/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.version; import org.apache.tools.ant.*; /** * An ant task that we use for recording * @author Emil Ivov */ public class SipCommunicatorVersionTask extends Task { /** * The property to store the sip-communicator version. */ private String property; /** * Sets the name of the property where we should store the sip-communicator * version. * @param property the name of the property where we should store the * sip-communicator version. */ public void setProperty(String property) { this.property = property; } /** * Called by the project to let the task do its work. This method may be * called more than once, if the task is invoked more than once. * For example, * if target1 and target2 both depend on target3, then running * "ant target1 target2" will run all tasks in target3 twice. * * @exception BuildException if something goes wrong with the build */ public void execute() throws BuildException { String version = VersionImpl.currentVersion().toString(); getProject().setProperty(property, version); } }