/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef OMX_CODEC_H_ #define OMX_CODEC_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { struct MediaCodecInfo; class MemoryDealer; struct OMXCodecObserver; struct CodecProfileLevel; class SkipCutBuffer; struct OMXCodec : public MediaSource, public MediaBufferObserver { enum CreationFlags { kPreferSoftwareCodecs = 1, kIgnoreCodecSpecificData = 2, // The client wants to access the output buffer's video // data for example for thumbnail extraction. kClientNeedsFramebuffer = 4, // Request for software or hardware codecs. If request // can not be fullfilled, Create() returns NULL. kSoftwareCodecsOnly = 8, kHardwareCodecsOnly = 16, // Store meta data in video buffers kStoreMetaDataInVideoBuffers = 32, // Only submit one input buffer at one time. kOnlySubmitOneInputBufferAtOneTime = 64, // Enable GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED for output buffers from native window kEnableGrallocUsageProtected = 128, // Secure decoding mode kUseSecureInputBuffers = 256, }; static sp Create( const sp &omx, const sp &meta, bool createEncoder, const sp &source, const char *matchComponentName = NULL, uint32_t flags = 0, const sp &nativeWindow = NULL); static void setComponentRole( const sp &omx, IOMX::node_id node, bool isEncoder, const char *mime); virtual status_t start(MetaData *params = NULL); virtual status_t stop(); virtual sp getFormat(); virtual status_t read( MediaBuffer **buffer, const ReadOptions *options = NULL); virtual status_t pause(); // from MediaBufferObserver virtual void signalBufferReturned(MediaBuffer *buffer); enum Quirks { kNeedsFlushBeforeDisable = 1, kWantsNALFragments = 2, kRequiresLoadedToIdleAfterAllocation = 4, kRequiresAllocateBufferOnInputPorts = 8, kRequiresFlushCompleteEmulation = 16, kRequiresAllocateBufferOnOutputPorts = 32, kRequiresFlushBeforeShutdown = 64, kDefersOutputBufferAllocation = 128, kDecoderLiesAboutNumberOfChannels = 256, kInputBufferSizesAreBogus = 512, kSupportsMultipleFramesPerInputBuffer = 1024, kRequiresLargerEncoderOutputBuffer = 2048, kOutputBuffersAreUnreadable = 4096, }; struct CodecNameAndQuirks { String8 mName; uint32_t mQuirks; }; // for use by ACodec static void findMatchingCodecs( const char *mime, bool createEncoder, const char *matchComponentName, uint32_t flags, Vector *matchingCodecNamesAndQuirks); static uint32_t getComponentQuirks( const sp &list); static bool findCodecQuirks(const char *componentName, uint32_t *quirks); protected: virtual ~OMXCodec(); private: // Make sure mLock is accessible to OMXCodecObserver friend class OMXCodecObserver; // Call this with mLock hold void on_message(const omx_message &msg); enum State { DEAD, LOADED, LOADED_TO_IDLE, IDLE_TO_EXECUTING, EXECUTING, EXECUTING_TO_IDLE, IDLE_TO_LOADED, RECONFIGURING, ERROR }; enum { kPortIndexInput = 0, kPortIndexOutput = 1 }; enum PortStatus { ENABLED, DISABLING, DISABLED, ENABLING, SHUTTING_DOWN, }; enum BufferStatus { OWNED_BY_US, OWNED_BY_COMPONENT, OWNED_BY_NATIVE_WINDOW, OWNED_BY_CLIENT, }; struct BufferInfo { IOMX::buffer_id mBuffer; BufferStatus mStatus; sp mMem; size_t mSize; void *mData; MediaBuffer *mMediaBuffer; }; struct CodecSpecificData { size_t mSize; uint8_t mData[1]; }; sp mOMX; bool mOMXLivesLocally; IOMX::node_id mNode; uint32_t mQuirks; // Flags specified in the creation of the codec. uint32_t mFlags; bool mIsEncoder; bool mIsVideo; char *mMIME; char *mComponentName; sp mOutputFormat; sp mSource; Vector mCodecSpecificData; size_t mCodecSpecificDataIndex; sp mDealer[2]; State mState; Vector mPortBuffers[2]; PortStatus mPortStatus[2]; bool mInitialBufferSubmit; bool mSignalledEOS; status_t mFinalStatus; bool mNoMoreOutputData; bool mOutputPortSettingsHaveChanged; int64_t mSeekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mSeekMode; int64_t mTargetTimeUs; bool mOutputPortSettingsChangedPending; sp mSkipCutBuffer; MediaBuffer *mLeftOverBuffer; Mutex mLock; Condition mAsyncCompletion; bool mPaused; sp mNativeWindow; // The index in each of the mPortBuffers arrays of the buffer that will be // submitted to OMX next. This only applies when using buffers from a // native window. size_t mNextNativeBufferIndex[2]; // A list of indices into mPortStatus[kPortIndexOutput] filled with data. List mFilledBuffers; Condition mBufferFilled; // Used to record the decoding time for an output picture from // a video encoder. List mDecodingTimeList; OMXCodec(const sp &omx, IOMX::node_id node, uint32_t quirks, uint32_t flags, bool isEncoder, const char *mime, const char *componentName, const sp &source, const sp &nativeWindow); void addCodecSpecificData(const void *data, size_t size); void clearCodecSpecificData(); void setComponentRole(); void setAMRFormat(bool isWAMR, int32_t bitRate); status_t setAACFormat( int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t bitRate, int32_t aacProfile, bool isADTS); status_t setAC3Format(int32_t numChannels, int32_t sampleRate); void setG711Format(int32_t numChannels); status_t setVideoPortFormatType( OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE compressionFormat, OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE colorFormat); void setVideoInputFormat( const char *mime, const sp& meta); status_t setupBitRate(int32_t bitRate); status_t setupErrorCorrectionParameters(); status_t setupH263EncoderParameters(const sp& meta); status_t setupMPEG4EncoderParameters(const sp& meta); status_t setupAVCEncoderParameters(const sp& meta); status_t findTargetColorFormat( const sp& meta, OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE *colorFormat); status_t isColorFormatSupported( OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE colorFormat, int portIndex); // If profile/level is set in the meta data, its value in the meta // data will be used; otherwise, the default value will be used. status_t getVideoProfileLevel(const sp& meta, const CodecProfileLevel& defaultProfileLevel, CodecProfileLevel& profileLevel); status_t setVideoOutputFormat( const char *mime, const sp& meta); void setImageOutputFormat( OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE format, OMX_U32 width, OMX_U32 height); void setJPEGInputFormat( OMX_U32 width, OMX_U32 height, OMX_U32 compressedSize); void setMinBufferSize(OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_U32 size); void setRawAudioFormat( OMX_U32 portIndex, int32_t sampleRate, int32_t numChannels); status_t allocateBuffers(); status_t allocateBuffersOnPort(OMX_U32 portIndex); status_t allocateOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow(); status_t queueBufferToNativeWindow(BufferInfo *info); status_t cancelBufferToNativeWindow(BufferInfo *info); BufferInfo* dequeueBufferFromNativeWindow(); status_t pushBlankBuffersToNativeWindow(); status_t freeBuffersOnPort( OMX_U32 portIndex, bool onlyThoseWeOwn = false); status_t freeBuffer(OMX_U32 portIndex, size_t bufIndex); bool drainInputBuffer(IOMX::buffer_id buffer); void fillOutputBuffer(IOMX::buffer_id buffer); bool drainInputBuffer(BufferInfo *info); void fillOutputBuffer(BufferInfo *info); void drainInputBuffers(); void fillOutputBuffers(); bool drainAnyInputBuffer(); BufferInfo *findInputBufferByDataPointer(void *ptr); BufferInfo *findEmptyInputBuffer(); // Returns true iff a flush was initiated and a completion event is // upcoming, false otherwise (A flush was not necessary as we own all // the buffers on that port). // This method will ONLY ever return false for a component with quirk // "kRequiresFlushCompleteEmulation". bool flushPortAsync(OMX_U32 portIndex); void disablePortAsync(OMX_U32 portIndex); status_t enablePortAsync(OMX_U32 portIndex); static size_t countBuffersWeOwn(const Vector &buffers); static bool isIntermediateState(State state); void onEvent(OMX_EVENTTYPE event, OMX_U32 data1, OMX_U32 data2); void onCmdComplete(OMX_COMMANDTYPE cmd, OMX_U32 data); void onStateChange(OMX_STATETYPE newState); void onPortSettingsChanged(OMX_U32 portIndex); void setState(State newState); status_t init(); void initOutputFormat(const sp &inputFormat); status_t initNativeWindow(); void initNativeWindowCrop(); void dumpPortStatus(OMX_U32 portIndex); status_t configureCodec(const sp &meta); status_t applyRotation(); status_t waitForBufferFilled_l(); int64_t getDecodingTimeUs(); status_t parseHEVCCodecSpecificData( const void *data, size_t size, unsigned *profile, unsigned *level); status_t parseAVCCodecSpecificData( const void *data, size_t size, unsigned *profile, unsigned *level); status_t stopOmxComponent_l(); OMXCodec(const OMXCodec &); OMXCodec &operator=(const OMXCodec &); }; struct CodecCapabilities { enum { kFlagSupportsAdaptivePlayback = 1 << 0, }; String8 mComponentName; Vector mProfileLevels; Vector mColorFormats; uint32_t mFlags; }; // Return a vector of componentNames with supported profile/level pairs // supporting the given mime type, if queryDecoders==true, returns components // that decode content of the given type, otherwise returns components // that encode content of the given type. // profile and level indications only make sense for h.263, mpeg4 and avc // video. // If hwCodecOnly==true, only returns hardware-based components, software and // hardware otherwise. // The profile/level values correspond to // OMX_VIDEO_H263PROFILETYPE, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4PROFILETYPE, // OMX_VIDEO_AVCPROFILETYPE, OMX_VIDEO_H263LEVELTYPE, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4LEVELTYPE // and OMX_VIDEO_AVCLEVELTYPE respectively. status_t QueryCodecs( const sp &omx, const char *mimeType, bool queryDecoders, bool hwCodecOnly, Vector *results); status_t QueryCodecs( const sp &omx, const char *mimeType, bool queryDecoders, Vector *results); status_t QueryCodec( const sp &omx, const char *componentName, const char *mime, bool isEncoder, CodecCapabilities *caps); status_t getOMXChannelMapping(size_t numChannels, OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELTYPE map[]); } // namespace android #endif // OMX_CODEC_H_