path: root/include/llvm/ADT/iterator.h
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authorStephen Hines <>2014-05-29 02:49:00 -0700
committerStephen Hines <>2014-05-29 02:49:00 -0700
commitdce4a407a24b04eebc6a376f8e62b41aaa7b071f (patch)
treedcebc53f2b182f145a2e659393bf9a0472cedf23 /include/llvm/ADT/iterator.h
parent220b921aed042f9e520c26cffd8282a94c66c3d5 (diff)
Update LLVM for 3.5 rebase (r209712).
Change-Id: I149556c940fb7dc92d075273c87ff584f400941f
Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm/ADT/iterator.h')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/ADT/iterator.h b/include/llvm/ADT/iterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56041db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/ADT/iterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+//===- iterator.h - Utilities for using and defining iterators --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include <iterator>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace llvm {
+/// \brief CRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade
+/// in terms of a minimal subset of the interface.
+/// Use this when it is reasonable to implement most of the iterator
+/// functionality in terms of a core subset. If you need special behavior or
+/// there are performance implications for this, you may want to override the
+/// relevant members instead.
+/// Note, one abstraction that this does *not* provide is implementing
+/// subtraction in terms of addition by negating the difference. Negation isn't
+/// always information preserving, and I can see very reasonable iterator
+/// designs where this doesn't work well. It doesn't really force much added
+/// boilerplate anyways.
+/// Another abstraction that this doesn't provide is implementing increment in
+/// terms of addition of one. These aren't equivalent for all iterator
+/// categories, and respecting that adds a lot of complexity for little gain.
+template <typename DerivedT, typename IteratorCategoryT, typename T,
+ typename DifferenceTypeT = std::ptrdiff_t, typename PointerT = T *,
+ typename ReferenceT = T &>
+class iterator_facade_base
+ : public std::iterator<IteratorCategoryT, T, DifferenceTypeT, PointerT,
+ ReferenceT> {
+ enum {
+ IsRandomAccess =
+ std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, IteratorCategoryT>::value,
+ IsBidirectional =
+ std::is_base_of<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, IteratorCategoryT>::value,
+ };
+ DerivedT operator+(DifferenceTypeT n) const {
+ static_assert(
+ IsRandomAccess,
+ "The '+' operator is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ DerivedT tmp = *static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this);
+ tmp += n;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ friend DerivedT operator+(DifferenceTypeT n, const DerivedT &i) {
+ static_assert(
+ IsRandomAccess,
+ "The '+' operator is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return i + n;
+ }
+ DerivedT operator-(DifferenceTypeT n) const {
+ static_assert(
+ IsRandomAccess,
+ "The '-' operator is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ DerivedT tmp = *static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this);
+ tmp -= n;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ DerivedT &operator++() {
+ return static_cast<DerivedT *>(this)->operator+=(1);
+ }
+ DerivedT operator++(int) {
+ DerivedT tmp = *static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ ++*static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ DerivedT &operator--() {
+ static_assert(
+ IsBidirectional,
+ "The decrement operator is only defined for bidirectional iterators.");
+ return static_cast<DerivedT *>(this)->operator-=(1);
+ }
+ DerivedT operator--(int) {
+ static_assert(
+ IsBidirectional,
+ "The decrement operator is only defined for bidirectional iterators.");
+ DerivedT tmp = *static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ --*static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const DerivedT &RHS) const {
+ return !static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator==(RHS);
+ }
+ bool operator>(const DerivedT &RHS) const {
+ static_assert(
+ IsRandomAccess,
+ "Relational operators are only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return !static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator<(RHS) &&
+ !static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator==(RHS);
+ }
+ bool operator<=(const DerivedT &RHS) const {
+ static_assert(
+ IsRandomAccess,
+ "Relational operators are only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return !static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator>(RHS);
+ }
+ bool operator>=(const DerivedT &RHS) const {
+ static_assert(
+ IsRandomAccess,
+ "Relational operators are only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return !static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator<(RHS);
+ }
+ PointerT operator->() const {
+ return &static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator*();
+ }
+ ReferenceT operator[](DifferenceTypeT n) const {
+ static_assert(IsRandomAccess,
+ "Subscripting is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return *static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator+(n);
+ }
+/// \brief CRTP base class for adapting an iterator to a different type.
+/// This class can be used through CRTP to adapt one iterator into another.
+/// Typically this is done through providing in the derived class a custom \c
+/// operator* implementation. Other methods can be overridden as well.
+template <
+ typename DerivedT, typename WrappedIteratorT,
+ typename IteratorCategoryT =
+ typename std::iterator_traits<WrappedIteratorT>::iterator_category,
+ typename T = typename std::iterator_traits<WrappedIteratorT>::value_type,
+ typename DifferenceTypeT =
+ typename std::iterator_traits<WrappedIteratorT>::difference_type,
+ typename PointerT = T *, typename ReferenceT = T &,
+ // Don't provide these, they are mostly to act as aliases below.
+ typename WrappedTraitsT = std::iterator_traits<WrappedIteratorT>>
+class iterator_adaptor_base
+ : public iterator_facade_base<DerivedT, IteratorCategoryT, T,
+ DifferenceTypeT, PointerT, ReferenceT> {
+ typedef typename iterator_adaptor_base::iterator_facade_base BaseT;
+ WrappedIteratorT I;
+ iterator_adaptor_base() {}
+ template <typename U>
+ explicit iterator_adaptor_base(
+ U &&u,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ !std::is_base_of<typename std::remove_cv<
+ typename std::remove_reference<U>::type>::type,
+ DerivedT>::value,
+ int>::type = 0)
+ : I(std::forward<U &&>(u)) {}
+ typedef DifferenceTypeT difference_type;
+ DerivedT &operator+=(difference_type n) {
+ static_assert(
+ BaseT::IsRandomAccess,
+ "The '+=' operator is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ I += n;
+ return *static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ }
+ DerivedT &operator-=(difference_type n) {
+ static_assert(
+ BaseT::IsRandomAccess,
+ "The '-=' operator is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ I -= n;
+ return *static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ }
+ using BaseT::operator-;
+ difference_type operator-(const DerivedT &RHS) const {
+ static_assert(
+ BaseT::IsRandomAccess,
+ "The '-' operator is only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return I - RHS.I;
+ }
+ // We have to explicitly provide ++ and -- rather than letting the facade
+ // forward to += because WrappedIteratorT might not support +=.
+ using BaseT::operator++;
+ DerivedT &operator++() {
+ ++I;
+ return *static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ }
+ using BaseT::operator--;
+ DerivedT &operator--() {
+ static_assert(
+ BaseT::IsBidirectional,
+ "The decrement operator is only defined for bidirectional iterators.");
+ --I;
+ return *static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const DerivedT &RHS) const { return I == RHS.I; }
+ bool operator<(const DerivedT &RHS) const {
+ static_assert(
+ BaseT::IsRandomAccess,
+ "Relational operators are only defined for random access iterators.");
+ return I < RHS.I;
+ }
+ ReferenceT operator*() const { return *I; }
+/// \brief An iterator type that allows iterating over the pointees via some
+/// other iterator.
+/// The typical usage of this is to expose a type that iterates over Ts, but
+/// which is implemented with some iterator over T*s:
+/// \code
+/// typedef pointee_iterator<SmallVectorImpl<T *>::iterator> iterator;
+/// \endcode
+template <typename WrappedIteratorT,
+ typename T = typename std::remove_reference<
+ decltype(**std::declval<WrappedIteratorT>())>::type>
+struct pointee_iterator
+ : iterator_adaptor_base<
+ pointee_iterator<WrappedIteratorT>, WrappedIteratorT,
+ typename std::iterator_traits<WrappedIteratorT>::iterator_category,
+ T> {
+ pointee_iterator() {}
+ template <typename U>
+ pointee_iterator(U &&u)
+ : pointee_iterator::iterator_adaptor_base(std::forward<U &&>(u)) {}
+ T &operator*() const { return **this->I; }