 * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.irc;

import java.util.*;

import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*;

 * Implementation of support for Persistent Presence for IRC.
 * @author Danny van Heumen
public class OperationSetPersistentPresenceIrcImpl
     * Logger.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger

     * Root contact group for IRC contacts.
    private final ContactGroupIrcImpl rootGroup = new ContactGroupIrcImpl(

     * IRC implementation for OperationSetPersistentPresence.
     * @param parentProvider IRC instance of protocol provider service.
    protected OperationSetPersistentPresenceIrcImpl(
        final ProtocolProviderServiceIrcImpl parentProvider)

     * Create a volatile contact.
     * @param id contact id
     * @return returns instance of volatile contact
    private ContactIrcImpl createVolatileContact(final String id)
        // Get non-persistent group for volatile contacts.
        ContactGroupIrcImpl volatileGroup = getNonPersistentGroup();

        // Create volatile contact
        ContactIrcImpl newVolatileContact =
            new ContactIrcImpl(this.parentProvider, id, volatileGroup);

        this.fireSubscriptionEvent(newVolatileContact, volatileGroup,

        return newVolatileContact;

     * Get group for non-persistent contacts.
     * @return returns group instance
    private ContactGroupIrcImpl getNonPersistentGroup()
        String groupName
            = IrcActivator.getResources().getI18NString(

        for (int i = 0; i < getRootGroup().countSubgroups(); i++)
            ContactGroupIrcImpl gr =
                (ContactGroupIrcImpl) getRootGroup().getGroup(i);

            if (!gr.isPersistent() && gr.getGroupName().equals(groupName))
                return gr;

        ContactGroupIrcImpl volatileGroup =
            new ContactGroupIrcImpl(this.parentProvider, this.rootGroup,



        return volatileGroup;

     * Get root contact group.
     * @return returns root contact group
    public ContactGroup getRootGroup()
        return rootGroup;

     * IRC currently does not implement subscribing.
     * @param contactIdentifier contact
     * @throws OperationFailedException if not implemented
    public void subscribe(final String contactIdentifier)
        throws IllegalArgumentException,
        LOGGER.trace("subscribe(\"" + contactIdentifier + "\") called");
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * IRC currently does not implement subscribing.
     * @param parent contact group
     * @param contactIdentifier contact
     * @throws OperationFailedException if not implemented
    public void subscribe(final ContactGroup parent,
        final String contactIdentifier)
        throws IllegalArgumentException,
        LOGGER.trace("subscribe(\"" + parent.getGroupName() + "\", \""
            + contactIdentifier + "\") called");
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * IRC currently does not implement unsubscribing.
     * @param contact contact to unsubscribe
     * @throws OperationFailedException if not implemented
    public void unsubscribe(final Contact contact)
        throws IllegalArgumentException,
        LOGGER.trace("unsubscribe(\"" + contact.getAddress() + "\") called");
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * Creating a contact group is currently not implemented.
     * @param parent parent contact group
     * @param groupName new group's name
     * @throws OperationFailedException if not implemented
    public void createServerStoredContactGroup(final ContactGroup parent,
        final String groupName) throws OperationFailedException
        LOGGER.trace("createServerStoredContactGroup(...) called");
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * Removing a contact group is currently not implemented.
     * @param group contact group to remove
     * @throws OperationFailedException if not implemented
    public void removeServerStoredContactGroup(final ContactGroup group)
        throws OperationFailedException
        LOGGER.trace("removeServerStoredContactGroup called");
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * Rename contact group.
     * @param group contact group to rename
     * @param newName new name
    public void renameServerStoredContactGroup(final ContactGroup group,
        final String newName)
        LOGGER.trace("renameServerStoredContactGroup called");
        ((ContactGroupIrcImpl) group).setGroupName(newName);

     * Moving contacts to a different group is currently not implemented.
     * @param contactToMove contact to move
     * @param newParent new parent group
     * @throws OperationFailedException if not implemented
    public void moveContactToGroup(final Contact contactToMove,
        final ContactGroup newParent) throws OperationFailedException
        LOGGER.trace("moveContactToGroup called");
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * Get group of contacts that have been discovered while using IRC.
     * @return returns root contact group
    public ContactGroup getServerStoredContactListRoot()
        // TODO consider using this for contacts that are registered at NickServ
        // for the IRC network. Store contacts and possibly some whois info if
        // useful for these contacts as persistent data.
        return this.rootGroup;

    public Contact createUnresolvedContact(final String address,
        final String persistentData, final ContactGroup parentGroup)
        LOGGER.warn("Unresolved contact: " + address + " " + persistentData
            + " group: " + parentGroup.getGroupName());
        // FIXME implement createUnresolvedContact
        return null;

    public Contact createUnresolvedContact(final String address,
        final String persistentData)
        LOGGER.warn("Unresolved contact: " + address + " " + persistentData);
        // FIXME implement createUnresolvedContact
        return null;

    public ContactGroup createUnresolvedContactGroup(final String groupUID,
        final String persistentData, final ContactGroup parentGroup)
        LOGGER.warn("Unresolved contactgroup: " + groupUID + " "
            + persistentData + " parent: " + parentGroup.getGroupName());
        // TODO implement createUnresolvedContactGroup
        return null;

     * Get current IRC presence status.
     * The presence status currently is ONLINE if we are connected or OFFLINE if
     * we aren't connected.
     * @return returns status ONLINE if connected or OFFLINE if not connected
    public PresenceStatus getPresenceStatus()
        // TODO implement AWAY presence if available in irc-api
        if (this.parentProvider.getIrcStack().isConnected())
            return IrcStatusEnum.ONLINE;
            return IrcStatusEnum.OFFLINE;

     * "Publishing" presence status in IRC is currently not implemented.
    public void publishPresenceStatus(final PresenceStatus status,
        final String statusMessage)
        throws IllegalArgumentException,
        // TODO implement publishPresenceStatus (we might be able to do
        // something with modes invisible and away (IIRC) in IRC.
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not implemented.",

     * Get set of statuses supported in IRC.
     * @return returns iterator for supported statuses
    public Iterator<PresenceStatus> getSupportedStatusSet()
        final HashSet<PresenceStatus> statuses = new HashSet<PresenceStatus>();
        final Iterator<IrcStatusEnum> supported =
        while (supported.hasNext())
        return statuses.iterator();

     * IRC currently does not implement querying presence status.
     * @param contactIdentifier contact id
     * @return returns current presence status
     * @throws OperationFailedException for not supporting this feature
    public PresenceStatus queryContactStatus(final String contactIdentifier)
        throws IllegalArgumentException,
        // TODO implement querying presence status of contact
        throw new OperationFailedException("Not supported.",

     * Find a contact by its ID.
     * @param contactID ID to look up
     * @return contact instance if found or null if nothing found
    public Contact findContactByID(final String contactID)
        LOGGER.trace("Finding contact for nick name '" + contactID + "'");
        if (contactID == null)
            return null;
        Contact contact = this.rootGroup.getContact(contactID);
        if (contact != null)
            return contact;
        Iterator<ContactGroup> groups = this.rootGroup.subgroups();
        while (groups.hasNext())
            ContactGroup group = groups.next();
            contact = group.getContact(contactID);
            if (contact != null)
                return contact;
        LOGGER.trace("No contact found for nick name '" + contactID + "'");
        return null;

     * IRC does not support authorization handling, so this is not supported.
     * @param handler authorization handler
    public void setAuthorizationHandler(final AuthorizationHandler handler)

     * IRC does not have a status message, so it will always return an empty
     * string.
     * @return returns empty string
    public String getCurrentStatusMessage()
        return "";

     * Find or create contact by ID.
     * In IRC every chat room member is also a contact. Try to find a contact by
     * its ID. If a contact cannot be found, then create one.
     * @param id id of the contact
     * @return returns instance of contact
    Contact findOrCreateContactByID(final String id)
        Contact contact = findContactByID(id);
        if (contact == null)
            contact = createVolatileContact(id);
            LOGGER.debug("No existing contact found. Created volatile contact"
                + " for nick name '" + id + "'.");
        return contact;