/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui; /** * The WizardContainer is a base wizard interface that allows to * control the wizard buttons. It is extended by the * AccountRegistrationWizardContainer and for now is used only there. * In spite of this fact it's defined in a different interface, because of * the more general character of the methods. It could be extended in the * future to make a complete wizard interface. * * @author Yana Stamcheva */ public interface WizardContainer { /** * Returns TRUE if "Back" wizard button is enabled, FALSE otherwise. * @return TRUE if "Back" wizard button is enabled, FALSE otherwise. */ public boolean isBackButtonEnabled(); /** * Sets the "Back" wizard button enabled or disabled. * @param newValue TRUE to enable the "Back" wizard button, FALSE to * disable it. */ public void setBackButtonEnabled(boolean newValue); /** * Returns TRUE if "Next" or "Finish" wizard button is enabled, FALSE * otherwise. * @return TRUE if "Next" or "Finish" wizard button is enabled, FALSE * otherwise. */ public boolean isNextFinishButtonEnabled(); /** * Sets the "Next" or "Finish" wizard button enabled or disabled. * @param newValue TRUE to enable the "Next" or "Finish" wizard button, * FALSE to disable it. */ public void setNextFinishButtonEnabled(boolean newValue); /** * Returns TRUE if "Cancel" wizard button is enabled, FALSE otherwise. * @return TRUE if "Cancel" wizard button is enabled, FALSE otherwise. */ public boolean isCancelButtonEnabled(); /** * Sets the "Cancel" wizard button enabled or disabled. * @param newValue TRUE to enable the "Cancel" wizard button, FALSE to * disable it. */ public void setCancelButtonEnabled(boolean newValue); /** * Sets the text label of the "Finish" wizard button. The default value of * the "Finish" button is still defined by the implementation of this * WizardContainer interface, but calling this method would allow * wizards to specify their own finish button. * @param text the new label of the button */ public void setFinishButtonText(String text); /** * Refreshes the current content of this wizard container. */ public void refresh(); }