 * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
 * Distributable under LGPL license. See terms of license at gnu.org.
package net.java.sip.communicator.plugin.securityconfig;

import java.util.*;

import net.java.sip.communicator.service.credentialsstorage.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.resources.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*;

import org.jitsi.service.configuration.*;
import org.jitsi.service.resources.*;
import org.osgi.framework.*;

 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Dmitri Melnikov
public class SecurityConfigActivator
    implements BundleActivator
     * The logger.
    private static Logger logger
        = Logger.getLogger(SecurityConfigActivator.class);

     * The {@link BundleContext} of the {@link SecurityConfigActivator}.
    public static BundleContext bundleContext;

     * The {@link ResourceManagementService} of the
     * {@link SecurityConfigActivator}. Can also be obtained from the
     * {@link SecurityConfigActivator#bundleContext} on demand, but we add it
     * here for convenience.
    private static ResourceManagementService resources;

     * The <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> registered in {@link #bundleContext}
     * and used by the <tt>SecurityConfigActivator</tt> instance to read and
     * write configuration properties.
    private static ConfigurationService configurationService;

     * The <tt>CredentialsStorageService</tt> registered in
     * {@link #bundleContext}.
    private static CredentialsStorageService credentialsStorageService;

     * The <tt>UIService</tt> registered in {@link #bundleContext}.
    private static UIService uiService;

     * Indicates if the security configuration form should be disabled, i.e.
     * not visible to the user.
    private static final String DISABLED_PROP
        = "net.java.sip.communicator.plugin.securityconfig.DISABLED";

     * Indicates if the master password config form should be disabled, i.e.
     * not visible to the user.
    private static final String MASTER_PASSWORD_DISABLED_PROP
        = "net.java.sip.communicator.plugin.securityconfig.masterpasswordconfig.DISABLED";

     * Starts this plugin.
     * @param bc the BundleContext
     * @throws Exception if some of the operations executed in the start method
     * fails
    public void start(BundleContext bc) throws Exception
        bundleContext = bc;

        // If the security configuration form is disabled don't continue.
        if (getConfigurationService().getBoolean(DISABLED_PROP, false))

        // Register the configuration form.
        Dictionary<String, String> properties;

        properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        properties.put( ConfigurationForm.FORM_TYPE,
            new LazyConfigurationForm(

        // If the master password config form is disabled don't register it.
                .getBoolean(MASTER_PASSWORD_DISABLED_PROP, false))
            properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            properties.put( ConfigurationForm.FORM_TYPE,
                new LazyConfigurationForm(
                    null /* iconID */,

     * Invoked when this bundle is stopped.
     * @param bc the BundleContext
     * @throws Exception if some of the operations executed in the start method
     * fails
    public void stop(BundleContext bc) throws Exception {}

     * Returns a reference to the ResourceManagementService implementation
     * currently registered in the bundle context or null if no such
     * implementation was found.
     * @return a currently valid implementation of the ResourceManagementService
    public static ResourceManagementService getResources()
        if (resources == null)
                = ResourceManagementServiceUtils.getService(bundleContext);
        return resources;

     * Returns a reference to the ConfigurationService implementation currently
     * registered in the bundle context or null if no such implementation was
     * found.
     * @return a currently valid implementation of the ConfigurationService.
    public static ConfigurationService getConfigurationService()
        if (configurationService == null)
                = ServiceUtils.getService(
        return configurationService;

     * Returns the <tt>CredentialsStorageService</tt> obtained from the bundle
     * context.
     * @return the <tt>CredentialsStorageService</tt> obtained from the bundle
     * context
    public static CredentialsStorageService getCredentialsStorageService()
        if (credentialsStorageService == null)
                = ServiceUtils.getService(
        return credentialsStorageService;

     * Gets the <tt>UIService</tt> instance registered in the
     * <tt>BundleContext</tt> of the <tt>SecurityConfigActivator</tt>.
     * @return the <tt>UIService</tt> instance registered in the
     * <tt>BundleContext</tt> of the <tt>SecurityConfigActivator</tt>
    public static UIService getUIService()
        if (uiService == null)
            uiService = ServiceUtils.getService(bundleContext, UIService.class);
        return uiService;

     * Gets all the available accounts in SIP Communicator.
     * @return a {@link List} of {@link AccountID}.
    public static List<AccountID> getAllAccountIDs()
        Map<Object, ProtocolProviderFactory> providerFactoriesMap
            = getProtocolProviderFactories();

        if (providerFactoriesMap == null)
            return null;

        List<AccountID> accountIDs = new Vector<AccountID>();
        for (ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory : providerFactoriesMap
            for (AccountID accountID : providerFactory.getRegisteredAccounts())

        return accountIDs;

     * Returns a <tt>Map</tt> of <ProtocolName, ProtocolProviderFactory> pairs.
     * @return a <tt>Map</tt> of <ProtocolName, ProtocolProviderFactory> pairs
    private static Map<Object, ProtocolProviderFactory>
        ServiceReference[] serRefs = null;
            // get all registered provider factories
            serRefs =
                    ProtocolProviderFactory.class.getName(), null);

        catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex)
            logger.error("Error while retrieving service refs", ex);
            return null;

        Map<Object, ProtocolProviderFactory> providerFactoriesMap =
            new Hashtable<Object, ProtocolProviderFactory>();
        if (serRefs != null)
            for (ServiceReference serRef : serRefs)
                ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory =
                    (ProtocolProviderFactory) bundleContext.getService(serRef);

        return providerFactoriesMap;

     * Finds all accounts with saved encrypted passwords.
     * @return a {@link List} of {@link AccountID} with the saved encrypted
     * password.
    public static Map<AccountID, String> getAccountIDsWithSavedPasswords()
        Map<?, ProtocolProviderFactory> providerFactoriesMap
            = getProtocolProviderFactories();

        if (providerFactoriesMap == null)
            return null;

        CredentialsStorageService credentialsStorageService
            = getCredentialsStorageService();
        Map<AccountID, String> accountIDs = new HashMap<AccountID, String>();

        for (ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory
                : providerFactoriesMap.values())
            String sourcePackageName
                = getFactoryImplPackageName(providerFactory);
            for (AccountID accountID : providerFactory.getRegisteredAccounts())
                String accountPrefix
                    = ProtocolProviderFactory.findAccountPrefix(
                if (credentialsStorageService.isStoredEncrypted(accountPrefix))
                    accountIDs.put(accountID, accountPrefix);
        return accountIDs;

     * Finds all chat rooms with saved encrypted passwords.
     * @return a {@link List} with the saved encrypted
     * password.
    public static Map<String, String> getChatRoomsWithSavedPasswords()
        Map<?, ProtocolProviderFactory> providerFactoriesMap
        = getProtocolProviderFactories();

        if (providerFactoriesMap == null)
            return null;

        CredentialsStorageService credentialsStorageService
            = getCredentialsStorageService();
        Map<String, String> chatRoomIDs = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts";
        List<String> accounts = getConfigurationService()
            .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true);
        for (ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory
            : providerFactoriesMap.values())
            for (AccountID accountID : providerFactory.getRegisteredAccounts())
                for (String accountRootPropName : accounts)
                    String accountName
                    = getConfigurationService().getString(accountRootPropName);
                    List<String> chatRooms = getConfigurationService()
                            accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true);
                    for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms)
                        String chatRoomName = getConfigurationService()
                        if (credentialsStorageService.isStoredEncrypted(
                                    chatRoomPropName + ".password"))
                            chatRoomIDs.put(chatRoomName + " " + resources
                                .getI18NString("service.gui.VIA") + " "
                                + accountID.getUserID(), chatRoomPropName 
                                + ".password");
        return chatRoomIDs;
     * @return a String containing the package name of the concrete factory
     * class that extends the abstract factory.
    private static String getFactoryImplPackageName(
            ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory)
        String className = providerFactory.getClass().getName();
        return className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.'));

     * Returns service to show master password input dialog.
     * @return return master password service to display input dialog.
    public static MasterPasswordInputService getMasterPasswordInputService()
        return ServiceUtils.getService(
            bundleContext, MasterPasswordInputService.class);