diff options
authorKevin Rocard <>2012-12-14 16:11:05 +0100
committerDavid Wagner <>2014-02-12 17:03:32 +0100
commit326e39e42a801bff4b61655ebc0e3ff759c208ff (patch)
parenta4e7b912aa20fe19dc3276221106e7c11e844deb (diff)
PFW: XML coverage tool for domains and criterions
BZ: 77959 Add a python3 script to generate a PFW setting/configuration/citerion coverage report in XML from the PFW log. Change-Id: I013b033aa8414431d892bc953d9584f78ff44cd0 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Rocard, KevinX <> Reviewed-by: Centelles, Sylvain <> Tested-by: Dixon, CharlesX <> Reviewed-by: cactus <> Tested-by: cactus <>
1 files changed, 913 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b5f8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Generate a coverage report by parsing parameter framework log.
+The coverage report contains the:
+ - domain
+ - configuration
+ - rule
+ - criterion
+basic coverage statistics.
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import sys
+import re
+import logging
+FORMAT = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
+logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.WARNING, format=FORMAT)
+logger = logging.getLogger("Coverage")
+class ChildNotFoundError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, parent, child):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.child = child
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("Unable to find child %s in parent %s" %
+ (self.parent, self.child))
+class Element():
+ """Root class for all coverage elements"""
+ tag = "element"
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.parent = None
+ self.children = []
+ self.nbUse = 0
+ = name
+ self.debug("New element")
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s (%s)" % (, self.tag)
+ def __eq__(self, compared):
+ self.debug(lambda : "Comparing:\n%s" % self.dump())
+ self.debug(lambda : "With:\n%s" % compared.dump())
+ result = == and self.children == compared.children
+ self.debug("Result is %s" % result)
+ return result
+ def getName(self, default=""):
+ return or default
+ def hasChildren(self):
+ return bool(self.children)
+ def getChildren(self):
+ return self.children
+ def _getDescendants(self):
+ for child in self.children:
+ yield child
+ for descendant in child._getDescendants() :
+ yield descendant
+ def getChildFromName(self, childName):
+ for child in self.children :
+ if child.getName() == childName :
+ return child
+ self.debug("Child %s not found" % childName, logging.ERROR)
+ self.debug("Child list :")
+ for child in self.children :
+ self.debug(" - %s" % child)
+ raise ChildNotFoundError(self, child)
+ def addChild(self, child):
+ self.debug("new child: " +
+ self.children.append(child)
+ child._adoptedBy(self)
+ def _adoptedBy(self, parent):
+ assert(not self.parent)
+ self.parent = parent
+ def _getElementNames(self, elementList):
+ return ( for substate in elementList)
+ def _description(self, withCoverage, withNbUse):
+ description =
+ if withNbUse or withCoverage :
+ description += " has been used " + str(self.nbUse) + " time"
+ if withCoverage :
+ description += self._coverageFormating(self._getCoverage())
+ return description
+ def _getCoverage(self):
+ coverageDependance = list(self._getCoverageDependance())
+ nbcoverageDependence = len(coverageDependance)
+ if nbcoverageDependence == 0:
+ # Coverage makes no sense without any dependence
+ return None
+ nbcoverageDependanceUsed = len([element
+ for element in coverageDependance
+ if element.hasBeenUsed()])
+ return nbcoverageDependanceUsed / nbcoverageDependence
+ def _getCoverageDependance(self):
+ return self.children
+ def _coverageFormating(self, coverage):
+ # If no coverage provided
+ if not coverage :
+ return ""
+ # Calculate coverage
+ return " (%s coverage)" % self._number2percent(coverage)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _number2percent(number):
+ """Format a number to a integer % string
+ example: _number2percent(0.6666) -> "67%"
+ """
+ return "{0:.0f}%".format(100 * number)
+ def _dumpDescription(self, withCoverage, withNbUse):
+ self.debug("yelding description")
+ yield RankedLine(self._description(withCoverage, withNbUse), lineSuffix="")
+ for dumped in self._dumpPropagate(withCoverage, withNbUse) :
+ yield dumped
+ def _dumpPropagate(self, withCoverage, withNbUse):
+ for child in self.children :
+ for dumpedDescription in child._dumpDescription(withCoverage, withNbUse) :
+ yield dumpedDescription.increasedRank()
+ def dump(self, withCoverage=False, withNbUse=True):
+ return "\n".join(
+ str(dumpedDescription) for dumpedDescription in
+ self._dumpDescription(withCoverage, withNbUse))
+ def exportToXML(self):
+ domElement = xml.dom.minidom.Element(self.tag)
+ self._XMLaddAttributes(domElement)
+ for child in self.children :
+ domElement.appendChild(child.exportToXML())
+ return domElement
+ def _XMLaddAttributes(self, domElement):
+ attributes = {
+ "Name":,
+ "NbUse": str(self.nbUse)
+ }
+ coverage = self._getCoverage()
+ if coverage :
+ attributes["coverage"] = self._number2percent(coverage)
+ for key, value in attributes.items():
+ domElement.setAttribute(key, value)
+ def _incNbUse(self):
+ self.nbUse += 1
+ def childUsed(self, child):
+ self._incNbUse()
+ # Propagate to parent
+ self._tellParentThatChildUsed()
+ def _tellParentThatChildUsed(self):
+ if self.parent :
+ self.parent.childUsed(self)
+ def parentUsed(self):
+ self._incNbUse()
+ # Propagate to children
+ for child in self.children :
+ child.parentUsed()
+ def hasBeenUsed(self):
+ return self.nbUse > 0
+ def operationOnChild(self, path, operation):
+ # Stop if path is not consume yet but there is no child
+ assert(self.children or not path)
+ if path:
+ return self._operationPropagate(path, operation)
+ else :
+ self.debug("operating on self")
+ return operation(self)
+ def _operationPropagate(self, path, operation):
+ childName = path.pop(0)
+ child = self.getChildFromName(childName)
+ return child.operationOnChild(path, operation)
+ def debug(self, stringOrFunction, level=logging.DEBUG):
+ """Print a debug line on stderr in tree form
+ If the debug line is expensive to generate, provide callable
+ object, it will be called if log is enable for this level.
+ This callable object should return the logline string.
+ """
+ if logger.isEnabledFor(level):
+ # TODO: use buildin callable if python >= 3.2
+ if hasattr(stringOrFunction, "__call__"):
+ string = stringOrFunction()
+ else:
+ string = stringOrFunction
+ rankedLine = DebugRankedLine("%s: %s" % (self, string))
+ self._logDebug(rankedLine, level)
+ def _logDebug(self, rankedLine, level):
+ if self.parent:
+ self.parent._logDebug(rankedLine.increasedRank(), level)
+ else :
+ logger.log(level, str(rankedLine))
+class FromDomElement(Element):
+ def __init__(self, DomElement):
+ self._initFromDom(DomElement)
+ super().__init__(
+ def _initFromDom(self, DomElement):
+ = DomElement.getAttribute("Name")
+class DomElementLocation():
+ def __init__(self, classConstructor, path=None):
+ self.classConstructor = classConstructor
+ if path :
+ self.path = path
+ else :
+ self.path = []
+ self.path.append(classConstructor.tag)
+class DomPopulatedElement(Element):
+ """Default child populate
+ Look for each dom element with tag specified in self.tag
+ and instantiate it with the dom element
+ """
+ childClasses = []
+ def populate(self, dom):
+ for childDomElementLocation in self.childClasses :
+ self.debug("Looking for child %s in path %s" % (
+ childDomElementLocation.path[-1], childDomElementLocation.path))
+ for childDomElement in self._findChildFromTagPath(dom, childDomElementLocation.path) :
+ childElement = childDomElementLocation.classConstructor(childDomElement)
+ self.addChild(childElement)
+ childElement.populate(childDomElement)
+ def _findChildFromTagPath(self, dom, path):
+ if not path :
+ yield dom
+ else :
+ # Copy list
+ path = list(path)
+ tag = path.pop(0)
+ # Find element with tag
+ self.debug("Going to find elements with tag %s in %s" % (tag, dom))
+ self.debug(lambda: "Nb of solutions: %s" % len(dom.getElementsByTagName(tag)))
+ for elementByTag in dom.getElementsByTagName(tag) :
+ self.debug("Found element: %s" % elementByTag)
+ # If the same tag is found
+ if elementByTag in dom.childNodes :
+ # Yield next level
+ for element in self._findChildFromTagPath(elementByTag, path) :
+ yield element
+class Rule(Element):
+ def usedIfApplicable(self, criteria):
+ childApplicability = (child.usedIfApplicable(criteria)
+ for child in self.children)
+ isApplicable = self._isApplicable(criteria, childApplicability)
+ if isApplicable :
+ self._incNbUse()
+ self.debug("Rule applicability: %s" % isApplicable)
+ assert(isApplicable == True or isApplicable == False)
+ return isApplicable
+ def _isApplicable(self, criteria, childApplicability):
+ # Forcing evaluation of all child by the list creation
+ return all(list(childApplicability))
+class CriterionRule(FromDomElement, DomPopulatedElement, Rule):
+ tag = "SelectionCriterionRule"
+ childClasses = []
+ isApplicableOperations = {
+ "Includes" : lambda criterion, value: criterion.stateIncludes(value),
+ "Excludes" : lambda criterion, value: not criterion.stateIncludes(value),
+ "Is" : lambda criterion, value: criterion.stateIs(value),
+ "IsNot" : lambda criterion, value: not criterion.stateIs(value)
+ }
+ def _initFromDom(self, DomElement):
+ self.selectionCriterion = DomElement.getAttribute("SelectionCriterion")
+ self.matchesWhen = DomElement.getAttribute("MatchesWhen")
+ self.value = DomElement.getAttribute("Value")
+ = "%s %s %s" % (self.selectionCriterion, self.matchesWhen, self.value)
+ applicableOperationWithoutValue = self.isApplicableOperations[self.matchesWhen]
+ self.isApplicableOperation = lambda criterion: applicableOperationWithoutValue(criterion, self.value)
+ def _isApplicable(self, criteria, childApplicability):
+ return criteria.operationOnChild([self.selectionCriterion],
+ self.isApplicableOperation)
+class CompoundRule(FromDomElement, DomPopulatedElement, Rule):
+ """CompoundRule can be of type ALL or ANY"""
+ tag = "CompoundRule"
+ # Declare childClasses but define it at first class instantiation
+ childClasses = None
+ def __init__(self, dom):
+ # Define childClasses at first class instantiation
+ if self.childClasses == None :
+ self.childClasses = [DomElementLocation(CriterionRule),
+ DomElementLocation(CompoundRule)]
+ super().__init__(dom)
+ def _initFromDom(self, DomElement):
+ type = DomElement.getAttribute("Type")
+ self.ofTypeAll = {"All" : True, "Any" : False}[type]
+ = type
+ def _isApplicable(self, criteria, childApplicability):
+ if self.ofTypeAll :
+ applicability = super()._isApplicable(criteria, childApplicability)
+ else:
+ # Forcing evaluation of all child by the list creation
+ applicability = any(list(childApplicability))
+ return applicability
+class RootRule(DomPopulatedElement, Rule):
+ tag = "RootRule"
+ childClasses = [DomElementLocation(CompoundRule)]
+ def populate(self, dom):
+ super().populate(dom)
+ self.debug("Children: %s" % self.children)
+ # A configuration can only have one or no rule
+ assert(len(self.children) <= 1)
+ def _getCoverageDependance(self):
+ return self._getDescendants()
+class CriteronStates(Element):
+ """Root of configuration application criterion state"""
+ tag = "CriterionStates"
+ def parentUsed(self, criteria):
+ """Add criteria to child if not exist, if exist increase it's nbUse"""
+ self._incNbUse()
+ matches = [child for child in self.children if child == criteria]
+ assert(len(matches) <= 1)
+ if matches :
+ self.debug("Criteria state has already been encounter")
+ currentcriteria = matches[0]
+ else :
+ self.debug("Criteria state has never been encounter, saving it")
+ currentcriteria = criteria
+ self.addChild(criteria)
+ currentcriteria.parentUsed()
+class IneligibleConfigurationAppliedError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, configuration, criteria):
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.criteria = criteria
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("Applying ineligible configuration %s from domain %s."
+ "Configuration rule:\n%s\n"
+ "Criteria:\n%s\n" %
+ (self.configuration, configuration.rootRule.dump(), criteria))
+class Configuration(FromDomElement, DomPopulatedElement):
+ tag = "Configuration"
+ childClasses = []
+ def __init__(self, DomElement):
+ super().__init__(DomElement)
+ self.rootRule = RootRule("RootRule")
+ self.addChild(self.rootRule)
+ self.criteronStates = CriteronStates("CriterionStates")
+ self.addChild(self.criteronStates)
+ def populate(self, dom):
+ # Delegate to rootRule
+ self.rootRule.populate(dom)
+ def _getCoverage(self):
+ # Delegate to rootRule
+ return self.rootRule._getCoverage()
+ def used(self, criteria):
+ self._incNbUse()
+ # Propagate use to parents
+ self._tellParentThatChildUsed()
+ # Propagate to criterion coverage
+ self.criteronStates.parentUsed(criteria.export())
+ # Propagate to rules
+ if not self.rootRule.usedIfApplicable(criteria) :
+ self.debug("Applied (parent: %s) "
+ "but rule does not match current criteria." %,
+ logging.FATAL)
+ self.debug("Rule :\n%s" % self.rootRule.dump(), logging.INFO)
+ self.debug("Current criteria:\n%s" % criteria.export().dump(), logging.INFO)
+ raise IneligibleConfigurationAppliedError(self, criteria.export())
+ def _dumpPropagate(self, withCoverage, withNbUse):
+ self.debug("Going to ask %s for description" % self.rootRule)
+ for dumpedDescription in self.rootRule._dumpDescription(
+ withCoverage=withCoverage,
+ withNbUse=withNbUse) :
+ yield dumpedDescription.increasedRank()
+ self.debug("Going to ask %s for description" % self.criteronStates)
+ for dumpedDescription in self.criteronStates._dumpDescription(
+ withCoverage=False,
+ withNbUse=withNbUse) :
+ yield dumpedDescription.increasedRank()
+class Domain(FromDomElement, DomPopulatedElement):
+ tag = "ConfigurableDomain"
+ childClasses = [DomElementLocation(Configuration, ["Configurations"])]
+class Domains(DomPopulatedElement):
+ tag = "Domains"
+ childClasses = [DomElementLocation(Domain, ["ConfigurableDomains"])]
+class RankedLine():
+ def __init__(self, string,
+ stringPrefix="|-- ",
+ rankString="| ",
+ linePrefix="",
+ lineSuffix="\n"):
+ self.string = string
+ self.rank = 0
+ self.stringPrefix = stringPrefix
+ self.rankString = rankString
+ self.linePrefix = linePrefix
+ self.lineSuffix = lineSuffix
+ def increasedRank(self):
+ self.rank += 1
+ return self
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.linePrefix + \
+ self.rank * self.rankString + \
+ self.stringPrefix + \
+ self.string + \
+ self.lineSuffix
+class DebugRankedLine(RankedLine):
+ def __init__(self, string, lineSuffix=""):
+ super().__init__(string,
+ stringPrefix="",
+ rankString=" ",
+ linePrefix="",
+ lineSuffix=lineSuffix)
+class CriterionState(Element):
+ tag = "CriterionState"
+ def used(self):
+ self._incNbUse()
+class Criterion(Element):
+ tag = "Criterion"
+ def __init__(self, name, isInclusif, stateNamesList, currentStateNamesList):
+ super().__init__(name)
+ self.isInclusif = isInclusif
+ assert(stateNamesList)
+ for state in stateNamesList :
+ self.addChild(CriterionState(state))
+ self.currentState = []
+ # Set current state as provided
+ self.currentState = [self.getChildFromName(childName)
+ for childName in currentStateNamesList]
+ def childUsed(self, child):
+ self.currentState = child
+ super().childUsed(child)
+ def changeState(self, subStateNames):
+ self.debug("Changing state from: %s to: %s" % (
+ list(self._getElementNames(self.currentState)),
+ subStateNames),
+ logging.INFO)
+ assert(len(subStateNames) > 0 or self.isInclusif)
+ newCurrentState = []
+ for subStateName in subStateNames :
+ subState = self.getChildFromName(subStateName)
+ subState.used()
+ newCurrentState.append(subState)
+ self.currentState = newCurrentState
+ self._incNbUse()
+ self._tellParentThatChildUsed()
+ def export(self):
+ subStateNames = self._getElementNames(self.currentState)
+ return Criterion(, self.isInclusif, subStateNames, subStateNames)
+ def stateIncludes(self, subStateName):
+ subStateCurrentNames = list(self._getElementNames(self.currentState))
+ self.debug("Testing if %s is included in %s" % (subStateName, subStateCurrentNames))
+ isIncluded = subStateName in subStateCurrentNames
+ self.debug("IsIncluded: %s" % isIncluded)
+ return isIncluded
+ def stateIs(self, subStateNames):
+ if len(self.currentState) != 1 :
+ return False
+ else :
+ return self.stateIncludes(subStateNames)
+class Criteria(Element):
+ tag = "Criteria"
+ def export(self):
+ self.debug("Exporting criteria")
+ assert(self.children)
+ exported = Criteria(
+ for child in self.children :
+ exported.addChild(child.export())
+ return exported
+class ConfigAppliedWithoutCriteriaError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, configurationName, domainName):
+ self.configurationName = configurationName
+ self.domainName = domainName
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("Applying configuration %s from domain %s before declaring criteria" %
+ self.configurationName, self.domainName)
+class ParsePFWlog():
+ MATCH = "match"
+ ACTION = "action"
+ def __init__(self, domains, criteria):
+ = domains;
+ self.criteria = criteria;
+ configApplicationRegext = r""".*Applying configuration "(.*)" from domain "([^"]*)"""
+ matchConfigApplicationLine = re.compile(configApplicationRegext).match
+ criterionCreationRegext = ", ".join([
+ r""".*Criterion name: (.*)""",
+ r"""type kind: (.*)""",
+ r"""current state: (.*)""",
+ r"""states: {(.*)}"""
+ ])
+ matchCriterionCreationLine = re.compile(criterionCreationRegext).match
+ changingCriterionRegext = r""".*Selection criterion changed event: (.*) = ([^\n\r]*)"""
+ matchChangingCriterionLine = re.compile(changingCriterionRegext).match
+ self.lineLogTypes = [
+ {
+ self.MATCH: matchConfigApplicationLine,
+ self.ACTION: self._configApplication
+ }, {
+ self.MATCH: matchCriterionCreationLine,
+ self.ACTION: self._criterionCreation
+ }, {
+ self.MATCH: matchChangingCriterionLine,
+ self.ACTION: self._changingCriterion
+ }
+ ]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _formatCriterionList(liststring, separator):
+ list = liststring.split(separator)
+ if len(list) == 1 and list[0] == "<none>":
+ list = []
+ return list
+ def _criterionCreation(self, matchCriterionCreation):
+ # Unpack
+ criterionName, criterionType, currentCriterionStates, criterionStates =, 2, 3, 4)
+ criterionStateList = self._formatCriterionList(criterionStates, ", ")
+ criterionIsInclusif = {"exclusive" : False, "inclusive" : True}[criterionType]
+ currentcriterionStateList = self._formatCriterionList(currentCriterionStates, "|")
+"Creating criterion: " + criterionName +
+ " (" + criterionType + ") " +
+ " with current state: " + str(currentcriterionStateList) +
+ ", possible states:" + str(criterionStateList))
+ self.criteria.addChild(Criterion(
+ criterionName,
+ criterionIsInclusif,
+ criterionStateList,
+ currentcriterionStateList
+ ))
+ def _changingCriterion(self, matchChangingCriterion):
+ # Unpack
+ criterionName, newCriterionSubStateNames =, 2)
+ newCriterionState = self._formatCriterionList(newCriterionSubStateNames, "|")
+ path = [criterionName]
+ changeCriterionOperation = lambda criterion : criterion.changeState(newCriterionState)
+ self.criteria.operationOnChild(path, changeCriterionOperation)
+ def _configApplication(self, matchConfig):
+ # Check that at least one criterion exist
+ if not self.criteria.hasChildren() :
+ logger.error("Applying configuration before declaring criteria")
+"Is the log starting at PFW boot ?")
+ raise ConfigAppliedWithoutCriteriaError(configurationName, domainName)
+ # Unpack
+ configurationName, domainName =, 2)
+ # Change criterion state
+ path = [domainName, configurationName]
+ usedOperation = lambda element : element.used(self.criteria)
+"Applying configuration %s from domain %s" % (
+ configurationName, domainName))
+, usedOperation)
+ def _digest(self, lineLogType, lineLog):
+ match = lineLogType[self.MATCH](lineLog)
+ if match :
+ lineLogType[self.ACTION](match)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def parsePFWlog(self, lines):
+ for lineLog in lines:
+ logger.debug("Parsing line :%s" % lineLog.rstrip())
+ digested = (self._digest(lineLogType, lineLog)
+ for lineLogType in self.lineLogTypes)
+ if not any(digested):
+ logger.debug("Line does not match, dropped")
+class Root(Element):
+ tag = "Root"
+ def __init__(self, name, dom):
+ super().__init__(name)
+ # Create domain tree
+ = Domains("Domains")
+ self.addChild(
+ # Create criterion list
+ self.criteria = Criteria("CriterionRoot")
+ self.addChild(self.criteria)
+ def exportToXML(self):
+ """Export tree to an xml document"""
+ impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
+ newdoc = impl.createDocument(None,, None)
+ XMLDocElement = newdoc.documentElement
+ for child in self.children:
+ XMLDocElement.appendChild(child.exportToXML())
+ return newdoc
+# ============================
+# Command line argument parser
+# ============================
+class ArgumentParser:
+ """class that parse command line arguments with argparse library
+ Result of parsing are the class attributes.
+ """
+ levelTranslate = [logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
+ def __init__(self):
+ try:
+ # As argparse is only in the stdlib since python 3.2, testing its availability
+ import argparse
+ except ImportError:
+ logger.warning("Unable to import argparse (argument parseur module), ")
+ logger.warning("using default argument values:")
+ self.inputFile = sys.stdin
+ logger.warning("InputFile: stdin")
+ self.outputFile = sys.stdout
+ logger.warning("OutputFile: stdout")
+ self.domainsFile = sys.argv[1]
+ logger.warning("Domain file: " + self.domainsFile)
+ self.XMLreport = True
+ logger.warning("OutputFormat: xml")
+ self.debugLevel = 0
+ else :
+ myArgParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate PFW report')
+ myArgParser.add_argument(
+ 'domainsFile',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+ help="the PFW domain XML file"
+ )
+ myArgParser.add_argument(
+ 'pfwlog', nargs='?',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin,
+ help="the PFW log file, default stdin"
+ )
+ myArgParser.add_argument(
+ '-o', '--output',
+ dest="outputFile",
+ type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
+ help="the coverage report output file, default stdout"
+ )
+ myArgParser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--verbose',
+ dest="debugLevel", default=0,
+ action='count',
+ help="print debug warnings from warning (default) to debug (-vv)"
+ )
+ outputFormatGroupe = myArgParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_argument(
+ '--xml',
+ dest="xmlFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help=" XML coverage output report"
+ )
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_argument(
+ '--raw',
+ dest="rawFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="raw coverage output report"
+ )
+ # Process command line arguments
+ options = myArgParser.parse_args()
+ # Mapping to attributes
+ self.inputFile = options.pfwlog
+ self.outputFile = options.outputFile
+ self.domainsFile = options.domainsFile
+ # Output report in xml if flag not set
+ self.XMLreport = not options.rawFlag
+ # Setting logger level
+ levelCapped = min(options.debugLevel, len(self.levelTranslate) - 1)
+ self.debugLevel = self.levelTranslate[levelCapped]
+def main():
+ commandLineArguments = ArgumentParser()
+ # Setting logger level
+ logger.setLevel(commandLineArguments.debugLevel)
+"Log level set to: %s" %
+ logging.getLevelName(commandLineArguments.debugLevel))
+ # Create tree from XML
+ dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(commandLineArguments.domainsFile)
+ root = Root("Coverage", dom)
+ parser = ParsePFWlog(, root.criteria)
+ try:
+ parser.parsePFWlog(commandLineArguments.inputFile.readlines())
+ except Exception as ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error during parsing log file %s:\n%s\n" %
+ (commandLineArguments.inputFile, ex))
+ outputFile = commandLineArguments.outputFile
+ if not commandLineArguments.XMLreport :
+ outputFile.write("%s\n" % root.dump(withCoverage=True, withNbUse=True))
+ else :
+ outputFile.write(root.exportToXML().toprettyxml())
+# Execute main function if the python interpreter is running this module as the main program
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+ main()