/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui; /** * A window that could be shown, hidden, resized, moved, etc. Meant to be used * from other services to show an application window, like for example a * "Configuration" or "Add contact" window. * * @author Yana Stamcheva */ public interface ExportedWindow { /** * The add contact window identifier. */ public static final WindowID ADD_CONTACT_WINDOW = new WindowID("AddContactWindow"); /** * The about window identifier. */ public static final WindowID ABOUT_WINDOW = new WindowID("AboutWindow"); /** * The chat window identifier. */ public static final WindowID CHAT_WINDOW = new WindowID("ChatWindow"); /** * The main (contact list) window identifier. */ public static final WindowID MAIN_WINDOW = new WindowID("MainWindow"); /** * Returns the WindowID corresponding to this window. The window id should * be one of the defined in this class XXX_WINDOW constants. * * @return the WindowID corresponding to this window */ public WindowID getIdentifier(); /** * Returns TRUE if the component is visible and FALSE otherwise. * * @return true if the component is visible and * false otherwise. */ public boolean isVisible(); /** * Returns TRUE if this component is currently the focused component, * FALSE - otherwise. * @return TRUE if this component is currently the focused component, * FALSE - otherwise. */ public boolean isFocused(); /** * Shows or hides this component. * @param isVisible indicates whether to set this window visible or hide it */ public void setVisible(boolean isVisible); /** * Brings the focus to this window. */ public void bringToFront(); /** * Resizes the window with the given width and height. * * @param width The new width. * @param height The new height. */ public void setSize(int width, int height); /** * Moves the window to the given coordinates. * * @param x The x coordinate. * @param y The y coordinate. */ public void setLocation(int x, int y); /** * Minimizes the window. */ public void minimize(); /** * Maximizes the window. */ public void maximize(); /** * The source of the window * @return the source of the window */ public Object getSource(); /** * This method can be called to pass any params to the exported window. This * method will be automatically called by * {@link UIService#getExportedWindow(WindowID, Object[])} in order to set * the parameters passed. * * @param windowParams the parameters to pass. */ public void setParams(Object[] windowParams); }