package android.content; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.accounts.OnAccountsUpdateListener; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.provider.SyncConstValue; import android.util.Config; import android.util.Log; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import; /** * A specialization of the ContentProvider that centralizes functionality * used by ContentProviders that are syncable. It also wraps calls to the ContentProvider * inside of database transactions. * * @hide */ public abstract class AbstractSyncableContentProvider extends SyncableContentProvider { private static final String TAG = "SyncableContentProvider"; protected SQLiteOpenHelper mOpenHelper; protected SQLiteDatabase mDb; private final String mDatabaseName; private final int mDatabaseVersion; private final Uri mContentUri; /** the account set in the last call to onSyncStart() */ private Account mSyncingAccount; private SyncStateContentProviderHelper mSyncState = null; private static final String[] sAccountProjection = new String[] {SyncConstValue._SYNC_ACCOUNT, SyncConstValue._SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE}; private boolean mIsTemporary; private AbstractTableMerger mCurrentMerger = null; private boolean mIsMergeCancelled = false; private static final String SYNC_ACCOUNT_WHERE_CLAUSE = SyncConstValue._SYNC_ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SyncConstValue._SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE + "=?"; protected boolean isTemporary() { return mIsTemporary; } private final ThreadLocal mApplyingBatch = new ThreadLocal(); private final ThreadLocal> mPendingBatchNotifications = new ThreadLocal>(); /** * Indicates whether or not this ContentProvider contains a full * set of data or just diffs. This knowledge comes in handy when * determining how to incorporate the contents of a temporary * provider into a real provider. */ private boolean mContainsDiffs; /** * Initializes the AbstractSyncableContentProvider * @param dbName the filename of the database * @param dbVersion the current version of the database schema * @param contentUri The base Uri of the syncable content in this provider */ public AbstractSyncableContentProvider(String dbName, int dbVersion, Uri contentUri) { super(); mDatabaseName = dbName; mDatabaseVersion = dbVersion; mContentUri = contentUri; mIsTemporary = false; setContainsDiffs(false); if (Config.LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "created SyncableContentProvider " + this); } } /** * Close resources that must be closed. You must call this to properly release * the resources used by the AbstractSyncableContentProvider. */ public void close() { if (mOpenHelper != null) { mOpenHelper.close(); // OK to call .close() repeatedly. } } /** * Override to create your schema and do anything else you need to do with a new database. * This is run inside a transaction (so you don't need to use one). * This method may not use getDatabase(), or call content provider methods, it must only * use the database handle passed to it. */ protected void bootstrapDatabase(SQLiteDatabase db) {} /** * Override to upgrade your database from an old version to the version you specified. * Don't set the DB version; this will automatically be done after the method returns. * This method may not use getDatabase(), or call content provider methods, it must only * use the database handle passed to it. * * @param oldVersion version of the existing database * @param newVersion current version to upgrade to * @return true if the upgrade was lossless, false if it was lossy */ protected abstract boolean upgradeDatabase(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion); /** * Override to do anything (like cleanups or checks) you need to do after opening a database. * Does nothing by default. This is run inside a transaction (so you don't need to use one). * This method may not use getDatabase(), or call content provider methods, it must only * use the database handle passed to it. */ protected void onDatabaseOpened(SQLiteDatabase db) {} private class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { DatabaseHelper(Context context, String name) { // Note: context and name may be null for temp providers super(context, name, null, mDatabaseVersion); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { bootstrapDatabase(db); mSyncState.createDatabase(db); if (!isTemporary()) { ContentResolver.requestSync(null /* all accounts */, mContentUri.getAuthority(), new Bundle()); } } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (!upgradeDatabase(db, oldVersion, newVersion)) { mSyncState.discardSyncData(db, null /* all accounts */); ContentResolver.requestSync(null /* all accounts */, mContentUri.getAuthority(), new Bundle()); } } @Override public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) { onDatabaseOpened(db); mSyncState.onDatabaseOpened(db); } } @Override public boolean onCreate() { if (isTemporary()) throw new IllegalStateException("onCreate() called for temp provider"); mOpenHelper = new AbstractSyncableContentProvider.DatabaseHelper(getContext(), mDatabaseName); mSyncState = new SyncStateContentProviderHelper(mOpenHelper); AccountManager.get(getContext()).addOnAccountsUpdatedListener( new OnAccountsUpdateListener() { public void onAccountsUpdated(Account[] accounts) { // Some providers override onAccountsChanged(); give them a database to // work with. mDb = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); // Only call onAccountsChanged on GAIA accounts; otherwise, the contacts and // calendar providers will choke as they try to sync unknown accounts with // AbstractGDataSyncAdapter, which will put acore into a crash loop ArrayList gaiaAccounts = new ArrayList(); for (Account acct: accounts) { if (acct.type.equals("")) { gaiaAccounts.add(acct); } } accounts = new Account[gaiaAccounts.size()]; int i = 0; for (Account acct: gaiaAccounts) { accounts[i++] = acct; } onAccountsChanged(accounts); TempProviderSyncAdapter syncAdapter = getTempProviderSyncAdapter(); if (syncAdapter != null) { syncAdapter.onAccountsChanged(accounts); } } }, null /* handler */, true /* updateImmediately */); return true; } /** * Get a non-persistent instance of this content provider. * You must call {@link #close} on the returned * SyncableContentProvider when you are done with it. * * @return a non-persistent content provider with the same layout as this * provider. */ public AbstractSyncableContentProvider getTemporaryInstance() { AbstractSyncableContentProvider temp; try { temp = getClass().newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("unable to instantiate class, " + "this should never happen", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "IllegalAccess while instantiating class, " + "this should never happen", e); } // Note: onCreate() isn't run for the temp provider, and it has no Context. temp.mIsTemporary = true; temp.setContainsDiffs(true); temp.mOpenHelper = DatabaseHelper(null, null); temp.mSyncState = new SyncStateContentProviderHelper(temp.mOpenHelper); if (!isTemporary()) { mSyncState.copySyncState( mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(), temp.mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(), getSyncingAccount()); } return temp; } public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase() { if (mDb == null) mDb = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); return mDb; } public boolean getContainsDiffs() { return mContainsDiffs; } public void setContainsDiffs(boolean containsDiffs) { if (containsDiffs && !isTemporary()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "only a temporary provider can contain diffs"); } mContainsDiffs = containsDiffs; } /** * Each subclass of this class should define a subclass of {@link * android.content.AbstractTableMerger} for each table they wish to merge. It * should then override this method and return one instance of * each merger, in sequence. Their {@link * android.content.AbstractTableMerger#merge merge} methods will be called, one at a * time, in the order supplied. * *

The default implementation returns an empty list, so that no * merging will occur. * @return A sequence of subclasses of {@link * android.content.AbstractTableMerger}, one for each table that should be merged. */ protected Iterable getMergers() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public final int update(final Uri url, final ContentValues values, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs) { mDb = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); final boolean notApplyingBatch = !applyingBatch(); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.beginTransaction(); } try { if (isTemporary() && mSyncState.matches(url)) { int numRows = mSyncState.asContentProvider().update( url, values, selection, selectionArgs); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } return numRows; } int result = updateInternal(url, values, selection, selectionArgs); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } if (!isTemporary() && result > 0) { if (notApplyingBatch) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, changeRequiresLocalSync(url)); } else { mPendingBatchNotifications.get().add(url); } } return result; } finally { if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.endTransaction(); } } } @Override public final int delete(final Uri url, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs) { mDb = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); final boolean notApplyingBatch = !applyingBatch(); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.beginTransaction(); } try { if (isTemporary() && mSyncState.matches(url)) { int numRows = mSyncState.asContentProvider().delete(url, selection, selectionArgs); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } return numRows; } int result = deleteInternal(url, selection, selectionArgs); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } if (!isTemporary() && result > 0) { if (notApplyingBatch) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, changeRequiresLocalSync(url)); } else { mPendingBatchNotifications.get().add(url); } } return result; } finally { if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.endTransaction(); } } } private boolean applyingBatch() { return mApplyingBatch.get() != null && mApplyingBatch.get(); } @Override public final Uri insert(final Uri url, final ContentValues values) { mDb = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); final boolean notApplyingBatch = !applyingBatch(); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.beginTransaction(); } try { if (isTemporary() && mSyncState.matches(url)) { Uri result = mSyncState.asContentProvider().insert(url, values); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } return result; } Uri result = insertInternal(url, values); if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } if (!isTemporary() && result != null) { if (notApplyingBatch) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, changeRequiresLocalSync(url)); } else { mPendingBatchNotifications.get().add(url); } } return result; } finally { if (notApplyingBatch) { mDb.endTransaction(); } } } @Override public final int bulkInsert(final Uri uri, final ContentValues[] values) { int size = values.length; int completed = 0; final boolean isSyncStateUri = mSyncState.matches(uri); mDb = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); mDb.beginTransaction(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Uri result; if (isTemporary() && isSyncStateUri) { result = mSyncState.asContentProvider().insert(uri, values[i]); } else { result = insertInternal(uri, values[i]); mDb.yieldIfContended(); } if (result != null) { completed++; } } mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } if (!isTemporary() && completed == size) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null /* observer */, changeRequiresLocalSync(uri)); } return completed; } /** *

* Start batch transaction. {@link #endTransaction} MUST be called after * calling this method. Those methods should be used like this: *

* *
     * boolean successful = false;
     * beginBatch()
     * try {
     *     // Do something related to mDb
     *     successful = true;
     *     return ret;
     * } finally {
     *     endBatch(successful);
     * }
* * @hide This method should be used only when {@link ContentProvider#applyBatch} is not enough and must be * used with {@link #endBatch}. * e.g. If returned value has to be used during one transaction, this method might be useful. */ public final void beginBatch() { // initialize if this is the first time this thread has applied a batch if (mApplyingBatch.get() == null) { mApplyingBatch.set(false); mPendingBatchNotifications.set(new HashSet()); } if (applyingBatch()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "applyBatch is not reentrant but mApplyingBatch is already set"); } SQLiteDatabase db = getDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); boolean successful = false; try { mApplyingBatch.set(true); successful = true; } finally { if (!successful) { // Something unexpected happened. We must call endTransaction() at least. db.endTransaction(); } } } /** *

* Finish batch transaction. If "successful" is true, try to call * mDb.setTransactionSuccessful() before calling mDb.endTransaction(). * This method MUST be used with {@link #beginBatch()}. *

* * @hide This method must be used with {@link #beginTransaction} */ public final void endBatch(boolean successful) { try { if (successful) { // setTransactionSuccessful() must be called just once during opening the // transaction. mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } } finally { mApplyingBatch.set(false); getDatabase().endTransaction(); for (Uri url : mPendingBatchNotifications.get()) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, changeRequiresLocalSync(url)); } } } public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList operations) throws OperationApplicationException { boolean successful = false; beginBatch(); try { ContentProviderResult[] results = super.applyBatch(operations); successful = true; return results; } finally { endBatch(successful); } } /** * Check if changes to this URI can be syncable changes. * @param uri the URI of the resource that was changed * @return true if changes to this URI can be syncable changes, false otherwise */ public boolean changeRequiresLocalSync(Uri uri) { return true; } @Override public final Cursor query(final Uri url, final String[] projection, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs, final String sortOrder) { mDb = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); if (isTemporary() && mSyncState.matches(url)) { return mSyncState.asContentProvider().query( url, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); } return queryInternal(url, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); } /** * Called right before a sync is started. * * @param context the sync context for the operation * @param account */ public void onSyncStart(SyncContext context, Account account) { if (account == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("you passed in an empty account"); } mSyncingAccount = account; } /** * Called right after a sync is completed * * @param context the sync context for the operation * @param success true if the sync succeeded, false if an error occurred */ public void onSyncStop(SyncContext context, boolean success) { } /** * The account of the most recent call to onSyncStart() * @return the account */ public Account getSyncingAccount() { return mSyncingAccount; } /** * Merge diffs from a sync source with this content provider. * * @param context the SyncContext within which this merge is taking place * @param diffs A temporary content provider containing diffs from a sync * source. * @param result a MergeResult that contains information about the merge, including * a temporary content provider with the same layout as this provider containing * @param syncResult */ public void merge(SyncContext context, SyncableContentProvider diffs, TempProviderSyncResult result, SyncResult syncResult) { SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { synchronized(this) { mIsMergeCancelled = false; } Iterable mergers = getMergers(); try { for (AbstractTableMerger merger : mergers) { synchronized(this) { if (mIsMergeCancelled) break; mCurrentMerger = merger; } merger.merge(context, getSyncingAccount(), diffs, result, syncResult, this); } if (mIsMergeCancelled) return; if (diffs != null) { mSyncState.copySyncState( ((AbstractSyncableContentProvider)diffs).mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(), mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(), getSyncingAccount()); } } finally { synchronized (this) { mCurrentMerger = null; } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } /** * Invoked when the active sync has been canceled. Sets the sync state of this provider and * its merger to canceled. */ public void onSyncCanceled() { synchronized (this) { mIsMergeCancelled = true; if (mCurrentMerger != null) { mCurrentMerger.onMergeCancelled(); } } } public boolean isMergeCancelled() { return mIsMergeCancelled; } /** * Subclasses should override this instead of update(). See update() * for details. * *

This method is called within a acquireDbLock()/releaseDbLock() block, * which means a database transaction will be active during the call; */ protected abstract int updateInternal(Uri url, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs); /** * Subclasses should override this instead of delete(). See delete() * for details. * *

This method is called within a acquireDbLock()/releaseDbLock() block, * which means a database transaction will be active during the call; */ protected abstract int deleteInternal(Uri url, String selection, String[] selectionArgs); /** * Subclasses should override this instead of insert(). See insert() * for details. * *

This method is called within a acquireDbLock()/releaseDbLock() block, * which means a database transaction will be active during the call; */ protected abstract Uri insertInternal(Uri url, ContentValues values); /** * Subclasses should override this instead of query(). See query() * for details. * *

This method is *not* called within a acquireDbLock()/releaseDbLock() * block for performance reasons. If an implementation needs atomic access * to the database the lock can be acquired then. */ protected abstract Cursor queryInternal(Uri url, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder); /** * Make sure that there are no entries for accounts that no longer exist * @param accountsArray the array of currently-existing accounts */ protected void onAccountsChanged(Account[] accountsArray) { Map accounts = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Account account : accountsArray) { accounts.put(account, false); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Map tableMap = db.getSyncedTables(); Vector tables = new Vector(); tables.addAll(tableMap.keySet()); tables.addAll(tableMap.values()); db.beginTransaction(); try { mSyncState.onAccountsChanged(accountsArray); for (String table : tables) { deleteRowsForRemovedAccounts(accounts, table); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } /** * A helper method to delete all rows whose account is not in the accounts * map. The accountColumnName is the name of the column that is expected * to hold the account. If a row has an empty account it is never deleted. * * @param accounts a map of existing accounts * @param table the table to delete from */ protected void deleteRowsForRemovedAccounts(Map accounts, String table) { SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.query(table, sAccountProjection, null, null, "_sync_account, _sync_account_type", null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { String accountName = c.getString(0); String accountType = c.getString(1); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(accountName)) { continue; } Account account = new Account(accountName, accountType); if (!accounts.containsKey(account)) { int numDeleted; numDeleted = db.delete(table, "_sync_account=? AND _sync_account_type=?", new String[]{, account.type}); if (Config.LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "deleted " + numDeleted + " records from table " + table + " for account " + account); } } } } finally { c.close(); } } /** * Called when the sync system determines that this provider should no longer * contain records for the specified account. */ public void wipeAccount(Account account) { SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Map tableMap = db.getSyncedTables(); ArrayList tables = new ArrayList(); tables.addAll(tableMap.keySet()); tables.addAll(tableMap.values()); db.beginTransaction(); try { // remove the SyncState data mSyncState.discardSyncData(db, account); // remove the data in the synced tables for (String table : tables) { db.delete(table, SYNC_ACCOUNT_WHERE_CLAUSE, new String[]{, account.type}); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } /** * Retrieves the SyncData bytes for the given account. The byte array returned may be null. */ public byte[] readSyncDataBytes(Account account) { return mSyncState.readSyncDataBytes(mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(), account); } /** * Sets the SyncData bytes for the given account. The byte array may be null. */ public void writeSyncDataBytes(Account account, byte[] data) { mSyncState.writeSyncDataBytes(mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(), account, data); } protected ContentProvider getSyncStateProvider() { return mSyncState.asContentProvider(); } }