/* * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.msn; import net.sf.jml.*; /** * The Msn implementation for Volatile Contact * @author Damian Minkov */ public class VolatileContact implements MsnContact { private final String contactId; private final String displayName; private Email email; VolatileContact(String id, Email email, String displayName) { this.contactId = id; this.email = email; this.displayName = displayName; } VolatileContact(String id) { this(id, null, id); } public MsnContactList getContactList(){return null;} public String getId() { return contactId; } public String getFriendlyName() { return displayName; } public boolean isInList(MsnList msnList){return false;} public MsnGroup[] getBelongGroups(){return null;} public boolean belongGroup(MsnGroup msnGroup){return false;} public Email getEmail() { if (email == null) email = Email.parseStr(contactId); return email; } public String getDisplayName(){return displayName;} public MsnUserStatus getStatus(){return null;} public MsnClientId getClientId(){return null;} public MsnUserProperties getProperties(){return null;} public String getOldDisplayName(){return "";} public MsnUserStatus getOldStatus(){return null;} public String getPersonalMessage(){return "";} public MsnObject getAvatar(){return null;} }