#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2012 Lanedo GmbH # import string from MessageList import MessageList import utils """ The Client class is responsible for providing the QmiClient-based service specific client GObject. """ class Client: """ Constructor """ def __init__(self, objects_dictionary): self.name = None self.service = None # Loop items in the list, looking for the special 'Client' type for object_dictionary in objects_dictionary: if object_dictionary['type'] == 'Client': self.name = object_dictionary['name'] elif object_dictionary['type'] == 'Service': self.service = object_dictionary['name'] # We NEED the Client field if self.name is None: raise ValueError('Missing Client field') """ Emits the generic GObject class implementation """ def __emit_class(self, hfile, cfile, message_list): # Check if we'll have indications has_indications = False for message in message_list.list: if message.type == 'Indication': has_indications = True break translations = { 'underscore' : utils.build_underscore_name(self.name), 'no_prefix_underscore_upper' : utils.build_underscore_name(self.name[4:]).upper(), 'camelcase' : utils.build_camelcase_name(self.name), 'hyphened' : utils.build_dashed_name(self.name), 'service' : self.service.upper() } # Emit class header template = ( '#define QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper} (${underscore}_get_type ())\n' '#define QMI_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}, ${camelcase}))\n' '#define QMI_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}, ${camelcase}Class))\n' '#define QMI_IS_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}))\n' '#define QMI_IS_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}))\n' '#define QMI_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}, ${camelcase}Class))\n' '\n' 'typedef struct _${camelcase} ${camelcase};\n' 'typedef struct _${camelcase}Class ${camelcase}Class;\n' '\n' '/**\n' ' * ${camelcase}:\n' ' *\n' ' * The #${camelcase} structure contains private data and should only be accessed\n' ' * using the provided API.\n' ' */\n' 'struct _${camelcase} {\n' ' /*< private >*/\n' ' QmiClient parent;\n' ' gpointer priv_unused;\n' '};\n' '\n' 'struct _${camelcase}Class {\n' ' /*< private >*/\n' ' QmiClientClass parent;\n' '};\n' '\n' 'GType ${underscore}_get_type (void);\n' '\n') hfile.write(string.Template(template).substitute(translations)) # Emit class source. Documentation skipped for the CTL service. template = '' if self.service != 'CTL': template += ( '\n' '/**\n' ' * SECTION: ${hyphened}\n' ' * @title: ${camelcase}\n' ' * @short_description: #QmiClient for the ${service} service.\n' ' *\n' ' * #QmiClient which handles operations in the ${service} service.\n' ' */\n' '\n') template += ( 'G_DEFINE_TYPE (${camelcase}, ${underscore}, QMI_TYPE_CLIENT);\n') if has_indications: template += ( '\n' 'enum {\n') for message in message_list.list: if message.type == 'Indication': translations['signal_id'] = utils.build_underscore_uppercase_name(message.name) inner_template = ( ' SIGNAL_${signal_id},\n') template += string.Template(inner_template).substitute(translations) template += ( ' SIGNAL_LAST\n' '};\n' '\n' 'static guint signals[SIGNAL_LAST] = { 0 };\n') template += ( '\n' 'static void\n' 'process_indication (QmiClient *self,\n' ' QmiMessage *message)\n' '{\n' ' switch (qmi_message_get_message_id (message)) {\n') for message in message_list.list: if message.type == 'Indication': translations['enum_name'] = message.id_enum_name translations['message_fullname_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.fullname) translations['message_name'] = message.name translations['signal_id'] = utils.build_underscore_uppercase_name(message.name) inner_template = '' if message.output is not None and message.output.fields is not None: # At least one field in the indication translations['output_camelcase'] = utils.build_camelcase_name(message.output.fullname) translations['output_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.output.fullname) translations['output_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.output.fullname) inner_template += ( ' case ${enum_name}: {\n' ' ${output_camelcase} *output;\n' ' GError *error = NULL;\n' '\n' ' /* Parse indication */\n' ' output = __${message_fullname_underscore}_indication_parse (message, &error);\n' ' if (!output) {\n' ' g_warning ("Couldn\'t parse \'${message_name}\' indication: %s",\n' ' error ? error->message : "Unknown error");\n' ' if (error)\n' ' g_error_free (error);\n' ' } else {\n' ' g_signal_emit (self, signals[SIGNAL_${signal_id}], 0, output);\n' ' ${output_underscore}_unref (output);\n' ' }\n' ' break;\n' ' }\n') else: # No output field in the indication inner_template += ( ' case ${enum_name}: {\n' ' g_signal_emit (self, signals[SIGNAL_${signal_id}], 0, NULL);\n' ' break;\n' ' }\n') template += string.Template(inner_template).substitute(translations) template += ( ' default:\n' ' break;\n' ' }\n' '}\n' '\n' 'static void\n' '${underscore}_init (${camelcase} *self)\n' '{\n' '}\n' '\n' 'static void\n' '${underscore}_class_init (${camelcase}Class *klass)\n' '{\n' ' QmiClientClass *client_class = QMI_CLIENT_CLASS (klass);\n' '\n' ' client_class->process_indication = process_indication;\n') for message in message_list.list: if message.type == 'Indication': translations['signal_name'] = utils.build_dashed_name(message.name) translations['signal_id'] = utils.build_underscore_uppercase_name(message.name) translations['message_name'] = message.name inner_template = '' if message.output is not None and message.output.fields is not None: # At least one field in the indication translations['output_camelcase'] = utils.build_camelcase_name(message.output.fullname) translations['bundle_type'] = 'QMI_TYPE_' + utils.remove_prefix(utils.build_underscore_uppercase_name(message.output.fullname), 'QMI_') translations['service'] = self.service.upper() translations['message_name_dashed'] = string.replace(message.name, ' ', '-') inner_template += ( '\n' ' /**\n' ' * ${camelcase}::${signal_name}:\n' ' * @object: A #${camelcase}.\n' ' * @output: A #${output_camelcase}.\n' ' *\n' ' * The ::${signal_name} signal gets emitted when a \'${message_name}\' indication is received.\n' ' */\n' ' signals[SIGNAL_${signal_id}] =\n' ' g_signal_new ("${signal_name}",\n' ' G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)),\n' ' G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n' ' 0,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' G_TYPE_NONE,\n' ' 1,\n' ' ${bundle_type});\n') else: # No output field in the indication inner_template += ( '\n' ' /**\n' ' * ${camelcase}::${signal_name}:\n' ' * @object: A #${camelcase}.\n' ' *\n' ' * The ::${signal_name} signal gets emitted when a \'${message_name}\' indication is received.\n' ' */\n' ' signals[SIGNAL_${signal_id}] =\n' ' g_signal_new ("${signal_name}",\n' ' G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)),\n' ' G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n' ' 0,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' G_TYPE_NONE,\n' ' 0);\n') template += string.Template(inner_template).substitute(translations) template += ( '}\n' '\n') cfile.write(string.Template(template).substitute(translations)) """ Emits the async methods for each known request/response """ def __emit_methods(self, hfile, cfile, message_list): translations = { 'underscore' : utils.build_underscore_name(self.name), 'camelcase' : utils.build_camelcase_name (self.name), 'service_lowercase' : self.service.lower(), 'service_uppercase' : self.service.upper(), 'service_camelcase' : string.capwords(self.service) } for message in message_list.list: if message.type == 'Indication': continue if message.static: continue translations['message_name'] = message.name translations['message_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.name) translations['message_fullname_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.fullname) translations['input_camelcase'] = utils.build_camelcase_name(message.input.fullname) translations['output_camelcase'] = utils.build_camelcase_name(message.output.fullname) translations['input_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.input.fullname) translations['output_underscore'] = utils.build_underscore_name(message.output.fullname) if message.input.fields is None: input_arg_template = 'gpointer unused' translations['input_var'] = 'NULL' translations['input_doc'] = 'unused: %NULL. This message doesn\'t have any input bundle.' else: input_arg_template = '${input_camelcase} *input' translations['input_var'] = 'input' translations['input_doc'] = 'input: a #' + translations['input_camelcase'] + '.' template = ( '\n' 'void ${underscore}_${message_underscore} (\n' ' ${camelcase} *self,\n' ' %s,\n' ' guint timeout,\n' ' GCancellable *cancellable,\n' ' GAsyncReadyCallback callback,\n' ' gpointer user_data);\n' '${output_camelcase} *${underscore}_${message_underscore}_finish (\n' ' ${camelcase} *self,\n' ' GAsyncResult *res,\n' ' GError **error);\n' % input_arg_template) hfile.write(string.Template(template).substitute(translations)) template = ( '\n' '/**\n' ' * ${underscore}_${message_underscore}_finish:\n' ' * @self: a #${camelcase}.\n' ' * @res: the #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to ${underscore}_${message_underscore}().\n' ' * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.\n' ' *\n' ' * Finishes an async operation started with ${underscore}_${message_underscore}().\n' ' *\n' ' * Returns: a #${output_camelcase}, or %NULL if @error is set. The returned value should be freed with ${output_underscore}_unref().\n' ' */\n' '${output_camelcase} *\n' '${underscore}_${message_underscore}_finish (\n' ' ${camelcase} *self,\n' ' GAsyncResult *res,\n' ' GError **error)\n' '{\n' ' if (g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (res), error))\n' ' return NULL;\n' '\n' ' return ${output_underscore}_ref (g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (res)));\n' '}\n') if message.abort: template += ( '\n' 'static void\n' '${message_underscore}_abort_ready (\n' ' QmiDevice *device,\n' ' GAsyncResult *res)\n' '{\n' ' GError *error = NULL;\n' ' QmiMessage *reply;\n' ' QmiMessage${service_camelcase}AbortOutput *output;\n' '\n' ' reply = qmi_device_command_finish (device, res, &error);\n' ' if (reply) {\n' ' output = __qmi_message_${service_lowercase}_abort_response_parse (reply, &error);\n' ' if (output)\n' ' qmi_message_${service_lowercase}_abort_output_unref (output);\n' ' qmi_message_unref (reply);\n' ' }\n' '\n' ' if (error) {\n' ' g_debug ("Operation to abort \'${message_name}\' failed: %s", error->message);\n' ' g_error_free (error);\n' ' }\n' '}\n') template += ( '\n' 'static void\n' '${message_underscore}_ready (\n' ' QmiDevice *device,\n' ' GAsyncResult *res,\n' ' GSimpleAsyncResult *simple)\n' '{\n' ' GError *error = NULL;\n' ' QmiMessage *reply;\n' ' ${output_camelcase} *output;\n' '\n' ' reply = qmi_device_command_finish (device, res, &error);\n' ' if (!reply) {\n') if message.abort: template += ( ' if (g_error_matches (error, QMI_CORE_ERROR, QMI_CORE_ERROR_TIMEOUT) ||\n' ' g_error_matches (error, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_ABORTED)) {\n' ' QmiMessage *abort;\n' ' GObject *self;\n' ' guint16 transaction_id;\n' ' QmiMessage${service_camelcase}AbortInput *input;\n' '\n' ' self = g_async_result_get_source_object (G_ASYNC_RESULT (simple));\n' ' g_assert (self != NULL);\n' '\n' ' transaction_id = (guint16) GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (simple),\n' ' "transaction-id"));\n' ' g_assert (transaction_id != 0);\n' '\n' ' input = qmi_message_${service_lowercase}_abort_input_new ();\n' ' qmi_message_${service_lowercase}_abort_input_set_transaction_id (\n' ' input,\n' ' transaction_id,\n' ' NULL);\n' ' abort = __qmi_message_${service_lowercase}_abort_request_create (\n' ' qmi_client_get_next_transaction_id (QMI_CLIENT (self)),\n' ' qmi_client_get_cid (QMI_CLIENT (self)),\n' ' input,\n' ' NULL);\n' ' g_assert (abort != NULL);\n' ' qmi_device_command (device,\n' ' abort,\n' ' 30,\n' ' NULL,\n' ' (GAsyncReadyCallback)${message_underscore}_abort_ready,\n' ' NULL);\n' ' qmi_message_${service_lowercase}_abort_input_unref (input);\n' ' qmi_message_unref (abort);\n' ' g_object_unref (self);\n' ' }\n' '\n') template += ( ' g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error);\n' ' g_simple_async_result_complete (simple);\n' ' g_object_unref (simple);\n' ' return;\n' ' }\n' '\n' ' /* Parse reply */\n' ' output = __${message_fullname_underscore}_response_parse (reply, &error);\n' ' if (!output)\n' ' g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error);\n' ' else\n' ' g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (simple,\n' ' output,\n' ' (GDestroyNotify)${output_underscore}_unref);\n' ' g_simple_async_result_complete (simple);\n' ' g_object_unref (simple);\n' ' qmi_message_unref (reply);\n' '}\n' '\n' '/**\n' ' * ${underscore}_${message_underscore}:\n' ' * @self: a #${camelcase}.\n' ' * @${input_doc}\n' ' * @timeout: maximum time to wait for the method to complete, in seconds.\n' ' * @cancellable: a #GCancellable or %NULL.\n' ' * @callback: a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n' ' * @user_data: user data to pass to @callback.\n' ' *\n' ' * Asynchronously sends a ${message_name} request to the device.\n' ' *\n' ' * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main loop of the thread you are calling this method from.\n' ' *\n' ' * You can then call ${underscore}_${message_underscore}_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n' ' */\n' 'void\n' '${underscore}_${message_underscore} (\n' ' ${camelcase} *self,\n') template += ( ' %s,\n' % input_arg_template) template += ( ' guint timeout,\n' ' GCancellable *cancellable,\n' ' GAsyncReadyCallback callback,\n' ' gpointer user_data)\n' '{\n' ' GSimpleAsyncResult *result;\n' ' QmiMessage *request;\n' ' GError *error = NULL;\n' ' guint16 transaction_id;\n' '\n' ' result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self),\n' ' callback,\n' ' user_data,\n' ' ${underscore}_${message_underscore});\n' '\n' ' transaction_id = qmi_client_get_next_transaction_id (QMI_CLIENT (self));\n' '\n' ' request = __${message_fullname_underscore}_request_create (\n' ' transaction_id,\n' ' qmi_client_get_cid (QMI_CLIENT (self)),\n' ' ${input_var},\n' ' &error);\n' ' if (!request) {\n' ' g_prefix_error (&error, "Couldn\'t create request message: ");\n' ' g_simple_async_result_take_error (result, error);\n' ' g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (result);\n' ' g_object_unref (result);\n' ' return;\n' ' }\n') if message.abort: template += ( '\n' ' g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (result),\n' ' "transaction-id",\n' ' GUINT_TO_POINTER (transaction_id));\n') template += ( '\n' ' qmi_device_command (QMI_DEVICE (qmi_client_peek_device (QMI_CLIENT (self))),\n' ' request,\n' ' timeout,\n' ' cancellable,\n' ' (GAsyncReadyCallback)${message_underscore}_ready,\n' ' result);\n' ' qmi_message_unref (request);\n' '}\n' '\n') cfile.write(string.Template(template).substitute(translations)) """ Emit the service-specific client implementation """ def emit(self, hfile, cfile, message_list): # First, emit common class code utils.add_separator(hfile, 'CLIENT', self.name); utils.add_separator(cfile, 'CLIENT', self.name); self.__emit_class(hfile, cfile, message_list) self.__emit_methods(hfile, cfile, message_list) """ Emit the sections """ def emit_sections(self, sfile): translations = { 'underscore' : utils.build_underscore_name(self.name), 'no_prefix_underscore_upper' : utils.build_underscore_name(self.name[4:]).upper(), 'camelcase' : utils.build_camelcase_name (self.name), 'hyphened' : utils.build_dashed_name (self.name) } template = ( '
\n' '${hyphened}\n' '${camelcase}\n' '${camelcase}\n' '\n' '${camelcase}Class\n' 'QMI_TYPE_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}\n' 'QMI_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}\n' 'QMI_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}_CLASS\n' 'QMI_IS_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}\n' 'QMI_IS_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}_CLASS\n' 'QMI_${no_prefix_underscore_upper}_GET_CLASS\n' '${underscore}_get_type\n' '
\n' '\n') sfile.write(string.Template(template).substitute(translations))