This directory contains simple examples of the use of GNU gettext. Each example is a simple "hello world" program with a very small message catalog, written in a particular programming language for a particular environment. Example Language GUI Environment hello-c C hello-c-gnome C GNOME hello-c++ C++ hello-c++-qt C++ Qt hello-c++-kde C++ KDE hello-c++-gnome C++ GNOME hello-objc ObjectiveC hello-objc-gnustep ObjectiveC GNUstep hello-objc-gnome ObjectiveC GNOME hello-sh Shell hello-python Python hello-clisp Lisp hello-librep librep hello-smalltalk Smalltalk hello-java Java hello-java-awt Java AWT hello-java-swing Java Swing hello-csharp C# hello-csharp-forms C# Forms hello-gawk awk hello-pascal Pascal hello-ycp YCP libyui hello-tcl Tcl hello-tcl-tk Tcl Tk hello-perl Perl hello-php PHP Before building an example, you need to 1. Build and install the GNU gettext package, as described in the INSTALL file. 2. cd to the example and do ./ 3. Then you can build the example as usual: ./configure --prefix=/some/prefix make make install and see it work by executing /some/prefix/bin/hello