/* * INTEL CONFIDENTIAL * Copyright © 2011 Intel * Corporation All Rights Reserved. * * The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to * the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers * or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its * suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary * and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The * Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and * treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, * modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or * disclosed in any way without Intel’s prior express written permission. * * No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual * property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery * of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or * otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be * express and approved by Intel in writing. * * CREATED: 2011-06-01 * UPDATED: 2011-07-27 */ #include "FixedPointParameterType.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Parameter.h" #include "ParameterAccessContext.h" #include "ConfigurationAccessContext.h" #include #define base CParameterType CFixedPointParameterType::CFixedPointParameterType(const string& strName) : base(strName), _uiIntegral(0), _uiFractional(0) { } string CFixedPointParameterType::getKind() const { return "FixedPointParameter"; } // Element properties void CFixedPointParameterType::showProperties(string& strResult) const { base::showProperties(strResult); // Notation strResult += "Notation: Q"; strResult += toString(_uiIntegral); strResult += "."; strResult += toString(_uiFractional); strResult += "\n"; } // XML Serialization value space handling // Value space handling for configuration import void CFixedPointParameterType::handleValueSpaceAttribute(CXmlElement& xmlConfigurableElementSettingsElement, CConfigurationAccessContext& configurationAccessContext) const { // Direction? if (!configurationAccessContext.serializeOut()) { // Get Value space from XML if (xmlConfigurableElementSettingsElement.hasAttribute("ValueSpace")) { configurationAccessContext.setValueSpaceRaw(xmlConfigurableElementSettingsElement.getAttributeBoolean("ValueSpace", "Raw")); } else { configurationAccessContext.setValueSpaceRaw(false); } } else { // Provide value space only if not the default one if (configurationAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) { xmlConfigurableElementSettingsElement.setAttributeString("ValueSpace", "Raw"); } } } bool CFixedPointParameterType::fromXml(const CXmlElement& xmlElement, CXmlSerializingContext& serializingContext) { // Size uint32_t uiSizeInBits = xmlElement.getAttributeInteger("Size"); // Q notation _uiIntegral = xmlElement.getAttributeInteger("Integral"); _uiFractional = xmlElement.getAttributeInteger("Fractional"); // Size vs. Q notation integrity check if (uiSizeInBits < getUtilSizeInBits()) { serializingContext.setError("Inconsistent Size vs. Q notation for " + getKind() + " " + xmlElement.getPath() + ": Summing (Integral + _uiFractional + 1) should not exceed given Size (" + xmlElement.getAttributeString("Size") + ")"); return false; } // Set the size setSize(uiSizeInBits / 8); return base::fromXml(xmlElement, serializingContext); } bool CFixedPointParameterType::toBlackboard(const string& strValue, uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const { // Hexa bool bValueProvidedAsHexa = !strValue.compare(0, 2, "0x"); // Check data integrity if (bValueProvidedAsHexa && !parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) { parameterAccessContext.setError("Hexadecimal values are not supported for " + getKind() + " when selected value space is real:"); return false; } int64_t iData; if (parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) { errno = 0; char *pcStrEnd; // Get data in integer form iData = strtoll(strValue.c_str(), &pcStrEnd, 0); // Conversion error when the input string does not contain any digit or the number is out of range bool bConversionSucceeded = !errno && (strValue.c_str() != pcStrEnd); if (!bConversionSucceeded || !isEncodable((uint64_t)iData, !bValueProvidedAsHexa)) { // Illegal value provided parameterAccessContext.setError(getOutOfRangeError(strValue, parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw(), bValueProvidedAsHexa)); return false; } if (bValueProvidedAsHexa) { // Sign extend signExtend(iData); } } else { errno = 0; char *pcStrEnd; double dData = strtod(strValue.c_str(), &pcStrEnd); // Conversion error when the input string does not contain any digit or the number is out of range (int32_t type) bool bConversionSucceeded = !errno && (strValue.c_str() != pcStrEnd); // Check encodability if (!bConversionSucceeded || !checkValueAgainstRange(dData)) { // Illegal value provided parameterAccessContext.setError(getOutOfRangeError(strValue, parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw(), bValueProvidedAsHexa)); return false; } // Do the conversion iData = asInteger(dData); } // check that the data is encodable and can be safely written to the blackboard assert(isEncodable((unsigned long int)iData, true)); uiValue = (uint32_t)iData; return true; } bool CFixedPointParameterType::fromBlackboard(string& strValue, const uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const { int32_t iData = uiValue; // Check encodability assert(isEncodable((uint32_t)iData, false)); // Format ostringstream strStream; // Raw formatting? if (parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) { // Hexa formatting? if (parameterAccessContext.outputRawFormatIsHex()) { strStream << "0x" << hex << uppercase << setw(getSize()*2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t)iData; } else { // Sign extend signExtend(iData); strStream << iData; } } else { // Sign extend signExtend(iData); // Conversion double dData = asDouble(iData); // Set up the precision of the display and notation type int iPrecision = (_uiFractional * log10(2.0)) + 1; int iFactor = pow(10.0, iPrecision); strStream << fixed << ((int64_t)(dData * iFactor)) / (double)iFactor; } strValue = strStream.str(); return true; } // Value access bool CFixedPointParameterType::toBlackboard(double dUserValue, uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const { // Check that the value is within the allowed range for this type if (!checkValueAgainstRange(dUserValue)) { // Illegal value provided parameterAccessContext.setError("Value out of range"); return false; } // Do the conversion int32_t iData = asInteger(dUserValue); // Check integrity assert(isEncodable((uint32_t)iData, true)); uiValue = iData; return true; } bool CFixedPointParameterType::fromBlackboard(double& dUserValue, uint32_t uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const { (void)parameterAccessContext; int32_t iData = uiValue; // Check unsigned value is encodable assert(isEncodable(uiValue, false)); // Sign extend signExtend(iData); dUserValue = asDouble(iData); return true; } // Util size uint32_t CFixedPointParameterType::getUtilSizeInBits() const { return _uiIntegral + _uiFractional + 1; } // Compute the range for the type (minimum and maximum values) void CFixedPointParameterType::getRange(double& dMin, double& dMax) const { dMax = (double)((1UL << (_uiIntegral + _uiFractional)) - 1) / (1UL << _uiFractional); dMin = -(double)(1UL << (_uiIntegral + _uiFractional)) / (1UL << _uiFractional); } // Out of range error string CFixedPointParameterType::getOutOfRangeError(const string& strValue, bool bRawValueSpace, bool bHexaValue) const { ostringstream strStream; strStream << "Value " << strValue << " standing out of admitted "; if (!bRawValueSpace) { // Min/Max computation double dMin = 0; double dMax = 0; getRange(dMin, dMax); strStream << "real range [" << dMin << ", "<< dMax << "]"; } else { // Min/Max computation int32_t iMax = getMaxValue(); int32_t iMin = -iMax - 1; strStream << "raw range ["; if (bHexaValue) { // Format Min strStream << "0x" << hex << uppercase << setw(getSize()*2) << setfill('0') << makeEncodable(iMin); // Format Max strStream << ", 0x" << hex << uppercase << setw(getSize()*2) << setfill('0') << makeEncodable(iMax); } else { strStream << iMin << ", " << iMax; } strStream << "]"; } strStream << " for " << getKind(); return strStream.str(); } // Check that the value is within available range for this type bool CFixedPointParameterType::checkValueAgainstRange(double dValue) const { double dMin = 0; double dMax = 0; getRange(dMin, dMax); return (dValue <= dMax) && (dValue >= dMin); } // Data conversion int32_t CFixedPointParameterType::asInteger(double dValue) const { // Do the conversion int32_t iData = (int32_t)(dValue * (1UL << _uiFractional) + 0.5F - (double)(dValue < 0)); // Left justify iData <<= getSize() * 8 - getUtilSizeInBits(); return iData; } double CFixedPointParameterType::asDouble(int32_t iValue) const { // Unjustify iValue >>= getSize() * 8 - getUtilSizeInBits(); // Convert return (double)iValue / (1UL << _uiFractional); } // From IXmlSource void CFixedPointParameterType::toXml(CXmlElement& xmlElement, CXmlSerializingContext& serializingContext) const { // Size xmlElement.setAttributeString("Size", toString(getSize() * 8)); // Integral xmlElement.setAttributeString("Integral", toString(_uiIntegral)); // Fractional xmlElement.setAttributeString("Fractional", toString(_uiFractional)); base::toXml(xmlElement, serializingContext); }