## Makefile for program src directory in GNU NLS utilities package. ## Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.2 gnits bin_PROGRAMS = gettext ngettext \ msgcmp msgfmt msgmerge msgunfmt xgettext \ msgcat msgcomm msgconv msgen msggrep msgsed noinst_HEADERS = pos.h message.h po-gram.h po-hash.h po-charset.h po-lex.h \ po.h open-po.h read-po.h str-list.h write-po.h xget-lex.h dir-list.h \ po-gram-gen.h po-hash-gen.h msgl-charset.h msgl-iconv.h EXTRA_DIST = FILES localedir = $(datadir)/locale INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I.. -I$(top_srcdir)/lib -I../intl \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intl DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" @DEFS@ LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ SED = sed YACC = @YACC@ -d # Source dependencies. gettext_SOURCES = gettext.c ngettext_SOURCES = ngettext.c msgcmp_SOURCES = message.c msgcmp.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c str-list.c dir-list.c msgfmt_SOURCES = msgfmt.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y po-charset.c \ po-lex.c po.c str-list.c message.c dir-list.c msgmerge_SOURCES = message.c msgmerge.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c read-po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c msgunfmt_SOURCES = message.c msgunfmt.c str-list.c write-po.c xgettext_SOURCES = message.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c str-list.c xget-lex.c xgettext.c dir-list.c \ write-po.c msgcat_SOURCES = msgcat.c message.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c read-po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c \ msgl-iconv.c msgcomm_SOURCES = msgcomm.c message.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c open-po.c po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c msgconv_SOURCES = msgconv.c message.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c read-po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c \ msgl-iconv.c msgen_SOURCES = msgen.c message.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c read-po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c msggrep_SOURCES = msggrep.c message.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c read-po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c \ msgl-charset.c msgsed_SOURCES = msgsed.c message.c open-po.c po-gram-gen.y po-hash-gen.y \ po-charset.c po-lex.c po.c read-po.c str-list.c dir-list.c write-po.c \ msgl-charset.c # Link dependencies. # po-lex.c and po.c may need -liconv. # write-po.c pulls in linebreak.c which may need -liconv. msgcmp_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgfmt_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgmerge_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgunfmt_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ xgettext_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgcat_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgcomm_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgconv_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgen_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msggrep_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ msgsed_LDADD = ../lib/libnlsut.a @INTLLIBS@ @LIBICONV@ BUILT_SOURCES = po-gram-gen.c po-hash-gen.c po-gram-gen.h po-hash-gen.h po-lex.o: po-gram-gen2.h po-gram-gen2.h: po-gram-gen.h $(SED) 's/[yY][yY]/po_gram_/g' $(srcdir)/po-gram-gen.h > $@-tmp mv $@-tmp $@ DISTCLEANFILES = po-gram-gen2.h