path: root/gtest/test/
diff options
authorJeff Davidson <>2015-01-20 10:18:05 -0800
committerJeff Davidson <>2015-01-20 10:18:05 -0800
commit0ddac1f3791efefb2cffdb425f0c600feb7a47e6 (patch)
treeefeab8fb69198186f1dabfe43d341c7b70c9c5f1 /gtest/test/
parent77a6b2f4cdd580d57630f079db1d908d7fd90a54 (diff)
Update protobuf's gtest to expected version.
Generated by running: rm -rf gtest ./ ./configure Change-Id: I5d9c0bea09dd9d3e4d7d4442dd8222011f5c522a
Diffstat (limited to 'gtest/test/')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/gtest/test/ b/gtest/test/
index df59f9e..3725860 100644
--- a/gtest/test/
+++ b/gtest/test/
@@ -33,11 +33,14 @@
#include <gtest/internal/gtest-port.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#endif // GTEST_OS_MAC
+#include <utility> // For std::pair and std::make_pair.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gtest/gtest-spi.h>
@@ -50,9 +53,20 @@
#include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
+using std::make_pair;
+using std::pair;
namespace testing {
namespace internal {
+// Tests that the element_type typedef is available in scoped_ptr and refers
+// to the parameter type.
+TEST(ScopedPtrTest, DefinesElementType) {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<int, ::testing::internal::scoped_ptr<int>::element_type>();
+// TODO( Implement THE REST of scoped_ptr tests.
TEST(GtestCheckSyntaxTest, BehavesLikeASingleStatement) {
if (AlwaysFalse())
GTEST_CHECK_(false) << "This should never be executed; "
@@ -84,7 +98,7 @@ TEST(GtestCheckSyntaxTest, WorksWithSwitch) {
void* ThreadFunc(void* data) {
- pthread_mutex_t* mutex = reinterpret_cast<pthread_mutex_t*>(data);
+ pthread_mutex_t* mutex = static_cast<pthread_mutex_t*>(data);
return NULL;
@@ -119,10 +133,7 @@ TEST(GetThreadCountTest, ReturnsCorrectValue) {
if (GetThreadCount() == 1)
- timespec time;
- time.tv_sec = 0;
- time.tv_nsec = 100L * 1000 * 1000; // .1 seconds.
- nanosleep(&time, NULL);
+ SleepMilliseconds(100);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, GetThreadCount());
@@ -161,15 +172,15 @@ TEST(GtestCheckDeathTest, LivesSilentlyOnSuccess) {
template <typename Str>
class RETest : public ::testing::Test {};
// Defines StringTypes as the list of all string types that class RE
// supports.
typedef testing::Types<
@@ -223,6 +234,8 @@ TYPED_TEST(RETest, PartialMatchWorks) {
EXPECT_FALSE(RE::PartialMatch(TypeParam("zza"), re));
TEST(IsInSetTest, NulCharIsNotInAnySet) {
@@ -689,11 +702,317 @@ TEST(RETest, PartialMatchWorks) {
-TEST(CaptureStderrTest, CapturesStdErr) {
+TEST(CaptureTest, CapturesStdout) {
+ CaptureStdout();
+ fprintf(stdout, "abc");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("abc", GetCapturedStdout().c_str());
+ CaptureStdout();
+ fprintf(stdout, "def%cghi", '\0');
+ EXPECT_EQ(::std::string("def\0ghi", 7), ::std::string(GetCapturedStdout()));
+TEST(CaptureTest, CapturesStderr) {
+ CaptureStderr();
+ fprintf(stderr, "jkl");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("jkl", GetCapturedStderr().c_str());
+ CaptureStderr();
+ fprintf(stderr, "jkl%cmno", '\0');
+ EXPECT_EQ(::std::string("jkl\0mno", 7), ::std::string(GetCapturedStderr()));
+// Tests that stdout and stderr capture don't interfere with each other.
+TEST(CaptureTest, CapturesStdoutAndStderr) {
+ CaptureStdout();
- fprintf(stderr, "abc");
- ASSERT_STREQ("abc", GetCapturedStderr().c_str());
+ fprintf(stdout, "pqr");
+ fprintf(stderr, "stu");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("pqr", GetCapturedStdout().c_str());
+ EXPECT_STREQ("stu", GetCapturedStderr().c_str());
+TEST(CaptureDeathTest, CannotReenterStdoutCapture) {
+ CaptureStdout();
+ "Only one stdout capturer can exist at a time");
+ GetCapturedStdout();
+ // We cannot test stderr capturing using death tests as they use it
+ // themselves.
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, DefaultConstructorInitializesToDefaultValues) {
+ ThreadLocal<int> t1;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, t1.get());
+ ThreadLocal<void*> t2;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(t2.get() == NULL);
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, SingleParamConstructorInitializesToParam) {
+ ThreadLocal<int> t1(123);
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, t1.get());
+ int i = 0;
+ ThreadLocal<int*> t2(&i);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&i, t2.get());
+class NoDefaultContructor {
+ public:
+ explicit NoDefaultContructor(const char*) {}
+ NoDefaultContructor(const NoDefaultContructor&) {}
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, ValueDefaultContructorIsNotRequiredForParamVersion) {
+ ThreadLocal<NoDefaultContructor> bar(NoDefaultContructor("foo"));
+ bar.pointer();
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, GetAndPointerReturnSameValue) {
+ ThreadLocal<String> thread_local;
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_local.pointer(), &(thread_local.get()));
+ // Verifies the condition still holds after calling set.
+ thread_local.set("foo");
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_local.pointer(), &(thread_local.get()));
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, PointerAndConstPointerReturnSameValue) {
+ ThreadLocal<String> thread_local;
+ const ThreadLocal<String>& const_thread_local = thread_local;
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_local.pointer(), const_thread_local.pointer());
+ thread_local.set("foo");
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_local.pointer(), const_thread_local.pointer());
+void AddTwo(int* param) { *param += 2; }
+TEST(ThreadWithParamTest, ConstructorExecutesThreadFunc) {
+ int i = 40;
+ ThreadWithParam<int*> thread(&AddTwo, &i, NULL);
+ thread.Join();
+ EXPECT_EQ(42, i);
+TEST(MutexDeathTest, AssertHeldShouldAssertWhenNotLocked) {
+ // AssertHeld() is flaky only in the presence of multiple threads accessing
+ // the lock. In this case, the test is robust.
+ Mutex m;
+ { MutexLock lock(&m); }
+ m.AssertHeld();
+ },
+ "thread .*hold");
+TEST(MutexTest, AssertHeldShouldNotAssertWhenLocked) {
+ Mutex m;
+ MutexLock lock(&m);
+ m.AssertHeld();
+class AtomicCounterWithMutex {
+ public:
+ explicit AtomicCounterWithMutex(Mutex* mutex) :
+ value_(0), mutex_(mutex), random_(42) {}
+ void Increment() {
+ MutexLock lock(mutex_);
+ int temp = value_;
+ {
+ // Locking a mutex puts up a memory barrier, preventing reads and
+ // writes to value_ rearranged when observed from other threads.
+ //
+ // We cannot use Mutex and MutexLock here or rely on their memory
+ // barrier functionality as we are testing them here.
+ pthread_mutex_t memory_barrier_mutex;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&memory_barrier_mutex, NULL));
+ GTEST_CHECK_POSIX_SUCCESS_(pthread_mutex_lock(&memory_barrier_mutex));
+ SleepMilliseconds(random_.Generate(30));
+ GTEST_CHECK_POSIX_SUCCESS_(pthread_mutex_unlock(&memory_barrier_mutex));
+ }
+ value_ = temp + 1;
+ }
+ int value() const { return value_; }
+ private:
+ volatile int value_;
+ Mutex* const mutex_; // Protects value_.
+ Random random_;
+void CountingThreadFunc(pair<AtomicCounterWithMutex*, int> param) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < param.second; ++i)
+ param.first->Increment();
+// Tests that the mutex only lets one thread at a time to lock it.
+TEST(MutexTest, OnlyOneThreadCanLockAtATime) {
+ Mutex mutex;
+ AtomicCounterWithMutex locked_counter(&mutex);
+ typedef ThreadWithParam<pair<AtomicCounterWithMutex*, int> > ThreadType;
+ const int kCycleCount = 20;
+ const int kThreadCount = 7;
+ scoped_ptr<ThreadType> counting_threads[kThreadCount];
+ Notification threads_can_start;
+ // Creates and runs kThreadCount threads that increment locked_counter
+ // kCycleCount times each.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
+ counting_threads[i].reset(new ThreadType(&CountingThreadFunc,
+ make_pair(&locked_counter,
+ kCycleCount),
+ &threads_can_start));
+ }
+ threads_can_start.Notify();
+ for (int i = 0; i < kThreadCount; ++i)
+ counting_threads[i]->Join();
+ // If the mutex lets more than one thread to increment the counter at a
+ // time, they are likely to encounter a race condition and have some
+ // increments overwritten, resulting in the lower then expected counter
+ // value.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kCycleCount * kThreadCount, locked_counter.value());
+template <typename T>
+void RunFromThread(void (func)(T), T param) {
+ ThreadWithParam<T> thread(func, param, NULL);
+ thread.Join();
+void RetrieveThreadLocalValue(pair<ThreadLocal<String>*, String*> param) {
+ *param.second = param.first->get();
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, ParameterizedConstructorSetsDefault) {
+ ThreadLocal<String> thread_local("foo");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("foo", thread_local.get().c_str());
+ thread_local.set("bar");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("bar", thread_local.get().c_str());
+ String result;
+ RunFromThread(&RetrieveThreadLocalValue, make_pair(&thread_local, &result));
+ EXPECT_STREQ("foo", result.c_str());
+// DestructorTracker keeps track of whether its instances have been
+// destroyed.
+static std::vector<bool> g_destroyed;
+class DestructorTracker {
+ public:
+ DestructorTracker() : index_(GetNewIndex()) {}
+ DestructorTracker(const DestructorTracker& /* rhs */)
+ : index_(GetNewIndex()) {}
+ ~DestructorTracker() {
+ // We never access g_destroyed concurrently, so we don't need to
+ // protect the write operation under a mutex.
+ g_destroyed[index_] = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ static int GetNewIndex() {
+ g_destroyed.push_back(false);
+ return g_destroyed.size() - 1;
+ }
+ const int index_;
+typedef ThreadLocal<DestructorTracker>* ThreadParam;
+void CallThreadLocalGet(ThreadParam thread_local) {
+ thread_local->get();
+// Tests that when a ThreadLocal object dies in a thread, it destroys
+// the managed object for that thread.
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, DestroysManagedObjectForOwnThreadWhenDying) {
+ g_destroyed.clear();
+ {
+ // The next line default constructs a DestructorTracker object as
+ // the default value of objects managed by thread_local.
+ ThreadLocal<DestructorTracker> thread_local;
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, g_destroyed.size());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(g_destroyed[0]);
+ // This creates another DestructorTracker object for the main thread.
+ thread_local.get();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, g_destroyed.size());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(g_destroyed[0]);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(g_destroyed[1]);
+ }
+ // Now thread_local has died. It should have destroyed both the
+ // default value shared by all threads and the value for the main
+ // thread.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, g_destroyed.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(g_destroyed[0]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(g_destroyed[1]);
+ g_destroyed.clear();
+// Tests that when a thread exits, the thread-local object for that
+// thread is destroyed.
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, DestroysManagedObjectAtThreadExit) {
+ g_destroyed.clear();
+ {
+ // The next line default constructs a DestructorTracker object as
+ // the default value of objects managed by thread_local.
+ ThreadLocal<DestructorTracker> thread_local;
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, g_destroyed.size());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(g_destroyed[0]);
+ // This creates another DestructorTracker object in the new thread.
+ ThreadWithParam<ThreadParam> thread(
+ &CallThreadLocalGet, &thread_local, NULL);
+ thread.Join();
+ // Now the new thread has exited. The per-thread object for it
+ // should have been destroyed.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, g_destroyed.size());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(g_destroyed[0]);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(g_destroyed[1]);
+ }
+ // Now thread_local has died. The default value should have been
+ // destroyed too.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2U, g_destroyed.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(g_destroyed[0]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(g_destroyed[1]);
+ g_destroyed.clear();
+TEST(ThreadLocalTest, ThreadLocalMutationsAffectOnlyCurrentThread) {
+ ThreadLocal<String> thread_local;
+ thread_local.set("Foo");
+ EXPECT_STREQ("Foo", thread_local.get().c_str());
+ String result;
+ RunFromThread(&RetrieveThreadLocalValue, make_pair(&thread_local, &result));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result.c_str() == NULL);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing