path: root/test/DebugInfo/X86/debug-loc-asan.ll
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/DebugInfo/X86/debug-loc-asan.ll')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/test/DebugInfo/X86/debug-loc-asan.ll b/test/DebugInfo/X86/debug-loc-asan.ll
index 869db75..13e193b 100644
--- a/test/DebugInfo/X86/debug-loc-asan.ll
+++ b/test/DebugInfo/X86/debug-loc-asan.ll
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
; CHECK: .Ldebug_loc{{[0-9]+}}:
; We expect two location ranges for the variable.
-; First, it is stored in %rdx:
+; First, its address is stored in %rdi:
; CHECK: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0
; CHECK-NEXT: .quad [[START_LABEL]]-.Lfunc_begin0
-; CHECK: DW_OP_reg5
+; CHECK: DW_OP_breg5
; Then it's addressed via %rsp:
; CHECK: .quad [[START_LABEL]]-.Lfunc_begin0
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ entry:
%21 = inttoptr i64 %20 to i8*
%22 = load i8* %21
%23 = icmp ne i8 %22, 0
- call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32* %8}, metadata !12, metadata !14)
+ call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i32* %8, metadata !12, metadata !14)
br i1 %23, label %24, label %30
; <label>:24 ; preds = %5
@@ -165,18 +165,18 @@ attributes #1 = { nounwind readnone }
!llvm.module.flags = !{!9, !10}
!llvm.ident = !{!11}
-!0 = metadata !{metadata !"0x11\004\00clang version 3.5.0 (209308)\000\00\000\00\001", metadata !1, metadata !2, metadata !2, metadata !3, metadata !2, metadata !2} ; [ DW_TAG_compile_unit ] [/llvm_cmake_gcc/] [DW_LANG_C_plus_plus]
-!1 = metadata !{metadata !"", metadata !"/llvm_cmake_gcc"}
-!2 = metadata !{}
-!3 = metadata !{metadata !4}
-!4 = metadata !{metadata !"0x2e\00bar\00bar\00_Z3bari\001\000\001\000\006\00256\000\001", metadata !1, metadata !5, metadata !6, null, i32 (i32)* @_Z3bari, null, null, metadata !2} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 1] [def] [bar]
-!5 = metadata !{metadata !"0x29", metadata !1} ; [ DW_TAG_file_type ] [/llvm_cmake_gcc/]
-!6 = metadata !{metadata !"0x15\00\000\000\000\000\000\000", i32 0, null, null, metadata !7, null, null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_subroutine_type ] [line 0, size 0, align 0, offset 0] [from ]
-!7 = metadata !{metadata !8, metadata !8}
-!8 = metadata !{metadata !"0x24\00int\000\0032\0032\000\000\005", null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_base_type ] [int] [line 0, size 32, align 32, offset 0, enc DW_ATE_signed]
-!9 = metadata !{i32 2, metadata !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
-!10 = metadata !{i32 2, metadata !"Debug Info Version", i32 2}
-!11 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.5.0 (209308)"}
-!12 = metadata !{metadata !"0x101\00y\0016777217\000", metadata !4, metadata !5, metadata !8} ; [ DW_TAG_arg_variable ] [y] [line 1]
-!13 = metadata !{i32 2, i32 0, metadata !4, null}
-!14 = metadata !{metadata !"0x102\006"} ; [ DW_TAG_expression ] [DW_OP_deref]
+!0 = !{!"0x11\004\00clang version 3.5.0 (209308)\000\00\000\00\001", !1, !2, !2, !3, !2, !2} ; [ DW_TAG_compile_unit ] [/llvm_cmake_gcc/] [DW_LANG_C_plus_plus]
+!1 = !{!"", !"/llvm_cmake_gcc"}
+!2 = !{}
+!3 = !{!4}
+!4 = !{!"0x2e\00bar\00bar\00_Z3bari\001\000\001\000\006\00256\000\001", !1, !5, !6, null, i32 (i32)* @_Z3bari, null, null, !2} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 1] [def] [bar]
+!5 = !{!"0x29", !1} ; [ DW_TAG_file_type ] [/llvm_cmake_gcc/]
+!6 = !{!"0x15\00\000\000\000\000\000\000", i32 0, null, null, !7, null, null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_subroutine_type ] [line 0, size 0, align 0, offset 0] [from ]
+!7 = !{!8, !8}
+!8 = !{!"0x24\00int\000\0032\0032\000\000\005", null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_base_type ] [int] [line 0, size 32, align 32, offset 0, enc DW_ATE_signed]
+!9 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
+!10 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 2}
+!11 = !{!"clang version 3.5.0 (209308)"}
+!12 = !{!"0x101\00y\0016777217\000", !4, !5, !8} ; [ DW_TAG_arg_variable ] [y] [line 1]
+!13 = !MDLocation(line: 2, scope: !4)
+!14 = !{!"0x102\006"} ; [ DW_TAG_expression ] [DW_OP_deref]