From 22d1f9fb23015471de6af1a70e40fb5c82ecb665 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Danke Xie <>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 18:28:45 -0400
Subject: gps: Network initiated SUPL

Initial contribution from Qualcomm.

Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
 .../internal/location/     | 100 +++++
 .../internal/location/  | 457 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 557 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 location/java/com/android/internal/location/

(limited to 'location/java/com')

diff --git a/location/java/com/android/internal/location/ b/location/java/com/android/internal/location/
index 0b4fb88..bfa0671 100755
--- a/location/java/com/android/internal/location/
+++ b/location/java/com/android/internal/location/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import android.location.IGpsStatusListener;
 import android.location.IGpsStatusProvider;
 import android.location.ILocationManager;
 import android.location.ILocationProvider;
+import android.location.INetInitiatedListener;
 import android.location.Location;
 import android.location.LocationManager;
 import android.location.LocationProvider;
@@ -46,14 +47,18 @@ import android.util.SparseIntArray;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
  * A GPS implementation of LocationProvider used by LocationManager.
@@ -214,6 +219,7 @@ public class GpsLocationProvider extends ILocationProvider.Stub {
     private String mAGpsApn;
     private int mAGpsDataConnectionState;
     private final ConnectivityManager mConnMgr;
+    private final GpsNetInitiatedHandler mNIHandler; 
     // Wakelocks
     private final static String WAKELOCK_KEY = "GpsLocationProvider";
@@ -324,6 +330,7 @@ public class GpsLocationProvider extends ILocationProvider.Stub {
     public GpsLocationProvider(Context context, ILocationManager locationManager) {
         mContext = context;
         mLocationManager = locationManager;
+        mNIHandler= new GpsNetInitiatedHandler(context, this);
         // Create a wake lock
         PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
@@ -1047,6 +1054,96 @@ public class GpsLocationProvider extends ILocationProvider.Stub {
+    //=============================================================
+    // NI Client support
+	//=============================================================
+    private final INetInitiatedListener mNetInitiatedListener = new INetInitiatedListener.Stub() {
+    	// Sends a response for an NI reqeust to HAL.
+    	public boolean sendNiResponse(int notificationId, int userResponse)
+    	{
+        	// TODO Add Permission check
+    		StringBuilder extrasBuf = new StringBuilder();
+    		if (Config.LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "sendNiResponse, notifId: " + notificationId +
+    				", response: " + userResponse);
+    		native_send_ni_response(notificationId, userResponse);
+    		return true;
+    	}        
+    };
+    public INetInitiatedListener getNetInitiatedListener() {
+        return mNetInitiatedListener;
+    }
+    // Called by JNI function to report an NI request.
+	@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+	public void reportNiNotification(
+        	int notificationId,
+        	int niType,
+        	int notifyFlags,
+        	int timeout,
+        	int defaultResponse,
+        	String requestorId,
+        	String text,
+        	int requestorIdEncoding,
+        	int textEncoding,
+        	String extras  // Encoded extra data
+        )
+	{
+		Log.i(TAG, "reportNiNotification: entered");
+		Log.i(TAG, "notificationId: " + notificationId +
+				", niType: " + niType +
+				", notifyFlags: " + notifyFlags +
+				", timeout: " + timeout +
+				", defaultResponse: " + defaultResponse);
+		Log.i(TAG, "requestorId: " + requestorId +
+				", text: " + text +
+				", requestorIdEncoding: " + requestorIdEncoding +
+				", textEncoding: " + textEncoding);
+		GpsNiNotification notification = new GpsNiNotification();
+		notification.notificationId = notificationId;
+		notification.niType = niType;
+		notification.needNotify = (notifyFlags & GpsNetInitiatedHandler.GPS_NI_NEED_NOTIFY) != 0;
+		notification.needVerify = (notifyFlags & GpsNetInitiatedHandler.GPS_NI_NEED_VERIFY) != 0;
+		notification.privacyOverride = (notifyFlags & GpsNetInitiatedHandler.GPS_NI_PRIVACY_OVERRIDE) != 0;
+		notification.timeout = timeout;
+		notification.defaultResponse = defaultResponse;
+		notification.requestorId = requestorId;
+		notification.text = text;
+		notification.requestorIdEncoding = requestorIdEncoding;
+		notification.textEncoding = textEncoding;
+		// Process extras, assuming the format is
+		// one of more lines of "key = value"
+		Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
+		if (extras == null) extras = "";
+		Properties extraProp = new Properties();
+		try {
+			extraProp.load(new StringBufferInputStream(extras));
+		}
+		catch (IOException e)
+		{
+			Log.e(TAG, "reportNiNotification cannot parse extras data: " + extras);
+		}
+		for (Entry<Object, Object> ent : extraProp.entrySet())
+		{
+			bundle.putString((String) ent.getKey(), (String) ent.getValue());
+		}		
+		notification.extras = bundle;
+		mNIHandler.handleNiNotification(notification);		
+	}
     private class GpsEventThread extends Thread {
         public GpsEventThread() {
@@ -1252,4 +1349,7 @@ public class GpsLocationProvider extends ILocationProvider.Stub {
     private native void native_agps_data_conn_closed();
     private native void native_agps_data_conn_failed();
     private native void native_set_agps_server(int type, String hostname, int port);
+    // Network-initiated (NI) Support
+    private native void native_send_ni_response(int notificationId, int userResponse);
diff --git a/location/java/com/android/internal/location/ b/location/java/com/android/internal/location/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5466d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/location/java/com/android/internal/location/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.os.RemoteException;
+import android.util.Log;
+ * A GPS Network-initiated Handler class used by LocationManager.
+ *
+ * {@hide}
+ */
+public class GpsNetInitiatedHandler {
+    private static final String TAG = "GpsNetInitiatedHandler";
+    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
+    private static final boolean VERBOSE = false;
+    // NI verify activity for bringing up UI (not used yet)
+    public static final String ACTION_NI_VERIFY = "android.intent.action.NETWORK_INITIATED_VERIFY";
+    // string constants for defining data fields in NI Intent
+    public static final String NI_INTENT_KEY_NOTIF_ID = "notif_id";
+    public static final String NI_INTENT_KEY_TITLE = "title";
+    public static final String NI_INTENT_KEY_MESSAGE = "message";
+    public static final String NI_INTENT_KEY_TIMEOUT = "timeout";
+    public static final String NI_INTENT_KEY_DEFAULT_RESPONSE = "default_resp";
+    // the extra command to send NI response to GpsLocationProvider
+    public static final String NI_RESPONSE_EXTRA_CMD = "send_ni_response";
+    // the extra command parameter names in the Bundle
+    public static final String NI_EXTRA_CMD_NOTIF_ID = "notif_id";
+    public static final String NI_EXTRA_CMD_RESPONSE = "response";
+    // these need to match GpsNiType constants in gps_ni.h
+    public static final int GPS_NI_TYPE_VOICE = 1;
+    public static final int GPS_NI_TYPE_UMTS_SUPL = 2;
+    public static final int GPS_NI_TYPE_UMTS_CTRL_PLANE = 3;
+    // these need to match GpsUserResponseType constants in gps_ni.h    
+    public static final int GPS_NI_RESPONSE_ACCEPT = 1;
+    public static final int GPS_NI_RESPONSE_DENY = 2;
+    public static final int GPS_NI_RESPONSE_NORESP = 3;    
+    // these need to match GpsNiNotifyFlags constants in gps_ni.h
+    public static final int GPS_NI_NEED_NOTIFY = 0x0001;
+    public static final int GPS_NI_NEED_VERIFY = 0x0002;
+    public static final int GPS_NI_PRIVACY_OVERRIDE = 0x0004;
+    // these need to match GpsNiEncodingType in gps_ni.h
+    public static final int GPS_ENC_NONE = 0;
+    public static final int GPS_ENC_SUPL_GSM_DEFAULT = 1;
+    public static final int GPS_ENC_SUPL_UTF8 = 2;
+    public static final int GPS_ENC_SUPL_UCS2 = 3;
+    public static final int GPS_ENC_UNKNOWN = -1;
+    private final Context mContext;
+    // parent gps location provider
+    private final GpsLocationProvider mGpsLocationProvider;
+    // configuration of notificaiton behavior
+    private boolean mPlaySounds = false;
+    private boolean visible = true;
+    private boolean mPopupImmediately = true;
+    // Set to true if string from HAL is encoded as Hex, e.g., "3F0039"    
+    static private boolean mIsHexInput = true;
+    public static class GpsNiNotification
+    {
+    	int notificationId;
+    	int niType;
+    	boolean needNotify;
+    	boolean needVerify;
+    	boolean privacyOverride;
+    	int timeout;
+    	int defaultResponse;
+    	String requestorId;
+    	String text;
+    	int requestorIdEncoding;
+    	int textEncoding;
+    	Bundle extras;
+    };
+    public static class GpsNiResponse {
+    	/* User reponse, one of the values in GpsUserResponseType */
+    	int userResponse;
+    	/* Optional extra data to pass with the user response */
+    	Bundle extras;
+    };
+    /**
+     * The notification that is shown when a network-initiated notification
+     * (and verification) event is received. 
+     * <p>
+     * This is lazily created, so use {@link #setNINotification()}.
+     */
+    private Notification mNiNotification;
+    public GpsNetInitiatedHandler(Context context, GpsLocationProvider gpsLocationProvider) {
+    	mContext = context;       
+    	mGpsLocationProvider = gpsLocationProvider;
+    }
+    // Handles NI events from HAL
+    public void handleNiNotification(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "handleNiNotification" + " notificationId: " + notif.notificationId 
+    			+ " requestorId: " + notif.requestorId + " text: " + notif.text);
+    	// Notify and verify with immediate pop-up
+    	if (notif.needNotify && notif.needVerify && mPopupImmediately)
+    	{
+    		// Popup the dialog box now
+    		openNiDialog(notif);
+    	}
+    	// Notify only, or delayed pop-up (change mPopupImmediately to FALSE) 
+    	if (notif.needNotify && !notif.needVerify ||
+    		notif.needNotify && notif.needVerify && !mPopupImmediately) 
+    	{
+    		// Show the notification
+    		// if mPopupImmediately == FALSE and needVerify == TRUE, a dialog will be opened
+    		// when the user opens the notification message
+    		setNiNotification(notif);
+    	}
+    	// ACCEPT cases: 1. Notify, no verify; 2. no notify, no verify; 3. privacy override.
+    	if ( notif.needNotify && !notif.needVerify || 
+    		!notif.needNotify && !notif.needVerify || 
+    		 notif.privacyOverride)
+    	{
+    		try {
+    			mGpsLocationProvider.getNetInitiatedListener().sendNiResponse(notif.notificationId, GPS_NI_RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
+    		} 
+    		catch (RemoteException e)
+    		{
+    			Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
+    		}
+    	}
+    	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    	//   A note about timeout
+    	//   According to the protocol, in the need_notify and need_verify case,
+    	//   a default response should be sent when time out.
+    	//   
+    	//   In some GPS hardware, the GPS driver (under HAL) can handle the timeout case
+    	//   and this class GpsNetInitiatedHandler does not need to do anything.
+    	//   
+    	//   However, the UI should at least close the dialog when timeout. Further, 
+    	//   for more general handling, timeout response should be added to the Handler here.
+    	//    	    	
+    }
+    // Sets the NI notification.
+    private synchronized void setNiNotification(GpsNiNotification notif) {
+        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext
+                .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
+        if (notificationManager == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+    	String title = getNotifTitle(notif);
+    	String message = getNotifMessage(notif);
+        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "setNiNotification, notifyId: " + notif.notificationId +
+        		", title: " + title +
+        		", message: " + message);
+    	// Construct Notification
+    	if (mNiNotification == null) {
+        	mNiNotification = new Notification();
+        	mNiNotification.icon =; /* Change notification icon here */
+        	mNiNotification.when = 0;
+        }
+        if (mPlaySounds) {
+        	mNiNotification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
+        } else {
+        	mNiNotification.defaults &= ~Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
+        }        
+        mNiNotification.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;
+        mNiNotification.tickerText = getNotifTicker(notif);
+        // if not to popup dialog immediately, pending intent will open the dialog
+        Intent intent = !mPopupImmediately ? getDlgIntent(notif) : new Intent();    	        
+        PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, 0);                
+        mNiNotification.setLatestEventInfo(mContext, title, message, pi);
+        if (visible) {
+            notificationManager.notify(notif.notificationId, mNiNotification);
+        } else {
+            notificationManager.cancel(notif.notificationId);
+        }
+    }
+    // Opens the notification dialog and waits for user input
+    private void openNiDialog(GpsNiNotification notif) 
+    {
+    	Intent intent = getDlgIntent(notif);
+    	if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "openNiDialog, notifyId: " + notif.notificationId + 
+    			", requestorId: " + notif.requestorId + 
+    			", text: " + notif.text);               	
+    	mContext.startActivity(intent);
+    }
+    // Construct the intent for bringing up the dialog activity, which shows the 
+    // notification and takes user input
+    private Intent getDlgIntent(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	Intent intent = new Intent();
+    	String title = getDialogTitle(notif);
+    	String message = getDialogMessage(notif);
+    	// directly bring up the NI activity
+    	intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
+    	intent.setClass(mContext,;    	
+    	// put data in the intent
+    	intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_NOTIF_ID, notif.notificationId);    	
+    	intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_TITLE, title);
+    	intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_MESSAGE, message);
+    	intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_TIMEOUT, notif.timeout);
+    	intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_DEFAULT_RESPONSE, notif.defaultResponse);
+    	if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "generateIntent, title: " + title + ", message: " + message +
+    			", timeout: " + notif.timeout);
+    	return intent;
+    }
+    // Converts a string (or Hex string) to a char array
+    static byte[] stringToByteArray(String original, boolean isHex)
+    {
+    	int length = isHex ? original.length() / 2 : original.length();
+    	byte[] output = new byte[length];
+    	int i;
+    	if (isHex)
+    	{
+    		for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+    		{
+    			output[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(original.substring(i*2, i*2+2), 16);
+    		}
+    	}
+    	else {
+    		for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+    		{
+    			output[i] = (byte) original.charAt(i);
+    		}
+    	}
+    	return output;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unpacks an byte array containing 7-bit packed characters into a String.
+     * 
+     * @param input a 7-bit packed char array
+     * @return the unpacked String
+     */
+    static String decodeGSMPackedString(byte[] input)
+    {
+    	final char CHAR_CR = 0x0D;
+    	int nStridx = 0;
+    	int nPckidx = 0;
+    	int num_bytes = input.length;
+    	int cPrev = 0;
+    	int cCurr = 0;
+    	byte nShift;
+    	byte nextChar;
+    	byte[] stringBuf = new byte[input.length * 2]; 
+    	String result = "";
+    	while(nPckidx < num_bytes)
+    	{
+    		nShift = (byte) (nStridx & 0x07);
+    		cCurr = input[nPckidx++];
+    		if (cCurr < 0) cCurr += 256;
+    		/* A 7-bit character can be split at the most between two bytes of packed
+    		 ** data.
+    		 */
+    		nextChar = (byte) (( (cCurr << nShift) | (cPrev >> (8-nShift)) ) & 0x7F);
+    		stringBuf[nStridx++] = nextChar;
+    		/* Special case where the whole of the next 7-bit character fits inside
+    		 ** the current byte of packed data.
+    		 */
+    		if(nShift == 6)
+    		{
+    			/* If the next 7-bit character is a CR (0x0D) and it is the last
+    			 ** character, then it indicates a padding character. Drop it.
+    			 */
+    			if (nPckidx == num_bytes || (cCurr >> 1) == CHAR_CR)
+    			{
+    				break;
+    			}
+    			nextChar = (byte) (cCurr >> 1); 
+    			stringBuf[nStridx++] = nextChar;
+    		}
+    		cPrev = cCurr;
+    	}
+    	try{
+    		result = new String(stringBuf, 0, nStridx, "US-ASCII");
+    	}
+    	catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
+    	{
+    		Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
+    	}
+    	return result;
+    }
+    static String decodeUTF8String(byte[] input)
+    {
+    	String decoded = "";
+    	try {
+    		decoded = new String(input, "UTF-8");
+    	}
+    	catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
+    	{ 
+    		Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
+    	} 
+		return decoded;
+    }
+    static String decodeUCS2String(byte[] input)
+    {
+    	String decoded = "";
+    	try {
+    		decoded = new String(input, "UTF-16");
+    	}
+    	catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
+    	{ 
+    		Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
+    	} 
+		return decoded;
+    }
+    /** Decode NI string
+     * 
+     * @param original   The text string to be decoded
+     * @param isHex      Specifies whether the content of the string has been encoded as a Hex string. Encoding
+     *                   a string as Hex can allow zeros inside the coded text. 
+     * @param coding     Specifies the coding scheme of the string, such as GSM, UTF8, UCS2, etc. This coding scheme
+     * 					 needs to match those used passed to HAL from the native GPS driver. Decoding is done according
+     *                   to the <code> coding </code>, after a Hex string is decoded. Generally, if the
+     *                   notification strings don't need further decoding, <code> coding </code> encoding can be 
+     *                   set to -1, and <code> isHex </code> can be false.
+     * @return the decoded string
+     */
+    static private String decodeString(String original, boolean isHex, int coding)
+    {
+    	String decoded = original;
+    	byte[] input = stringToByteArray(original, isHex);
+    	switch (coding) {
+    	case GPS_ENC_NONE:
+    		decoded = original;
+    		break;
+    		decoded = decodeGSMPackedString(input);
+    		break;
+    	case GPS_ENC_SUPL_UTF8:
+    		decoded = decodeUTF8String(input);
+    		break;
+    	case GPS_ENC_SUPL_UCS2:
+    		decoded = decodeUCS2String(input);
+    		break;
+    	case GPS_ENC_UNKNOWN:
+    		decoded = original;
+    		break;
+    	default:
+    		Log.e(TAG, "Unknown encoding " + coding + " for NI text " + original);
+    		break;
+    	}
+    	return decoded;
+    }
+    // change this to configure notification display
+    static private String getNotifTicker(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	String ticker = String.format("Position request! ReqId: [%s] ClientName: [%s]",
+    			decodeString(notif.requestorId, mIsHexInput, notif.requestorIdEncoding),
+    			decodeString(notif.text, mIsHexInput, notif.textEncoding));
+    	return ticker;
+    }
+    // change this to configure notification display
+    static private String getNotifTitle(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	String title = String.format("Position Request");
+    	return title;
+    }
+    // change this to configure notification display
+    static private String getNotifMessage(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	String message = String.format(
+    			"NI Request received from [%s] for client [%s]!", 
+    			decodeString(notif.requestorId, mIsHexInput, notif.requestorIdEncoding),
+    			decodeString(notif.text, mIsHexInput, notif.textEncoding));
+    	return message;
+    }       
+    // change this to configure dialog display (for verification)
+    static public String getDialogTitle(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	return getNotifTitle(notif);
+    }
+    // change this to configure dialog display (for verification)
+    static private String getDialogMessage(GpsNiNotification notif)
+    {
+    	return getNotifMessage(notif);
+    }
cgit v1.1