/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkBlitRow.h" #include "SkColorPriv.h" #include "SkDither.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void S32_D565_Opaque(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) { SkASSERT(255 == alpha); if (count > 0) { do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); *dst++ = SkPixel32ToPixel16_ToU16(c); } while (--count != 0); } } static void S32_D565_Blend(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) { SkASSERT(255 > alpha); if (count > 0) { int scale = SkAlpha255To256(alpha); do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); uint16_t d = *dst; *dst++ = SkPackRGB16( SkAlphaBlend(SkPacked32ToR16(c), SkGetPackedR16(d), scale), SkAlphaBlend(SkPacked32ToG16(c), SkGetPackedG16(d), scale), SkAlphaBlend(SkPacked32ToB16(c), SkGetPackedB16(d), scale)); } while (--count != 0); } } static void S32A_D565_Opaque(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) { SkASSERT(255 == alpha); if (count > 0) { do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); // if (__builtin_expect(c!=0, 1)) if (c) { *dst = SkSrcOver32To16(c, *dst); } dst += 1; } while (--count != 0); } } static void S32A_D565_Blend(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) { SkASSERT(255 > alpha); if (count > 0) { do { SkPMColor sc = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(sc); if (sc) { uint16_t dc = *dst; unsigned dst_scale = 255 - SkMulDiv255Round(SkGetPackedA32(sc), alpha); unsigned dr = SkMulS16(SkPacked32ToR16(sc), alpha) + SkMulS16(SkGetPackedR16(dc), dst_scale); unsigned dg = SkMulS16(SkPacked32ToG16(sc), alpha) + SkMulS16(SkGetPackedG16(dc), dst_scale); unsigned db = SkMulS16(SkPacked32ToB16(sc), alpha) + SkMulS16(SkGetPackedB16(dc), dst_scale); *dst = SkPackRGB16(SkDiv255Round(dr), SkDiv255Round(dg), SkDiv255Round(db)); } dst += 1; } while (--count != 0); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void S32_D565_Opaque_Dither(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int x, int y) { SkASSERT(255 == alpha); if (count > 0) { DITHER_565_SCAN(y); do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); unsigned dither = DITHER_VALUE(x); *dst++ = SkDitherRGB32To565(c, dither); DITHER_INC_X(x); } while (--count != 0); } } static void S32_D565_Blend_Dither(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int x, int y) { SkASSERT(255 > alpha); if (count > 0) { int scale = SkAlpha255To256(alpha); DITHER_565_SCAN(y); do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); int dither = DITHER_VALUE(x); int sr = SkGetPackedR32(c); int sg = SkGetPackedG32(c); int sb = SkGetPackedB32(c); sr = SkDITHER_R32To565(sr, dither); sg = SkDITHER_G32To565(sg, dither); sb = SkDITHER_B32To565(sb, dither); uint16_t d = *dst; *dst++ = SkPackRGB16(SkAlphaBlend(sr, SkGetPackedR16(d), scale), SkAlphaBlend(sg, SkGetPackedG16(d), scale), SkAlphaBlend(sb, SkGetPackedB16(d), scale)); DITHER_INC_X(x); } while (--count != 0); } } static void S32A_D565_Opaque_Dither(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int x, int y) { SkASSERT(255 == alpha); if (count > 0) { DITHER_565_SCAN(y); do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); if (c) { unsigned a = SkGetPackedA32(c); int d = SkAlphaMul(DITHER_VALUE(x), SkAlpha255To256(a)); unsigned sr = SkGetPackedR32(c); unsigned sg = SkGetPackedG32(c); unsigned sb = SkGetPackedB32(c); sr = SkDITHER_R32_FOR_565(sr, d); sg = SkDITHER_G32_FOR_565(sg, d); sb = SkDITHER_B32_FOR_565(sb, d); uint32_t src_expanded = (sg << 24) | (sr << 13) | (sb << 2); uint32_t dst_expanded = SkExpand_rgb_16(*dst); dst_expanded = dst_expanded * (SkAlpha255To256(255 - a) >> 3); // now src and dst expanded are in g:11 r:10 x:1 b:10 *dst = SkCompact_rgb_16((src_expanded + dst_expanded) >> 5); } dst += 1; DITHER_INC_X(x); } while (--count != 0); } } static void S32A_D565_Blend_Dither(uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count, U8CPU alpha, int x, int y) { SkASSERT(255 > alpha); if (count > 0) { int src_scale = SkAlpha255To256(alpha); DITHER_565_SCAN(y); do { SkPMColor c = *src++; SkPMColorAssert(c); if (c) { unsigned d = *dst; int sa = SkGetPackedA32(c); int dst_scale = SkAlpha255To256(255 - SkAlphaMul(sa, src_scale)); int dither = DITHER_VALUE(x); int sr = SkGetPackedR32(c); int sg = SkGetPackedG32(c); int sb = SkGetPackedB32(c); sr = SkDITHER_R32To565(sr, dither); sg = SkDITHER_G32To565(sg, dither); sb = SkDITHER_B32To565(sb, dither); int dr = (sr * src_scale + SkGetPackedR16(d) * dst_scale) >> 8; int dg = (sg * src_scale + SkGetPackedG16(d) * dst_scale) >> 8; int db = (sb * src_scale + SkGetPackedB16(d) * dst_scale) >> 8; *dst = SkPackRGB16(dr, dg, db); } dst += 1; DITHER_INC_X(x); } while (--count != 0); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(__CPU_ARCH_ARM) && defined(SK_CPU_LENDIAN) extern "C" void S32A_D565_Opaque_arm(uint16_t*, uint32_t*, size_t); #endif static const SkBlitRow::Proc gDefault_565_Procs[] = { // no dither S32_D565_Opaque, S32_D565_Blend, #if defined(__CPU_ARCH_ARM) && defined(SK_CPU_LENDIAN) (SkBlitRow::Proc)S32A_D565_Opaque_arm, #else S32A_D565_Opaque, #endif S32A_D565_Blend, // dither S32_D565_Opaque_Dither, S32_D565_Blend_Dither, S32A_D565_Opaque_Dither, S32A_D565_Blend_Dither }; extern SkBlitRow::Proc SkBlitRow_Factory_4444(unsigned flags); SkBlitRow::Proc SkBlitRow::Factory(unsigned flags, SkBitmap::Config config) { SkASSERT(flags < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gDefault_565_Procs)); // just so we don't crash flags &= kFlags16_Mask; SkBlitRow::Proc proc = NULL; switch (config) { case SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config: proc = PlatformProcs565(flags); if (NULL == proc) { proc = gDefault_565_Procs[flags]; } break; case SkBitmap::kARGB_4444_Config: proc = PlatformProcs4444(flags); if (NULL == proc) { proc = SkBlitRow_Factory_4444(flags); } break; default: break; } return proc; }