/* * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.icq; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.FileTransfer; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*; import net.kano.joscar.rvcmd.*; import net.kano.joustsim.*; import net.kano.joustsim.oscar.*; import net.kano.joustsim.oscar.oscar.service.icbm.ft.*; import net.kano.joustsim.oscar.oscar.service.icbm.ft.events.*; /** * The ICQ protocol filetransfer OperationSet. * * @author Anthony Schmitt * @author Damian Minkov */ public class OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl implements OperationSetFileTransfer, RvConnectionManagerListener { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl.class); /** * A call back to the ICQ provider that created us. */ private ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl icqProvider = null; /** * A list of listeners registered for file transfer events. */ private ArrayList fileTransferListeners = new ArrayList(); /** * Create a new FileTransfer OperationSet over the specified Icq provider * @param provider */ public OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl( ProtocolProviderServiceIcqImpl icqProvider) { this.icqProvider = icqProvider; icqProvider.addRegistrationStateChangeListener( new RegistrationStateListener()); } /** * Sends a file transfer request to the given toContact by * specifying the local and remote file path and the fromContact, * sending the file. * * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file * @param file the file to send * * @return the transfer object * * @throws IllegalStateException if the protocol provider is not registered * or connected * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some of the arguments doesn't fit the * protocol requirements */ public FileTransfer sendFile( Contact toContact, File file) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { assertConnected(); if(file.length() > getMaximumFileLength()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol"); // Get the aim connection AimConnection aimConnection = icqProvider.getAimConnection(); // Create an outgoing file transfer instance OutgoingFileTransfer outgoingFileTransfer = aimConnection.getIcbmService().getRvConnectionManager(). createOutgoingFileTransfer(new Screenname(toContact.getAddress())); String id = String.valueOf(outgoingFileTransfer.getRvSessionInfo() .getRvSession().getRvSessionId()); FileTransferImpl outFileTransfer = new FileTransferImpl( outgoingFileTransfer, id, toContact, file, FileTransfer.OUT); // Adding the file to the outgoing file transfer try { outgoingFileTransfer.setSingleFile(new File(file.getPath())); } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Error sending file",e); return null; } // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been // created. FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outFileTransfer, new Date()); fireFileTransferCreated(event); // Sending the file outgoingFileTransfer.sendRequest( new InvitationMessage("")); outFileTransfer.fireStatusChangeEvent( FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.PREPARING); return outFileTransfer; } /** * Sends a file transfer request to the given toContact by * specifying the local and remote file path and the fromContact, * sending the file. * * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file * @param fromContact the contact sending the file * @param remotePath the remote file path * @param localPath the local file path * * @return the transfer object * * @throws IllegalStateException if the protocol provider is not registered * or connected * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some of the arguments doesn't fit the * protocol requirements */ public FileTransfer sendFile( Contact toContact, Contact fromContact, String remotePath, String localPath) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.sendFile(toContact, new File(localPath)); } /** * Adds the given FileTransferListener that would listen for * file transfer requests and created file transfers. * * @param listener the FileTransferListener to add */ public void addFileTransferListener( FileTransferListener listener) { synchronized(fileTransferListeners) { if(!fileTransferListeners.contains(listener)) { this.fileTransferListeners.add(listener); } } } /** * Removes the given FileTransferListener that listens for * file transfer requests and created file transfers. * * @param listener the FileTransferListener to remove */ public void removeFileTransferListener( FileTransferListener listener) { synchronized(fileTransferListeners) { this.fileTransferListeners.remove(listener); } } /** * Utility method throwing an exception if the stack is not properly * initialized. * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is * not registered and initialized. */ private void assertConnected() throws IllegalStateException { if (icqProvider == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "The provider must be non-null and signed on the " +"service before being able to send a file."); else if (!icqProvider.isRegistered()) throw new IllegalStateException( "The provider must be signed on the service before " +"being able to send a file."); } /** * Function called when a icq file transfer request arrive * @param manager the joustsim manager * @param transfer the incoming transfer */ public void handleNewIncomingConnection( RvConnectionManager manager, IncomingRvConnection transfer) { if (transfer instanceof IncomingFileTransfer) { logger.trace("Incoming Icq file transfer request " + transfer.getClass()); if(!(transfer instanceof IncomingFileTransfer)) { logger.warn("Wrong file transfer."); return; } OperationSetPersistentPresenceIcqImpl opSetPersPresence = (OperationSetPersistentPresenceIcqImpl) icqProvider.getOperationSet( OperationSetPersistentPresence.class); Contact sender = opSetPersPresence.findContactByID( transfer.getBuddyScreenname().getFormatted()); IncomingFileTransfer incomingFileTransfer = (IncomingFileTransfer)transfer; final Date newDate = new Date(); final IncomingFileTransferRequest req = new IncomingFileTransferRequestIcqImpl( icqProvider, this, incomingFileTransfer, sender, newDate); // this handels when we receive request and before accept or decline // it we receive cancel transfer.addEventListener(new RvConnectionEventListener() { public void handleEventWithStateChange( RvConnection transfer, RvConnectionState state, RvConnectionEvent event) { if (state==FileTransferState.FAILED && event instanceof BuddyCancelledEvent) { fireFileTransferRequestCanceled( new FileTransferRequestEvent( OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl.this, req, newDate)); } } public void handleEvent(RvConnection arg0, RvConnectionEvent arg1) {} }); fireFileTransferRequest( new FileTransferRequestEvent(this, req, newDate)); } } /** * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners. * * @param event the EventObject that we'd like delivered to all * registered file transfer listeners. */ private void fireFileTransferRequest(FileTransferRequestEvent event) { Iterator listeners = null; synchronized (fileTransferListeners) { listeners = new ArrayList (fileTransferListeners).iterator(); } while (listeners.hasNext()) { FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next(); listener.fileTransferRequestReceived(event); } } /** * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners. * * @param event the EventObject that we'd like delivered to all * registered file transfer listeners. */ void fireFileTransferRequestRejected(FileTransferRequestEvent event) { Iterator listeners = null; synchronized (fileTransferListeners) { listeners = new ArrayList (fileTransferListeners).iterator(); } while (listeners.hasNext()) { FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next(); listener.fileTransferRequestRejected(event); } } /** * Delivers the specified event to all registered file transfer listeners. * * @param event the EventObject that we'd like delivered to all * registered file transfer listeners. */ void fireFileTransferRequestCanceled(FileTransferRequestEvent event) { Iterator listeners = null; synchronized (fileTransferListeners) { listeners = new ArrayList (fileTransferListeners).iterator(); } while (listeners.hasNext()) { FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next(); listener.fileTransferRequestCanceled(event); } } /** * Delivers the file transfer to all registered listeners. * * @param fileTransfer the FileTransfer that we'd like delivered to * all registered file transfer listeners. */ void fireFileTransferCreated(FileTransferCreatedEvent event) { Iterator listeners = null; synchronized (fileTransferListeners) { listeners = new ArrayList (fileTransferListeners).iterator(); } while (listeners.hasNext()) { FileTransferListener listener = listeners.next(); listener.fileTransferCreated(event); } } /** * Returns the maximum file length supported by the protocol in bytes. * Supports up to 2GB. * * @return the file length that is supported. */ public long getMaximumFileLength() { return 2147483648l;// = 2048*1024*1024; } /** * Our listener that will tell us when we're registered to */ private class RegistrationStateListener implements RegistrationStateChangeListener { /** * The method is called by a ProtocolProvider implementation whenever * a change in the registration state of the corresponding provider had * occurred. * @param evt ProviderStatusChangeEvent the event describing the status * change. */ public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) { logger.debug("The provider changed state from: " + evt.getOldState() + " to: " + evt.getNewState()); if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) { AimConnection aimConnection = icqProvider.getAimConnection(); aimConnection.getIcbmService().getRvConnectionManager(). addConnectionManagerListener(OperationSetFileTransferIcqImpl.this); } } } }