/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.plugin.sipaccregwizz; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*; import org.osgi.framework.*; /** * The IPPIAccountRegistrationWizard is an implementation of the * AccountRegistrationWizard for the SIP protocol. It should allow * the user to create and configure a new SIP account. * * @author Yana Stamcheva * @author Grigorii Balutsel */ public class SIPAccountRegistrationWizard extends ExtendedAccountRegistrationWizard { /** * The first wizard page. */ private FirstWizardPage firstWizardPage; /** * Account registration instance holding the data. */ private SIPAccountRegistration registration = new SIPAccountRegistration(); /** * The protocol provider. */ private ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider; /** * The logger. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SIPAccountRegistrationWizard.class); /** * Creates an instance of IPPIAccountRegistrationWizard. * @param wizardContainer the wizard container, where this wizard * is added */ public SIPAccountRegistrationWizard(WizardContainer wizardContainer) { setWizardContainer(wizardContainer); wizardContainer.setFinishButtonText( Resources.getString("service.gui.SIGN_IN")); } /** * Implements the AccountRegistrationWizard.getIcon method. * Returns the icon to be used for this wizard. * @return byte[] */ public byte[] getIcon() { return Resources.getImage(Resources.SIP_LOGO); } /** * Implements the AccountRegistrationWizard.getPageImage method. * Returns the image used to decorate the wizard page * * @return byte[] the image used to decorate the wizard page */ public byte[] getPageImage() { return Resources.getImage(Resources.PAGE_IMAGE); } /** * Implements the AccountRegistrationWizard.getProtocolName * method. Returns the protocol name for this wizard. * @return String */ public String getProtocolName() { return Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.PROTOCOL_NAME"); } /** * Implements the AccountRegistrationWizard.getProtocolDescription * method. Returns the description of the protocol for this wizard. * @return String */ public String getProtocolDescription() { return Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.PROTOCOL_DESCRIPTION"); } /** * Returns the set of pages contained in this wizard. * @return Iterator */ public Iterator getPages() { // create new registration, our container needs the pages // this means this is a new wizard and we must reset all data // it will be invoked and when the wizard cleans and unregister // our pages, but this fix don't hurt in this situation. return getPages(new SIPAccountRegistration()); } /** * Returns the set of pages contained in this wizard. * * @param registration the registration object * @return Iterator */ public Iterator getPages(SIPAccountRegistration registration) { java.util.List pages = new ArrayList(); setRegistration(registration); // If the first wizard page was already created if (firstWizardPage == null) firstWizardPage = new FirstWizardPage(this); pages.add(firstWizardPage); return pages.iterator(); } /** * Returns the set of data that user has entered through this wizard. * @return Iterator */ public Iterator> getSummary() { LinkedHashMap summaryTable = new LinkedHashMap(); boolean rememberPswd = registration.isRememberPassword(); String rememberPswdString = Resources.getString( rememberPswd ? "service.gui.YES" : "service.gui.NO"); String displayName = registration.getDisplayName(); if(displayName != null && displayName.length() > 0) summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.DISPLAY_NAME"), displayName); summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.USERNAME"), registration.getId()); summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("service.gui.REMEMBER_PASSWORD"), rememberPswdString); summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.REGISTRAR"), registration.getServerAddress()); String authName = registration.getAuthorizationName(); if(authName != null) summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.AUTH_NAME"), authName); String serverPort = registration.getServerPort(); if(serverPort != null && serverPort.length() > 0) summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.SERVER_PORT"), serverPort); if(registration.isProxyAutoConfigure()) { summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.PROXY_AUTO"), Resources.getString("service.gui.YES")); } else { String proxy = registration.getProxy(); if(proxy != null && proxy.length() >0) summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.PROXY"), proxy); String proxyPort = registration.getProxyPort(); if(proxyPort != null && proxyPort.length() > 0) summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.PROXY_PORT"), proxyPort); summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.PREFERRED_TRANSPORT"), registration.getPreferredTransport()); } if (registration.isEnablePresence()) { summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.ENABLE_PRESENCE"), Resources.getString("service.gui.YES")); } else { summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.ENABLE_PRESENCE"), Resources.getString("service.gui.NO")); } if (registration.isForceP2PMode()) { summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.FORCE_P2P_PRESENCE"), Resources.getString("service.gui.YES")); } else { summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.FORCE_P2P_PRESENCE"), Resources.getString("service.gui.NO")); } if (registration.isDefaultEncryption()) { summaryTable.put(Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.ENABLE_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION"), Resources.getString("service.gui.YES")); } else { summaryTable.put(Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.ENABLE_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION"), Resources.getString("service.gui.NO")); } if (registration.isSipZrtpAttribute()) { summaryTable.put(Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.ENABLE_SIPZRTP_ATTRIBUTE"), Resources.getString("service.gui.YES")); } else { summaryTable.put(Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.ENABLE_SIPZRTP_ATTRIBUTE"), Resources.getString("service.gui.NO")); } summaryTable.put(Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.OFFLINE_CONTACT_POLLING_PERIOD"), registration.getPollingPeriod()); summaryTable.put(Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRATION"), registration.getSubscriptionExpiration()); summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.KEEP_ALIVE_METHOD"), registration.getKeepAliveMethod()); summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL"), registration.getKeepAliveInterval()); if (registration.isXCapEnable() || registration.isXiVOEnable()) { summaryTable.put("XCAP " + Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.XCAP_SERVER_URI"), registration.getClistOptionServerUri()); if (registration.isClistOptionUseSipCredentials()) { summaryTable.put("XCAP " + Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.XCAP_USE_SIP_CREDENTIALS"), Resources.getString("service.gui.YES")); } else { summaryTable.put("XCAP " + Resources.getString( "plugin.sipaccregwizz.XCAP_USER"), registration.getClistOptionUser()); } } if(!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(registration.getVoicemailURI(), true)) summaryTable.put( Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.VOICEMAIL_URI"), registration.getVoicemailURI()); return summaryTable.entrySet().iterator(); } /** * Installs the account created through this wizard. * @return ProtocolProviderService * @throws OperationFailedException problem signing in. */ public ProtocolProviderService signin() throws OperationFailedException { firstWizardPage.commitPage(); if (firstWizardPage.isCommitted()) return signin(registration.getId(), registration.getPassword()); return null; } /** * Installs the account with the given user name and password. * @param userName the account user name * @param password the password * @return the ProtocolProviderService corresponding to the newly * created account. * @throws OperationFailedException problem signing in. */ public ProtocolProviderService signin(String userName, String password) throws OperationFailedException { if(userName.startsWith("sip:")) userName = userName.substring(4); ProtocolProviderFactory factory = SIPAccRegWizzActivator.getSIPProtocolProviderFactory(); ProtocolProviderService pps = null; if (factory != null) pps = this.installAccount( factory, userName, password); return pps; } /** * Creates an account for the given user and password. * * @param providerFactory the ProtocolProviderFactory which will create * the account * @param userName the user identifier * @param passwd the password * @return the ProtocolProviderService for the new account. * @throws OperationFailedException problem installing account */ private ProtocolProviderService installAccount( ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory, String userName, String passwd) throws OperationFailedException { HashMap accountProperties = new HashMap(); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PROTOCOL, getProtocol()); String protocolIconPath = getProtocolIconPath(); if (protocolIconPath != null) accountProperties.put( ProtocolProviderFactory.PROTOCOL_ICON_PATH, protocolIconPath); String accountIconPath = getAccountIconPath(); if (accountIconPath != null) accountProperties.put( ProtocolProviderFactory.ACCOUNT_ICON_PATH, accountIconPath); if(registration.isRememberPassword()) { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PASSWORD, passwd); } else { // clear password if requested registration.setPassword(null); } String serverAddress = null; String serverFromUsername = SIPAccountRegistrationForm.getServerFromUserName(userName); if (registration.getServerAddress() != null) serverAddress = registration.getServerAddress(); if(serverFromUsername == null && registration.getDefaultDomain() != null) { // we have only a username and we want to add // a default domain userName = userName + "@" + registration.getDefaultDomain(); if(serverAddress == null) serverAddress = registration.getDefaultDomain(); } else if(serverAddress == null && serverFromUsername != null) { serverAddress = serverFromUsername; } if (serverAddress != null) { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.SERVER_ADDRESS, serverAddress); if (userName.indexOf(serverAddress) < 0) accountProperties.put( ProtocolProviderFactory.IS_SERVER_OVERRIDDEN, Boolean.toString(true)); } accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME, registration.getDisplayName()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.AUTHORIZATION_NAME, registration.getAuthorizationName()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.SERVER_PORT, registration.getServerPort()); if(registration.isProxyAutoConfigure()) { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PROXY_AUTO_CONFIG, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } else { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PROXY_AUTO_CONFIG, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PROXY_ADDRESS, registration.getProxy()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PROXY_PORT, registration.getProxyPort()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.PREFERRED_TRANSPORT, registration.getPreferredTransport()); } accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.IS_PRESENCE_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(registration.isEnablePresence())); // when we are creating registerless account make sure that // we don't use PA if(serverAddress != null) { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.FORCE_P2P_MODE, Boolean.toString(registration.isForceP2PMode())); } else { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.FORCE_P2P_MODE, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION, Boolean.toString(registration.isDefaultEncryption())); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.DEFAULT_SIPZRTP_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.toString(registration.isSipZrtpAttribute())); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.SAVP_OPTION, Integer.toString(registration.getSavpOption())); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.SDES_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(registration.isSDesEnabled())); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.SDES_CIPHER_SUITES, registration.getSDesCipherSuites()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.POLLING_PERIOD, registration.getPollingPeriod()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRATION, registration.getSubscriptionExpiration()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.CLIENT_TLS_CERTIFICATE, registration.getTlsClientCertificate()); if(registration.getKeepAliveMethod() != null) accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.KEEP_ALIVE_METHOD, registration.getKeepAliveMethod()); else accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.KEEP_ALIVE_METHOD, registration.getDefaultKeepAliveMethod()); accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL, registration.getKeepAliveInterval()); accountProperties.put("XIVO_ENABLE", Boolean.toString(registration.isXiVOEnable())); accountProperties.put("XCAP_ENABLE", Boolean.toString(registration.isXCapEnable())); if(registration.isXCapEnable()) { accountProperties.put("XCAP_USE_SIP_CREDETIALS", Boolean.toString(registration.isClistOptionUseSipCredentials())); if (registration.getClistOptionServerUri() != null) { accountProperties.put( "XCAP_SERVER_URI", registration.getClistOptionServerUri()); } if (registration.getClistOptionUser() != null) { accountProperties .put("XCAP_USER", registration.getClistOptionUser()); } if (registration.getClistOptionPassword() != null) { accountProperties .put("XCAP_PASSWORD", registration.getClistOptionPassword()); } } else if(registration.isXiVOEnable()) { accountProperties.put("XIVO_USE_SIP_CREDETIALS", Boolean.toString(registration.isClistOptionUseSipCredentials())); if (registration.getClistOptionServerUri() != null) { accountProperties.put( "XIVO_SERVER_URI", registration.getClistOptionServerUri()); } if (registration.getClistOptionUser() != null) { accountProperties .put("XIVO_USER", registration.getClistOptionUser()); } if (registration.getClistOptionPassword() != null) { accountProperties .put("XIVO_PASSWORD", registration.getClistOptionPassword()); } } if(!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(registration.getVoicemailURI(), true)) accountProperties.put( ProtocolProviderFactory.VOICEMAIL_URI, registration.getVoicemailURI()); else if(isModification()) accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.VOICEMAIL_URI, ""); if(isModification()) { accountProperties.put(ProtocolProviderFactory.USER_ID, userName); providerFactory.modifyAccount( protocolProvider, accountProperties); setModification(false); return protocolProvider; } try { AccountID accountID = providerFactory.installAccount( userName, accountProperties); ServiceReference serRef = providerFactory .getProviderForAccount(accountID); protocolProvider = (ProtocolProviderService) SIPAccRegWizzActivator.bundleContext .getService(serRef); } catch (IllegalStateException exc) { logger.warn(exc.getMessage()); throw new OperationFailedException( "Account already exists.", OperationFailedException.IDENTIFICATION_CONFLICT); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.warn(exc.getMessage()); throw new OperationFailedException( exc.getMessage(), OperationFailedException.GENERAL_ERROR); } return protocolProvider; } /** * Fills the id and Password fields in this panel with the data coming * from the given protocolProvider. * @param protocolProvider The ProtocolProviderService to load the * data from. */ public void loadAccount(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) { setModification(true); this.protocolProvider = protocolProvider; setRegistration(new SIPAccountRegistration()); this.firstWizardPage.loadAccount(protocolProvider); } /** * Returns the registration object, which will store all the data through * the wizard. * * @return the registration object, which will store all the data through * the wizard */ public SIPAccountRegistration getRegistration() { return registration; } /** * Sets the registration object, which will store all the data through * the wizard. * * @param registration the registration object, which will store all the * data through the wizard */ protected void setRegistration(SIPAccountRegistration registration) { this.registration = registration; } /** * Returns the size of this wizard. * @return the size of this wizard */ public Dimension getSize() { return new Dimension(600, 500); } /** * Returns the identifier of the page to show first in the wizard. * @return the identifier of the page to show first in the wizard. */ public Object getFirstPageIdentifier() { return firstWizardPage.getIdentifier(); } /** * Returns the identifier of the page to show last in the wizard. * @return the identifier of the page to show last in the wizard. */ public Object getLastPageIdentifier() { return firstWizardPage.getIdentifier(); } /** * Returns an example string, which should indicate to the user how the * user name should look like. * @return an example string, which should indicate to the user how the * user name should look like. */ public String getUserNameExample() { return "Ex: john@voiphone.net or simply \"john\" for no server"; } /** * Returns the name of the web sign up link. * @return the name of the web sign up link */ public String getWebSignupLinkName() { return null; } /** * Indicates if a sign up form is supported by this wizard. * * @return true if a sign up form is supported by this wizard, * false - otherwise */ public boolean isSignupSupported() { if (getCreateAccountService() != null) return true; return false; } /** * Returns true if the web sign up is supported by the current * implementation, false - otherwise. * @return true if the web sign up is supported by the current * implementation, false - otherwise */ public boolean isWebSignupSupported() { String webSignupLinkName = getWebSignupLinkName(); return webSignupLinkName != null && webSignupLinkName.length() > 0; } /** * Sets the create account view of this registration wizard. */ public void setCreateAccountView() { if (getCreateAccountService() != null) { firstWizardPage.getRegistrationForm().setCreateButtonSelected(); } } /** * Returns a simple account registration form that would be the first form * shown to the user. Only if the user needs more settings she'll choose * to open the advanced wizard, consisted by all pages. * * @param isCreateAccount indicates if the simple form should be opened as * a create account form or as a login form * @return a simple account registration form */ public Object getSimpleForm(boolean isCreateAccount) { return getSimpleForm(new SIPAccountRegistration(), isCreateAccount); } /** * Returns the simple form. * * @param registration the registration object * @return the simple form */ public Object getSimpleForm(SIPAccountRegistration registration, boolean isCreateAccount) { setRegistration(registration); firstWizardPage = new FirstWizardPage(this); return firstWizardPage.getSimpleForm(); } /** * Returns the protocol name as listed in "ProtocolNames" or just the name * of the service. * @return the protocol name */ public String getProtocol() { return ProtocolNames.SIP; } /** * Returns the protocol icon path. * @return the protocol icon path */ public String getProtocolIconPath() { return null; } /** * Returns the account icon path. * @return the account icon path */ public String getAccountIconPath() { return null; } /** * Returns an instance of CreateAccountService through which the * user could create an account. This method is meant to be implemented by * specific protocol provider wizards. * @return an instance of CreateAccountService */ protected SIPAccountCreationFormService getCreateAccountService() { return null; } /** * Returns the display label used for the sip id field. * @return the sip id display label string. */ protected String getUsernameLabel() { return Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.USERNAME"); } /** * Return the string for add existing account button. * @return the string for add existing account button. */ protected String getExistingAccountLabel() { return Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.EXISTING_ACCOUNT"); } /** * Return the string for create new account button. * @return the string for create new account button. */ protected String getCreateAccountLabel() { return Resources.getString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.CREATE_ACCOUNT"); } }