* SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
* Distributable under LGPL license.
* See terms of license at gnu.org.
package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.icq;
import java.util.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.Message;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*;
import net.kano.joscar.flapcmd.*;
import net.kano.joscar.snac.*;
import net.kano.joscar.snaccmd.error.*;
import net.kano.joscar.snaccmd.icq.*;
import net.kano.joustsim.*;
import net.kano.joustsim.oscar.oscar.service.icbm.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.icqconstants.*;
* A straightforward implementation of the basic instant messaging operation
* set.
* @author Emil Ivov
* @author Damian Minkov
public class OperationSetBasicInstantMessagingIcqImpl
implements OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging
private static final Logger logger =
* A list of listeneres registered for message events.
private Vector messageListeners = new Vector();
* The icq provider that created us.
private ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl icqProvider = null;
* The registration listener that would get notified when the unerlying
* icq provider gets registered.
private RegistrationStateListener providerRegListener
= new RegistrationStateListener();
* The listener that would receive instant messaging events from oscar.jar
private JoustSimIcbmListener joustSimIcbmListener
= new JoustSimIcbmListener();
* The listener that would receive conversation events from oscar.jar
private JoustSimConversationListener joustSimConversationListener
= new JoustSimConversationListener();
* A reference to the persistent presence operation set that we use
* to match incoming messages to Contacts and vice versa.
private OperationSetPersistentPresenceIcqImpl opSetPersPresence = null;
* I do not why but we sometimes receive messages with a date in the future.sdf
* I've decided to ignore such messages. I draw the line on
* currentTimeMillis() + ONE_DAY milliseconds. Anything with a date farther
* in the future is considered bogus and its date is replaced with current
* time millis.
private static final long ONE_DAY = 86400001;
* KeepAlive interval for sending packets
private final static long KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 180000l; // 3 minutes
* The interval after which a packet is considered to be lost
private final static long KEEPALIVE_WAIT = 20000l; //20 secs
* The task sending packets
private KeepAliveSendTask keepAliveSendTask = null;
* The timer executing tasks on specified intervals
private Timer keepAliveTimer = null;
* The queue holding the received packets
private LinkedList receivedKeepAlivePackets = new LinkedList();
* The ping message prefix that we use in our keep alive thread.
private static String SYS_MSG_PREFIX_TEST
* Creates an instance of this operation set.
* @param icqProvider a ref to the ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl
* that created us and that we'll use for retrieving the underlying aim
* connection.
ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl icqProvider)
this.icqProvider = icqProvider;
* Registeres a MessageListener with this operation set so that it gets
* notifications of successful message delivery, failure or reception of
* incoming messages..
* @param listener the MessageListener to register.
public void addMessageListener(MessageListener listener)
* Unregisteres listener so that it won't receive any further
* notifications upon successful message delivery, failure or reception of
* incoming messages..
* @param listener the MessageListener to unregister.
public void removeMessageListener(MessageListener listener)
* Create a Message instance for sending arbitrary MIME-encoding content.
* @param content content value
* @param contentType the MIME-type for content
* @param contentEncoding encoding used for content
* @param subject a String subject or null for now subject.
* @return the newly created message.
public Message createMessage(byte[] content, String contentType,
String contentEncoding, String subject)
return new MessageIcqImpl(new String(content), contentType
, contentEncoding, subject);
* Create a Message instance for sending a simple text messages with
* default (text/plain) content type and encoding.
* @param messageText the string content of the message.
* @return Message the newly created message
public Message createMessage(String messageText)
return new MessageIcqImpl(messageText, DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE
* Sends the message to the destination indicated by the
* to contact.
* @param to the Contact to send message to
* @param message the Message to send.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying ICQ stack is
* not registered and initialized.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if to is not an
* instance of ContactIcqImpl.
public void sendInstantMessage(Contact to, Message message)
throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
if( !(to instanceof ContactIcqImpl) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The specified contact is not a Icq contact."
+ to);
ImConversation imConversation =
new Screenname(to.getAddress()));
if (to.getPresenceStatus().isOnline())
//do not add the conversation listener in here. we'll add it
//inside the icbm listener
imConversation.sendMessage(new SimpleMessage(message.getContent()));
imConversation.sendMessage(new SimpleMessage(message.getContent()), true);
//temporarily and uglity fire the sent event here.
/** @todo move elsewhaere */
MessageDeliveredEvent msgDeliveredEvt
= new MessageDeliveredEvent(
message, to, new Date());
* Retreives all offline Messages If any.
* Then delete them from the server.
* @param listener the MessageListener receiving the messages.
private static int offlineMessageRequestID = 0;
private void retreiveOfflineMessages()
int requestID = offlineMessageRequestID++;
OfflineMsgIcqRequest offlineMsgsReq =
new OfflineMsgIcqRequest(
OfflineMessagesRetriever responseRetriever =
new OfflineMessagesRetriever(requestID);
SnacRequest snReq = new SnacRequest(offlineMsgsReq, responseRetriever);
private class OfflineMessagesRetriever
extends SnacRequestAdapter
private int requestID;
public OfflineMessagesRetriever(int requestID)
this.requestID = requestID;
public void handleResponse(SnacResponseEvent evt)
SnacCommand snac = evt.getSnacCommand();
logger.debug("Received a response to our offline message request: " +
if (snac instanceof OfflineMsgIcqCmd)
OfflineMsgIcqCmd offlineMsgCmd = (OfflineMsgIcqCmd) snac;
String contactUIN = String.valueOf(offlineMsgCmd.getFromUIN());
Contact sourceContact =
if (sourceContact == null)
"received a message from a unknown contact: "
+ contactUIN);
//create the volatile contact
sourceContact = opSetPersPresence
//some messages arrive far away in the future for some
//reason that I currently don't know. Until we find it
//(which may well be never) we are putting in an agly hack
//ignoring messages with a date beyond tomorrow.
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
long msgDate = offlineMsgCmd.getDate().getTime();
if( (current + ONE_DAY) > msgDate )
msgDate = current;
MessageReceivedEvent msgReceivedEvt
= new MessageReceivedEvent(
new Date(msgDate));
logger.debug("fire msg received for : " +
else if (snac instanceof OfflineMsgDoneCmd)
logger.debug("send ack to delete offline messages");
OfflineMsgIcqAckCmd offlineMsgDeleteReq = new
else if (snac instanceof SnacError)
logger.debug("error receiving offline messages");
* Utility method throwing an exception if the icq stack is not properly
* initialized.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying ICQ stack is
* not registered and initialized.
private void assertConnected() throws IllegalStateException
if (icqProvider == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The icq provider must be non-null and signed on the ICQ "
+"service before being able to communicate.");
if (!icqProvider.isRegistered())
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The icq provider must be signed on the ICQ service before "
+"being able to communicate.");
* Determines wheter the protocol provider (or the protocol itself) support
* sending and receiving offline messages. Most often this method would
* return true for protocols that support offline messages and false for
* those that don't. It is however possible for a protocol to support these
* messages and yet have a particular account that does not (i.e. feature
* not enabled on the protocol server). In cases like this it is possible
* for this method to return true even when offline messaging is not
* supported, and then have the sendMessage method throw an
* OperationFailedException with code - OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED.
* @return true if the protocol supports offline messages and
* false otherwise.
public boolean isOfflineMessagingSupported()
return true;
* Our listener that will tell us when we're registered to icq and joust
* sim is ready to accept us as a listener.
private class RegistrationStateListener
implements RegistrationStateChangeListener
* The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenver
* a change in the registration state of the corresponding provider had
* occurred.
* @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status
* change.
public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt)
logger.debug("The ICQ provider changed state from: "
+ evt.getOldState()
+ " to: " + evt.getNewState());
if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED)
logger.debug("adding a Bos Service Listener");
opSetPersPresence = (OperationSetPersistentPresenceIcqImpl)
// run keepalive thread
if(keepAliveSendTask == null)
//Temporarily disable keep alives as they seem to be causing trouble
// keepAliveSendTask = new KeepAliveSendTask();
// keepAliveTimer = new Timer();
// keepAliveTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(
if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.UNREGISTERED)
// stop keepalive thread
if (keepAliveSendTask != null)
keepAliveSendTask = null;
keepAliveTimer = null;
* Delivers the specified event to all registered message listeners.
* @param evt the EventObject that we'd like delivered to all
* registered message listerners.
private void fireMessageEvent(EventObject evt)
Iterator listeners = null;
synchronized (messageListeners)
listeners = new ArrayList(messageListeners).iterator();
while (listeners.hasNext())
MessageListener listener
= (MessageListener) listeners.next();
if (evt instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent)
listener.messageDelivered( (MessageDeliveredEvent) evt);
else if (evt instanceof MessageReceivedEvent)
listener.messageReceived( (MessageReceivedEvent) evt);
else if (evt instanceof MessageDeliveryFailedEvent)
(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent) evt);
* The listener that would retrieve instant messaging events from oscar.jar.
private class JoustSimIcbmListener implements IcbmListener
* Register our icbm listener so that we get notified when new
* conversations are cretaed and register ourselvers as listeners in
* them.
* @param service the IcbmService that is clling us
* @param conv the Conversation that has just been created.
public void newConversation(IcbmService service, Conversation conv)
* Currently Unused.
* @param service Currently Unused.
* @param buddy Currently Unused.
* @param info Currently Unused.
public void buddyInfoUpdated(IcbmService service, Screenname buddy,
IcbmBuddyInfo info)
logger.debug("buddy info pudated for " + buddy
+ " new info is: " + info);
public void sendAutomaticallyFailed(
IcbmService service,
net.kano.joustsim.oscar.oscar.service.icbm.Message message,
Set triedConversations)
logger.debug("sendAutomaticallyFailed message : " + message);
* Joust SIM supports the notion of instant messaging conversations and
* all message events are delivered through this listener. Right now we
* won't burden ourselves with conversations and would simply deliver
* events as we get them. If we need conversation support we'll implement it
* some other day.
private class JoustSimConversationListener implements ImConversationListener
* Create a corresponding message object and fire a
* MessageReceivedEvent.
* @param conversation the conversation where the message is received in.
* @param minfo informtion about the received message
public void gotMessage(Conversation conversation, MessageInfo minfo)
String msgBody = minfo.getMessage().getMessageBody();
logger.debug("Received from "
+ conversation.getBuddy()
+ " the message "
+ msgBody);
&& conversation.getBuddy().getFormatted().
Message newMessage = createMessage(msgBody);
Contact sourceContact =
opSetPersPresence.findContactByID( conversation.getBuddy()
if(sourceContact == null)
logger.debug("received a message from a unknown contact: "
+ conversation.getBuddy());
//create the volatile contact
sourceContact = opSetPersPresence
//some messages arrive far away in the future for some
//reason that I currently don't know. Until we find it
//(which may well be never) we are putting in an agly hack
//ignoring messages with a date beyond tomorrow.
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
long msgDate = minfo.getTimestamp().getTime();
if ( (current + ONE_DAY) > msgDate)
msgDate = current;
MessageReceivedEvent msgReceivedEvt
= new MessageReceivedEvent(
newMessage, sourceContact , new Date(msgDate) );
public void sentOtherEvent(Conversation conversation,
ConversationEventInfo event)
public void canSendMessageChanged(Conversation conv, boolean canSend)
public void conversationClosed(Conversation conv)
public void conversationOpened(Conversation conv)
public void gotOtherEvent(Conversation conversation,
ConversationEventInfo event)
public void sentMessage(Conversation conv, MessageInfo minfo)
/**@todo implement sentMessage() */
* there's no id in this event and besides we have no message failed
* method so refiring an event here would be difficult.
* we'll deal with that some other day.
public void missedMessages(ImConversation conv, MissedImInfo info)
/**@todo implement missedMessages() */
public void gotTypingState(Conversation conversation,
TypingInfo typingInfo)
//typing events are handled in OperationSetTypingNotifications
* Task sending packets on intervals.
* The task is runned on specified intervals by the keepAliveTimer
private class KeepAliveSendTask
extends TimerTask
public void run()
// if we are not registerd do nothing
StringBuffer sysMsg = new StringBuffer(SYS_MSG_PREFIX_TEST);
ImConversation imConversation =
new Screenname(icqProvider.getAccountID().getUserID()));
// schedule the check task
new KeepAliveCheckTask(), KEEPALIVE_WAIT);
logger.trace("send keepalive");
imConversation.sendMessage(new SimpleMessage(sysMsg.toString()));
catch (Exception ex)
logger.error("Failed to start keep alive task.", ex);
* Check if the first received packet in the queue
* is ok and if its not or the queue has no received packets
* the this means there is some network problem, so fire event
private class KeepAliveCheckTask
extends TimerTask
public void run()
// check till we find a correct message
// or if NoSuchElementException is thrown
// there is no message
catch (Exception ex)
"Exception occurred while retrieving keep alive packet."
, ex);
* Checks whether first packet in queue is ok
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception
boolean checkFirstPacket()
throws Exception
String receivedStr =
logger.trace("Last keep alive message is: " + receivedStr);
receivedStr = receivedStr.replaceAll(SYS_MSG_PREFIX_TEST, "");
String[] ss = receivedStr.split("&");
String provHashStr = ss[0].split(":")[1];
String opsetHashStr = ss[1].split(":")[1];
if(icqProvider.hashCode() != Integer.parseInt(provHashStr)
|| OperationSetBasicInstantMessagingIcqImpl.this.hashCode()
!= Integer.parseInt(opsetHashStr) )
return false;
return true;
* Fire Unregistered event
private void fireUnregistered()
, RegistrationState.CONNECTION_FAILED
, RegistrationStateChangeEvent.REASON_INTERNAL_ERROR
, "Did not receive last keep alive packet.");
, IcqStatusEnum.OFFLINE.getStatus());