/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.content; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PathPermission; import android.content.pm.ProviderInfo; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor; import android.database.CursorWindow; import android.database.IBulkCursor; import android.database.IContentObserver; import android.database.SQLException; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.Process; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Content providers are one of the primary building blocks of Android applications, providing * content to applications. They encapsulate data and provide it to applications through the single * {@link ContentResolver} interface. A content provider is only required if you need to share * data between multiple applications. For example, the contacts data is used by multiple * applications and must be stored in a content provider. If you don't need to share data amongst * multiple applications you can use a database directly via * {@link android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase}. * *
For more information, read Content * Providers.
* *When a request is made via * a {@link ContentResolver} the system inspects the authority of the given URI and passes the * request to the content provider registered with the authority. The content provider can interpret * the rest of the URI however it wants. The {@link UriMatcher} class is helpful for parsing * URIs.
* *The primary methods that need to be implemented are: *
This class takes care of cross process calls so subclasses don't have to worry about which * process a request is coming from.
*/ public abstract class ContentProvider implements ComponentCallbacks { private Context mContext = null; private int mMyUid; private String mReadPermission; private String mWritePermission; private PathPermission[] mPathPermissions; private Transport mTransport = new Transport(); /** * Given an IContentProvider, try to coerce it back to the real * ContentProvider object if it is running in the local process. This can * be used if you know you are running in the same process as a provider, * and want to get direct access to its implementation details. Most * clients should not nor have a reason to use it. * * @param abstractInterface The ContentProvider interface that is to be * coerced. * @return If the IContentProvider is non-null and local, returns its actual * ContentProvider instance. Otherwise returns null. * @hide */ public static ContentProvider coerceToLocalContentProvider( IContentProvider abstractInterface) { if (abstractInterface instanceof Transport) { return ((Transport)abstractInterface).getContentProvider(); } return null; } /** * Binder object that deals with remoting. * * @hide */ class Transport extends ContentProviderNative { ContentProvider getContentProvider() { return ContentProvider.this; } /** * Remote version of a query, which returns an IBulkCursor. The bulk * cursor should be wrapped with BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor before use. */ public IBulkCursor bulkQuery(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder, IContentObserver observer, CursorWindow window) { enforceReadPermission(uri); Cursor cursor = ContentProvider.this.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (cursor == null) { return null; } return new CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor(cursor, observer, ContentProvider.this.getClass().getName(), hasWritePermission(uri), window); } public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { enforceReadPermission(uri); return ContentProvider.this.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); } public EntityIterator queryEntities(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { enforceReadPermission(uri); return ContentProvider.this.queryEntities(uri, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); } public String getType(Uri uri) { return ContentProvider.this.getType(uri); } public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) { enforceWritePermission(uri); return ContentProvider.this.insert(uri, initialValues); } public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] initialValues) { enforceWritePermission(uri); return ContentProvider.this.bulkInsert(uri, initialValues); } public Uri insertEntity(Uri uri, Entity entities) { enforceWritePermission(uri); return ContentProvider.this.insertEntity(uri, entities); } public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList* Example client call:
// Request a specific record. * Cursor managedCursor = managedQuery( ContentUris.withAppendedId(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI, 2), projection, // Which columns to return. null, // WHERE clause. null, // WHERE clause value substitution People.NAME + " ASC"); // Sort order.* Example implementation:
// SQLiteQueryBuilder is a helper class that creates the // proper SQL syntax for us. SQLiteQueryBuilder qBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); // Set the table we're querying. qBuilder.setTables(DATABASE_TABLE_NAME); // If the query ends in a specific record number, we're // being asked for a specific record, so set the // WHERE clause in our query. if((URI_MATCHER.match(uri)) == SPECIFIC_MESSAGE){ qBuilder.appendWhere("_id=" + uri.getPathLeafId()); } // Make the query. Cursor c = qBuilder.query(mDb, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, sortOrder); c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return c;* * @param uri The URI to query. This will be the full URI sent by the client; * if the client is requesting a specific record, the URI will end in a record number * that the implementation should parse and add to a WHERE or HAVING clause, specifying * that _id value. * @param projection The list of columns to put into the cursor. If * null all columns are included. * @param selection A selection criteria to apply when filtering rows. * If null then all rows are included. * @param selectionArgs You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by * the values from selectionArgs, in order that they appear in the selection. * The values will be bound as Strings. * @param sortOrder How the rows in the cursor should be sorted. * If null then the provider is free to define the sort order. * @return a Cursor or null. */ public abstract Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder); public EntityIterator queryEntities(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Return the MIME type of the data at the given URI. This should start with *
for a single record,
* or vnd.android.cursor.dir/
for multiple items.
* This method can be called from multiple
* threads, as described in
* Application Fundamentals:
* Processes and Threads.
* @param uri the URI to query.
* @return a MIME type string, or null if there is no type.
public abstract String getType(Uri uri);
* Implement this to insert a new row.
* As a courtesy, call {@link ContentResolver#notifyChange(android.net.Uri ,android.database.ContentObserver) notifyChange()}
* after inserting.
* This method can be called from multiple
* threads, as described in
* Application Fundamentals:
* Processes and Threads.
* @param uri The content:// URI of the insertion request.
* @param values A set of column_name/value pairs to add to the database.
* @return The URI for the newly inserted item.
public abstract Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values);
* Implement this to insert a set of new rows, or the default implementation will
* iterate over the values and call {@link #insert} on each of them.
* As a courtesy, call {@link ContentResolver#notifyChange(android.net.Uri ,android.database.ContentObserver) notifyChange()}
* after inserting.
* This method can be called from multiple
* threads, as described in
* Application Fundamentals:
* Processes and Threads.
* @param uri The content:// URI of the insertion request.
* @param values An array of sets of column_name/value pairs to add to the database.
* @return The number of values that were inserted.
public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] values) {
int numValues = values.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
insert(uri, values[i]);
return numValues;
public Uri insertEntity(Uri uri, Entity entity) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* A request to delete one or more rows. The selection clause is applied when performing
* the deletion, allowing the operation to affect multiple rows in a
* directory.
* As a courtesy, call {@link ContentResolver#notifyChange(android.net.Uri ,android.database.ContentObserver) notifyDelete()}
* after deleting.
* This method can be called from multiple
* threads, as described in
* Application Fundamentals:
* Processes and Threads.
* The implementation is responsible for parsing out a row ID at the end
* of the URI, if a specific row is being deleted. That is, the client would
* pass in content://contacts/people/22
and the implementation is
* responsible for parsing the record number (22) when creating a SQL statement.
* @param uri The full URI to query, including a row ID (if a specific record is requested).
* @param selection An optional restriction to apply to rows when deleting.
* @return The number of rows affected.
* @throws SQLException
public abstract int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs);
* Update a content URI. All rows matching the optionally provided selection
* will have their columns listed as the keys in the values map with the
* values of those keys.
* As a courtesy, call {@link ContentResolver#notifyChange(android.net.Uri ,android.database.ContentObserver) notifyChange()}
* after updating.
* This method can be called from multiple
* threads, as described in
* Application Fundamentals:
* Processes and Threads.
* @param uri The URI to query. This can potentially have a record ID if this
* is an update request for a specific record.
* @param values A Bundle mapping from column names to new column values (NULL is a
* valid value).
* @param selection An optional filter to match rows to update.
* @return the number of rows affected.
public abstract int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection,
String[] selectionArgs);
public int updateEntity(Uri uri, Entity entity) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Open a file blob associated with a content URI.
* This method can be called from multiple
* threads, as described in
* Application Fundamentals:
* Processes and Threads.
Returns a * ParcelFileDescriptor, from which you can obtain a * {@link java.io.FileDescriptor} for use with * {@link java.io.FileInputStream}, {@link java.io.FileOutputStream}, etc. * This can be used to store large data (such as an image) associated with * a particular piece of content. * *
The returned ParcelFileDescriptor is owned by the caller, so it is * their responsibility to close it when done. That is, the implementation * of this method should create a new ParcelFileDescriptor for each call. * * @param uri The URI whose file is to be opened. * @param mode Access mode for the file. May be "r" for read-only access, * "rw" for read and write access, or "rwt" for read and write access * that truncates any existing file. * * @return Returns a new ParcelFileDescriptor which you can use to access * the file. * * @throws FileNotFoundException Throws FileNotFoundException if there is * no file associated with the given URI or the mode is invalid. * @throws SecurityException Throws SecurityException if the caller does * not have permission to access the file. * * @see #openAssetFile(Uri, String) * @see #openFileHelper(Uri, String) */ public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { throw new FileNotFoundException("No files supported by provider at " + uri); } /** * This is like {@link #openFile}, but can be implemented by providers * that need to be able to return sub-sections of files, often assets * inside of their .apk. Note that when implementing this your clients * must be able to deal with such files, either directly with * {@link ContentResolver#openAssetFileDescriptor * ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor}, or by using the higher-level * {@link ContentResolver#openInputStream ContentResolver.openInputStream} * or {@link ContentResolver#openOutputStream ContentResolver.openOutputStream} * methods. * *
Note: if you are implementing this to return a full file, you * should create the AssetFileDescriptor with * {@link AssetFileDescriptor#UNKNOWN_LENGTH} to be compatible with * applications that can not handle sub-sections of files.
* * @param uri The URI whose file is to be opened. * @param mode Access mode for the file. May be "r" for read-only access, * "w" for write-only access (erasing whatever data is currently in * the file), "wa" for write-only access to append to any existing data, * "rw" for read and write access on any existing data, and "rwt" for read * and write access that truncates any existing file. * * @return Returns a new AssetFileDescriptor which you can use to access * the file. * * @throws FileNotFoundException Throws FileNotFoundException if there is * no file associated with the given URI or the mode is invalid. * @throws SecurityException Throws SecurityException if the caller does * not have permission to access the file. * * @see #openFile(Uri, String) * @see #openFileHelper(Uri, String) */ public AssetFileDescriptor openAssetFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { ParcelFileDescriptor fd = openFile(uri, mode); return fd != null ? new AssetFileDescriptor(fd, 0, -1) : null; } /** * Convenience for subclasses that wish to implement {@link #openFile} * by looking up a column named "_data" at the given URI. * * @param uri The URI to be opened. * @param mode The file mode. May be "r" for read-only access, * "w" for write-only access (erasing whatever data is currently in * the file), "wa" for write-only access to append to any existing data, * "rw" for read and write access on any existing data, and "rwt" for read * and write access that truncates any existing file. * * @return Returns a new ParcelFileDescriptor that can be used by the * client to access the file. */ protected final ParcelFileDescriptor openFileHelper(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { Cursor c = query(uri, new String[]{"_data"}, null, null, null); int count = (c != null) ? c.getCount() : 0; if (count != 1) { // If there is not exactly one result, throw an appropriate // exception. if (c != null) { c.close(); } if (count == 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException("No entry for " + uri); } throw new FileNotFoundException("Multiple items at " + uri); } c.moveToFirst(); int i = c.getColumnIndex("_data"); String path = (i >= 0 ? c.getString(i) : null); c.close(); if (path == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Column _data not found."); } int modeBits = ContentResolver.modeToMode(uri, mode); return ParcelFileDescriptor.open(new File(path), modeBits); } /** * Returns true if this instance is a temporary content provider. * @return true if this instance is a temporary content provider */ protected boolean isTemporary() { return false; } /** * Returns the Binder object for this provider. * * @return the Binder object for this provider * @hide */ public IContentProvider getIContentProvider() { return mTransport; } /** * After being instantiated, this is called to tell the content provider * about itself. * * @param context The context this provider is running in * @param info Registered information about this content provider */ public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info) { /* * Only allow it to be set once, so after the content service gives * this to us clients can't change it. */ if (mContext == null) { mContext = context; mMyUid = Process.myUid(); if (info != null) { setReadPermission(info.readPermission); setWritePermission(info.writePermission); setPathPermissions(info.pathPermissions); } ContentProvider.this.onCreate(); } } /** * Applies each of the {@link ContentProviderOperation} objects and returns an array * of their results. Passes through OperationApplicationException, which may be thrown * by the call to {@link ContentProviderOperation#apply}. * If all the applications succeed then a {@link ContentProviderResult} array with the * same number of elements as the operations will be returned. It is implementation-specific * how many, if any, operations will have been successfully applied if a call to * apply results in a {@link OperationApplicationException}. * @param operations the operations to apply * @return the results of the applications * @throws OperationApplicationException thrown if an application fails. * See {@link ContentProviderOperation#apply} for more information. */ public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList