/* * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import org.osgi.framework.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.argdelegation.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*; /** * The jabber implementation of the URI handler. This class handles xmpp URIs by * trying to establish a chat with them or add you to a chatroom. * * @author Emil Ivov * @author Damian Minkov */ public class UriHandlerJabberImpl implements UriHandler, ServiceListener, AccountManagerListener { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UriHandlerJabberImpl.class); /** * The protocol provider factory that created us. */ private final ProtocolProviderFactory protoFactory; /** * A reference to the OSGi registration we create with this handler. */ private ServiceRegistration ourServiceRegistration = null; /** * The object that we are using to synchronize our service registration. */ private final Object registrationLock = new Object(); /** * The AccountManager which loads the stored accounts of * {@link #protoFactory} and to be monitored when the mentioned loading is * complete so that any pending {@link #uris} can be handled */ private AccountManager accountManager; /** * The indicator (and its synchronization lock) which determines whether the * stored accounts of {@link #protoFactory} have already been loaded. *

* Before the loading of the stored accounts (even if there're none) of the * protoFactory is complete, no handling of URIs is to be * performed because there's neither information which account to handle the * URI in case there're stored accounts available nor ground for warning the * user a registered account is necessary to handle URIs at all in case * there're no stored accounts. *

*/ private final boolean[] storedAccountsAreLoaded = new boolean[1]; /** * The list of URIs which have received requests for handling before the * stored accounts of the {@link #protoFactory} have been loaded. They will * be handled as soon as the mentioned loading completes. */ private List uris; /** * Marks network fails in order to avoid endless loops. */ private boolean networkFailReceived = false; /** * Creates an instance of this uri handler, so that it would start handling * URIs by passing them to the providers registered by protoFactory * . * * @param protoFactory the provider that created us. * * @throws NullPointerException if protoFactory is null. */ public UriHandlerJabberImpl(ProtocolProviderFactory protoFactory) throws NullPointerException { if (protoFactory == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "The ProtocolProviderFactory that a UriHandler is created with " + " cannot be null."); } this.protoFactory = protoFactory; hookStoredAccounts(); this.protoFactory.getBundleContext().addServiceListener(this); /* * Registering the UriHandler isn't strictly necessary if the * requirement to register the protoFactory after creating this instance * is met. */ registerHandlerService(); } /** * Disposes of this UriHandler by, for example, removing the * listeners it has added in its constructor (in order to prevent memory * leaks, for one). */ public void dispose() { protoFactory.getBundleContext().removeServiceListener(this); unregisterHandlerService(); unhookStoredAccounts(); } /** * Sets up (if not set up already) listening for the loading of the stored * accounts of {@link #protoFactory} in order to make it possible to * discover when the prerequisites for handling URIs are met. */ private void hookStoredAccounts() { if (accountManager == null) { BundleContext bundleContext = protoFactory.getBundleContext(); accountManager = (AccountManager) bundleContext.getService(bundleContext .getServiceReference(AccountManager.class.getName())); accountManager.addListener(this); } } /** * Reverts (if not reverted already) the setup performed by a previous chat * to {@link #hookStoredAccounts()}. */ private void unhookStoredAccounts() { if (accountManager != null) { accountManager.removeListener(this); accountManager = null; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.AccountManagerListener * #handleAccountManagerEvent * (net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.AccountManagerEvent) */ public void handleAccountManagerEvent(AccountManagerEvent event) { /* * When the loading of the stored accounts of protoFactory is complete, * the prerequisites for handling URIs have been met so it's time to * load any handling requests which have come before the loading and * were thus delayed in uris. */ if ((AccountManagerEvent.STORED_ACCOUNTS_LOADED == event.getType()) && (protoFactory == event.getFactory())) { List uris = null; synchronized (storedAccountsAreLoaded) { storedAccountsAreLoaded[0] = true; if (this.uris != null) { uris = this.uris; this.uris = null; } } unhookStoredAccounts(); if (uris != null) { for (Iterator uriIter = uris.iterator(); uriIter .hasNext();) { handleUri(uriIter.next()); } } } } /** * Registers this UriHandler with the bundle context so that it could start * handling URIs */ public void registerHandlerService() { synchronized (registrationLock) { if (ourServiceRegistration != null) { // ... we are already registered (this is probably // happening during startup) return; } Hashtable registrationProperties = new Hashtable(); registrationProperties.put(UriHandler.PROTOCOL_PROPERTY, getProtocol()); ourServiceRegistration = JabberActivator.bundleContext.registerService(UriHandler.class .getName(), this, registrationProperties); } } /** * Unregisters this UriHandler from the bundle context. */ public void unregisterHandlerService() { synchronized (registrationLock) { if (ourServiceRegistration != null) { ourServiceRegistration.unregister(); ourServiceRegistration = null; } } } /** * Returns the protocol that this handler is responsible for or "xmpp" in * other words. * * @return the "xmpp" string to indicate that this handler is responsible for * handling "xmpp" uris. */ public String getProtocol() { return "xmpp"; } /** * Parses the specified URI and creates a chat with the currently active * im operation set. * * @param uri the xmpp URI that we have to handle. */ public void handleUri(String uri) { /* * TODO If the requirement to register the factory service after * creating this instance is broken, we'll end up not handling the URIs. */ synchronized (storedAccountsAreLoaded) { if (!storedAccountsAreLoaded[0]) { if (uris == null) { uris = new LinkedList(); } uris.add(uri); return; } } ProtocolProviderService provider; try { provider = selectHandlingProvider(uri); } catch (OperationFailedException exc) { // The operation has been canceled by the user. Bail out. if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("User canceled handling of uri " + uri); return; } // if provider is null then we need to tell the user to create an // account if (provider == null) { showErrorMessage( "You need to configure at least one XMPP account \n" + "to be able to call " + uri, null); return; } if(!uri.contains("?")) { OperationSetPersistentPresence presenceOpSet = provider .getOperationSet(OperationSetPersistentPresence.class); String contactId = uri.replaceFirst(getProtocol() + ":", ""); //todo check url!! //Set the email pattern string Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+"); if(!p.matcher(contactId).matches()) { showErrorMessage( "Wrong contact id : " + uri, null); return; } Contact contact = presenceOpSet.findContactByID(contactId); if(contact == null) { Object result = JabberActivator.getUIService().getPopupDialog(). showConfirmPopupDialog( "Do you want to add the contact : " + contactId + " ?", "Add contact", PopupDialog.YES_NO_OPTION); if(result.equals(PopupDialog.YES_OPTION)) { ExportedWindow ex = JabberActivator.getUIService(). getExportedWindow(ExportedWindow.ADD_CONTACT_WINDOW, new String[]{contactId}); ex.setVisible(true); } return; } JabberActivator.getUIService(). getChat(contact).setChatVisible(true); } else { String croom = uri.replaceFirst(getProtocol() + ":", ""); int ix = croom.indexOf("?"); String param = croom.substring(ix + 1, croom.length()); croom = croom.substring(0, ix); if(param.equalsIgnoreCase("join")) { OperationSetMultiUserChat mchatOpSet = provider .getOperationSet(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class); try { ChatRoom room = mchatOpSet.findRoom(croom); if(room != null) { room.join(); } } catch (OperationFailedException exc) { // if we are not online we get this error // will wait for it and then will try to handle once again if(exc.getErrorCode() == OperationFailedException.NETWORK_FAILURE && !networkFailReceived) { networkFailReceived = true; OperationSetPresence presenceOpSet = provider .getOperationSet(OperationSetPresence.class); presenceOpSet.addProviderPresenceStatusListener( new ProviderStatusListener(uri, presenceOpSet)); } else showErrorMessage("Error joining to " + croom, exc); } catch (OperationNotSupportedException exc) { showErrorMessage("Join to " + croom + ", not supported!", exc); } } else showErrorMessage( "Unknown param : " + param, null); } } /** * Informs the user that they need to be registered before chatting and * asks them whether they would like us to do it for them. * * @param uri the uri that the user would like us to chat with after registering. * @param provider the provider that we may have to reregister. */ private void promptForRegistration(String uri, ProtocolProviderService provider) { int answer = JabberActivator .getUIService() .getPopupDialog() .showConfirmPopupDialog( "You need to be online in order to chat and your " + "account is currently offline. Do want to connect now?", "Account is currently offline", PopupDialog.YES_NO_OPTION); if (answer == PopupDialog.YES_OPTION) { new ProtocolRegistrationThread(uri, provider).start(); } } /** * The point of implementing a service listener here is so that we would * only register our own uri handling service and thus only handle URIs * while the factory is available as an OSGi service. We remove ourselves * when our factory unregisters its service reference. * * @param event the OSGi ServiceEvent */ public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event) { Object sourceService = JabberActivator.bundleContext. getService(event.getServiceReference()); // ignore anything but our protocol factory. if (sourceService != protoFactory) { return; } switch (event.getType()) { case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED: // our factory has just been registered as a service ... registerHandlerService(); break; case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING: // our factory just died - seppuku. unregisterHandlerService(); break; default: // we don't care. break; } } /** * Uses the UIService to show an error message and log and * exception. * * @param message the message that we'd like to show to the user. * @param exc the exception that we'd like to log */ private void showErrorMessage(String message, Exception exc) { JabberActivator.getUIService().getPopupDialog().showMessagePopupDialog( message, "Failed to create chat!", PopupDialog.ERROR_MESSAGE); logger.error(message, exc); } /** * We use this class when launching a provider registration by ourselves in * order to track for provider registration states and retry uri handling, * once the provider is registered. * */ private class ProtocolRegistrationThread extends Thread implements RegistrationStateChangeListener { private ProtocolProviderService handlerProvider = null; /** * The URI that we'd need to chat. */ private String uri = null; /** * Configures this thread register our parent provider and re-attempt * connection to the specified uri. * * @param uri the uri that we need to handle. * @param handlerProvider the provider that we are going to make * register and that we are going to use to handle the * uri. */ public ProtocolRegistrationThread(String uri, ProtocolProviderService handlerProvider) { super("UriHandlerProviderRegistrationThread:uri=" + uri); this.uri = uri; this.handlerProvider = handlerProvider; } /** * Starts the registration process, ads this class as a registration * listener and then tries to rehandle the uri this thread was initiaded * with. */ @Override public void run() { handlerProvider.addRegistrationStateChangeListener(this); try { handlerProvider.register(JabberActivator.getUIService() .getDefaultSecurityAuthority(handlerProvider)); } catch (OperationFailedException exc) { logger.error("Failed to manually register provider."); logger.warn(exc.getMessage(), exc); } } /** * If the parent provider passes into the registration state, the method * re-handles the URI that this thread was initiated with. The method * would only rehandle the uri if the event shows successful * registration. It would ignore intermediate states such as * REGISTERING. Disconnection and failure events would simply cause this * listener to remove itself from the list of registration listeners. * * @param evt the RegistrationStateChangeEvent that this thread * was initiated with. */ public void registrationStateChanged(RegistrationStateChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) { Thread uriRehandleThread = new Thread() { public void run() { handleUri(uri); } }; uriRehandleThread.setName("UriRehandleThread:uri=" + uri); uriRehandleThread.start(); } // we're only interested in a single event so we stop listening // (unless this was a REGISTERING notification) if (evt.getNewState() == RegistrationState.REGISTERING) return; handlerProvider.removeRegistrationStateChangeListener(this); } } /** * Returns the default provider that we are supposed to handle URIs through * or null if there aren't any. Depending on the implementation this method * may require user intervention so make sure you don't rely on a quick * outcome when chatting it. * * @param uri the uri that we'd like to handle with the provider that we are * about to select. * * @return the provider that we should handle URIs through. * * @throws OperationFailedException with code OPERATION_CANCELED if * the users. */ public ProtocolProviderService selectHandlingProvider(String uri) throws OperationFailedException { ArrayList registeredAccounts = protoFactory.getRegisteredAccounts(); // if we don't have any providers - return null. if (registeredAccounts.size() == 0) { return null; } // if we only have one provider - select it if (registeredAccounts.size() == 1) { ServiceReference providerReference = protoFactory.getProviderForAccount(registeredAccounts.get(0)); ProtocolProviderService provider = (ProtocolProviderService) JabberActivator.bundleContext .getService(providerReference); return provider; } // otherwise - ask the user. ArrayList providers = new ArrayList(); for (AccountID accountID : registeredAccounts) { ServiceReference providerReference = protoFactory.getProviderForAccount(accountID); ProtocolProviderService provider = (ProtocolProviderService) JabberActivator.bundleContext .getService(providerReference); providers.add(new ProviderComboBoxEntry(provider)); } Object result = JabberActivator.getUIService().getPopupDialog().showInputPopupDialog( "Please select the account that you would like \n" + "to use to chat with " + uri, "Account Selection", PopupDialog.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, providers.toArray(), providers.get(0)); if (result == null) { throw new OperationFailedException("Operation cancelled", OperationFailedException.OPERATION_CANCELED); } return ((ProviderComboBoxEntry) result).provider; } /** * A class that we use to wrap providers before showing them to the user * through a selection popup dialog from the UIService. */ private static class ProviderComboBoxEntry { public final ProtocolProviderService provider; public ProviderComboBoxEntry(ProtocolProviderService provider) { this.provider = provider; } /** * Returns a human readable String representing the provider * encapsulated by this class. * * @return a human readable string representing the provider. */ @Override public String toString() { return provider.getAccountID().getAccountAddress(); } } /** * Waiting for the provider to bcome online and then handle the uri. */ private class ProviderStatusListener implements ProviderPresenceStatusListener { private String uri; private OperationSetPresence parentOpSet; public ProviderStatusListener(String uri, OperationSetPresence parentOpSet) { this.uri = uri; this.parentOpSet = parentOpSet; } public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) { if(evt.getNewStatus().isOnline()) { parentOpSet.removeProviderPresenceStatusListener(this); handleUri(uri); } } public void providerStatusMessageChanged(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent evt) { } } }