path: root/test/Transforms/IRCE/single-access-with-preloop.ll
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/IRCE/single-access-with-preloop.ll')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/IRCE/single-access-with-preloop.ll b/test/Transforms/IRCE/single-access-with-preloop.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16426b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/IRCE/single-access-with-preloop.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+; RUN: opt -irce -S < %s | FileCheck %s
+define void @single_access_with_preloop(i32 *%arr, i32 *%a_len_ptr, i32 %n, i32 %offset) {
+ entry:
+ %len = load i32* %a_len_ptr, !range !0
+ %first.itr.check = icmp sgt i32 %n, 0
+ br i1 %first.itr.check, label %loop, label %exit
+ loop:
+ %idx = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ] , [, %in.bounds ]
+ = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %array.idx = add i32 %idx, %offset
+ %abc.high = icmp slt i32 %array.idx, %len
+ %abc.low = icmp sge i32 %array.idx, 0
+ %abc = and i1 %abc.low, %abc.high
+ br i1 %abc, label %in.bounds, label %out.of.bounds, !prof !1
+ in.bounds:
+ %addr = getelementptr i32* %arr, i32 %array.idx
+ store i32 0, i32* %addr
+ %next = icmp slt i32, %n
+ br i1 %next, label %loop, label %exit
+ out.of.bounds:
+ ret void
+ exit:
+ ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: loop.preheader:
+; CHECK: [[not_safe_start:[^ ]+]] = add i32 %offset, -1
+; CHECK: [[not_n:[^ ]+]] = sub i32 -1, %n
+; CHECK: [[not_exit_preloop_at_cond_loclamp:[^ ]+]] = icmp sgt i32 [[not_safe_start]], [[not_n]]
+; CHECK: [[not_exit_preloop_at_loclamp:[^ ]+]] = select i1 [[not_exit_preloop_at_cond_loclamp]], i32 [[not_safe_start]], i32 [[not_n]]
+; CHECK: [[exit_preloop_at_loclamp:[^ ]+]] = sub i32 -1, [[not_exit_preloop_at_loclamp]]
+; CHECK: [[exit_preloop_at_cond:[^ ]+]] = icmp sgt i32 [[exit_preloop_at_loclamp]], 0
+; CHECK: [[exit_preloop_at:[^ ]+]] = select i1 [[exit_preloop_at_cond]], i32 [[exit_preloop_at_loclamp]], i32 0
+; CHECK: [[not_safe_start_2:[^ ]+]] = add i32 %offset, -1
+; CHECK: [[not_safe_end:[^ ]+]] = sub i32 [[not_safe_start_2]], %len
+; CHECK: [[not_exit_mainloop_at_cond_loclamp:[^ ]+]] = icmp sgt i32 [[not_safe_end]], [[not_n]]
+; CHECK: [[not_exit_mainloop_at_loclamp:[^ ]+]] = select i1 [[not_exit_mainloop_at_cond_loclamp]], i32 [[not_safe_end]], i32 [[not_n]]
+; CHECK: [[exit_mainloop_at_loclamp:[^ ]+]] = sub i32 -1, [[not_exit_mainloop_at_loclamp]]
+; CHECK: [[exit_mainloop_at_cmp:[^ ]+]] = icmp sgt i32 [[exit_mainloop_at_loclamp]], 0
+; CHECK: [[exit_mainloop_at:[^ ]+]] = select i1 [[exit_mainloop_at_cmp]], i32 [[exit_mainloop_at_loclamp]], i32 0
+; CHECK-LABEL: in.bounds:
+; CHECK: [[continue_mainloop_cond:[^ ]+]] = icmp slt i32, [[exit_mainloop_at]]
+; CHECK: br i1 [[continue_mainloop_cond]], label %loop, label %main.exit.selector
+; CHECK-LABEL: main.exit.selector:
+; CHECK: [[mainloop_its_left:[^ ]+]] = icmp slt i32, %n
+; CHECK: br i1 [[mainloop_its_left]], label %main.pseudo.exit, label %exit.loopexit
+; CHECK-LABEL: in.bounds.preloop:
+; CHECK: [[continue_preloop_cond:[^ ]+]] = icmp slt i32, [[exit_preloop_at]]
+; CHECK: br i1 [[continue_preloop_cond]], label %loop.preloop, label %preloop.exit.selector
+; CHECK-LABEL: preloop.exit.selector:
+; CHECK: [[preloop_its_left:[^ ]+]] = icmp slt i32, %n
+; CHECK: br i1 [[preloop_its_left]], label %preloop.pseudo.exit, label %exit.loopexit
+; CHECK-LABEL: in.bounds.postloop:
+; CHECK: %next.postloop = icmp slt i32, %n
+; CHECK: br i1 %next.postloop, label %loop.postloop, label %exit.loopexit
+!0 = !{i32 0, i32 2147483647}
+!1 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 64, i32 4}