomm option
  • -s, msgconv option
  • -s, msgen option
  • -s, msgfilter option
  • -s, msgmerge option
  • -s, msgunfmt option
  • -s, msguniq option
  • -s, xgettext option
  • -t, msgcat option
  • -t, msgconv option
  • -T, msggrep option
  • -t, msguniq option
  • -T, xgettext option
  • -u, msgcat option
  • -u, msgcomm option
  • -U, msgmerge option
  • -u, msguniq option
  • -V, msgattrib option
  • -V, msgcat option
  • -V, msgcmp option
  • -V, msgcomm option
  • -V, msgconv option
  • -V, msgen option
  • -V, msgexec option
  • -V, msgfilter option
  • -v, msgfmt option
  • -V, msgfmt option
  • -V, msggrep option
  • -V, msginit option
  • -V, msgmerge option
  • -v, msgmerge option
  • -v, msgunfmt option
  • -V, msgunfmt option
  • -V, msguniq option
  • -V, xgettext option
  • -w, msgattrib option
  • -w, msgcat option
  • -w, msgcomm option
  • -w, msgconv option
  • -w, msgen option
  • -w, msgfilter option
  • -w, msggrep option
  • -w, msginit option
  • -w, msgmerge option
  • -w, msgunfmt option
  • -w, msguniq option
  • -w, xgettext option
  • -x, xgettext option

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