/* * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol; import java.util.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.ServerStoredDetails.*; /** * Utility class that would give to interested parties an easy access to some of * most popular account details, like : first name, last name, birth date, image, * etc. * * @author Yana Stamcheva */ public class AccountInfoUtils { /** * Returns the first name of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the first name of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getFirstName( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { FirstNameDetail firstName = null; Iterator firstNameDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.FirstNameDetail.class); if (firstNameDetails.hasNext()) { firstName = firstNameDetails.next(); } if(firstName == null) return null; return firstName.getString(); } /** * Returns the last name of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the last name of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getLastName( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { LastNameDetail lastName = null; Iterator lastNameDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.LastNameDetail.class); if (lastNameDetails.hasNext()) { lastName = lastNameDetails.next(); } if(lastName == null) return null; return lastName.getString(); } /** * Returns the display name of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the display name of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getDisplayName( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { DisplayNameDetail displayName = null; Iterator displayNameDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.DisplayNameDetail.class); if (displayNameDetails.hasNext()) { displayName = displayNameDetails.next(); } if(displayName == null) return null; return displayName.getString(); } /** * Returns the image of the account, to which the given accountInfoOpSet * belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the image of the account, to which the given accountInfoOpSet * belongs. */ public static byte[] getImage( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { ImageDetail image = null; Iterator imageDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.ImageDetail.class); if (imageDetails.hasNext()) { image = imageDetails.next(); } return (image != null) ? image.getBytes() : null; } /** * Returns the birth date of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the birth date of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static Calendar getBirthDate( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { BirthDateDetail date = null; Iterator dateDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.BirthDateDetail.class); if (dateDetails.hasNext()) { date = dateDetails.next(); } if(date == null) return null; return date.getCalendar(); } /** * Returns the gender of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the gender of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getGender( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { GenderDetail gender = null; Iterator genderDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.GenderDetail.class); if (genderDetails.hasNext()) { gender = genderDetails.next(); } if(gender == null) return null; return gender.getGender(); } /** * Returns the address of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the address of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getAddress( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { AddressDetail address = null; Iterator addressDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.AddressDetail.class); if (addressDetails.hasNext()) { address = addressDetails.next(); } if(address == null) return null; return address.getAddress(); } /** * Returns the work address of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the work address of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getWorkAddress( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { WorkAddressDetail address = null; Iterator addressDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.WorkAddressDetail.class); if (addressDetails.hasNext()) { address = addressDetails.next(); } if(address == null) return null; return address.getAddress(); } /** * Returns the email address of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. * * @param accountInfoOpSet The account info operation set corresponding to * the searched account. * @return the email address of the account, to which the given * accountInfoOpSet belongs. */ public static String getEmailAddress( OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo accountInfoOpSet) { EmailAddressDetail address = null; Iterator addressDetails = accountInfoOpSet.getDetails( ServerStoredDetails.EmailAddressDetail.class); if (addressDetails.hasNext()) { address = addressDetails.next(); } if(address == null) return null; return address.getEMailAddress(); } }