path: root/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp16-promote.ll
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGen/Mips/fp16-promote.ll')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp16-promote.ll b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp16-promote.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ac46e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Mips/fp16-promote.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+; RUN: llc -asm-verbose=false -mtriple=mipsel-linux-gnueabi < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-LIBCALL
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fadd:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-DAG: %call16(__gnu_f2h_ieee)
+define void @test_fadd(half* %p, half* %q) #0 {
+ %a = load half, half* %p, align 2
+ %b = load half, half* %q, align 2
+ %r = fadd half %a, %b
+ store half %r, half* %p
+ ret void
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fpext_float:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+define float @test_fpext_float(half* %p) {
+ %a = load half, half* %p, align 2
+ %r = fpext half %a to float
+ ret float %r
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fpext_double:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: cvt.d.s
+define double @test_fpext_double(half* %p) {
+ %a = load half, half* %p, align 2
+ %r = fpext half %a to double
+ ret double %r
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fptrunc_float:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_f2h_ieee)
+define void @test_fptrunc_float(float %f, half* %p) #0 {
+ %a = fptrunc float %f to half
+ store half %a, half* %p
+ ret void
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_fptrunc_double:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__truncdfhf2)
+define void @test_fptrunc_double(double %d, half* %p) #0 {
+ %a = fptrunc double %d to half
+ store half %a, half* %p
+ ret void
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_vec_fpext_float:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+define <4 x float> @test_vec_fpext_float(<4 x half>* %p) #0 {
+ %a = load <4 x half>, <4 x half>* %p, align 8
+ %b = fpext <4 x half> %a to <4 x float>
+ ret <4 x float> %b
+; This test is not robust against variations in instruction scheduling.
+; See the discussion in
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_vec_fpext_double:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: cvt.d.s
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: cvt.d.s
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: cvt.d.s
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_h2f_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: cvt.d.s
+define <4 x double> @test_vec_fpext_double(<4 x half>* %p) #0 {
+ %a = load <4 x half>, <4 x half>* %p, align 8
+ %b = fpext <4 x half> %a to <4 x double>
+ ret <4 x double> %b
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_vec_fptrunc_float:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_f2h_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_f2h_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_f2h_ieee)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__gnu_f2h_ieee)
+define void @test_vec_fptrunc_float(<4 x float> %a, <4 x half>* %p) #0 {
+ %b = fptrunc <4 x float> %a to <4 x half>
+ store <4 x half> %b, <4 x half>* %p, align 8
+ ret void
+; CHECK-LIBCALL-LABEL: test_vec_fptrunc_double:
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__truncdfhf2)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__truncdfhf2)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__truncdfhf2)
+; CHECK-LIBCALL: %call16(__truncdfhf2)
+define void @test_vec_fptrunc_double(<4 x double> %a, <4 x half>* %p) #0 {
+ %b = fptrunc <4 x double> %a to <4 x half>
+ store <4 x half> %b, <4 x half>* %p, align 8
+ ret void