path: root/test/CodeGen/X86/win64_eh.ll
diff options
authorStephen Hines <>2014-07-21 00:45:20 -0700
committerStephen Hines <>2014-07-21 00:45:20 -0700
commitc6a4f5e819217e1e12c458aed8e7b122e23a3a58 (patch)
tree81b7dd2bb4370a392f31d332a566c903b5744764 /test/CodeGen/X86/win64_eh.ll
parent19c6fbb3e8aaf74093afa08013134b61fa08f245 (diff)
Update LLVM for rebase to r212749.
Includes a cherry-pick of: r212948 - fixes a small issue with atomic calls Change-Id: Ib97bd980b59f18142a69506400911a6009d9df18
Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGen/X86/win64_eh.ll')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/win64_eh.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/win64_eh.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f874e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/win64_eh.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -O0 -mcpu=corei7 -mtriple=x86_64-pc-win32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WIN64
+; RUN: llc < %s -O0 -mcpu=corei7 -mtriple=x86_64-pc-mingw32 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WIN64
+; Check function without prolog
+define void @foo0() uwtable {
+ ret void
+; WIN64-LABEL: foo0:
+; WIN64: .seh_proc foo0
+; WIN64: .seh_endprologue
+; WIN64: ret
+; WIN64: .seh_endproc
+; Checks a small stack allocation
+define void @foo1() uwtable {
+ %baz = alloca [2000 x i16], align 2
+ ret void
+; WIN64-LABEL: foo1:
+; WIN64: .seh_proc foo1
+; WIN64: subq $4000, %rsp
+; WIN64: .seh_stackalloc 4000
+; WIN64: .seh_endprologue
+; WIN64: addq $4000, %rsp
+; WIN64: ret
+; WIN64: .seh_endproc
+; Checks a stack allocation requiring call to __chkstk/___chkstk_ms
+define void @foo2() uwtable {
+ %baz = alloca [4000 x i16], align 2
+ ret void
+; WIN64-LABEL: foo2:
+; WIN64: .seh_proc foo2
+; WIN64: movabsq $8000, %rax
+; WIN64: callq {{__chkstk|___chkstk_ms}}
+; WIN64: subq %rax, %rsp
+; WIN64: .seh_stackalloc 8000
+; WIN64: .seh_endprologue
+; WIN64: addq $8000, %rsp
+; WIN64: ret
+; WIN64: .seh_endproc
+; Checks stack push
+define i32 @foo3(i32 %f_arg, i32 %e_arg, i32 %d_arg, i32 %c_arg, i32 %b_arg, i32 %a_arg) uwtable {
+ %a = alloca i32
+ %b = alloca i32
+ %c = alloca i32
+ %d = alloca i32
+ %e = alloca i32
+ %f = alloca i32
+ store i32 %a_arg, i32* %a
+ store i32 %b_arg, i32* %b
+ store i32 %c_arg, i32* %c
+ store i32 %d_arg, i32* %d
+ store i32 %e_arg, i32* %e
+ store i32 %f_arg, i32* %f
+ %tmp = load i32* %a
+ %tmp1 = mul i32 %tmp, 2
+ %tmp2 = load i32* %b
+ %tmp3 = mul i32 %tmp2, 3
+ %tmp4 = add i32 %tmp1, %tmp3
+ %tmp5 = load i32* %c
+ %tmp6 = mul i32 %tmp5, 5
+ %tmp7 = add i32 %tmp4, %tmp6
+ %tmp8 = load i32* %d
+ %tmp9 = mul i32 %tmp8, 7
+ %tmp10 = add i32 %tmp7, %tmp9
+ %tmp11 = load i32* %e
+ %tmp12 = mul i32 %tmp11, 11
+ %tmp13 = add i32 %tmp10, %tmp12
+ %tmp14 = load i32* %f
+ %tmp15 = mul i32 %tmp14, 13
+ %tmp16 = add i32 %tmp13, %tmp15
+ ret i32 %tmp16
+; WIN64-LABEL: foo3:
+; WIN64: .seh_proc foo3
+; WIN64: pushq %rsi
+; WIN64: .seh_pushreg 6
+; WIN64: subq $24, %rsp
+; WIN64: .seh_stackalloc 24
+; WIN64: .seh_endprologue
+; WIN64: addq $24, %rsp
+; WIN64: popq %rsi
+; WIN64: ret
+; WIN64: .seh_endproc
+; Check emission of eh handler and handler data
+declare i32 @_d_eh_personality(i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)
+declare void @_d_eh_resume_unwind(i8*)
+declare i32 @bar()
+define i32 @foo4() #0 {
+ %step = alloca i32, align 4
+ store i32 0, i32* %step
+ %tmp = load i32* %step
+ %tmp1 = invoke i32 @bar()
+ to label %finally unwind label %landingpad
+ store i32 1, i32* %step
+ br label %endtryfinally
+ %landing_pad = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @_d_eh_personality
+ cleanup
+ %tmp3 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %landing_pad, 0
+ store i32 2, i32* %step
+ call void @_d_eh_resume_unwind(i8* %tmp3)
+ unreachable
+ %tmp10 = load i32* %step
+ ret i32 %tmp10
+; WIN64-LABEL: foo4:
+; WIN64: .seh_proc foo4
+; WIN64: .seh_handler _d_eh_personality, @unwind, @except
+; WIN64: subq $56, %rsp
+; WIN64: .seh_stackalloc 56
+; WIN64: .seh_endprologue
+; WIN64: addq $56, %rsp
+; WIN64: ret
+; WIN64: .seh_handlerdata
+; WIN64: .seh_endproc
+; Check stack re-alignment and xmm spilling
+define void @foo5() uwtable {
+ %s = alloca i32, align 64
+ call void asm sideeffect "", "~{rbx},~{rdi},~{xmm6},~{xmm7}"()
+ ret void
+; WIN64-LABEL: foo5:
+; WIN64: .seh_proc foo5
+; WIN64: pushq %rbp
+; WIN64: .seh_pushreg 5
+; WIN64: movq %rsp, %rbp
+; WIN64: pushq %rdi
+; WIN64: .seh_pushreg 7
+; WIN64: pushq %rbx
+; WIN64: .seh_pushreg 3
+; WIN64: andq $-64, %rsp
+; WIN64: subq $128, %rsp
+; WIN64: .seh_stackalloc 48
+; WIN64: .seh_setframe 5, 64
+; WIN64: movaps %xmm7, -32(%rbp) # 16-byte Spill
+; WIN64: movaps %xmm6, -48(%rbp) # 16-byte Spill
+; WIN64: .seh_savexmm 6, 16
+; WIN64: .seh_savexmm 7, 32
+; WIN64: .seh_endprologue
+; WIN64: movaps -48(%rbp), %xmm6 # 16-byte Reload
+; WIN64: movaps -32(%rbp), %xmm7 # 16-byte Reload
+; WIN64: leaq -16(%rbp), %rsp
+; WIN64: popq %rbx
+; WIN64: popq %rdi
+; WIN64: popq %rbp
+; WIN64: retq
+; WIN64: .seh_endproc