/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol; /** * An Advanced Operation Set defining options * to auto answer/forward incoming calls. * * @author Damian Minkov */ public interface OperationSetAdvancedAutoAnswer extends OperationSet { /** * Auto answer conditional account property - field name. */ public static final String AUTO_ANSWER_COND_NAME_PROP = "AUTO_ANSWER_CONDITIONAL_NAME"; /** * Auto answer conditional account property - field value. */ public static final String AUTO_ANSWER_COND_VALUE_PROP = "AUTO_ANSWER_CONDITIONAL_VALUE"; /** * Auto forward all calls account property. */ public static final String AUTO_ANSWER_FWD_NUM_PROP = "AUTO_ANSWER_FWD_NUM"; /** * Sets a specified header and its value if they exist in the incoming * call packet this will activate auto answer. * If value is empty or null it will be considered as any (will search * only for a header with that name and ignore the value) * @param headerName the name of the header to search * @param value the value for the header, can be null. */ public void setAutoAnswerCondition(String headerName, String value); /** * Is the auto answer option set to conditionally * answer all incoming calls. * @return is auto answer set to conditional. */ public boolean isAutoAnswerConditionSet(); /** * Returns the name of the header if conditional auto answer is set. * @return the name of the header if conditional auto answer is set. */ public String getAutoAnswerHeaderName(); /** * Returns the value of the header for the conditional auto answer. * @return the value of the header for the conditional auto answer. */ public String getAutoAnswerHeaderValue(); /** * Set to automatically forward all calls to the specified * number using the same provider. * @param numberTo number to use for forwarding */ public void setCallForward(String numberTo); /** * Get the value for automatically forward all calls to the specified * number using the same provider.. * @return numberTo number to use for forwarding */ public String getCallForward(); /** * Clear any previous settings. */ public void clear(); }