/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.telephony; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.Log; /** * CellIdentity to represent a unique GSM or UMTS cell * * @hide */ public final class CellIdentityGsm extends CellIdentity implements Parcelable { private static final String LOG_TAG = "CellIdentityGsm"; private static final boolean DBG = false; // 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999 private final int mMcc; // 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999 private final int mMnc; // 16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535 private final int mLac; // 16-bit GSM Cell Identity described in TS 27.007, 0..65535 // 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity described in TS 25.331, 0..268435455 private final int mCid; // 9-bit UMTS Primary Scrambling Code described in TS 25.331, 0..511 private final int mPsc; /** * @hide */ public CellIdentityGsm() { mMcc = Integer.MAX_VALUE; mMnc = Integer.MAX_VALUE; mLac = Integer.MAX_VALUE; mCid = Integer.MAX_VALUE; mPsc = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } /** * public constructor * @param mcc 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999 * @param mnc 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999 * @param lac 16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535 * @param cid 16-bit GSM Cell Identity or 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity * @param psc 9-bit UMTS Primary Scrambling Code * * @hide */ public CellIdentityGsm (int mcc, int mnc, int lac, int cid, int psc) { mMcc = mcc; mMnc = mnc; mLac = lac; mCid = cid; mPsc = psc; } private CellIdentityGsm(CellIdentityGsm cid) { super(cid); mMcc = cid.mMcc; mMnc = cid.mMnc; mLac = cid.mLac; mCid = cid.mCid; mPsc = cid.mPsc; } @Override CellIdentityGsm copy() { return new CellIdentityGsm(this); } /** * @return 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999 */ public int getMcc() { return mMcc; } /** * @return 2 or 3-digit Mobile Network Code, 0..999 */ public int getMnc() { return mMnc; } /** * @return 16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535 */ public int getLac() { return mLac; } /** * @return CID * Either 16-bit GSM Cell Identity described * in TS 27.007, 0..65535 * or 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity described * in TS 25.331, 0..268435455 */ public int getCid() { return mCid; } /** * @return 9-bit UMTS Primary Scrambling Code described in * TS 25.331, 0..511 */ public int getPsc() { return mPsc; } @Override public int hashCode() { int primeNum = 31; return (mMcc * primeNum) + (mMnc * primeNum) + (mLac * primeNum) + (mCid * primeNum) + (mPsc * primeNum); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (super.equals(other)) { try { CellIdentityGsm o = (CellIdentityGsm)other; return mMcc == o.mMcc && mMnc == o.mMnc && mLac == o.mLac && mCid == o.mCid && mPsc == o.mPsc; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } } else { return false; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("GsmCellIdentitiy:"); sb.append(super.toString()); sb.append(" mMcc=").append(mMcc); sb.append(" mMnc=").append(mMcc); sb.append(" mLac=").append(mLac); sb.append(" mCid=").append(mCid); sb.append(" mPsc=").append(mPsc); return sb.toString(); } /** Implement the Parcelable interface */ @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** Implement the Parcelable interface */ @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { if (DBG) log("writeToParcel(Parcel, int): " + toString()); dest.writeInt(TYPE_GSM); super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeInt(mMcc); dest.writeInt(mMnc); dest.writeInt(mLac); dest.writeInt(mCid); dest.writeInt(mPsc); } /** Construct from Parcel, type has already been processed */ private CellIdentityGsm(Parcel in) { super(in); mMcc = in.readInt(); mMnc = in.readInt(); mLac = in.readInt(); mCid = in.readInt(); mPsc = in.readInt(); if (DBG) log("CellIdentityGsm(Parcel): " + toString()); } /** Implement the Parcelable interface */ @SuppressWarnings("hiding") public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public CellIdentityGsm createFromParcel(Parcel in) { in.readInt(); // Skip past token, we know what it is return createFromParcelBody(in); } @Override public CellIdentityGsm[] newArray(int size) { return new CellIdentityGsm[size]; } }; /** @hide */ static CellIdentityGsm createFromParcelBody(Parcel in) { return new CellIdentityGsm(in); } /** * log */ private static void log(String s) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, s); } }