/* * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkSVGPolyline.h" #include "SkSVGParser.h" enum { kCliipRule, kFillRule, kPoints }; const SkSVGAttribute SkSVGPolyline::gAttributes[] = { SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(clip-rule, f_clipRule), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(fill-rule, f_fillRule), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(points) }; DEFINE_SVG_INFO(Polyline) void SkSVGPolyline::addAttribute(SkSVGParser& , int attrIndex, const char* attrValue, size_t attrLength) { if (attrIndex != kPoints) return; f_points.set("["); f_points.append(attrValue, attrLength); SkSVGParser::ConvertToArray(f_points); } void SkSVGPolyline::translate(SkSVGParser& parser, bool defState) { parser._startElement("polyline"); INHERITED::translate(parser, defState); SVG_ADD_ATTRIBUTE(points); if (f_fillRule.size() > 0) parser._addAttribute("fillType", f_fillRule.equals("evenodd") ? "evenOdd" : "winding"); parser._endElement(); }