/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "OggExtractor" #include #include "include/OggExtractor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include int _vorbis_unpack_books(vorbis_info *vi,oggpack_buffer *opb); int _vorbis_unpack_info(vorbis_info *vi,oggpack_buffer *opb); int _vorbis_unpack_comment(vorbis_comment *vc,oggpack_buffer *opb); long vorbis_packet_blocksize(vorbis_info *vi,ogg_packet *op); } namespace android { struct OggSource : public MediaSource { OggSource(const sp &extractor); virtual sp getFormat(); virtual status_t start(MetaData *params = NULL); virtual status_t stop(); virtual status_t read( MediaBuffer **buffer, const ReadOptions *options = NULL); protected: virtual ~OggSource(); private: sp mExtractor; bool mStarted; OggSource(const OggSource &); OggSource &operator=(const OggSource &); }; struct MyVorbisExtractor { MyVorbisExtractor(const sp &source); virtual ~MyVorbisExtractor(); sp getFormat() const; // Returns an approximate bitrate in bits per second. uint64_t approxBitrate(); status_t seekToTime(int64_t timeUs); status_t seekToOffset(off64_t offset); status_t readNextPacket(MediaBuffer **buffer, bool conf); status_t init(); sp getFileMetaData() { return mFileMeta; } private: struct Page { uint64_t mGranulePosition; int32_t mPrevPacketSize; uint64_t mPrevPacketPos; uint32_t mSerialNo; uint32_t mPageNo; uint8_t mFlags; uint8_t mNumSegments; uint8_t mLace[255]; }; struct TOCEntry { off64_t mPageOffset; int64_t mTimeUs; }; sp mSource; off64_t mOffset; Page mCurrentPage; uint64_t mPrevGranulePosition; size_t mCurrentPageSize; bool mFirstPacketInPage; uint64_t mCurrentPageSamples; size_t mNextLaceIndex; off64_t mFirstDataOffset; vorbis_info mVi; vorbis_comment mVc; sp mMeta; sp mFileMeta; Vector mTableOfContents; ssize_t readPage(off64_t offset, Page *page); status_t findNextPage(off64_t startOffset, off64_t *pageOffset); status_t verifyHeader( MediaBuffer *buffer, uint8_t type); int32_t packetBlockSize(MediaBuffer *buffer); void parseFileMetaData(); status_t findPrevGranulePosition(off64_t pageOffset, uint64_t *granulePos); void buildTableOfContents(); MyVorbisExtractor(const MyVorbisExtractor &); MyVorbisExtractor &operator=(const MyVorbisExtractor &); }; static void extractAlbumArt( const sp &fileMeta, const void *data, size_t size); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OggSource::OggSource(const sp &extractor) : mExtractor(extractor), mStarted(false) { } OggSource::~OggSource() { if (mStarted) { stop(); } } sp OggSource::getFormat() { return mExtractor->mImpl->getFormat(); } status_t OggSource::start(MetaData * /* params */) { if (mStarted) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } mStarted = true; return OK; } status_t OggSource::stop() { mStarted = false; return OK; } status_t OggSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { if (mExtractor->mImpl->seekToTime(seekTimeUs) != OK) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } } MediaBuffer *packet; status_t err = mExtractor->mImpl->readNextPacket(&packet, /* conf = */ false); if (err != OK) { return err; } #if 0 int64_t timeUs; if (packet->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) { ALOGI("found time = %lld us", timeUs); } else { ALOGI("NO time"); } #endif packet->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, 1); *out = packet; return OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MyVorbisExtractor::MyVorbisExtractor(const sp &source) : mSource(source), mOffset(0), mPrevGranulePosition(0), mCurrentPageSize(0), mFirstPacketInPage(true), mCurrentPageSamples(0), mNextLaceIndex(0), mFirstDataOffset(-1) { mCurrentPage.mNumSegments = 0; vorbis_info_init(&mVi); vorbis_comment_init(&mVc); } MyVorbisExtractor::~MyVorbisExtractor() { vorbis_comment_clear(&mVc); vorbis_info_clear(&mVi); } sp MyVorbisExtractor::getFormat() const { return mMeta; } status_t MyVorbisExtractor::findNextPage( off64_t startOffset, off64_t *pageOffset) { *pageOffset = startOffset; for (;;) { char signature[4]; ssize_t n = mSource->readAt(*pageOffset, &signature, 4); if (n < 4) { *pageOffset = 0; return (n < 0) ? n : (status_t)ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (!memcmp(signature, "OggS", 4)) { if (*pageOffset > startOffset) { ALOGV("skipped %lld bytes of junk to reach next frame", (long long)(*pageOffset - startOffset)); } return OK; } ++*pageOffset; } } // Given the offset of the "current" page, find the page immediately preceding // it (if any) and return its granule position. // To do this we back up from the "current" page's offset until we find any // page preceding it and then scan forward to just before the current page. status_t MyVorbisExtractor::findPrevGranulePosition( off64_t pageOffset, uint64_t *granulePos) { *granulePos = 0; off64_t prevPageOffset = 0; off64_t prevGuess = pageOffset; for (;;) { if (prevGuess >= 5000) { prevGuess -= 5000; } else { prevGuess = 0; } ALOGV("backing up %lld bytes", (long long)(pageOffset - prevGuess)); status_t err = findNextPage(prevGuess, &prevPageOffset); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (prevPageOffset < pageOffset || prevGuess == 0) { break; } } if (prevPageOffset == pageOffset) { // We did not find a page preceding this one. return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } ALOGV("prevPageOffset at %lld, pageOffset at %lld", (long long)prevPageOffset, (long long)pageOffset); for (;;) { Page prevPage; ssize_t n = readPage(prevPageOffset, &prevPage); if (n <= 0) { return (status_t)n; } prevPageOffset += n; if (prevPageOffset == pageOffset) { *granulePos = prevPage.mGranulePosition; return OK; } } } status_t MyVorbisExtractor::seekToTime(int64_t timeUs) { if (mTableOfContents.isEmpty()) { // Perform approximate seeking based on avg. bitrate. off64_t pos = timeUs * approxBitrate() / 8000000ll; ALOGV("seeking to offset %lld", (long long)pos); return seekToOffset(pos); } size_t left = 0; size_t right_plus_one = mTableOfContents.size(); while (left < right_plus_one) { size_t center = left + (right_plus_one - left) / 2; const TOCEntry &entry = mTableOfContents.itemAt(center); if (timeUs < entry.mTimeUs) { right_plus_one = center; } else if (timeUs > entry.mTimeUs) { left = center + 1; } else { left = center; break; } } if (left == mTableOfContents.size()) { --left; } const TOCEntry &entry = mTableOfContents.itemAt(left); ALOGV("seeking to entry %zu / %zu at offset %lld", left, mTableOfContents.size(), (long long)entry.mPageOffset); return seekToOffset(entry.mPageOffset); } status_t MyVorbisExtractor::seekToOffset(off64_t offset) { if (mFirstDataOffset >= 0 && offset < mFirstDataOffset) { // Once we know where the actual audio data starts (past the headers) // don't ever seek to anywhere before that. offset = mFirstDataOffset; } off64_t pageOffset; status_t err = findNextPage(offset, &pageOffset); if (err != OK) { return err; } // We found the page we wanted to seek to, but we'll also need // the page preceding it to determine how many valid samples are on // this page. findPrevGranulePosition(pageOffset, &mPrevGranulePosition); mOffset = pageOffset; mCurrentPageSize = 0; mFirstPacketInPage = true; mCurrentPageSamples = 0; mCurrentPage.mNumSegments = 0; mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketSize = -1; mNextLaceIndex = 0; // XXX what if new page continues packet from last??? return OK; } ssize_t MyVorbisExtractor::readPage(off64_t offset, Page *page) { uint8_t header[27]; ssize_t n; if ((n = mSource->readAt(offset, header, sizeof(header))) < (ssize_t)sizeof(header)) { ALOGV("failed to read %zu bytes at offset %#016llx, got %zd bytes", sizeof(header), (long long)offset, n); if (n < 0) { return n; } else if (n == 0) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } else { return ERROR_IO; } } if (memcmp(header, "OggS", 4)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (header[4] != 0) { // Wrong version. return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } page->mFlags = header[5]; if (page->mFlags & ~7) { // Only bits 0-2 are defined in version 0. return ERROR_MALFORMED; } page->mGranulePosition = U64LE_AT(&header[6]); #if 0 printf("granulePosition = %llu (0x%llx)\n", page->mGranulePosition, page->mGranulePosition); #endif page->mSerialNo = U32LE_AT(&header[14]); page->mPageNo = U32LE_AT(&header[18]); page->mNumSegments = header[26]; if (mSource->readAt( offset + sizeof(header), page->mLace, page->mNumSegments) < (ssize_t)page->mNumSegments) { return ERROR_IO; } size_t totalSize = 0;; for (size_t i = 0; i < page->mNumSegments; ++i) { totalSize += page->mLace[i]; } #if 0 String8 tmp; for (size_t i = 0; i < page->mNumSegments; ++i) { char x[32]; sprintf(x, "%s%u", i > 0 ? ", " : "", (unsigned)page->mLace[i]); tmp.append(x); } ALOGV("%c %s", page->mFlags & 1 ? '+' : ' ', tmp.string()); #endif return sizeof(header) + page->mNumSegments + totalSize; } status_t MyVorbisExtractor::readNextPacket(MediaBuffer **out, bool conf) { *out = NULL; MediaBuffer *buffer = NULL; int64_t timeUs = -1; for (;;) { size_t i; size_t packetSize = 0; bool gotFullPacket = false; for (i = mNextLaceIndex; i < mCurrentPage.mNumSegments; ++i) { uint8_t lace = mCurrentPage.mLace[i]; packetSize += lace; if (lace < 255) { gotFullPacket = true; ++i; break; } } if (mNextLaceIndex < mCurrentPage.mNumSegments) { off64_t dataOffset = mOffset + 27 + mCurrentPage.mNumSegments; for (size_t j = 0; j < mNextLaceIndex; ++j) { dataOffset += mCurrentPage.mLace[j]; } size_t fullSize = packetSize; if (buffer != NULL) { fullSize += buffer->range_length(); } MediaBuffer *tmp = new MediaBuffer(fullSize); if (buffer != NULL) { memcpy(tmp->data(), buffer->data(), buffer->range_length()); tmp->set_range(0, buffer->range_length()); buffer->release(); } else { tmp->set_range(0, 0); } buffer = tmp; ssize_t n = mSource->readAt( dataOffset, (uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_length(), packetSize); if (n < (ssize_t)packetSize) { ALOGV("failed to read %zu bytes at %#016llx, got %zd bytes", packetSize, (long long)dataOffset, n); return ERROR_IO; } buffer->set_range(0, fullSize); mNextLaceIndex = i; if (gotFullPacket) { // We've just read the entire packet. if (mFirstPacketInPage) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt32( kKeyValidSamples, mCurrentPageSamples); mFirstPacketInPage = false; } // ignore timestamp for configuration packets if (!conf) { int32_t curBlockSize = packetBlockSize(buffer); if (mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketSize < 0) { mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketSize = curBlockSize; mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketPos = mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition - mCurrentPageSamples; timeUs = mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketPos * 1000000ll / mVi.rate; } else { // The effective block size is the average of the two overlapped blocks int32_t actualBlockSize = (curBlockSize + mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketSize) / 2; timeUs = mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketPos * 1000000ll / mVi.rate; // The actual size output by the decoder will be half the effective // size, due to the overlap mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketPos += actualBlockSize / 2; mCurrentPage.mPrevPacketSize = curBlockSize; } buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); } *out = buffer; return OK; } // fall through, the buffer now contains the start of the packet. } CHECK_EQ(mNextLaceIndex, mCurrentPage.mNumSegments); mOffset += mCurrentPageSize; ssize_t n = readPage(mOffset, &mCurrentPage); if (n <= 0) { if (buffer) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } ALOGV("readPage returned %zd", n); return n < 0 ? n : (status_t)ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } mCurrentPageSamples = mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition - mPrevGranulePosition; mFirstPacketInPage = true; mPrevGranulePosition = mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition; mCurrentPageSize = n; mNextLaceIndex = 0; if (buffer != NULL) { if ((mCurrentPage.mFlags & 1) == 0) { // This page does not continue the packet, i.e. the packet // is already complete. if (timeUs >= 0) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); } buffer->meta_data()->setInt32( kKeyValidSamples, mCurrentPageSamples); mFirstPacketInPage = false; *out = buffer; return OK; } } } } status_t MyVorbisExtractor::init() { mMeta = new MetaData; mMeta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS); MediaBuffer *packet; status_t err; if ((err = readNextPacket(&packet, /* conf = */ true)) != OK) { return err; } ALOGV("read packet of size %zu\n", packet->range_length()); err = verifyHeader(packet, 1); packet->release(); packet = NULL; if (err != OK) { return err; } if ((err = readNextPacket(&packet, /* conf = */ true)) != OK) { return err; } ALOGV("read packet of size %zu\n", packet->range_length()); err = verifyHeader(packet, 3); packet->release(); packet = NULL; if (err != OK) { return err; } if ((err = readNextPacket(&packet, /* conf = */ true)) != OK) { return err; } ALOGV("read packet of size %zu\n", packet->range_length()); err = verifyHeader(packet, 5); packet->release(); packet = NULL; if (err != OK) { return err; } mFirstDataOffset = mOffset + mCurrentPageSize; off64_t size; uint64_t lastGranulePosition; if (!(mSource->flags() & DataSource::kIsCachingDataSource) && mSource->getSize(&size) == OK && findPrevGranulePosition(size, &lastGranulePosition) == OK) { // Let's assume it's cheap to seek to the end. // The granule position of the final page in the stream will // give us the exact duration of the content, something that // we can only approximate using avg. bitrate if seeking to // the end is too expensive or impossible (live streaming). int64_t durationUs = lastGranulePosition * 1000000ll / mVi.rate; mMeta->setInt64(kKeyDuration, durationUs); buildTableOfContents(); } return OK; } void MyVorbisExtractor::buildTableOfContents() { off64_t offset = mFirstDataOffset; Page page; ssize_t pageSize; while ((pageSize = readPage(offset, &page)) > 0) { mTableOfContents.push(); TOCEntry &entry = mTableOfContents.editItemAt(mTableOfContents.size() - 1); entry.mPageOffset = offset; entry.mTimeUs = page.mGranulePosition * 1000000ll / mVi.rate; offset += (size_t)pageSize; } // Limit the maximum amount of RAM we spend on the table of contents, // if necessary thin out the table evenly to trim it down to maximum // size. static const size_t kMaxTOCSize = 8192; static const size_t kMaxNumTOCEntries = kMaxTOCSize / sizeof(TOCEntry); size_t numerator = mTableOfContents.size(); if (numerator > kMaxNumTOCEntries) { size_t denom = numerator - kMaxNumTOCEntries; size_t accum = 0; for (ssize_t i = mTableOfContents.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { accum += denom; if (accum >= numerator) { mTableOfContents.removeAt(i); accum -= numerator; } } } } int32_t MyVorbisExtractor::packetBlockSize(MediaBuffer *buffer) { const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(); size_t size = buffer->range_length(); ogg_buffer buf; buf.data = (uint8_t *)data; buf.size = size; buf.refcount = 1; buf.ptr.owner = NULL; ogg_reference ref; ref.buffer = &buf; ref.begin = 0; ref.length = size; ref.next = NULL; ogg_packet pack; pack.packet = &ref; pack.bytes = ref.length; pack.b_o_s = 0; pack.e_o_s = 0; pack.granulepos = 0; pack.packetno = 0; return vorbis_packet_blocksize(&mVi, &pack); } status_t MyVorbisExtractor::verifyHeader( MediaBuffer *buffer, uint8_t type) { const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(); size_t size = buffer->range_length(); if (size < 7 || data[0] != type || memcmp(&data[1], "vorbis", 6)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } ogg_buffer buf; buf.data = (uint8_t *)data; buf.size = size; buf.refcount = 1; buf.ptr.owner = NULL; ogg_reference ref; ref.buffer = &buf; ref.begin = 0; ref.length = size; ref.next = NULL; oggpack_buffer bits; oggpack_readinit(&bits, &ref); if (oggpack_read(&bits, 8) != type) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { oggpack_read(&bits, 8); // skip 'vorbis' } switch (type) { case 1: { if (0 != _vorbis_unpack_info(&mVi, &bits)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mMeta->setData(kKeyVorbisInfo, 0, data, size); mMeta->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, mVi.rate); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, mVi.channels); ALOGV("lower-bitrate = %ld", mVi.bitrate_lower); ALOGV("upper-bitrate = %ld", mVi.bitrate_upper); ALOGV("nominal-bitrate = %ld", mVi.bitrate_nominal); ALOGV("window-bitrate = %ld", mVi.bitrate_window); ALOGV("blocksizes: %d/%d", vorbis_info_blocksize(&mVi, 0), vorbis_info_blocksize(&mVi, 1) ); off64_t size; if (mSource->getSize(&size) == OK) { uint64_t bps = approxBitrate(); if (bps != 0) { mMeta->setInt64(kKeyDuration, size * 8000000ll / bps); } } break; } case 3: { if (0 != _vorbis_unpack_comment(&mVc, &bits)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } parseFileMetaData(); break; } case 5: { if (0 != _vorbis_unpack_books(&mVi, &bits)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mMeta->setData(kKeyVorbisBooks, 0, data, size); break; } } return OK; } uint64_t MyVorbisExtractor::approxBitrate() { if (mVi.bitrate_nominal != 0) { return mVi.bitrate_nominal; } return (mVi.bitrate_lower + mVi.bitrate_upper) / 2; } void MyVorbisExtractor::parseFileMetaData() { mFileMeta = new MetaData; mFileMeta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_CONTAINER_OGG); for (int i = 0; i < mVc.comments; ++i) { const char *comment = mVc.user_comments[i]; size_t commentLength = mVc.comment_lengths[i]; parseVorbisComment(mFileMeta, comment, commentLength); //ALOGI("comment #%d: '%s'", i + 1, mVc.user_comments[i]); } } void parseVorbisComment( const sp &fileMeta, const char *comment, size_t commentLength) { struct { const char *const mTag; uint32_t mKey; } kMap[] = { { "TITLE", kKeyTitle }, { "ARTIST", kKeyArtist }, { "ALBUMARTIST", kKeyAlbumArtist }, { "ALBUM ARTIST", kKeyAlbumArtist }, { "COMPILATION", kKeyCompilation }, { "ALBUM", kKeyAlbum }, { "COMPOSER", kKeyComposer }, { "GENRE", kKeyGenre }, { "AUTHOR", kKeyAuthor }, { "TRACKNUMBER", kKeyCDTrackNumber }, { "DISCNUMBER", kKeyDiscNumber }, { "DATE", kKeyDate }, { "YEAR", kKeyYear }, { "LYRICIST", kKeyWriter }, { "METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE", kKeyAlbumArt }, { "ANDROID_LOOP", kKeyAutoLoop }, }; for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(kMap) / sizeof(kMap[0]); ++j) { size_t tagLen = strlen(kMap[j].mTag); if (!strncasecmp(kMap[j].mTag, comment, tagLen) && comment[tagLen] == '=') { if (kMap[j].mKey == kKeyAlbumArt) { extractAlbumArt( fileMeta, &comment[tagLen + 1], commentLength - tagLen - 1); } else if (kMap[j].mKey == kKeyAutoLoop) { if (!strcasecmp(&comment[tagLen + 1], "true")) { fileMeta->setInt32(kKeyAutoLoop, true); } } else { fileMeta->setCString(kMap[j].mKey, &comment[tagLen + 1]); } } } } // The returned buffer should be free()d. static uint8_t *DecodeBase64(const char *s, size_t size, size_t *outSize) { *outSize = 0; if ((size % 4) != 0) { return NULL; } size_t n = size; size_t padding = 0; if (n >= 1 && s[n - 1] == '=') { padding = 1; if (n >= 2 && s[n - 2] == '=') { padding = 2; } } size_t outLen = 3 * size / 4 - padding; *outSize = outLen; void *buffer = malloc(outLen); uint8_t *out = (uint8_t *)buffer; size_t j = 0; uint32_t accum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char c = s[i]; unsigned value; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { value = c - 'A'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { value = 26 + c - 'a'; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { value = 52 + c - '0'; } else if (c == '+') { value = 62; } else if (c == '/') { value = 63; } else if (c != '=') { return NULL; } else { if (i < n - padding) { return NULL; } value = 0; } accum = (accum << 6) | value; if (((i + 1) % 4) == 0) { out[j++] = (accum >> 16); if (j < outLen) { out[j++] = (accum >> 8) & 0xff; } if (j < outLen) { out[j++] = accum & 0xff; } accum = 0; } } return (uint8_t *)buffer; } static void extractAlbumArt( const sp &fileMeta, const void *data, size_t size) { ALOGV("extractAlbumArt from '%s'", (const char *)data); size_t flacSize; uint8_t *flac = DecodeBase64((const char *)data, size, &flacSize); if (flac == NULL) { ALOGE("malformed base64 encoded data."); return; } ALOGV("got flac of size %zu", flacSize); uint32_t picType; uint32_t typeLen; uint32_t descLen; uint32_t dataLen; char type[128]; if (flacSize < 8) { goto exit; } picType = U32_AT(flac); if (picType != 3) { // This is not a front cover. goto exit; } typeLen = U32_AT(&flac[4]); if (typeLen + 1 > sizeof(type)) { goto exit; } if (flacSize < 8 + typeLen) { goto exit; } memcpy(type, &flac[8], typeLen); type[typeLen] = '\0'; ALOGV("picType = %d, type = '%s'", picType, type); if (!strcmp(type, "-->")) { // This is not inline cover art, but an external url instead. goto exit; } descLen = U32_AT(&flac[8 + typeLen]); if (flacSize < 32 + typeLen + descLen) { goto exit; } dataLen = U32_AT(&flac[8 + typeLen + 4 + descLen + 16]); if (flacSize < 32 + typeLen + descLen + dataLen) { goto exit; } ALOGV("got image data, %zu trailing bytes", flacSize - 32 - typeLen - descLen - dataLen); fileMeta->setData( kKeyAlbumArt, 0, &flac[8 + typeLen + 4 + descLen + 20], dataLen); fileMeta->setCString(kKeyAlbumArtMIME, type); exit: free(flac); flac = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OggExtractor::OggExtractor(const sp &source) : mDataSource(source), mInitCheck(NO_INIT), mImpl(NULL) { mImpl = new MyVorbisExtractor(mDataSource); mInitCheck = mImpl->seekToOffset(0); if (mInitCheck == OK) { mInitCheck = mImpl->init(); } } OggExtractor::~OggExtractor() { delete mImpl; mImpl = NULL; } size_t OggExtractor::countTracks() { return mInitCheck != OK ? 0 : 1; } sp OggExtractor::getTrack(size_t index) { if (index >= 1) { return NULL; } return new OggSource(this); } sp OggExtractor::getTrackMetaData( size_t index, uint32_t /* flags */) { if (index >= 1) { return NULL; } return mImpl->getFormat(); } sp OggExtractor::getMetaData() { return mImpl->getFileMetaData(); } bool SniffOgg( const sp &source, String8 *mimeType, float *confidence, sp *) { char tmp[4]; if (source->readAt(0, tmp, 4) < 4 || memcmp(tmp, "OggS", 4)) { return false; } mimeType->setTo(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_CONTAINER_OGG); *confidence = 0.2f; return true; } } // namespace android