/* * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkColorFilter.h" #include "SkShader.h" #include "SkUnPreMultiply.h" bool SkColorFilter::asColorMode(SkColor* color, SkXfermode::Mode* mode) { return false; } bool SkColorFilter::asColorMatrix(SkScalar matrix[20]) { return false; } bool SkColorFilter::asComponentTable(SkBitmap*) { return false; } void SkColorFilter::filterSpan16(const uint16_t s[], int count, uint16_t d[]) { SkASSERT(this->getFlags() & SkColorFilter::kHasFilter16_Flag); SkDEBUGFAIL("missing implementation of SkColorFilter::filterSpan16"); if (d != s) { memcpy(d, s, count * sizeof(uint16_t)); } } SkColor SkColorFilter::filterColor(SkColor c) { SkPMColor dst, src = SkPreMultiplyColor(c); this->filterSpan(&src, 1, &dst); return SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(dst); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkFilterShader::SkFilterShader(SkShader* shader, SkColorFilter* filter) { fShader = shader; shader->ref(); fFilter = filter; filter->ref(); } SkFilterShader::SkFilterShader(SkFlattenableReadBuffer& buffer) : INHERITED(buffer) { fShader = static_cast(buffer.readFlattenable()); fFilter = static_cast(buffer.readFlattenable()); } SkFilterShader::~SkFilterShader() { fFilter->unref(); fShader->unref(); } void SkFilterShader::beginSession() { this->INHERITED::beginSession(); fShader->beginSession(); } void SkFilterShader::endSession() { fShader->endSession(); this->INHERITED::endSession(); } void SkFilterShader::flatten(SkFlattenableWriteBuffer& buffer) { this->INHERITED::flatten(buffer); buffer.writeFlattenable(fShader); buffer.writeFlattenable(fFilter); } uint32_t SkFilterShader::getFlags() { uint32_t shaderF = fShader->getFlags(); uint32_t filterF = fFilter->getFlags(); // if the filter doesn't support 16bit, clear the matching bit in the shader if (!(filterF & SkColorFilter::kHasFilter16_Flag)) { shaderF &= ~SkShader::kHasSpan16_Flag; } // if the filter might change alpha, clear the opaque flag in the shader if (!(filterF & SkColorFilter::kAlphaUnchanged_Flag)) { shaderF &= ~(SkShader::kOpaqueAlpha_Flag | SkShader::kHasSpan16_Flag); } return shaderF; } bool SkFilterShader::setContext(const SkBitmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& matrix) { return this->INHERITED::setContext(device, paint, matrix) && fShader->setContext(device, paint, matrix); } void SkFilterShader::shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor result[], int count) { fShader->shadeSpan(x, y, result, count); fFilter->filterSpan(result, count, result); } void SkFilterShader::shadeSpan16(int x, int y, uint16_t result[], int count) { SkASSERT(fShader->getFlags() & SkShader::kHasSpan16_Flag); SkASSERT(fFilter->getFlags() & SkColorFilter::kHasFilter16_Flag); fShader->shadeSpan16(x, y, result, count); fFilter->filterSpan16(result, count, result); }