path: root/tools
diff options
authorKevin Rocard <>2012-09-20 18:41:55 +0200
committerDavid Wagner <>2014-02-12 17:03:32 +0100
commit85d6dd65ad91d04eb847dfbc50b914f3739511e7 (patch)
tree0dfa3417b5c8f0d651dc2cf71b8ac14ee13122db /tools
parent5d6e05ab8d9ecc00d4542a0d76bd1ad9bd7ff88c (diff)
PFW: Test scripts & XML generator scripts
BZ: 80506 This patch adds scripts to generate and test PFW domain XML. tools/xmlGenerator provides script to generate PFW domains from XML: - update the domains of the connected board with the provided .pfw file. - is a light version of it does not need test-platform but needs a board with a properly configure PFW (typicaly the hal pfw). - analyse provide script to convert asound.conf to domains test/test-scripts provides scripts to instanciate a test platform (virtal hal) and simulate the route manager routing steps: - */* is a list of environement configation file. Source the file corresponding to your situation. - allow the user to simulate different routing use cases. Change-Id: I00931a3b0868496c36ba1ad298ed89e07582dd61 Signed-off-by: Kevin Rocard <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Boisnard, FredericX <> Reviewed-by: De Chivre, Renaud <> Tested-by: Dixon, CharlesX <> Reviewed-by: buildbot <> Tested-by: buildbot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
7 files changed, 1850 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bef427e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+# -*-coding:utf-8 -*
+# Copyright 2013 Intel
+# Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+# The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+# the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+# or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+# suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+# and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+# Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+# treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+# modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+# disclosed in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+# No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+# property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+# of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+# otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+# express and approved by Intel in writing.
+import re
+import sys
+import copy
+import imp
+ import argparse
+except ImportError:
+ import optparse
+# =====================================================================
+""" Context classes, used during propagation and the "to PFW script" step """
+# =====================================================================
+class PropagationContextItem(list) :
+ """Handle an item during the propagation step"""
+ def __copy__(self):
+ """C.__copy__() -> a shallow copy of C"""
+ return self.__class__(self)
+class PropagationContextElement(PropagationContextItem) :
+ """Handle an Element during the propagation step"""
+ def getElementsFromName(self, name):
+ matchingElements = []
+ for element in self :
+ if element.getName() == name :
+ matchingElements.append(element)
+ return matchingElements
+class PropagationContextOption(PropagationContextItem) :
+ """Handle an Option during the propagation step"""
+ def getOptionItems (self, itemName):
+ items = []
+ for options in self :
+ items.append(options.getOption(itemName))
+ return items
+class PropagationContext() :
+ """Handle the context during the propagation step"""
+ def __init__(self, propagationContext=None) :
+ if propagationContext == None :
+ self._context = {
+ "DomainOptions" : PropagationContextOption() ,
+ "Configurations" : PropagationContextElement() ,
+ "ConfigurationOptions" : PropagationContextOption() ,
+ "Rules" : PropagationContextElement() ,
+ "PathOptions" : PropagationContextOption() ,
+ }
+ else :
+ self._context = propagationContext
+ def copy(self):
+ """return a copy of the context"""
+ contextCopy = self._context.copy()
+ for key in iter(self._context) :
+ contextCopy[key] = contextCopy[key].__copy__()
+ return self.__class__(contextCopy)
+ def getDomainOptions (self):
+ return self._context["DomainOptions"]
+ def getConfigurations (self):
+ return self._context["Configurations"]
+ def getConfigurationOptions (self):
+ return self._context["ConfigurationOptions"]
+ def getRules (self):
+ return self._context["Rules"]
+ def getPathOptions (self):
+ return self._context["PathOptions"]
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class PFWScriptContext ():
+ """handle the context during the PFW script generation"""
+ def __init__(self, prefixIncrease=" ") :
+ self._context = {
+ "Prefix" : "" ,
+ "DomainName" : "" ,
+ "ConfigurationName" : "" ,
+ "SequenceAwareness" : False ,
+ }
+ self._prefixIncrease = prefixIncrease
+ def increasePrefix(self) :
+ self._context["Prefix"] = self._prefixIncrease + self._context["Prefix"]
+ def getNewLinePrefix(self) :
+ """return a prefix with decorative new line
+ return r"\"+"\n"+" "*increased prefix length"""
+ return "\\\n" + self._prefixIncrease + " "* len(self.getPrefix())
+ def copy(self) :
+ copy = PFWScriptContext ()
+ copy._context = self._context.copy()
+ return copy
+ def setDomainName (self, name) :
+ self._context["DomainName"] = name
+ def setConfigurationName (self, name) :
+ self._context["ConfigurationName"] = name
+ def setSequenceAwareness (self, sequenceAwareness) :
+ self._context["SequenceAwareness"] = sequenceAwareness
+ def getPrefix(self):
+ return self._context["Prefix"]
+ def getDomainName (self):
+ return self._context["DomainName"]
+ def getConfigurationName(self):
+ return self._context["ConfigurationName"]
+ def getSequenceAwareness(self):
+ return self._context["SequenceAwareness"]
+# =====================================================
+"""Element option container"""
+# =====================================================
+class Options () :
+ """handle element options"""
+ def __init__(self, options=[], optionNames=[]) :
+ self.options = dict(zip(optionNames, options))
+ # print(options,optionNames,self.options)
+ def __str__(self) :
+ ops2str = []
+ for name, argument in self.options.items() :
+ ops2str.append(str(name) + "=\"" + str(argument) + "\"")
+ return " ".join(ops2str)
+ def getOption(self, name):
+ """get option by its name, if it does not exist return empty string"""
+ return self.options.get(name, "")
+ def setOption(self, name, newOption):
+ """set option by its name"""
+ self.options[name] = newOption
+ def copy (self):
+ """D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D"""
+ copy = Options()
+ copy.options = self.options.copy()
+ return copy
+# ====================================================
+"""Definition of all element class"""
+# ====================================================
+class Element:
+ """ implement a basic element
+ It is the class base for all other elements as Domain, Configuration..."""
+ tag = "unknown"
+ optionNames = ["Name"]
+ childWhiteList = []
+ optionDelimiter = " "
+ def __init__(self, line=None) :
+ if line == None :
+ self.option = Options([], self.optionNames)
+ else :
+ self.option = self.optionFromLine(line)
+ self.children = []
+ def optionFromLine(self, line) :
+ # get ride of spaces
+ line = line.strip()
+ options = self.extractOptions(line)
+ return Options(options, self.optionNames)
+ def extractOptions(self, line) :
+ """return the line splited by the optionDelimiter atribute
+ Option list length is less or equal to the optionNames list length
+ """
+ options = line.split(self.optionDelimiter, len(self.optionNames) - 1)
+ # get ride of leftover spaces
+ optionsStrip = list(map(str.strip, options))
+ return optionsStrip
+ def addChild(self, child, append=True) :
+ """ A.addChid(B) -> add B to A child list if B class name is in A white List"""
+ try:
+ # Will raise an exception if this child is not in the white list
+ self.childWhiteList.index(child.__class__.__name__)
+ # If no exception was raised, add child to child list
+ if append :
+ position = len(self.children)
+ else :
+ position = 0
+ self.children.insert(position , child)
+ except ValueError:
+ # the child class is not in the white list
+ raise ChildNotPermitedError("", self, child)
+ def addChildren(self, children, append=True) :
+ """add a list of child"""
+ for child in children :
+ self.addChild(child, append)
+ def childrenToXML(self, prefix=""):
+ """return XML printed children"""
+ body = ""
+ for child in self.children :
+ body = body + child.toXML(prefix)
+ return body
+ def childrenToString(self, prefix=""):
+ """return raw printed children """
+ body = ""
+ for child in self.children :
+ body = body + child.__str__(prefix)
+ return body
+ def __str__(self, prefix="") :
+ """return raw printed element"""
+ selfToString = prefix + " " + self.tag + " " + str(self.option)
+ return selfToString + "\n" + self.childrenToString(prefix + "\t")
+ def toXML(self, prefix="") :
+ """return XML printed element"""
+ # full = begin:"<tag options" + body:children.toXML + end:"</tag>"
+ begin = prefix + "<" + self.tag + " " + str(self.option)
+ body = self.childrenToXML(prefix + "\t")
+ if body == "" :
+ full = begin + "/>"
+ else :
+ end = prefix + "</" + self.tag + ">"
+ full = begin + ">\n" + body + end
+ return full + "\n"
+ def extractChildrenByClass(self, classTypeList) :
+ """return all children whose class is in the list argument
+ return a list of all children whose class in the list "classTypeList" (second arguments)"""
+ selectedChildren = []
+ for child in self.children :
+ for classtype in classTypeList :
+ if child.__class__ == classtype :
+ selectedChildren.append(child)
+ break
+ return selectedChildren
+ def propagate (self, context=PropagationContext()):
+ """call the propagate method of all children"""
+ for child in self.children :
+ child.propagate(context)
+ def getName(self):
+ """return name option value. If none return "" """
+ return self.option.getOption("Name")
+ def setName(self, name):
+ self.option.setOption("Name", name)
+ def toPFWScript (self, context=PFWScriptContext()) :
+ script = ""
+ for child in self.children :
+ script += child.toPFWScript(context)
+ return script
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class ElementWithTag (Element):
+ """Element of this class are declared with a tag => line == "tag: .*" """
+ def extractOptions(self, line) :
+ lineWithoutTag = line.split(":", 1)[-1].strip()
+ options = super().extractOptions(lineWithoutTag)
+ return options
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class ElementWithInheritance(Element):
+ def propagate (self, context=PropagationContext) :
+ """propagate some proprieties to children"""
+ # copy the context so that everything that hapend next will only affect
+ # children
+ contextCopy = context.copy()
+ # check for inheritance
+ self.Inheritance(contextCopy)
+ # call the propagate method of all children
+ super().propagate(contextCopy)
+class ElementWithRuleInheritance(ElementWithInheritance):
+ """class that will give to its children its rules"""
+ def ruleInheritance(self, context):
+ """Add its rules to the context and get context rules"""
+ # extract all children rule and operator
+ childRules = self.extractChildrenByClass([Operator, Rule])
+ # get context rules
+ contextRules = context.getRules()
+ # adopt rules of the context
+ self.addChildren(contextRules)
+ # add previously extract rules the context
+ contextRules += childRules
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class EmptyLine (Element) :
+ """This class represents an empty line.
+ Will raise "EmptyLineWarning" exception at instanciation."""
+ tag = "emptyLine"
+ match = re.compile(r"[ \t]*\n?$").match
+ def __init__ (self, line):
+ raise EmptyLineWarning(line)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class Commentary(Element):
+ """This class represents a commentary.
+ Will raise "CommentWarning" exception at instanciation."""
+ tag = "commentary"
+ optionNames = ["comment"]
+ match = re.compile(r"#").match
+ def __init__ (self, line):
+ raise CommentWarning(line)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class Path (ElementWithInheritance) :
+ """class implementing the "path = value" concept"""
+ tag = "path"
+ optionNames = ["Name", "value"]
+ match = re.compile(r".+=").match
+ optionDelimiter = "="
+ PFWCommandParameter = "setParameter"
+ def toPFWScript (self, context=PFWScriptContext()) :
+ return context.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandParameter + " " + \
+ self.getName() + " " + \
+ self.option.getOption("value") + "\n"
+ def Inheritance (self, context) :
+ """check for path name inheritance"""
+ self.OptionsInheritance(context)
+ def OptionsInheritance (self, context) :
+ """make configuration name inheritance """
+ context.getPathOptions().append(self.option.copy())
+ self.setName("/".join(context.getPathOptions().getOptionItems("Name")))
+class GroupPath (Path, ElementWithTag) :
+ tag = "component"
+ match = re.compile(tag + r" *:").match
+ optionNames = ["Name"]
+ childWhiteList = ["Path", "GroupPath"]
+ def toPFWScript (self, pfwScriptContext) :
+ script = ""
+ configurationChildren = self.extractChildrenByClass([GroupPath, Path])
+ for configurationChild in configurationChildren :
+ # add configuration settings
+ script += configurationChild.toPFWScript(pfwScriptContext)
+ return script
+ def getPathNames (self) :
+ """Return the list of all path child name"""
+ pathNames = []
+ paths = self.extractChildrenByClass([Path])
+ for path in paths :
+ pathNames.append(path.getName())
+ groupPaths = self.extractChildrenByClass([GroupPath])
+ for groupPath in groupPaths :
+ pathNames += groupPath.getPathNames()
+ return pathNames
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class Rule (Element) :
+ """class implementing the rule concept
+ A rule is composed of a criterion, a rule type and an criterion state.
+ It should not have any child and is propagated to all configuration in parent descendants.
+ """
+ tag = "rule"
+ optionNames = ["criterion", "type", "element"]
+ match = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+ +(Is|IsNot|Includes|Excludes) +[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+").match
+ childWhiteList = []
+ def PFWSyntax (self, prefix=""):
+ script = prefix + \
+ self.option.getOption("criterion") + " " + \
+ self.option.getOption("type") + " " + \
+ self.option.getOption("element")
+ return script
+class Operator (Rule) :
+ """class implementing the operator concept
+ An operator contains rules and other operators
+ It is as rules propagated to all configuration children in parent descendants.
+ It should only have the name ANY or ALL to be understood by PFW.
+ """
+ tag = "operator"
+ optionNames = ["Name"]
+ match = re.compile(r"ANY|ALL").match
+ childWhiteList = ["Rule", "Operator"]
+ PFWCommandRule = "setRule"
+ syntax = { "ANY" : "Any" , "ALL" : "All"}
+ def toPFWScript (self, context) :
+ """ return a pfw commands generated from him and its child options"""
+ script = ""
+ # add the command name (setRule)
+ script += context.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandRule + " " + \
+ context.getDomainName() + " " + \
+ context.getConfigurationName() + " '" # add a ' for bash quote
+ # add the rule
+ script += self.PFWSyntax (context.getNewLinePrefix())
+ script += "'\n" # close the ' bash quote
+ return script
+ def PFWSyntax (self, prefix=""):
+ """ return a pfw rule (ex : "Any{criterion1 is state1}") generated from "self" and its children options"""
+ script = ""
+ script += prefix + \
+ self.syntax[self.getName()] + "{ "
+ rules = self.extractChildrenByClass([Rule, Operator])
+ PFWRules = []
+ for rule in rules :
+ PFWRules.append(rule.PFWSyntax(prefix + " "))
+ script += (" , ").join(PFWRules)
+ script += prefix + " }"
+ return script
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class Configuration (ElementWithRuleInheritance, ElementWithTag) :
+ tag = "configuration"
+ optionNames = ["Name"]
+ match = re.compile(r"conf *:").match
+ childWhiteList = ["Rule", "Operator", "Path", "GroupPath"]
+ PFWCommandConfiguration = "createConfiguration"
+ PFWCommandElementSequence = "setElementSequence"
+ PFWCommandSequenceAware = "setSequenceAwareness"
+ PFWCommandRestoreConfiguration = "restoreConfiguration"
+ PFWCommandSaveConfiguration = "saveConfiguration"
+ def composition (self, context):
+ """make all needed composition
+ Composition is the fact that group configuration with the same name defined
+ in a parent will give their rule children to this configuration
+ """
+ name = self.getName()
+ sameNameConf = context.getConfigurations().getElementsFromName(name)
+ sameNameConf.reverse()
+ for configuration in sameNameConf :
+ # add same name configuration rule children to self child list
+ self.addChildren(configuration.extractChildrenByClass([Operator, Rule]), append=False)
+ def propagate (self, context=PropagationContext) :
+ """propagate proprieties to children
+ make needed compositions, join ancestor name to its name,
+ and add rules previously defined rules"""
+ # make all needed composition
+ self.composition(context)
+ super().propagate(context)
+ def Inheritance (self, context) :
+ """make configuration name and rule inheritance"""
+ # check for configuration name inheritance
+ self.OptionsInheritance(context)
+ # check for rule inheritance
+ self.ruleInheritance(context)
+ def OptionsInheritance (self, context) :
+ """make configuration name inheritance """
+ context.getConfigurationOptions().append(self.option.copy())
+ self.setName(".".join(context.getConfigurationOptions().getOptionItems("Name")))
+ def getRootPath (self) :
+ paths = self.extractChildrenByClass([Path, GroupPath])
+ rootPath = GroupPath()
+ rootPath.addChildren(paths)
+ return rootPath
+ def getConfigurableElements (self) :
+ """return all path name defined in this configuration"""
+ return self.getRootPath().getPathNames()
+ def toPFWScript(self, pfwScriptContext) :
+ """Output the PFW commands needed to recreate this configuration
+ The PFW commands outputed will recreate this configuration if run
+ on a PFW instance"""
+ script = ""
+ # Copy and update pfwScriptContext for this configuration
+ pfwScriptContextAux = pfwScriptContext.copy()
+ pfwScriptContextAux.setConfigurationName (self.getName())
+ # Add the command to create the configuration
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandConfiguration + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getDomainName() + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getConfigurationName() + "\n"
+ # encrease prefix
+ pfwScriptContextAux.increasePrefix()
+ # Create a rootRule
+ ruleChildren = self.extractChildrenByClass([Rule, Operator])
+ # Do not create a root rule if there is only one fist level Operator rule
+ if len(ruleChildren) == 1 and ruleChildren[0].__class__ == Operator :
+ ruleroot = ruleChildren[0]
+ else :
+ ruleroot = Operator()
+ ruleroot.setName("ALL")
+ ruleroot.addChildren(ruleChildren)
+ # Add the command to create the rules of this configuration
+ script += ruleroot.toPFWScript(pfwScriptContextAux)
+ # Add the command to restore this configuration
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandRestoreConfiguration + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getDomainName() + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getConfigurationName() + "\n"
+ # Copy pfwScriptContextAux and increase the prefix
+ contextAux = pfwScriptContextAux.copy()
+ contextAux.increasePrefix()
+ # add the parameter settings for this configuration
+ paths = self.extractChildrenByClass([Path, GroupPath])
+ for path in paths :
+ script += path.toPFWScript(contextAux)
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandSaveConfiguration + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getDomainName() + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getConfigurationName() + "\n"
+ # if domain is sequence aware
+ if pfwScriptContextAux.getSequenceAwareness() :
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandElementSequence + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getDomainName() + " " + \
+ pfwScriptContextAux.getConfigurationName() + " "
+ for path in paths :
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getNewLinePrefix() + \
+ path.getName()
+ script += "\n"
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandSequenceAware + " "\
+ + pfwScriptContextAux.getDomainName() + " true \n"
+ # for lisibility
+ script += "\n"
+ return script
+ def copy (self) :
+ """return a shallow copy of the configuration"""
+ # create configuration or subclass copy
+ confCopy = self.__class__()
+ # add children
+ confCopy.children = list(self.children)
+ # add option
+ confCopy.option = self.option.copy()
+ return confCopy
+class GroupConfiguration (Configuration) :
+ tag = "GroupConfiguration"
+ optionNames = ["Name"]
+ match = re.compile(r"supConf *:").match
+ childWhiteList = ["Rule", "Operator", "GroupConfiguration", "Configuration", "GroupPath"]
+ def composition (self, context) :
+ """add itself in context for configuration composition
+ Composition is the fact that group configuration with the same name defined
+ in a parent will give their rule children to this configuration
+ """
+ # copyItself
+ selfCopy = self.copy()
+ # make all needed composition
+ super().composition(context)
+ # add the copy in context for futur configuration composition
+ context.getConfigurations().append(selfCopy)
+ def toXML(self, context="") :
+ return self.childrenToXML(context)
+ def getConfigurableElements (self) :
+ """return a list. Each elements consist of a list of configurable element of a configuration
+ return a list consisting of all configurable elements for each configuration.
+ These configurable elements are organized in a list"""
+ configurableElements = []
+ configurations = self.extractChildrenByClass([Configuration])
+ for configuration in configurations :
+ configurableElements.append(configuration.getConfigurableElements())
+ groudeConfigurations = self.extractChildrenByClass([GroupConfiguration])
+ for groudeConfiguration in groudeConfigurations :
+ configurableElements += groudeConfiguration.getConfigurableElements()
+ return configurableElements
+ def toPFWScript (self, pfwScriptContext) :
+ script = ""
+ configurationChildren = self.extractChildrenByClass([Configuration, GroupConfiguration])
+ for configurationChild in configurationChildren :
+ # add configuration settings
+ script += configurationChild.toPFWScript(pfwScriptContext)
+ return script
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class Domain (ElementWithRuleInheritance, ElementWithTag) :
+ tag = "domain"
+ sequenceAwareKeyword = "sequenceAware"
+ match = re.compile(r"domain *:").match
+ optionNames = ["Name", sequenceAwareKeyword]
+ childWhiteList = ["Configuration", "GroupConfiguration", "Rule", "Operator"]
+ PFWCommandConfigurableElement = "addElement"
+ PFWCommandDomain = "createDomain"
+ def propagate (self, context=PropagationContext) :
+ """ propagate name, sequenceAwareness and rule to children"""
+ # call the propagate method of all children
+ super().propagate(context)
+ self.checkConfigurableElementUnicity()
+ def Inheritance (self, context) :
+ """check for domain name, sequence awarness and rules inheritance"""
+ # check for domain name and sequence awarness inheritance
+ self.OptionsInheritance(context)
+ # check for rule inheritance
+ self.ruleInheritance(context)
+ def OptionsInheritance(self, context) :
+ """ make domain name and sequence awareness inheritance
+ join to the domain name all domain names defined in context and
+ if any domain in context is sequence aware, set sequenceAwareness to True"""
+ # add domain options to context
+ context.getDomainOptions().append(self.option.copy())
+ # set name to the junction of all domain name in context
+ self.setName(".".join(context.getDomainOptions().getOptionItems("Name")))
+ # get sequenceAwareness of all domains in context
+ sequenceAwareList = context.getDomainOptions().getOptionItems(self.sequenceAwareKeyword)
+ # or operation on all booleans in sequenceAwareList
+ sequenceAwareness = False
+ for sequenceAware in sequenceAwareList :
+ sequenceAwareness = sequenceAwareness or sequenceAware
+ # current domain sequenceAwareness = sequenceAwareness
+ self.option.setOption(self.sequenceAwareKeyword, sequenceAwareness)
+ def extractOptions(self, line) :
+ """Extract options from the definition line"""
+ options = super().extractOptions(line)
+ sequenceAwareIndex = self.optionNames.index(self.sequenceAwareKeyword)
+ # translate the keyword self.sequenceAwareKeyword if specified to boolean True,
+ # to False otherwise
+ try :
+ if options[sequenceAwareIndex] == self.sequenceAwareKeyword :
+ options[sequenceAwareIndex] = True
+ else:
+ options[sequenceAwareIndex] = False
+ except IndexError :
+ options = options + [None] * (sequenceAwareIndex - len(options)) + [False]
+ return options
+ def getRootConfiguration (self) :
+ """return the root configuration group"""
+ configurations = self.extractChildrenByClass([Configuration, GroupConfiguration])
+ configurationRoot = GroupConfiguration()
+ configurationRoot.addChildren(configurations)
+ return configurationRoot
+ def checkConfigurableElementUnicity (self):
+ """ check that all configurable elements defined in child configuration are the sames"""
+ # get a list. Each elements of is the configurable element list of a configuration
+ configurableElementsList = self.getRootConfiguration().getConfigurableElements()
+ # if at least two configurations in the domain
+ if len(configurableElementsList) > 1 :
+ # get first configuration configurable element list sort
+ configurableElementsList0 = list(configurableElementsList[0])
+ configurableElementsList0.sort()
+ for configurableElements in configurableElementsList :
+ # sort current configurable element list
+ auxConfigurableElements = list(configurableElements)
+ auxConfigurableElements.sort()
+ if auxConfigurableElements != configurableElementsList0 :
+ # if different, 2 configurations those not have the same configurable element list
+ # => one or more configurable element is missing in one of the 2 configuration
+ raise UndefinedParameter(self.getName())
+ def toPFWScript (self, pfwScriptContext=PFWScriptContext()):
+ script = ""
+ domainName = self.getName()
+ script += pfwScriptContext.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandDomain + " " + \
+ domainName + "\n"
+ # get sequenceAwareness of this domain
+ sequenceAwareness = self.option.getOption(self.sequenceAwareKeyword)
+ # Copy and update pfwScriptContext for this domain
+ pfwScriptContextAux = pfwScriptContext.copy()
+ pfwScriptContextAux.setDomainName(domainName)
+ pfwScriptContextAux.setSequenceAwareness(sequenceAwareness)
+ pfwScriptContextAux.increasePrefix()
+ # get configurable elements
+ configurationRoot = self.getRootConfiguration()
+ configurableElementsList = configurationRoot.getConfigurableElements()
+ # add configurable elements
+ if len(configurableElementsList) != 0 :
+ for configurableElement in configurableElementsList[0] :
+ script += pfwScriptContextAux.getPrefix() + \
+ self.PFWCommandConfigurableElement + " " + \
+ domainName + " " + \
+ configurableElement + "\n"
+ # new line to be more lisible :
+ script += "\n"
+ # add configuration settings
+ script += configurationRoot.toPFWScript(pfwScriptContextAux)
+ # to be more lisible :
+ script += "\n"
+ return script
+class GroupDomain (Domain) :
+ tag = "groupDomain"
+ match = re.compile(r"supDomain *:").match
+ childWhiteList = ["GroupDomain", "Domain", "GroupConfiguration", "Rule", "Operator"]
+ def toXML(self, context="") :
+ return self.childrenToXML(context)
+ def toPFWScript (self, context={}):
+ script = ""
+ children = self.extractChildrenByClass([Domain, GroupDomain])
+ for child in children :
+ script += child.toPFWScript(context)
+ return script
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+class Root(Element):
+ tag = "root"
+ childWhiteList = ["Domain", "GroupDomain"]
+ def toXML(self, context="") :
+ return self.childrenToXML(context)
+# ===========================================
+""" Syntax error Exceptions"""
+# ===========================================
+class MySyntaxProblems(SyntaxError) :
+ comment = "syntax error in %(line)s "
+ def __init__(self, line=None, num=None):
+ self.setLine(line, num)
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.line :
+ self.comment = self.comment % {"line" : repr(self.line)}
+ if self.num :
+ self.comment = "Line " + str(self.num) + ", " + self.comment
+ return self.comment
+ def setLine (self, line, num):
+ self.line = str(line)
+ self.num = num
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+class MyPropagationError(MySyntaxProblems) :
+ """ Syntax error Exceptions used in the propagation step"""
+ pass
+class UndefinedParameter(MyPropagationError) :
+ comment = "Configurations in domain '%(domainName)s' do not all set the same parameters "
+ def __init__ (self, domainName):
+ self.domainName = domainName
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return self.comment % { "domainName" : self.domainName }
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+""" Syntax error Exceptions used by parser"""
+class MySyntaxError(MySyntaxProblems) :
+ """ Syntax error Exceptions used by parser"""
+ pass
+class MySyntaxWarning(MySyntaxProblems) :
+ """ Syntax warning Exceptions used by parser"""
+ pass
+class IndentationSyntaxError(MySyntaxError) :
+ comment = """syntax error in %(line)s has no father element.
+ You can only increment indentation by one tabutation per line")"""
+class EmptyLineWarning(MySyntaxWarning):
+ comment = "warning : %(line)s is an empty line and has been ommited"
+class CommentWarning(MySyntaxWarning):
+ comment = "warning : %(line)s is a commentary and has been ommited"
+class ChildNotPermitedError(MySyntaxError):
+ def __init__(self, line, fatherElement, childElement):
+ self.comment = "syntax error in %(line)s, " + fatherElement.tag + " should not have a " + childElement.tag + " child."
+ super().__init__(line)
+class UnknownElementTypeError(MySyntaxError):
+ comment = " error in line %(line)s , not known element type were matched "
+class SpaceInIndentationError(MySyntaxError):
+ comment = " error in ,%(line)s space is not permited in indentation"
+# ============================================
+"""Class creating the DOM elements from a stream"""
+# ============================================
+class ElementsFactory :
+ """Element factory, return an instance of the first matching element
+ Test each element list in elementClass and instanciate it if it's methode match returns True
+ The method match is called with input line as argument
+ """
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.elementClass = [
+ EmptyLine ,
+ Commentary,
+ GroupDomain,
+ Domain,
+ Path,
+ GroupConfiguration,
+ Configuration,
+ Operator,
+ Rule,
+ GroupPath
+ ]
+ def createElementFromLine (self, line) :
+ """return an instance of the first matching element
+ Test each element list in elementClass and instanciate it if it's methode match returns True
+ The method match is called with the argument line.
+ Raise UnknownElementTypeError if no element matched.
+ """
+ for element in self.elementClass :
+ if element.match(line) :
+ # print (line + element.__class__.__name__)
+ return element(line)
+ # if we have not find any
+ raise UnknownElementTypeError(line)
+class Parser :
+ """Class implementing the parser"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.rankPattern = re.compile(r"^([\t ]*)(.*)")
+ self.elementFactory = ElementsFactory()
+ self.previousRank = 0
+ def __parseLine__(self, line):
+ rank, rest = self.__getRank__(line)
+ # instanciate the coresponding element
+ element = self.elementFactory.createElementFromLine(rest)
+ self.__checkIndentation__(rank)
+ return rank, element
+ def __getRank__(self, line):
+ """return the rank, the name and the option of the input line
+the rank is the number of tabulation (\t) at the line beginning.
+the rest is the rest of the line."""
+ # split line in rank and rest
+ rank = self.rankPattern.match(line)
+ if rank :
+ rank, rest =, 2)
+ else :
+ raise MySyntaxError(line)
+ # check for empty line
+ if rest == "" :
+ raise EmptyLineWarning(line)
+ # check for space in indentation
+ if rank.find(" ") > -1 :
+ raise SpaceInIndentationError(line)
+ rank = len (rank) + 1 # rank starts at 1
+ return rank, rest
+ def __checkIndentation__(self, rank):
+ """check if indentation > previous indentation + 1. If so, raise IndentationSyntaxError"""
+ if (rank > self.previousRank + 1) :
+ raise IndentationSyntaxError()
+ self.previousRank = rank
+ def parse(self, stream, verbose=False):
+ """parse a stream, usually a opened file"""
+ myroot = Root("root")
+ context = [myroot] # root is element of rank 0
+ warnings = ""
+ for num, line in enumerate(stream):
+ try:
+ rank, myelement = self.__parseLine__(line)
+ while len(context) > rank :
+ context.pop()
+ context.append(myelement)
+ context[-2].addChild(myelement)
+ except MySyntaxWarning as ex:
+ ex.setLine(line, num + 1)
+ if verbose :
+ print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
+ except MySyntaxError as ex :
+ ex.setLine(line, num + 1)
+ raise
+ return myroot
+# ============================
+# command line argument parser
+# ============================
+class ArgparseArgumentParser :
+ """class that parse command line arguments with argparse library
+ result of parsing are the class atributs"""
+ def __init__(self) :
+ myArgParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process domain scripts.')
+ myArgParser.add_argument('inputFile', nargs='?',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin,
+ help="the domain script file, default stdin")
+ myArgParser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
+ dest="outputFile",
+ type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
+ help="the output file, default stdout")
+ myArgParser.add_argument('-d', '--debug',
+ dest="debugFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="print debug warnings")
+ outputFormatGroupe = myArgParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_argument('--pfw',
+ dest="pfwFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="output pfw commands (default)")
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_argument('--xml',
+ dest="xmlFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="output XML settings (Not fully implemented yet)")
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_argument('--raw',
+ dest="rawFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="output raw domain tree (DEBUG ONLY)")
+ # process command line arguments
+ options = myArgParser.parse_args()
+ # maping to atributs
+ self.inputFile = options.inputFile
+ self.output = options.outputFile
+ self.debug = options.debugFlag
+ if not (options.pfwFlag or options.xmlFlag or options.rawFlag) :
+ # --pfw is default if none provided
+ self.pfw = True
+ self.xml = self.raw = False
+ else :
+ self.pfw = options.pfwFlag
+ self.xml = options.xmlFlag
+ self.raw = options.rawFlag
+class OptParseArgumentParser :
+ """class that parse command line arguments with optparse library
+ result of parsing are the class atributs"""
+ def __init__(self) :
+ myOptParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: [-h] [-d] [--pfw | --xml | --raw] "
+ description="Process domain scripts")
+ myOptParser.add_option('-o', '--output',
+ dest="outputFile", metavar="FILE",
+ help="the output file, default stdout")
+ myOptParser.add_option('-d', '--debug',
+ dest="debugFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="print debug warnings")
+ outputFormatGroupe = optparse.OptionGroup(myOptParser, "output format")
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_option('--pfw',
+ dest="pfwFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="output pfw commands (default)")
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_option('--xml',
+ dest="xmlFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="output XML settings (Not fully implemented yet)")
+ outputFormatGroupe.add_option('--raw',
+ dest="rawFlag",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="output raw domain tree (DEBUG ONLY)")
+ # process command line arguments
+ (options, args) = myOptParser.parse_args()
+ # If no input file provided, use default one
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ args = [None]
+ # mapping to attributes
+ self.inputFile = self.open_secured(args[0], 'r') or sys.stdin
+ self.output = self.open_secured(options.outputFile, 'w') or sys.stdout
+ self.debug = options.debugFlag
+ if not (options.pfwFlag or options.xmlFlag or options.rawFlag) :
+ # --pfw is default if none provided
+ # TODO: find a way to do that with argparse directly
+ self.pfw = True
+ self.xml = self.raw = False
+ else :
+ self.pfw = options.pfwFlag
+ self.xml = options.xmlFlag
+ self.raw = options.rawFlag
+ @staticmethod
+ def open_secured(file, openMode="r"):
+ if file:
+ return open(file, openMode)
+ return None
+# ==============
+# main function
+# ==============
+def printE(s):
+ """print in stderr"""
+ print(str(s), file=sys.stderr)
+def main ():
+ # Get command line arguments
+ try:
+ imp.find_module("argparse")
+ except ImportError:
+ printE("Warning: unable to import argparse module, fallback to optparse")
+ # Using optparse
+ options = OptParseArgumentParser()
+ else:
+ # Using argparse
+ options = ArgparseArgumentParser()
+ myparser = Parser()
+ try:
+ myroot = myparser.parse(options.inputFile, options.debug)
+ except MySyntaxError as ex :
+ printE(ex)
+ exit (2)
+ else :
+ if options.raw :
+ options.output.write(str(myroot))
+ else :
+ try :
+ myroot.propagate()
+ except MyPropagationError as ex :
+ printE(ex)
+ exit(1)
+ else :
+ if options.xml :
+ options.output.write(myroot.toXML())
+ if options.pfw :
+ options.output.write(myroot.toPFWScript())
+# execute main function if the python interpreter is running this module as the main program
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+ main()
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/analyse/ b/tools/xmlGenerator/analyse/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d159aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/analyse/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright 2013 Intel
+# Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+# The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+# the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+# or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+# suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+# and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+# Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+# treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+# modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+# disclosed in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+# No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+# property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+# of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+# otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+# express and approved by Intel in writing.
+set -ue
+# Replace amixer in stdio by the parameter equivalent
+# A convertion table file must be passed in argument
+# It is design to be work with the output of scripts/
+# a perl regexp that matches only alsa mixer lines
+if test $# != 1 || test ! -f $1
+ echo "argument 1 must be a convertion file like this :
+/.../parameter1 alsa mixeur 1
+/.../parameter2 alsa mixeur 2
+ exit 1
+ if pfw_equivalent="$(grep $1 $2)"
+ then
+ echo $pfw_equivalent | sed 's/ .*//'
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+while IFS=''; read -r line
+ if echo "$line" | grep -qP "$regexp" && parameter="$(find_pfw_equivalent "$line" $1)"
+ then
+ echo "$parameter ( $line )"
+ else
+ echo "$line"
+ fi
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/analyse/ b/tools/xmlGenerator/analyse/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b607161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/analyse/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright 2013 Intel
+# Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+# The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+# the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+# or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+# suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+# and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+# Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+# treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+# modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+# disclosed in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+# No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+# property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+# of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+# otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+# express and approved by Intel in writing.
+# This script reads an asound.conf file and produce for each alsa mixeur
+# it's differend values and pcm
+# ouput example :
+# my_alsa_mixeur
+# true
+# a_pcm
+# an_other_pcm
+# false
+# in_this_pcm_my_alsa_mixer_takes_the_value_false
+# ...
+set -eu
+if test $# = 0
+ file="-"
+ file="$1"
+space=" "
+sed -nr -e 's#^pcm.(.*)\{.*$#\1#; t save;
+ b next;
+ :save;h;b' \
+ \
+ -e ':next; s/.*name "(.*)" value ([^}]*).*/\1 = \2 # /; t pcm;
+ b;
+ :pcm; G;s/\n//p;' -- "$file" |
+ sort | \
+ while read line
+ do
+ current_command="$( echo "$line" | sed 's/ =.*#.*//' )"
+ #values are case insensitive
+ current_value="$( echo "$line" | sed 's/.*= \(.*\) #.*/\1/' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] )"
+ current_mode="$( echo "$line" | sed 's/.*# //' )"
+ if test "$previous_command" != "$current_command"
+ then
+ echo "$current_command"
+ previous_command="$current_command"
+ previous_value=""
+ fi
+ if test "$previous_value" != "$current_value"
+ then
+ echo "$space$current_value"
+ previous_value="$current_value"
+ fi
+ echo "$space$space$current_mode"
+ done
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..546a419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 2013 Intel
+# Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+# The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+# the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+# or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+# suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+# and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+# Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+# treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+# modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+# disclosed in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+# No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+# property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+# of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+# otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+# express and approved by Intel in writing.
+# Execute a PFW script on the target
+# In order to regenerate all domains
+set -e
+if test "$1" == "-" -o ! "$1" ; then
+ file="stdin"
+elif test -a "$1" ; then
+ file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: The argurment must be a file that exists"
+ exit 2
+#as the shell do not interprete quotes in varable, force it with eval
+parameter="$PFWtest_prefixCommand eval remote-process $PFWtest_ParameterFramworkHost"
+function echoColor ()
+ color="$1"
+ shift
+ if test -t 1 ;
+ then
+ # stdout is a tty => colors
+ /bin/echo -e "\033[${color}m${@}\033[0m"
+ else
+ # stdout is not a tty => no color
+ /bin/echo -e "$@"
+ fi
+echoGreenColor ()
+ echoColor "32" "$@"
+echoBlueColor ()
+ echoColor "34" "$@"
+function parameterExecute ()
+ echoGreenColor " \$ $parameter $@"
+ result="$($parameter $@)"
+ if [[ "$result" != "Done"* ]]; then
+ echo "$result"
+ return 2
+ fi
+ return 0
+echoBlueColor "Set tuning mode on"
+parameterExecute setTuningMode on
+echoBlueColor "Set auto sync off"
+parameterExecute setAutoSync off
+echoBlueColor "deleting old Domains"
+parameterExecute deleteAllDomains
+echoBlueColor "executing file '$file'"
+cat $1 | \
+while read line
+ if [[ "$line" == *[a-z]* ]]
+ then
+ parameterExecute $line
+ fi
+if test $2 != --keep-autoSync-disable
+ echoBlueColor "Set auto sync on"
+ parameterExecute setAutoSync on
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37499d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Copyright 2013 Intel
+# Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+# The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+# the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+# or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+# suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+# and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+# Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+# treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+# modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+# disclosed in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+# No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+# property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+# of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+# otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+# express and approved by Intel in writing.
+# This script generate an xml from a .pfw in an easy and fast way
+# It only works if you have an parameter running with criterion compatible
+# with the .pfw
+set -eu
+adbShell="adb shell"
+parameterCommandAccess="eval parameter"
+parameter="$adbShell $parameterCommandAccess"
+adbShellForward () {
+ # Send commands
+ (
+ echo 'PS1="# "'
+ echo 'set -xeu'
+ cat "$1"
+ echo 'echo $?'
+ echo 'exit'
+ )|
+ # adb shell can not handle a too fast input, create artificial delay :(
+ while read line; do echo "$line"; sleep 0.03; done |
+ $adbShell |
+ # keep only the -3line, the output of "echo $?"
+ tee /dev/stderr | tail -3 | sed '1{s/\r//;q}' |
+ # stop if $? != 0 (as of set -e)
+ xargs test 0 -eq 2> /dev/null
+function parameterExecute ()
+ echo " \$ $parameter $@"
+ result="$($parameter $@)"
+ if [[ "$result" != "Done"* ]]; then
+ echo "$result"
+ return 2
+ fi
+ return 0
+# Clean tmp file
+rm "$tmpfile" || true
+# Configure PFW #
+parameterExecute setTuningMode on
+parameterExecute setAutoSync off
+echo "Delete routing domains"
+for domain in $(parameterExecute listDomains |grep -io "^Routing.[^ ]*")
+ echo "Will delete domain $domain"
+ echo "deleteDomain $domain" >> "$tmpfile"
+# Generate PFW commands #
+echo "Generate domain commands from file $(realpath $PFWtest_DomainFile)"
+m4 "$PFWtest_DomainFile" | $(dirname $0)/ --pfw >> "$tmpfile"
+sed -i -e':a' \
+ -e '/\\$/{
+ s/.$//;
+ N;
+ s/\n *//;
+ ta};' \
+ -e '/^$/d;' -e 's/^ *//' \
+ -e 's/^.*$/'"$parameterCommandAccess"' "\0"\;/' "$tmpfile"
+echo "Execute commands"
+adbShellForward "$tmpfile"
+parameterExecute setAutoSync off
+parameterExecute setTuningMode off
+# Generate xml file #
+# Output file is the input file with the xml extension
+outputFile="$(realpath "$(echo $PFWtest_DomainFile | sed 's#\.pfw$#.xml#')")"
+# Test if diferent from .pfw file (we do not whant to overwrite it)
+if test "$outputFile" == "$PFWtest_DomainFile"
+ outputFile="${outputFile}.xml"
+echo "Output file: $outputFile"
+parameterExecute getDomainsXML |sed 's/\r//' > "$outputFile"
+echo "The media serveur PFW domains have been change, please restart it to restore old domains"
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/misc/generatorpfwscript.lang b/tools/xmlGenerator/misc/generatorpfwscript.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df641df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/misc/generatorpfwscript.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ copy to /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/
+ restart gedit
+ and select View/Highlight Mode/Markup/GeneratorPFWscript
+<language id="generatorpfwscript" _name="GeneratorPFWscript" version="2.0" _section="Markup">
+ <metadata>
+ <property name="mimetypes">text/plain</property>
+ <property name="globs">.pfw</property>
+ <property name="line-comment-start">#</property>
+ </metadata>
+ <styles>
+ <style id="entry-type" _name="Field" map-to="def:identifier"/>
+ <style id="keyword" _name="Keyword" map-to="def:keyword"/>
+ <style id="comment" _name="Comment" map-to="def:comment"/>
+ <style id="boolean" _name="Boolean Value" map-to="def:boolean"/>
+ <style id="decimal" _name="Decimal number" map-to="def:decimal"/>
+ <style id="hexadecimal" _name="Hexadecimal number" map-to="def:base-n-integer"/>
+ <style id="path" _name="Data Type" map-to="def:type"/>
+ <style id="char" _name="Character" map-to="def:character"/>
+ </styles>
+ <!--default-regex-options case-sensitive="True"/-->
+ <definitions>
+ <context id="entry-type" style-ref="entry-type" >
+ <suffix>:</suffix>
+ <keyword>supDomain</keyword>
+ <keyword>domain</keyword>
+ <keyword>rule</keyword>
+ <keyword>supConf</keyword>
+ <keyword>conf</keyword>
+ <keyword>rule</keyword>
+ <keyword>component</keyword>
+ </context>
+ <context id="keywords" style-ref="keyword">
+ <keyword>Is</keyword>
+ <keyword>IsNot</keyword>
+ <keyword>Includes</keyword>
+ <keyword>Excludes</keyword>
+ <keyword>ALL</keyword>
+ <keyword>ANY</keyword>
+ <keyword>sequenceAware</keyword>
+ </context>
+ <context id="path" style-ref="path">
+ <match extended="true">
+ \s*(/[^\s=]*)
+ </match>
+ </context>
+ <context id="number" style-ref="decimal">
+ <match extended="true">
+ (?&lt;![\w\.])
+ (([0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]+([Ee][-]?[0-9]+)?))
+ (?![\w\.])
+ </match>
+ </context>
+ <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean">
+ <keyword>False</keyword>
+ <keyword>True</keyword>
+ </context>
+ <context id="line-comment" style-ref="comment" end-at-line-end="true" class="comment" class-disabled="no-spell-check">
+ <start>#</start>
+ <include>
+ <context ref="def:in-comment"/>
+ </include>
+ </context>
+ <context id="hexadecimal" style-ref="hexadecimal">
+ <match extended="true">
+ (?&lt;![\w\.])
+ \$[0-9a-fA-F]*
+ (?![\w\.])
+ </match>
+ </context>
+ <context id="char" style-ref="keyword">
+ <match >([=])</match>
+ </context>
+ <context id="generatorpfwscript">
+ <include>
+ <context ref="entry-type"/>
+ <context ref="path"/>
+ <context ref="keywords"/>
+ <context ref="line-comment"/>
+ <context ref="boolean"/>
+ <context ref="number"/>
+ <context ref="hexadecimal"/>
+ <context ref="char"/>
+ </include>
+ </context>
+ </definitions>
diff --git a/tools/xmlGenerator/ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ab5988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xmlGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright 2013 Intel
+# Corporation All Rights Reserved.
+# The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
+# the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
+# or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
+# suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
+# and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
+# Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
+# treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced,
+# modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or
+# disclosed in any way without Intels prior express written permission.
+# No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual
+# property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery
+# of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or
+# otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be
+# express and approved by Intel in writing.
+# It creates XML settings from a .pfw description
+# It Also instanciate a PFW with them loaded
+# The generated pfw commands
+# A tmp file, the pfw must have write priviledge on it
+set -e -u -o pipefail
+if test $# -eq 0
+ DomainFile="${PFWtest_DomainFile}"
+ DomainFile="$@"
+function echoColor ()
+ if test -t 1 ;
+ then
+ # stdout is a tty => colors
+ /bin/echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m"
+ else
+ # stdout is not a tty => no color
+ /bin/echo -e "$@"
+ fi
+function androidWithError ()
+ echo " \$ $PFWtest_prefixCommand $@"
+ local result
+ result=$( $PFWtest_prefixCommand "$*"' ; echo $?' | sed -e 's#[\r]##' );
+ echo "$(echo "$result" | sed '$d')" ;
+ return "$(echo "$result" | tail -n1 )";
+echoColor "Translate domains to pfw commands"
+echoColor "Domains source file: $DomainFile"
+m4 "$DomainFile" | $(dirname $0)/ --pfw -o "$scriptPFWFile"
+echoColor "List of generated domains :"
+sed -ne 's/createDomain \(.*\)/ \1/p' "$scriptPFWFile"
+echoColor "Make fs writable"
+adb remount
+echoColor "instanciate pseudo hal"
+$PFWtest_test_scripts/ "$PFWtest_ParameterFrameworkConfigurationFile" "$PFWtest_CriterionFile"
+echoColor "Create Domains"
+$(dirname $0)/ "$scriptPFWFile" --keep-autoSync-disable
+echoColor "Export domains and settings"
+androidWithError remote-process $PFWtest_ParameterFramworkHost exportDomainsWithSettingsXML "$ExportTmpFile"
+androidWithError cp "$ExportTmpFile" "$PFWtest_RemoteOutputFile"
+echoColor "restart PseudoHal"
+$PFWtest_test_scripts/ "$PFWtest_ParameterFrameworkConfigurationFile" "$PFWtest_CriterionFile"
+echoColor "Synchronization with local file : $PFWtest_LocalOutputFile"
+adb pull "$PFWtest_RemoteOutputFile" "$PFWtest_LocalOutputFile"