path: root/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli b/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli
index 168eef5..4f5e717 100644
--- a/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli
+++ b/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,44 @@ module Endian : sig
| Little
+module CodeGenOptLevel : sig
+ type t =
+ | None
+ | Less
+ | Default
+ | Aggressive
+module RelocMode : sig
+ type t =
+ | Default
+ | Static
+ | PIC
+ | DynamicNoPIC
+module CodeModel : sig
+ type t =
+ | Default
+ | JITDefault
+ | Small
+ | Kernel
+ | Medium
+ | Large
+module CodeGenFileType : sig
+ type t =
+ | AssemblyFile
+ | ObjectFile
+(** {6 Exceptions} *)
+exception Error of string
+(** {6 Data Layout} *)
module DataLayout : sig
type t
@@ -93,3 +131,92 @@ module DataLayout : sig
See the method [llvm::StructLayout::getElementContainingOffset]. *)
val offset_of_element : Llvm.lltype -> int -> t -> Int64.t
+(** {6 Target} *)
+module Target : sig
+ type t
+ (** [default_triple ()] returns the default target triple for current
+ platform. *)
+ val default_triple : unit -> string
+ (** [first ()] returns the first target in the registered targets
+ list, or [None]. *)
+ val first : unit -> t option
+ (** [succ t] returns the next target after [t], or [None]
+ if [t] was the last target. *)
+ val succ : t -> t option
+ (** [all ()] returns a list of known targets. *)
+ val all : unit -> t list
+ (** [by_name name] returns [Some t] if a target [t] named [name] is
+ registered, or [None] otherwise. *)
+ val by_name : string -> t option
+ (** [by_triple triple] returns a target for a triple [triple], or raises
+ [Error] if [triple] does not correspond to a registered target. *)
+ val by_triple : string -> t
+ (** Returns the name of a target. See [llvm::Target::getName]. *)
+ val name : t -> string
+ (** Returns the description of a target.
+ See [llvm::Target::getDescription]. *)
+ val description : t -> string
+ (** Returns [true] if the target has a JIT. *)
+ val has_jit : t -> bool
+ (** Returns [true] if the target has a target machine associated. *)
+ val has_target_machine : t -> bool
+ (** Returns [true] if the target has an ASM backend (required for
+ emitting output). *)
+ val has_asm_backend : t -> bool
+(** {6 Target Machine} *)
+module TargetMachine : sig
+ type t
+ (** Creates a new target machine.
+ See [llvm::Target::createTargetMachine]. *)
+ val create : triple:string -> ?cpu:string -> ?features:string ->
+ ?level:CodeGenOptLevel.t -> ?reloc_mode:RelocMode.t ->
+ ?code_model:CodeModel.t -> Target.t -> t
+ (** Returns the Target used in a TargetMachine *)
+ val target : t -> Target.t
+ (** Returns the triple used while creating this target machine. See
+ [llvm::TargetMachine::getTriple]. *)
+ val triple : t -> string
+ (** Returns the CPU used while creating this target machine. See
+ [llvm::TargetMachine::getCPU]. *)
+ val cpu : t -> string
+ (** Returns the feature string used while creating this target machine. See
+ [llvm::TargetMachine::getFeatureString]. *)
+ val features : t -> string
+ (** Returns the data layout of this target machine. *)
+ val data_layout : t -> DataLayout.t
+ (** Sets the assembly verbosity of this target machine.
+ See [llvm::TargetMachine::setAsmVerbosity]. *)
+ val set_verbose_asm : bool -> t -> unit
+ (** Emits assembly or object data for the given module to the given
+ file or raise [Error]. *)
+ val emit_to_file : Llvm.llmodule -> CodeGenFileType.t -> string -> t -> unit
+ (** Emits assembly or object data for the given module to a fresh memory
+ buffer or raise [Error]. *)
+ val emit_to_memory_buffer : Llvm.llmodule -> CodeGenFileType.t -> t ->
+ Llvm.llmemorybuffer