/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber; import java.util.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber.extensions.jingle.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.media.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*; import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.*; import ch.imvs.sdes4j.srtp.*; /** * An implementation of the CallPeerMediaHandler abstract class for the * common part of Jabber and Gtalk protocols. * * @author Vincent Lucas * @author Lyubomir Marinov */ public abstract class AbstractCallPeerMediaHandlerJabberGTalkImpl > extends CallPeerMediaHandler { /** * The Logger used by the CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl * class and its instances for logging output. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractCallPeerMediaHandlerJabberGTalkImpl.class); /** * Indicates if the CallPeer will support inputevt * extension (i.e. will be able to be remote-controlled). */ private boolean localInputEvtAware = false; /** * Creates a new handler that will be managing media streams for * peer. * * @param peer that AbstractCallPeerJabberGTalkImpl instance that * we will be managing media for. */ public AbstractCallPeerMediaHandlerJabberGTalkImpl(T peer) { super(peer, peer); } /** * Gets the inputevt support: true for enable, false for disable. * * @return The state of inputevt support: true for enable, false for * disable. */ public boolean getLocalInputEvtAware() { return this.localInputEvtAware; } /** * Enable or disable inputevt support (remote-control). * * @param enable new state of inputevt support */ public void setLocalInputEvtAware(boolean enable) { localInputEvtAware = enable; } /** * Detects and adds ZRTP available encryption method present in the * description given in parameter. * * @param isInitiator True if the local call instance is the initiator of * the call. False otherwise. * @param description The DESCRIPTION element of the JINGLE element which * contains the PAYLOAD-TYPE and (more important here) the ENCRYPTION. * @param mediaType The type of media (AUDIO or VIDEO). */ protected void addZrtpAdvertisedEncryptions( boolean isInitiator, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description, MediaType mediaType) { CallPeer peer = getPeer(); Call call = peer.getCall(); /* * ZRTP is not supported in telephony conferences utilizing the * server-side technology Jitsi Videobridge yet. */ if (call.getConference().isJitsiVideobridge()) return; // Conforming to XEP-0167 schema there is 0 or 1 ENCRYPTION element for // a given DESCRIPTION. EncryptionPacketExtension encryptionPacketExtension = description.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); if(encryptionPacketExtension != null) { AccountID accountID = peer.getProtocolProvider().getAccountID(); if (accountID.getAccountPropertyBoolean( ProtocolProviderFactory.DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION, true) && accountID.isEncryptionProtocolEnabled( ZrtpControl.PROTO_NAME) && call.isSipZrtpAttribute()) { // ZRTP ZrtpHashPacketExtension zrtpHashPacketExtension = encryptionPacketExtension.getFirstChildOfType( ZrtpHashPacketExtension.class); if ((zrtpHashPacketExtension != null) && (zrtpHashPacketExtension.getValue() != null)) { addAdvertisedEncryptionMethod(SrtpControlType.ZRTP); } } } } /** * Detects and adds SDES available encryption method present in the * description given in parameter. * * @param isInitiator True if the local call instance is the initiator of * the call. False otherwise. * @param description The DESCRIPTION element of the JINGLE element which * contains the PAYLOAD-TYPE and (more important here) the ENCRYPTION. * @param mediaType The type of media (AUDIO or VIDEO). */ protected void addSDesAdvertisedEncryptions( boolean isInitiator, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description, MediaType mediaType) { CallPeer peer = getPeer(); /* * SDES is not supported in telephony conferences utilizing the * server-side technology Jitsi Videobridge yet. */ if (peer.getCall().getConference().isJitsiVideobridge()) return; // Conforming to XEP-0167 schema there is 0 or 1 ENCRYPTION element for // a given DESCRIPTION. EncryptionPacketExtension encryptionPacketExtension = description.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); if(encryptionPacketExtension != null) { AccountID accountID = peer.getProtocolProvider().getAccountID(); // SDES if(accountID.getAccountPropertyBoolean( ProtocolProviderFactory.DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION, true) && accountID.isEncryptionProtocolEnabled( SDesControl.PROTO_NAME)) { SrtpControls srtpControls = getSrtpControls(); SDesControl sdesControl = (SDesControl) srtpControls.getOrCreate( mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); SrtpCryptoAttribute selectedSdes = selectSdesCryptoSuite( isInitiator, sdesControl, encryptionPacketExtension); if(selectedSdes != null) { //found an SDES answer, remove all other controls removeAndCleanupOtherSrtpControls( mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); addAdvertisedEncryptionMethod(SrtpControlType.SDES); } else { sdesControl.cleanup(); srtpControls.remove(mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); } } } // If we were initiating the encryption, and the remote peer does not // manage it, then we must remove the unusable SDES srtpControl. else if(isInitiator) { // SDES SrtpControl sdesControl = getSrtpControls().remove(mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); if (sdesControl != null) sdesControl.cleanup(); } } /** * Returns the selected SDES crypto suite selected. * * @param isInitiator True if the local call instance is the initiator of * the call. False otherwise. * @param sDesControl The SDES based SRTP MediaStream encryption * control. * @param encryptionPacketExtension The ENCRYPTION element received from the * remote peer. This may contain the SDES crypto suites available for the * remote peer. * * @return The selected SDES crypto suite supported by both the local and * the remote peer. Or null, if there is no crypto suite supported by both * of the peers. */ protected SrtpCryptoAttribute selectSdesCryptoSuite( boolean isInitiator, SDesControl sDesControl, EncryptionPacketExtension encryptionPacketExtension) { List cryptoPacketExtensions = encryptionPacketExtension.getCryptoList(); List peerAttributes = new ArrayList(cryptoPacketExtensions.size()); for (CryptoPacketExtension cpe : cryptoPacketExtensions) peerAttributes.add(cpe.toSrtpCryptoAttribute()); return isInitiator ? sDesControl.initiatorSelectAttribute(peerAttributes) : sDesControl.responderSelectAttribute(peerAttributes); } /** * Returns if the remote peer supports ZRTP. * * @param encryptionPacketExtension The ENCRYPTION element received from * the remote peer. This may contain the ZRTP packet element for the remote * peer. * * @return True if the remote peer supports ZRTP. False, otherwise. */ protected boolean isRemoteZrtpCapable( EncryptionPacketExtension encryptionPacketExtension) { return (encryptionPacketExtension.getFirstChildOfType( ZrtpHashPacketExtension.class) != null); } /** * Sets ZRTP element to the ENCRYPTION element of the DESCRIPTION for a * given media. * * @param mediaType The type of media we are modifying the DESCRIPTION to * integrate the ENCRYPTION element. * @param description The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and its * encryption. * @param remoteDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption for the remote peer. Null, if the local peer is the * initiator of the call. * * @return True if the ZRTP element has been added to encryption. False, * otherwise. */ protected boolean setZrtpEncryptionOnDescription( MediaType mediaType, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension remoteDescription) { CallPeer peer = getPeer(); Call call = peer.getCall(); /* * ZRTP is not supported in telephony conferences utilizing the * server-side technology Jitsi Videobridge yet. */ if (call.getConference().isJitsiVideobridge()) return false; boolean isRemoteZrtpCapable; if (remoteDescription == null) isRemoteZrtpCapable = true; else { // Conforming to XEP-0167 schema there is 0 or 1 ENCRYPTION element // for a given DESCRIPTION. EncryptionPacketExtension remoteEncryption = remoteDescription.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); isRemoteZrtpCapable = (remoteEncryption != null) && isRemoteZrtpCapable(remoteEncryption); } boolean zrtpHashSet = false; // Will become true if at least one is set. if (isRemoteZrtpCapable) { AccountID accountID = peer.getProtocolProvider().getAccountID(); if(accountID.getAccountPropertyBoolean( ProtocolProviderFactory.DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION, true) && accountID.isEncryptionProtocolEnabled( ZrtpControl.PROTO_NAME) && call.isSipZrtpAttribute()) { ZrtpControl zrtpControl = (ZrtpControl) getSrtpControls().getOrCreate( mediaType, SrtpControlType.ZRTP); int numberSupportedVersions = zrtpControl.getNumberSupportedVersions(); for (int i = 0; i < numberSupportedVersions; i++) { String helloHash[] = zrtpControl.getHelloHashSep(i); if ((helloHash != null) && (helloHash[1].length() > 0)) { ZrtpHashPacketExtension hash = new ZrtpHashPacketExtension(); hash.setVersion(helloHash[0]); hash.setValue(helloHash[1]); EncryptionPacketExtension encryption = description.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); if (encryption == null) { encryption = new EncryptionPacketExtension(); description.addChildExtension(encryption); } encryption.addChildExtension(hash); zrtpHashSet = true; } } } } return zrtpHashSet; } /** * Sets SDES element(s) to the ENCRYPTION element of the DESCRIPTION for a * given media. * * @param mediaType The type of media we are modifying the DESCRIPTION to * integrate the ENCRYPTION element. * @param localDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption. * @param remoteDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption for the remote peer. Null, if the local peer is the * initiator of the call. * * @return True if the crypto element has been added to encryption. False, * otherwise. */ protected boolean setSDesEncryptionOnDescription( MediaType mediaType, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension localDescription, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension remoteDescription) { CallPeer peer = getPeer(); /* * SDES is not supported in telephony conferences utilizing the * server-side technology Jitsi Videobridge yet. */ if (peer.getCall().getConference().isJitsiVideobridge()) return false; AccountID accountID = peer.getProtocolProvider().getAccountID(); // check if SDES and encryption is enabled at all if (accountID.getAccountPropertyBoolean( ProtocolProviderFactory.DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION, true) && accountID.isEncryptionProtocolEnabled( SDesControl.PROTO_NAME)) { // get or create the control SrtpControls srtpControls = getSrtpControls(); SDesControl sdesControl = (SDesControl) srtpControls.getOrCreate(mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); // set the enabled ciphers suites String ciphers = accountID.getAccountPropertyString( ProtocolProviderFactory.SDES_CIPHER_SUITES); if (ciphers == null) { ciphers = JabberActivator.getResources().getSettingsString( SDesControl.SDES_CIPHER_SUITES); } sdesControl.setEnabledCiphers(Arrays.asList(ciphers.split(","))); // act as initiator if (remoteDescription == null) { EncryptionPacketExtension localEncryption = localDescription.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); if(localEncryption == null) { localEncryption = new EncryptionPacketExtension(); localDescription.addChildExtension(localEncryption); } for(SrtpCryptoAttribute ca: sdesControl.getInitiatorCryptoAttributes()) { CryptoPacketExtension crypto = new CryptoPacketExtension(ca); localEncryption.addChildExtension(crypto); } return true; } // act as responder else { // Conforming to XEP-0167 schema there is 0 or 1 ENCRYPTION // element for a given DESCRIPTION. EncryptionPacketExtension remoteEncryption = remoteDescription.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); if(remoteEncryption != null) { SrtpCryptoAttribute selectedSdes = selectSdesCryptoSuite( false, sdesControl, remoteEncryption); if(selectedSdes != null) { EncryptionPacketExtension localEncryption = localDescription.getFirstChildOfType( EncryptionPacketExtension.class); if(localEncryption == null) { localEncryption = new EncryptionPacketExtension(); localDescription.addChildExtension(localEncryption); } CryptoPacketExtension crypto = new CryptoPacketExtension(selectedSdes); localEncryption.addChildExtension(crypto); return true; } else { // none of the offered suites match, destroy the sdes // control sdesControl.cleanup(); srtpControls.remove(mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); logger.warn( "Received unsupported sdes crypto attribute"); } } else { // peer doesn't offer any SDES attribute, destroy the sdes // control sdesControl.cleanup(); srtpControls.remove(mediaType, SrtpControlType.SDES); } } } return false; } /** * Selects the preferred encryption protocol (only used by the callee). * * @param mediaType The type of media (AUDIO or VIDEO). * @param localDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption. * @param remoteDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption for the remote peer; null if the local peer is * the initiator of the call. */ protected void setAndAddPreferredEncryptionProtocol( MediaType mediaType, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension localDescription, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension remoteDescription) { // Sets ZRTP or SDES, depending on the preferences for this account. List preferredEncryptionProtocols = getPeer() .getProtocolProvider() .getAccountID() .getSortedEnabledEncryptionProtocolList(); for(String preferredEncryptionProtocol : preferredEncryptionProtocols) { String protoName = preferredEncryptionProtocol.substring( ProtocolProviderFactory.ENCRYPTION_PROTOCOL.length() + 1); if (setAndAddPreferredEncryptionProtocol( protoName, mediaType, localDescription, remoteDescription)) { // Stop once an encryption advertisement has been chosen. return; } } } /** * Selects a specific encryption protocol if it is the preferred (only used * by the callee). * * @param protoName the name of the encryption protocol which is to be * selected * @param mediaType The type of media (AUDIO or VIDEO). * @param localDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption. * @param remoteDescription The element containing the media DESCRIPTION and * its encryption for the remote peer; null if the local peer is * the initiator of the call. * @return true if the specified encryption protocol has been * selected; false, otherwise */ protected boolean setAndAddPreferredEncryptionProtocol( String protoName, MediaType mediaType, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension localDescription, RtpDescriptionPacketExtension remoteDescription) { /* * Neither SDES nor ZRTP is supported in telephony conferences utilizing * the server-side technology Jitsi Videobridge yet. */ if (getPeer().isJitsiVideobridge()) return false; // SDES if(SDesControl.PROTO_NAME.equals(protoName)) { addSDesAdvertisedEncryptions( false, remoteDescription, mediaType); if(setSDesEncryptionOnDescription( mediaType, localDescription, remoteDescription)) { // Stop once an encryption advertisement has been chosen. return true; } } // ZRTP else if(ZrtpControl.PROTO_NAME.equals(protoName)) { if(setZrtpEncryptionOnDescription( mediaType, localDescription, remoteDescription)) { addZrtpAdvertisedEncryptions( false, remoteDescription, mediaType); // Stop once an encryption advertisement has been chosen. return true; } } return false; } }