diff options
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 6e4a53e..870ef70 100755
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ if (`grep '^gmake[^:]*: .*Error' $Prefix-Build-Log.txt | wc -l` + 0 ||
`grep '^gmake: \*\*\*.*Stop.' $Prefix-Build-Log.txt | wc -l`+0) {
$BuildError = "<h3><font color='red'>Build error: compilation " .
"<a href=\"$DATE-Build-Log.txt\">aborted</a></font></h3>";
+ print "BUILD ERROR\n";
@@ -252,13 +253,13 @@ $WarningsFile =~ s/:[0-9]+:/::/g;
# Emit the warnings file, so we can diff...
WriteFile "$WebDir/$DATE-Warnings.txt", $WarningsFile . "\n";
my ($WarningsAdded, $WarningsRemoved) = DiffFiles "-Warnings.txt";
-$WarningsAdded = AddPreTag $WarningsAdded;
-$WarningsRemoved = AddPreTag $WarningsRemoved;
# Output something to stdout if something has changed
print "ADDED WARNINGS:\n$WarningsAdded\n\n" if (length $WarningsAdded);
print "REMOVED WARNINGS:\n$WarningsRemoved\n\n" if (length $WarningsRemoved);
+$WarningsAdded = AddPreTag $WarningsAdded;
+$WarningsRemoved = AddPreTag $WarningsRemoved;
# Get some statistics about CVS commits over the current day...
@@ -332,10 +333,12 @@ sub TestDirectory {
if (`grep '^gmake[^:]: .*Error' $Prefix-$SubDir-ProgramTest.txt | wc -l` + 0){
$TestError = 1;
$ProgramsTable = "<font color=white><h2>Error running tests!</h2></font>";
+ print "ERROR TESTING\n";
} elsif (`grep '^gmake[^:]: .*No rule to make target' $Prefix-$SubDir-ProgramTest.txt | wc -l` + 0) {
$TestError = 1;
$ProgramsTable =
"<font color=white><h2>Makefile error running tests!</h2></font>";
+ print "ERROR TESTING\n";
} else {
$TestError = 0;
$ProgramsTable = ReadFile "report.nightly.html";
@@ -395,17 +398,17 @@ if ($TestError) {
$TestsRemoved = "$TestsRemoved$Test\n" if (!exists $NewTests{$Test});
+ print "TESTS ADDED: \n$TestsAdded\n\n" if (length $TestsAdded);
+ print "TESTS REMOVED:\n$TestsRemoved\n\n" if (length $TestsRemoved);
+ print "TESTS FIXED: \n$TestsFixed\n\n" if (length $TestsFixed);
+ print "TESTS BROKEN: \n$TestsBroken\n\n" if (length $TestsBroken);
$TestsAdded = AddPreTag $TestsAdded;
$TestsRemoved = AddPreTag $TestsRemoved;
$TestsFixed = AddPreTag $TestsFixed;
$TestsBroken = AddPreTag $TestsBroken;
-print "TESTS ADDED: \n$TestsAdded\n\n" if (length $TestsAdded);
-print "TESTS REMOVED:\n$TestsRemoved\n\n" if (length $TestsRemoved);
-print "TESTS FIXED: \n$TestsFixed\n\n" if (length $TestsFixed);
-print "TESTS BROKEN: \n$TestsBroken\n\n" if (length $TestsBroken);
# If we built the tree successfully, runs of the Olden suite with
# LARGE_PROBLEM_SIZE on so that we can get some "running" statistics.