path: root/docs/YamlIO.rst
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authorNick Kledzik <>2012-12-12 20:46:15 +0000
committerNick Kledzik <>2012-12-12 20:46:15 +0000
commit8ceb8b764f266ff00a590c88a7ecc654b13a8f0b (patch)
tree4e268396d14509d5b6b7dc3cc6828c71b5f09c6c /docs/YamlIO.rst
parenta16e49d56f6349c12da2b561da00c22e13eda09b (diff)
Initial implementation of a utility for converting native data
structures to and from YAML using traits. The first client will be the test suite of lld. The documentation will show up at: git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/YamlIO.rst')
1 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/YamlIO.rst b/docs/YamlIO.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b009b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/YamlIO.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+.. _yamlio:
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+Introduction to YAML
+YAML is a human readable data serialization language. The full YAML language
+spec can be read at `
+<>`_. The simplest form of
+yaml is just "scalars", "mappings", and "sequences". A scalar is any number
+or string. The pound/hash symbol (#) begins a comment line. A mapping is
+a set of key-value pairs where the key ends with a colon. For example:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # a mapping
+ name: Tom
+ hat-size: 7
+A sequence is a list of items where each item starts with a leading dash ('-').
+For example:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # a sequence
+ - x86
+ - x86_64
+ - PowerPC
+You can combine mappings and sequences by indenting. For example a sequence
+of mappings in which one of the mapping values is itself a sequence:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # a sequence of mappings with one key's value being a sequence
+ - name: Tom
+ cpus:
+ - x86
+ - x86_64
+ - name: Bob
+ cpus:
+ - x86
+ - name: Dan
+ cpus:
+ - PowerPC
+ - x86
+Sometime sequences are known to be short and the one entry per line is too
+verbose, so YAML offers an alternate syntax for sequences called a "Flow
+Sequence" in which you put comma separated sequence elements into square
+brackets. The above example could then be simplified to :
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # a sequence of mappings with one key's value being a flow sequence
+ - name: Tom
+ cpus: [ x86, x86_64 ]
+ - name: Bob
+ cpus: [ x86 ]
+ - name: Dan
+ cpus: [ PowerPC, x86 ]
+Introduction to YAML I/O
+The use of indenting makes the YAML easy for a human to read and understand,
+but having a program read and write YAML involves a lot of tedious details.
+The YAML I/O library structures and simplifies reading and writing YAML
+YAML I/O assumes you have some "native" data structures which you want to be
+able to dump as YAML and recreate from YAML. The first step is to try
+writing example YAML for your data structures. You may find after looking at
+possible YAML representations that a direct mapping of your data structures
+to YAML is not very readable. Often the fields are not in the order that
+a human would find readable. Or the same information is replicated in multiple
+locations, making it hard for a human to write such YAML correctly.
+In relational database theory there is a design step called normalization in
+which you reorganize fields and tables. The same considerations need to
+go into the design of your YAML encoding. But, you may not want to change
+your exisiting native data structures. Therefore, when writing out YAML
+there may be a normalization step, and when reading YAML there would be a
+corresponding denormalization step.
+YAML I/O uses a non-invasive, traits based design. YAML I/O defines some
+abstract base templates. You specialize those templates on your data types.
+For instance, if you have an eumerated type FooBar you could specialize
+ScalarEnumerationTraits on that type and define the enumeration() method:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<FooBar> {
+ static void enumeration(IO &io, FooBar &value) {
+ ...
+ }
+ };
+As with all YAML I/O template specializations, the ScalarEnumerationTraits is used for
+both reading and writing YAML. That is, the mapping between in-memory enum
+values and the YAML string representation is only in place.
+This assures that the code for writing and parsing of YAML stays in sync.
+To specify a YAML mappings, you define a specialization on
+If your native data structure happens to be a struct that is already normalized,
+then the specialization is simple. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Person> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Person &info) {
+ io.mapRequired("name",;
+ io.mapOptional("hat-size", info.hatSize);
+ }
+ };
+A YAML sequence is automatically infered if you data type has begin()/end()
+iterators and a push_back() method. Therefore any of the STL containers
+(such as std::vector<>) will automatically translate to YAML sequences.
+Once you have defined specializations for your data types, you can
+programmatically use YAML I/O to write a YAML document:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::Output;
+ Person tom;
+ = "Tom";
+ tom.hatSize = 8;
+ Person dan;
+ = "Dan";
+ dan.hatSize = 7;
+ std::vector<Person> persons;
+ persons.push_back(tom);
+ persons.push_back(dan);
+ Output yout(llvm::outs());
+ yout << persons;
+This would write the following:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ - name: Tom
+ hat-size: 8
+ - name: Dan
+ hat-size: 7
+And you can also read such YAML documents with the following code:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::Input;
+ typedef std::vector<Person> PersonList;
+ std::vector<PersonList> docs;
+ Input yin(document.getBuffer());
+ yin >> docs;
+ if ( yin.error() )
+ return;
+ // Process read document
+ for ( PersonList &pl : docs ) {
+ for ( Person &person : pl ) {
+ cout << "name=" <<;
+ }
+ }
+One other feature of YAML is the ability to define multiple documents in a
+single file. That is why reading YAML produces a vector of your document type.
+Error Handling
+When parsing a YAML document, if the input does not match your schema (as
+expressed in your XxxTraits<> specializations). YAML I/O
+will print out an error message and your Input object's error() method will
+return true. For instance the following document:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ - name: Tom
+ shoe-size: 12
+ - name: Dan
+ hat-size: 7
+Has a key (shoe-size) that is not defined in the schema. YAML I/O will
+automatically generate this error:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ YAML:2:2: error: unknown key 'shoe-size'
+ shoe-size: 12
+ ^~~~~~~~~
+Similar errors are produced for other input not conforming to the schema.
+YAML scalars are just strings (i.e. not a sequence or mapping). The YAML I/O
+library provides support for translating between YAML scalars and specific
+C++ types.
+Built-in types
+The following types have built-in support in YAML I/O:
+* bool
+* float
+* double
+* StringRef
+* int64_t
+* int32_t
+* int16_t
+* int8_t
+* uint64_t
+* uint32_t
+* uint16_t
+* uint8_t
+That is, you can use those types in fields of MapppingTraits or as element type
+in sequence. When reading, YAML I/O will validate that the string found
+is convertible to that type and error out if not.
+Unique types
+Given that YAML I/O is trait based, the selection of how to convert your data
+to YAML is based on the type of your data. But in C++ type matching, typedefs
+do not generate unique type names. That means if you have two typedefs of
+unsigned int, to YAML I/O both types look exactly like unsigned int. To
+facilitate make unique type names, YAML I/O provides a macro which is used
+like a typedef on built-in types, but expands to create a class with conversion
+operators to and from the base type. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, MyFooFlags)
+ LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, MyBarFlags)
+This generates two classes MyFooFlags and MyBarFlags which you can use in your
+native data structures instead of uint32_t. They are implicitly
+converted to and from uint32_t. The point of creating these unique types
+is that you can now specify traits on them to get different YAML conversions.
+Hex types
+An example use of a unique type is that YAML I/O provides fixed sized unsigned
+integers that are written with YAML I/O as hexadecimal instead of the decimal
+format used by the built-in integer types:
+* Hex64
+* Hex32
+* Hex16
+* Hex8
+You can use llvm::yaml::Hex32 instead of uint32_t and the only different will
+be that when YAML I/O writes out that type it will be formatted in hexadecimal.
+YAML I/O supports translating between in-memory enumerations and a set of string
+values in YAML documents. This is done by specializing ScalarEnumerationTraits<>
+on your enumeration type and define a enumeration() method.
+For instance, suppose you had an enumeration of CPUs and a struct with it as
+a field:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ enum CPUs {
+ cpu_x86_64 = 5,
+ cpu_x86 = 7,
+ cpu_PowerPC = 8
+ };
+ struct Info {
+ CPUs cpu;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ };
+To support reading and writing of this enumeration, you can define a
+ScalarEnumerationTraits specialization on CPUs, which can then be used
+as a field type:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<CPUs> {
+ static void enumeration(IO &io, CPUs &value) {
+ io.enumCase(value, "x86_64", cpu_x86_64);
+ io.enumCase(value, "x86", cpu_x86);
+ io.enumCase(value, "PowerPC", cpu_PowerPC);
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Info> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Info &info) {
+ io.mapRequired("cpu", info.cpu);
+ io.mapOptional("flags", info.flags, 0);
+ }
+ };
+When reading YAML, if the string found does not match any of the the strings
+specified by enumCase() methods, an error is automatically generated.
+When writing YAML, if the value being written does not match any of the values
+specified by the enumCase() methods, a runtime assertion is triggered.
+Another common data structure in C++ is a field where each bit has a unique
+meaning. This is often used in a "flags" field. YAML I/O has support for
+converting such fields to a flow sequence. For instance suppose you
+had the following bit flags defined:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ enum {
+ flagsPointy = 1
+ flagsHollow = 2
+ flagsFlat = 4
+ flagsRound = 8
+ };
+ LLVM_YAML_UNIQUE_TYPE(MyFlags, uint32_t)
+To support reading and writing of MyFlags, you specialize ScalarBitSetTraits<>
+on MyFlags and provide the bit values and their names.
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::ScalarBitSetTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct ScalarBitSetTraits<MyFlags> {
+ static void bitset(IO &io, MyFlags &value) {
+ io.bitSetCase(value, "hollow", flagHollow);
+ io.bitSetCase(value, "flat", flagFlat);
+ io.bitSetCase(value, "round", flagRound);
+ io.bitSetCase(value, "pointy", flagPointy);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Info {
+ StringRef name;
+ MyFlags flags;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Info> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Info& info) {
+ io.mapRequired("name",;
+ io.mapRequired("flags", info.flags);
+ }
+ };
+With the above, YAML I/O (when writing) will test mask each value in the
+bitset trait against the flags field, and each that matches will
+cause the corresponding string to be added to the flow sequence. The opposite
+is done when reading and any unknown string values will result in a error. With
+the above schema, a same valid YAML document is:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ name: Tom
+ flags: [ pointy, flat ]
+Custom Scalar
+Sometimes for readability a scalar needs to be formatted in a custom way. For
+instance your internal data structure may use a integer for time (seconds since
+some epoch), but in YAML it would be much nicer to express that integer in
+some time format (e.g. 4-May-2012 10:30pm). YAML I/O has a way to support
+custom formatting and parsing of scalar types by specializing ScalarTraits<> on
+your data type. When writing, YAML I/O will provide the native type and
+your specialization must create a temporary llvm::StringRef. When reading,
+YAML I/O will provide a llvm::StringRef of scalar and your specialization
+must convert that to your native data type. An outline of a custom scalar type
+looks like:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::ScalarTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct ScalarTraits<MyCustomType> {
+ static void output(const T &value, llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
+ out << value; // do custom formatting here
+ }
+ static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, T &value) {
+ // do custom parsing here. Return the empty string on success,
+ // or an error message on failure.
+ return StringRef();
+ }
+ };
+To be translated to or from a YAML mapping for your type T you must specialize
+llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits on T and implement the "void mapping(IO &io, T&)"
+method. If your native data structures use pointers to a class everywhere,
+you can specialize on the class pointer. Examples:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ // Example of struct Foo which is used by value
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Foo> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Foo &foo) {
+ io.mapOptional("size", foo.size);
+ ...
+ }
+ };
+ // Example of struct Bar which is natively always a pointer
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Bar*> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Bar *&bar) {
+ io.mapOptional("size", bar->size);
+ ...
+ }
+ };
+No Normalization
+The mapping() method is responsible, if needed, for normalizing and
+denormalizing. In a simple case where the native data structure requires no
+normalization, the mapping method just uses mapOptional() or mapRequired() to
+bind the struct's fields to YAML key names. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Person> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Person &info) {
+ io.mapRequired("name",;
+ io.mapOptional("hat-size", info.hatSize);
+ }
+ };
+When [de]normalization is required, the mapping() method needs a way to access
+normalized values as fields. To help with this, there is
+a template MappingNormalization<> which you can then use to automatically
+do the normalization and denormalization. The template is used to create
+a local variable in your mapping() method which contains the normalized keys.
+Suppose you have native data type
+Polar which specifies a position in polar coordinates (distance, angle):
+.. code-block:: c++
+ struct Polar {
+ float distance;
+ float angle;
+ };
+but you've decided the normalized YAML for should be in x,y coordinates. That
+is, you want the yaml to look like:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ x: 10.3
+ y: -4.7
+You can support this by defining a MapppingTraits that normalizes the polar
+coordinates to x,y coordinates when writing YAML and denormalizes x,y
+coordindates into polar when reading YAML.
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Polar> {
+ class NormalizedPolar {
+ public:
+ NormalizedPolar(IO &io)
+ : x(0.0), y(0.0) {
+ }
+ NormalizedPolar(IO &, Polar &polar)
+ : x(polar.distance * cos(polar.angle)),
+ y(polar.distance * sin(polar.angle)) {
+ }
+ Polar denormalize(IO &) {
+ return Polar(sqrt(x*x+y*y, arctan(x,y));
+ }
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ };
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Polar &polar) {
+ MappingNormalization<NormalizedPolar, Polar> keys(io, polar);
+ io.mapRequired("x", keys->x);
+ io.mapRequired("y", keys->y);
+ }
+ };
+When writing YAML, the local variable "keys" will be a stack allocated
+instance of NormalizedPolar, constructed from the suppled polar object which
+initializes it x and y fields. The mapRequired() methods then write out the x
+and y values as key/value pairs.
+When reading YAML, the local variable "keys" will be a stack allocated instance
+of NormalizedPolar, constructed by the empty constructor. The mapRequired
+methods will find the matching key in the YAML document and fill in the x and y
+fields of the NormalizedPolar object keys. At the end of the mapping() method
+when the local keys variable goes out of scope, the denormalize() method will
+automatically be called to convert the read values back to polar coordinates,
+and then assigned back to the second parameter to mapping().
+In some cases, the normalized class may be a subclass of the native type and
+could be returned by the denormalize() method, except that the temporary
+normalized instance is stack allocated. In these cases, the utility template
+MappingNormalizationHeap<> can be used instead. It just like
+MappingNormalization<> except that it heap allocates the normalized object
+when reading YAML. It never destroyes the normalized object. The denormalize()
+method can this return "this".
+Default values
+Within a mapping() method, calls to io.mapRequired() mean that that key is
+required to exist when parsing YAML documents, otherwise YAML I/O will issue an
+On the other hand, keys registered with io.mapOptional() are allowed to not
+exist in the YAML document being read. So what value is put in the field
+for those optional keys?
+There are two steps to how those optional fields are filled in. First, the
+second parameter to the mapping() method is a reference to a native class. That
+native class must have a default constructor. Whatever value the default
+constructor initially sets for an optional field will be that field's value.
+Second, the mapOptional() method has an optional third parameter. If provided
+it is the value that mapOptional() should set that field to if the YAML document
+does not have that key.
+There is one important difference between those two ways (default constructor
+and third parameter to mapOptional). When YAML I/O generates a YAML document,
+if the mapOptional() third parameter is used, if the actual value being written
+is the same as (using ==) the default value, then that key/value is not written.
+Order of Keys
+When writing out a YAML document, the keys are written in the order that the
+calls to mapRequired()/mapOptional() are made in the mapping() method. This
+gives you a chance to write the fields in an order that a human reader of
+the YAML document would find natural. This may be different that the order
+of the fields in the native class.
+When reading in a YAML document, the keys in the document can be in any order,
+but they are processed in the order that the calls to mapRequired()/mapOptional()
+are made in the mapping() method. That enables some interesting
+functionality. For instance, if the first field bound is the cpu and the second
+field bound is flags, and the flags are cpu specific, you can programmatically
+switch how the flags are converted to and from YAML based on the cpu.
+This works for both reading and writing. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::MapppingTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ struct Info {
+ CPUs cpu;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct MapppingTraits<Info> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, Info &info) {
+ io.mapRequired("cpu", info.cpu);
+ // flags must come after cpu for this to work when reading yaml
+ if ( info.cpu == cpu_x86_64 )
+ io.mapRequired("flags", *(My86_64Flags*)info.flags);
+ else
+ io.mapRequired("flags", *(My86Flags*)info.flags);
+ }
+ };
+To be translated to or from a YAML sequence for your type T you must specialize
+llvm::yaml::SequenceTraits on T and implement two methods:
+“size_t size(IO &io, T&)” and “T::value_type& element(IO &io, T&, size_t indx)”.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ template <>
+ struct SequenceTraits<MySeq> {
+ static size_t size(IO &io, MySeq &list) { ... }
+ static MySeqEl element(IO &io, MySeq &list, size_t index) { ... }
+ };
+The size() method returns how many elements are currently in your sequence.
+The element() method returns a reference to the i'th element in the sequence.
+When parsing YAML, the element() method may be called with an index one bigger
+than the current size. Your element() method should allocate space for one
+more element (using default constructor if element is a C++ object) and returns
+a reference to that new allocated space.
+Flow Sequence
+A YAML "flow sequence" is a sequence that when written to YAML it uses the
+inline notation (e.g [ foo, bar ] ). To specify that a sequence type should
+be written in YAML as a flow sequence, your SequenceTraits specialization should
+add "static const bool flow = true;". For instance:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ template <>
+ struct SequenceTraits<MyList> {
+ static size_t size(IO &io, MyList &list) { ... }
+ static MyListEl element(IO &io, MyList &list, size_t index) { ... }
+ // The existence of this member causes YAML I/O to use a flow sequence
+ static const bool flow = true;
+ };
+With the above, if you used MyList as the data type in your native data
+strucutures, then then when converted to YAML, a flow sequence of integers
+will be used (e.g. [ 10, -3, 4 ]).
+Utility Macros
+Since a common source of sequences is std::vector<>, YAML I/O provids macros:
+can be used to easily specify SequenceTraits<> on a std::vector type. YAML
+I/O does not partial specialize SequenceTraits on std::vector<> because that
+would force all vectors to be sequences. An example use of the macros:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ std::vector<MyType1>;
+ std::vector<MyType2>;
+Document List
+YAML allows you to define multiple "documents" in a single YAML file. Each
+new document starts with a left aligned "---" token. The end of all documents
+is denoted with a left aligned "..." token. Many users of YAML will never
+have need for multiple documents. The top level node in their YAML schema
+will be a mapping or sequence. For those cases, the following is not needed.
+But for cases where you do want multiple documents, you can specify a
+trait for you document list type. The trait has the same methods as
+SequenceTraits but is named DocumentListTraits. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ template <>
+ struct DocumentListTraits<MyDocList> {
+ static size_t size(IO &io, MyDocList &list) { ... }
+ static MyDocType element(IO &io, MyDocList &list, size_t index) { ... }
+ };
+User Context Data
+When an llvm::yaml::Input or llvm::yaml::Output object is created their
+constructors take an optional "context" parameter. This is a pointer to
+whatever state information you might need.
+For instance, in a previous example we showed how the conversion type for a
+flags field could be determined at runtime based on the value of another field
+in the mapping. But what if an inner mapping needs to know some field value
+of an outer mapping? That is where the "context" parameter comes in. You
+can set values in the context in the outer map's mapping() method and
+retrieve those values in the inner map's mapping() method.
+The context value is just a void*. All your traits which use the context
+and operate on your native data types, need to agree what the context value
+actually is. It could be a pointer to an object or struct which your various
+traits use to shared context sensitive information.
+The llvm::yaml::Output class is used to generate a YAML document from your
+in-memory data structures, using traits defined on your data types.
+To instantiate an Output object you need an llvm::raw_ostream, and optionally
+a context pointer:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ class Output : public IO {
+ public:
+ Output(llvm::raw_ostream &, void *context=NULL);
+Once you have an Output object, you can use the C++ stream operator on it
+to write your native data as YAML. One thing to recall is that a YAML file
+can contain multiple "documents". If the top level data structure you are
+streaming as YAML is a mapping, scalar, or sequence, then Output assumes you
+are generating one document and wraps the mapping output
+with "``---``" and trailing "``...``".
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::Output;
+ void dumpMyMapDoc(const MyMapType &info) {
+ Output yout(llvm::outs());
+ yout << info;
+ }
+The above could produce output like:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ ---
+ name: Tom
+ hat-size: 7
+ ...
+On the other hand, if the top level data structure you are streaming as YAML
+has a DocumentListTraits specialization, then Output walks through each element
+of your DocumentList and generates a "---" before the start of each element
+and ends with a "...".
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::Output;
+ void dumpMyMapDoc(const MyDocListType &docList) {
+ Output yout(llvm::outs());
+ yout << docList;
+ }
+The above could produce output like:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ ---
+ name: Tom
+ hat-size: 7
+ ---
+ name: Tom
+ shoe-size: 11
+ ...
+The llvm::yaml::Input class is used to parse YAML document(s) into your native
+data structures. To instantiate an Input
+object you need a StringRef to the entire YAML file, and optionally a context
+.. code-block:: c++
+ class Input : public IO {
+ public:
+ Input(StringRef inputContent, void *context=NULL);
+Once you have an Input object, you can use the C++ stream operator to read
+the document(s). If you expect there might be multiple YAML documents in
+one file, you'll need to specialize DocumentListTraits on a list of your
+document type and stream in that document list type. Otherwise you can
+just stream in the document type. Also, you can check if there was
+any syntax errors in the YAML be calling the error() method on the Input
+object. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ // Reading a single document
+ using llvm::yaml::Input;
+ Input yin(mb.getBuffer());
+ // Parse the YAML file
+ MyDocType theDoc;
+ yin >> theDoc;
+ // Check for error
+ if ( yin.error() )
+ return;
+.. code-block:: c++
+ // Reading multiple documents in one file
+ using llvm::yaml::Input;
+ Input yin(mb.getBuffer());
+ // Parse the YAML file
+ std::vector<MyDocType> theDocList;
+ yin >> theDocList;
+ // Check for error
+ if ( yin.error() )
+ return;