/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.irc; import java.util.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*; import com.ircclouds.irc.api.*; import com.ircclouds.irc.api.domain.messages.*; import com.ircclouds.irc.api.state.*; /** * Server channel lister for retrieving initial list and managing channel cache * for its period as well as cleaning up cache after the cache has expired. * * @author Danny van Heumen */ public class ServerChannelLister { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(ServerChannelLister.class); /** * Clean-up delay. The clean up task clears any remaining chat room list * cache. Since there's no pointing in timing it exactly, delay the clean up * until after expiration. */ private static final long CACHE_CLEAN_UP_DELAY = 1000L; /** * Ratio of milliseconds to nanoseconds for conversions. */ private static final long RATIO_MILLISECONDS_TO_NANOSECONDS = 1000000L; /** * Expiration time for chat room list cache. */ private static final long CHAT_ROOM_LIST_CACHE_EXPIRATION = 60000000000L; /** * IRCApi instance. * * Instance must be thread-safe! */ private final IRCApi irc; /** * IRCApi connection state. */ private final IIRCState connectionState; /** * The cached channel list. * * Contained inside a simple container object in order to lock the container * while accessing the contents. */ private final Container> channellist = new Container>(null); /** * Constructor. * * @param irc thread-safe irc api instance * @param connectionState irc connection state */ public ServerChannelLister(final IRCApi irc, final IIRCState connectionState) { if (irc == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("irc instance cannot be null"); } this.irc = irc; if (connectionState == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "connectionState instance cannot be null"); } this.connectionState = connectionState; } /** * Get a list of channels available on the IRC server. * * @return List of available channels. */ public List getList() { LOGGER.trace("Start retrieve server chat room list."); if (!connectionState.isConnected()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not connected to an IRC server."); } synchronized (this.channellist) { List list = this.channellist.get(CHAT_ROOM_LIST_CACHE_EXPIRATION); if (list == null) { LOGGER .trace("Chat room list null or outdated. Start retrieving " + "new chat room list."); Result, Exception> listSignal = new Result, Exception>( new LinkedList()); synchronized (listSignal) { try { this.irc .addListener(new ChannelListListener(listSignal)); this.irc.rawMessage("LIST"); while (!listSignal.isDone()) { LOGGER.trace("Waiting for list ..."); listSignal.wait(); } LOGGER.trace("Done waiting for list."); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warn("INTERRUPTED while waiting for list.", e); } } list = listSignal.getValue(); this.channellist.set(list); LOGGER.trace("Finished retrieving server chat room list."); // Set timer to clean up the cache after use, since otherwise // this data could stay in memory for a long time. createCleanUpJob(this.channellist); } else { LOGGER.trace("Using cached list of server chat rooms."); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { // Report on number of channels to give an impression of the // kind of result that will be returned. LOGGER.debug("Server channel list contains " + list.size() + " channels."); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } } /** * Create a clean up job that checks the container after the cache has * expired. If the container is still populated, then remove it. This clean * up makes sure that there are no references left to an otherwise useless * outdated list of channels. * * @param channellist the container carrying the list of channel names */ private static void createCleanUpJob( final Container> channellist) { final Timer cleanUpJob = new Timer(); final long timestamp = channellist.getTimestamp(); cleanUpJob.schedule(new ChannelListCacheCleanUpTask(channellist, timestamp), CHAT_ROOM_LIST_CACHE_EXPIRATION / RATIO_MILLISECONDS_TO_NANOSECONDS + CACHE_CLEAN_UP_DELAY); } /** * Task for cleaning up old channel list caches. * * @author Danny van Heumen */ private static final class ChannelListCacheCleanUpTask extends TimerTask { /** * Expected timestamp on which the list cache was created. It is used as * an indicator to see whether the cache has been refreshed in the mean * time. */ private final long timestamp; /** * Container holding the channel list cache. */ private final Container> container; /** * Construct new clean up job definition. * * @param listContainer container that holds the channel list cache * @param timestamp expected timestamp of list cache creation */ private ChannelListCacheCleanUpTask( final Container> listContainer, final long timestamp) { if (listContainer == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "listContainer cannot be null"); } this.container = listContainer; this.timestamp = timestamp; } /** * Remove the list reference from the container. But only if the * timestamp matches. This makes sure that only one clean up job will * clean up a list. */ @Override public void run() { synchronized (this.container) { // Only clean up old cache if this is the dedicated task for it. // If the timestamp has changed, another job is responsible for // the clean up. if (this.container.getTimestamp() != this.timestamp) { LOGGER.trace("Not cleaning up channel list cache. The " + "timestamp does not match."); return; } this.container.set(null); } // We cannot clear the list itself, since the contents might still // be in use by the UI, inside the immutable wrapper. LOGGER.debug("Old channel list cache has been cleared."); } } /** * Special listener that processes LIST replies and signals once the list is * completely filled. */ private final class ChannelListListener extends AbstractIrcMessageListener { /** * Start of an IRC server channel listing reply. */ private static final int RPL_LISTSTART = 321; /** * Continuation of an IRC server channel listing reply. */ private static final int RPL_LIST = 322; /** * End of an IRC server channel listing reply. */ private static final int RPL_LISTEND = 323; /** * Reference to the provided list instance. */ private final Result, Exception> signal; /** * Constructor for channel list listener. * * @param api irc-api library instance * @param signal signal for sync signaling */ private ChannelListListener( final Result, Exception> signal) { super(ServerChannelLister.this.irc, ServerChannelLister.this.connectionState); this.signal = signal; } /** * Act on LIST messages: *
         * - 321 RPL_LISTSTART,
         * - 322 RPL_LIST,
         * - 323 RPL_LISTEND
* * Clears the list upon starting. All received channels are added to the * list. Upon receiving RPL_LISTEND finalize the list and signal the * waiting thread that it can continue processing the list. * * @param msg The numeric server message. */ @Override public void onServerNumericMessage(final ServerNumericMessage msg) { if (this.signal.isDone()) { return; } switch (msg.getNumericCode()) { case RPL_LISTSTART: synchronized (this.signal) { this.signal.getValue().clear(); } break; case RPL_LIST: String channel = parse(msg.getText()); if (channel != null) { synchronized (this.signal) { this.signal.getValue().add(channel); } } break; case RPL_LISTEND: synchronized (this.signal) { // Done collecting channels. Remove listener and then we're // done. ServerChannelLister.this.irc.deleteListener(this); this.signal.setDone(); this.signal.notifyAll(); } break; // TODO Add support for REPLY 416: LIST :output too large, truncated default: break; } } /** * Parse an IRC server response RPL_LIST. Extract the channel name. * * @param text raw server response * @return returns the channel name */ private String parse(final String text) { int endOfChannelName = text.indexOf(' '); if (endOfChannelName == -1) { return null; } // Create a new string to make sure that the original (larger) // strings can be GC'ed. return new String(text.substring(0, endOfChannelName)); } } /** * Simplest possible container that we can use for locking while we're * checking/modifying the contents. * * @param The type of instance to store in the container */ private static final class Container { /** * The stored instance. (Can be null) */ private T instance; /** * Time of stored instance. */ private long time; /** * Constructor that immediately sets the instance. * * @param instance the instance to set */ private Container(final T instance) { this.instance = instance; this.time = System.nanoTime(); } /** * Conditionally get the stored instance. Get the instance when time * difference is within specified bound. Otherwise return null. * * @param bound maximum time difference that is allowed. * @return returns set value if within bounds, or null otherwise */ public T get(final long bound) { if (System.nanoTime() - this.time > bound) { return null; } return this.instance; } /** * Set an instance. * * @param instance the instance */ public void set(final T instance) { this.instance = instance; this.time = System.nanoTime(); } /** * Get the timestamp from when the instance was set. * * @return returns the timestamp */ public long getTimestamp() { return this.time; } } }